Visions of 08? Stocks down

The anti-growth policies of the left were bound to catch up with reality once the Fed stopped printing money and holding interest rates at 0%

And it was the left that did that? Really?
Both sides have been 100% complicit

Mr. Obama is entirely responsible for the thousands upon thousands of anti-growth regulations spewing out of his federal agencies, in addition to his anti-growth demonization of business, corporations, and the so called 'rich', and his advocacy for ever increasing taxes. The guy is an economic buzz kill.
European banks disclose they are sitting on over one trillion in nonperforming loans and add that bad loans are being rolled over to avoid disclosure.
That's what the Greek, Ireland, Portugal, and Spanish debt crises have been about for the past several years. Their bonds keep getting revolved, and their principal keeps climbing.
China's banks are also sitting on a mountain of non performing loans. That's why their government reduced the reserve ratio rate and interest rates.

They have a huge real estate bubble like we did.
Mr. Obama is entirely responsible for the thousands upon thousands of anti-growth regulations spewing out of his federal agencies, in addition to his anti-growth demonization of business, corporations, and the so called 'rich', and his advocacy for ever increasing taxes. The guy is an economic buzz kill.

Depends on what economy you are apart of.
Obama has been the best friend the market and super corporations have perhaps EVER had.
The top 7% earners in America have lavished in an unprecedented 33% earnings increase since 2009.
For everyone else, who HAS A JOB, we have suffered a 5% decline in same time frame.
And the left believes he represents them...
European banks disclose they are sitting on over one trillion in nonperforming loans and add that bad loans are being rolled over to avoid disclosure.
That's what the Greek, Ireland, Portugal, and Spanish debt crises have been about for the past several years. Their bonds keep getting revolved, and their principal keeps climbing.
They can just write off nonperforming loans to private parties, recover the equity or property, and spin it back off. A govt banking system typically breaks even or even makes a profit on that. But, some European countries are struggling to even sell their won govt debt. If that were to happen here ... selling children in the streets was not unheard of in this country at one time.
9% down in the last 3 weeks. Is this going to become a trend during the election season?

It will be a major issue this year, and will cost someone like Hillary Clinton her nomination.

It could toss the GOP a win if it get bad enough...
A bit early for that prediction but almost 10% in less than a month is unnerving
Have to see if business starts shedding jobs before we compare to 2008
Today's advance decline ratio is 0.033 meaning that 30 stocks are lower for every 1 higher.

This may be the start of a big crash.

Hang on to your hats!
There's no banking meltdown, and instead growth, esp China's, is way down and oil is tanking. It's temporary pain, but buying equities right now is probably unwise. For consumers, neither of these are that bad.
- and oil is tanking ...

oil tanking is hardly a reason for a market correction, unless there is an issue about "There's no banking meltdown" because if the market sees another bank meltdown due to exposure to oil debt there will be a crash the same as 08 ... otherwise the low price of gasoline should be propelling a consumer driven economic expansion ... something is very curious why this market is behaving the way it is.

"you make most of your money in a bear market, you just do not know it at the time." - an old wall street adage.

Oil tanking hurts the valuation of equities of big oil. And the less China grows, the less demand for oil. And the Iranians are going to be coming online. And that will help kill off at least half of the N. American shale producers.

The stock market does not, and never has, guage the overall health of the US, or any other, economy.

It is over the long run.
I can't watch the Dow drop like this anymore today.
Gonna turn off Rush as well and do something worth while....
Gonna plug in the DVD The big Lebowski I got yesterday and will make a little drink.

Then turn on FBN at the close of trading and being a little tipsy pray that the DOW only went
down 1,000 pts today.
I can't watch the Dow drop like this anymore today.
Gonna turn off Rush as well and do something worth while....
Gonna plug in the DVD The big Lebowski I got yesterday and will make a little drink.

Then turn on FBN at the close of trading and being a little tipsy pray that the DOW only went
down 1,000 pts today.
It's bouncing up n down quite rapidly
I can't watch the Dow drop like this anymore today.
Gonna turn off Rush as well and do something worth while....
Gonna plug in the DVD The big Lebowski I got yesterday and will make a little drink.

Then turn on FBN at the close of trading and being a little tipsy pray that the DOW only went
down 1,000 pts today.
"Fuck it, Dude. Let's go bowling."
9% down in the last 3 weeks. Is this going to become a trend during the election season?

It will be a major issue this year, and will cost someone like Hillary Clinton her nomination.

It could toss the GOP a win if it get bad enough...
A bit early for that prediction but almost 10% in less than a month is unnerving
Have to see if business starts shedding jobs before we compare to 2008

Winger, you know better than that, and I for one know it.

Just the loss of export jobs along with the loss of fracking jobs; which has been the faster growth sector in the economy, will probably cause an economic contraction.

As bad as 08? Not likely, not probable, not even close. But, any kind of contraction; no matter how much of a soft landing they will soon start spinning about, is never, ever, a good thing for the working person.

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