Visa to flag Firearm & Ammo purchases

I'm a Canadian and I don't live in fear of a coming massacre in America, as has been promised by extremists for months now.

Otherwise, I'm here to serve the forum with an alternative POV that more represents the rest of the world.]/b]

Not to entertain those of your ilk.
I don't live in fear either. No one needs fear to exercise a right. But common sense should tell you people kill do you want to be a victim? Hell didn't they just have a mass murder spree with a knife up your way? Now imagine how short lived it would have been if one of those victims had a gun
I don't live in fear either. No one needs fear to exercise a right. But common sense should tell you people kill do you want to be a victim? Hell didn't they just have a mass murder spree with a knife up your way? Now imagine how short lived it would have been if one of those victims had a gun
Ok Barney. I mean Fido.
Why do you cult fucks want the CCP to run America?

You like their track record for womens rights?

Why are you cultists so fucking dumb? The COVID “vax” lie wasnt enough for you? Why?
Precautions being taken over the threats of violence and the coming storm that Trump might have to call for?

The sales and purchases of assault style rifles could pinpoint the more likely trouble areas where violence can start.
Our great framers wanted a armed citizenry for one reason only…to keep a government in check, to keep government from becoming tyrannical. You don’t prefer tyranny do you?
Buy up your firearms now, along with lots ammo for shooting and for barter material. We have four more years of Team Biden in charge, and I'm not sure we can stay civilized.

Junk Silver will likely be good, but don't rely on it too much. Have a stock of something you use that is unique to your own skill set, like seeds if you're good at that, fishing and hunting gear, mass off-grid cooking equipment if that's your bag, tools if you're good with them, whether it's tools for construction, or vehicle maintenance. If it is vehicle maintenance, stock up on petroleum products other than gasoline, filters, and parts for your own vehicles, at least, plus as much generic stuff as you can keep.

Don't buy a long shotgun and a lot of bird shot thinking you will teach yourself to hunt pheasant when the time comes.

Don't bother with land, unless it's way out in the Offgrid. Trump owns the land of Mar-a-Lago, but it's "his" for exactly as long as some small-time Trump-hating magistrate says it is. They won't even bother with paperwork if they want to invade your home.
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