Visions of 08? Stocks down

There's no banking meltdown, and instead growth, esp China's, is way down and oil is tanking. It's temporary pain, but buying equities right now is probably unwise. For consumers, neither of these are that bad.
- and oil is tanking ...

oil tanking is hardly a reason for a market correction, unless there is an issue about "There's no banking meltdown" because if the market sees another bank meltdown due to exposure to oil debt there will be a crash the same as 08 ... otherwise the low price of gasoline should be propelling a consumer driven economic expansion ... something is very curious why this market is behaving the way it is.

"you make most of your money in a bear market, you just do not know it at the time." - an old wall street adage.

Oil tanking hurts the valuation of equities of big oil. And the less China grows, the less demand for oil. And the Iranians are going to be coming online. And that will help kill off at least half of the N. American shale producers.

The stock market does not, and never has, guage the overall health of the US, or any other, economy.
The best strategy for most folks invested in stocks in their IRA's and 401K's is to stay the course. "Buy and hold" is maligned when the market is falling, but it really does work over the long haul. That being said, the key to being able to "buy and hold" is asset allocation. If the idea of a 50% drop in your account value frightens you, you should hold less equities. Here is a chart to help determine your asset allocation based upon risk tolerance and time horizon.
That doesn't always make sense.

It really depends upon your time horizon. If you are retired, or close to retirement you need to prioritize safety over return. You should only have 10-20% in stocks and the rest in fixed income. But If you are a young person in your 20's or 30's , stay the course, keep investing every month and don't allow the short term gyrations (noise) to deter you. Time is your friend when you are young and your enemy as you age. :thup:
The market is down for two fundamental reasons, demand for oil and Chinese economy. Commodity prices were declining well in advance of oil tanking, an indicator that a major component in the manufacturing segment of the worlds economy was contracting, a result of decline in demand for finished goods. Regardless of the political pundits, Presidents yarns, and mainstream media, the worlds economy remains in a recessionary holding pattern. Oil is one of the major principal commodity based barometers indicating health of the global economy. Oil producing nations will continue to increase production in a vain attempt to stabilize their economies, oil will stabilize once it has reached its new support level. As for US stocks, chicken little is loose in the barn yard and is being fried by poor short term investment decisions.
Soooo...will the Fed decrease rates? :D
Yeah good idea.. let's re-inflate the bubble, if you're going to fuck things up might as well not be half assed about it. :)

I wouldn't be surprised if that is exactly what they do. QE anyone?


Maybe they should start using Roman numerals.

QE-IV. Apollo Creed's son travels to New York to kick some Wall Street ass, as Janet Yellen flees in a helicopter, dropping lethal tons of cash on the unsuspecting fight fans below.
As oil continues its decline expect the stock markets across the globe to fallow suit. As some on this board proclaim low gas process are the result of the current administration, so are we to assume the subsequent decline in the stock market and pension fund values are his fault as well?
Quantitative easing is nothing more than short term legerdemain at the expense of sound monetary policy.
As oil continues its decline expect the stock markets across the globe to fallow suit. As some on this board proclaim low gas process are the result of the current administration, so are we to assume the subsequent decline in the stock market and pension fund values are his fault as well?
Yeah, let's ignore that whole China thing. That has nothing to do with this plunge...
Okay, pork belly prices have been dropping all morning, which means that everybody is waiting for it to hit rock bottom, so they can buy cheap and go long. Which means that the people who own the pork belly contracts are going batshit, they're thinking, "Hey, we're losing all our damn money, and Christmas is around the corner, and I ain't gonna have no money to buy my son the G.I. Joe with the kung-fu grip! And my wife ain't gonna f-... My wife ain't gonna make love to me if I got no money!"

So they're panicking right now, they're screaming "SELL! SELL!", because they don't wanna lose all their money, right? They're panicking out there right now, I can feel it.

Maybe they should start using Roman numerals.

QE-IV. Apollo Creed's son travels to New York to kick some Wall Street ass, as Janet Yellen flees in a helicopter, dropping lethal tons of cash on the unsuspecting fight fans below.
ROFLMAO! that was good, thanks for the laugh :)
The anti-growth policies of the left were bound to catch up with reality once the Fed stopped printing money and holding interest rates at 0%
European banks disclose they are sitting on over one trillion in nonperforming loans and add that bad loans are being rolled over to avoid disclosure.

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