Visions of 08? Stocks down

9% down in the last 3 weeks. Is this going to become a trend during the election season?

Republicans can hope.

The thing to remember about many that they almost always bet against US economic success.
I can't watch the Dow drop like this anymore today.
Gonna turn off Rush as well and do something worth while....
Gonna plug in the DVD The big Lebowski I got yesterday and will make a little drink.

Then turn on FBN at the close of trading and being a little tipsy pray that the DOW only went
down 1,000 pts today.
"Fuck it, Dude. Let's go bowling."

The Dude abides....

the dude.jpg
-430 & falling. I pray it hits bottom SOOOOOOON.
Me too

I got money to buy

I'm not buying anything other than as a trade.

Stocks are expensive and in a bear market.

Some emerging markets are starting to look interesting but it's too early.

LOL Lot's of blabber and no substance

in other words, you don't understand what he's saying, can't respond to what he's saying and have zero understanding of the subject.

but please tell him you know more than he does on this subject.

There's no banking meltdown, and instead growth, esp China's, is way down and oil is tanking. It's temporary pain, but buying equities right now is probably unwise. For consumers, neither of these are that bad.
- and oil is tanking ...

oil tanking is hardly a reason for a market correction, unless there is an issue about "There's no banking meltdown" because if the market sees another bank meltdown due to exposure to oil debt there will be a crash the same as 08 ... otherwise the low price of gasoline should be propelling a consumer driven economic expansion ... something is very curious why this market is behaving the way it is.

"you make most of your money in a bear market, you just do not know it at the time." - an old wall street adage.

Oil tanking hurts the valuation of equities of big oil. And the less China grows, the less demand for oil. And the Iranians are going to be coming online. And that will help kill off at least half of the N. American shale producers.

The stock market does not, and never has, guage the overall health of the US, or any other, economy.

It is over the long run.
In the long run we'll all be dead.
The market made a pretty big bounce back intraday, (S&P came all the way back to 1845) I expect at least one more large leg down before the day is done.
There's no banking meltdown, and instead growth, esp China's, is way down and oil is tanking. It's temporary pain, but buying equities right now is probably unwise. For consumers, neither of these are that bad.
- and oil is tanking ...

oil tanking is hardly a reason for a market correction, unless there is an issue about "There's no banking meltdown" because if the market sees another bank meltdown due to exposure to oil debt there will be a crash the same as 08 ... otherwise the low price of gasoline should be propelling a consumer driven economic expansion ... something is very curious why this market is behaving the way it is.

"you make most of your money in a bear market, you just do not know it at the time." - an old wall street adage.

Oil tanking hurts the valuation of equities of big oil. And the less China grows, the less demand for oil. And the Iranians are going to be coming online. And that will help kill off at least half of the N. American shale producers.

The stock market does not, and never has, guage the overall health of the US, or any other, economy.

It is over the long run.
In the long run we'll all be dead.

But the economy is not.
There's no banking meltdown, and instead growth, esp China's, is way down and oil is tanking. It's temporary pain, but buying equities right now is probably unwise. For consumers, neither of these are that bad.
- and oil is tanking ...

oil tanking is hardly a reason for a market correction, unless there is an issue about "There's no banking meltdown" because if the market sees another bank meltdown due to exposure to oil debt there will be a crash the same as 08 ... otherwise the low price of gasoline should be propelling a consumer driven economic expansion ... something is very curious why this market is behaving the way it is.

"you make most of your money in a bear market, you just do not know it at the time." - an old wall street adage.

Oil tanking hurts the valuation of equities of big oil. And the less China grows, the less demand for oil. And the Iranians are going to be coming online. And that will help kill off at least half of the N. American shale producers.

The stock market does not, and never has, guage the overall health of the US, or any other, economy.

It is over the long run.
In the long run we'll all be dead.

But the economy is not.
Not necessarily. See the Tulip Crisis, for starters.
“Anyone claiming that America’s economy is in decline is peddling fiction.”

- and oil is tanking ...

oil tanking is hardly a reason for a market correction, unless there is an issue about "There's no banking meltdown" because if the market sees another bank meltdown due to exposure to oil debt there will be a crash the same as 08 ... otherwise the low price of gasoline should be propelling a consumer driven economic expansion ... something is very curious why this market is behaving the way it is.

"you make most of your money in a bear market, you just do not know it at the time." - an old wall street adage.

Oil tanking hurts the valuation of equities of big oil. And the less China grows, the less demand for oil. And the Iranians are going to be coming online. And that will help kill off at least half of the N. American shale producers.

The stock market does not, and never has, guage the overall health of the US, or any other, economy.

It is over the long run.
In the long run we'll all be dead.

But the economy is not.
Not necessarily. See the Tulip Crisis, for starters.

Over the long run, the market reflects the economy. That's not always true in the short run, but the market isn't a random mechanism.
Oil tanking hurts the valuation of equities of big oil. And the less China grows, the less demand for oil. And the Iranians are going to be coming online. And that will help kill off at least half of the N. American shale producers.

The stock market does not, and never has, guage the overall health of the US, or any other, economy.

It is over the long run.
In the long run we'll all be dead.

But the economy is not.
Not necessarily. See the Tulip Crisis, for starters.

Over the long run, the market reflects the economy. That's not always true in the short run, but the market isn't a random mechanism.

I suppose it depends upon how one defines "long run".

This ain't 2008. This isn't structural.

We were badly overdue, and we'll be fine.

Folks believing "everything will be fine" is a very bearish sign.

Just sayin'....
A bear market would be fine. We need to return to normalcy.

Mac- Don't you think a major bear market is already underway?

AFAIC, the last holdouts are the large caps. The small and mid-caps are already in bear territory. When the large caps capitulate........look out below!
This ain't 2008. This isn't structural.

We were badly overdue, and we'll be fine.

Folks believing "everything will be fine" is a very bearish sign.

Just sayin'....
A bear market would be fine. We need to return to normalcy.

Mac- Don't you think a major bear market is already underway?

AFAIC, the last holdouts are the large caps. The small and mid-caps are already in bear territory. When the large caps capitulate........look out below!
We're right on the edge. S&P support is about 1820, and we bounced off that sucker today back up to 1859.

Will it be a bear? 50/50. An old fashioned bear wouldn't break my heart, another 15% to 20%. We piled big time into treasuries at the beginning of the year, so we haven't seen many losses and none of our clients have jumped off the ledge.


This ain't 2008. This isn't structural.

We were badly overdue, and we'll be fine.

Folks believing "everything will be fine" is a very bearish sign.

Just sayin'....
A bear market would be fine. We need to return to normalcy.

Mac- Don't you think a major bear market is already underway?

AFAIC, the last holdouts are the large caps. The small and mid-caps are already in bear territory. When the large caps capitulate........look out below!
We're right on the edge. S&P support is about 1820, and we bounced off that sucker today back up to 1859.

Will it be a bear? 50/50. An old fashioned bear wouldn't break my heart, another 15% to 20%. We piled big time into treasuries at the beginning of the year, so we haven't seen many losses and none of our clients have jumped off the ledge.



I see today's bounce as bearish. In my experience a market that is down strong intraday, then rallies back, but still closes down is a very bearish sign. A lot of buying power was used to rally prices, to no avail. Another wave down would not be unexpected.

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