Vitamin D just as effective as the vax

Exactly right. They don't understand and nor care about nutrition. If we were a healthy nation, there would be no need for never ending pill pumping. The facts are, we are a sick obese country that pumps a pill to mask the symptoms. Rarely does anyone ever look to the root of the problem specifically the cause of the ailment. As long as we continue to eat junk food, pop pills, and pump injections our immune systems will fail and succomb to the weakest of viruses.
We are in complete agreement again.

It’s most ironic that the nation with the exponentially most expensive HC system in the world, has failed so miserably in controlling the virus.

It is also most telling that the corporate media, politicians, and most HC professionals refuse to inform Americans about getting healthy and consuming supplements. I believe this is a strong indication their goal is profits over people.
If you’re claiming most Americans know D was important, I disagree. Many Americans have no understanding of nutrition and diet. Either do the doctors. This is why so many are obese and unhealthy.

I suspect many stay out of the sun for fear of skin cancer, thanks to the media and health professionals demonizing sun exposure. Or use sun block when in the sun. Most have no idea that in the winter months most of us in north america can’t get enough D from the sun. These are reasons why a majority of Americans are deficient in D and thus more susceptible to illness from a virus.

It’s been said this virus is of the old, sick, obese, and dumb. Dumb being those who have failed to learn how to boost their immune system naturally, to protect against infection.
I completely agree on this.

Even I knew that D is important.

The FDA's old recommended value was 400 ICU, and they have updated it to 20mcg in May of 2020. Now, I have bottles of D, which are 125 mcg/5000ICU, which I would take every other day, believing that it was plenty. . .

. . I have prescriptions I take for my condition, and lot of other nutraceuticals, so I stagger them, I didn't want to overwhelm my digestion and not have this stuff not be absorbed.

Now, come a little later, my doctor has my blood tested for D? Turns out, she tells me that I am low? lol

She wants me to take that amount EVERY DAY!

The point here? Even folks that KNOW how badly folks in this nation are D deficient, may not know the scale of the problem.
Exactly right. They don't understand and nor care about nutrition. If we were a healthy nation, there would be no need for never ending pill pumping. The facts are, we are a sick obese country that pumps a pill to mask the symptoms. Rarely does anyone ever look to the root of the problem specifically the cause of the ailment. As long as we continue to eat junk food, pop pills, and pump injections our immune systems will fail and succomb to the weakest of viruses.

Nutricide - What is It?​

We are in complete agreement again.

It’s most ironic that the nation with the exponentially most expensive HC system in the world, has failed so miserably in controlling the virus.

It is also most telling that the corporate media, politicians, and most HC professionals refuse to inform Americans about getting healthy and consuming supplements. I believe this is a strong indication their goal is profits over people.

Oh yeah, Im sure you've seen all the major media news.........brought to you by pfizer.

Nutricide - What is It?​

Thanks Mr. B. I didn't know about how they were planning it. I've also noticed that its becoming increasingly difficult to find heirloom seeds.
Interesting. . . When I went to this site, and learned about, "Vitamin and Mineral Guideline (VMG)"

I wondered if the World Health Organization had such Guidelines, and I was looking around for them at the WTO. . .
I did a search for "Vitamins and minerals," at the World Health Organization's site. . . nothing.

And yet, just a month before the pandemic? They had information on it? (Used the Wayback machine. . . even though I know the establishment is furiously scrubbing history right now. . . ) Strange that all information on vitamins and minerals would be scrubbed from the site a month before the pandemic. . . :tinfoil:

Hundreds of articles. . . poof, gone? Interesting. :eusa_think:

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Recall how periodically the FDA and leftist organizations go after OTC vitamins, minerals and supplements? This is why. Big Pharma cannot have disease and virus being successfully treated by OTC items. It doesn't make them big money.

Look how Carter is still galumphing along after a brain cancer diagnosis...and how long it took Dirty Harry to croak. Do you think you'd get that same treatment? :wink: Not likely. and remember....congress/senate are not required to have the vaxxine. Good thing or they'd be dying in droves.
I completely agree on this.

Even I knew that D is important.

The FDA's old recommended value was 400 ICU, and they have updated it to 20mcg in May of 2020. Now, I have bottles of D, which are 125 mcg/5000ICU, which I would take every other day, believing that it was plenty. . .

. . I have prescriptions I take for my condition, and lot of other nutraceuticals, so I stagger them, I didn't want to overwhelm my digestion and not have this stuff not be absorbed.

Now, come a little later, my doctor has my blood tested for D? Turns out, she tells me that I am low? lol

She wants me to take that amount EVERY DAY!

The point here? Even folks that KNOW how badly folks in this nation are D deficient, may not know the scale of the problem.
Yep. Doc had me doing 3,000 until my levels were back up. Now doing 5,000 every day along with C, Zinc, and Quercetin.
Yep. Doc had me doing 3,000 until my levels were back up. Now doing 5,000 every day along with C, Zinc, and Quercetin.
My doc of 20 years wanted to put me on big pharma drugs as soon as I turned 50. I shit canned that asshole. Went ten years without seeing a fucking doctor, and was just fine doing my health research everyday and taking my supplements.

Finally found a doctor that knows nutrition and supplements. She asked me last Fall during my checkup if I’d taken the vax. I said hell no. She said, good your healthy with no ailments, no need. I said, I won’t rat you out to the FDA and Fauci.
Oh yeah, Im sure you've seen all the major media news.........brought to you by pfizer.
That’s also why none of the major networks carried this story. They are all about protecting big pharma profits. They can’t allow any information to get out to the public that promotes healthy alternatives, in which big pharma makes no money. Sick greedy MFers.
Vitamin D deficiency is endemic across the Middle East, including in Israel, where nearly four in five people are low on the vitamin, according to one study from 2011. By taking supplements before infection, though, the researchers in the new Israeli study found that patients could avoid the worst effects of the disease. Israeli study offers strongest proof yet of vitamin D’s power to fight COVID
No side effects either .......oh my
Somebody publishes some non-peer reviewed article based of some very small scale research study only involving what IS a very very VERY VERY small small small sample size of Isreal and people claim this is "SCIENTIFIC PROOF AND 100% TRUE!!!"

I think taking Laxatives may prove to be just as effective as Vitamin D is at fighting off COVID 19... which means what?

Stick to vaccines silly.
Somebody publishes some non-peer reviewed article based of some very small scale research study only involving what IS a very very VERY VERY small small small sample size of Isreal and people claim this is "SCIENTIFIC PROOF AND 100% TRUE!!!"

I think taking Laxatives may prove to be just as effective as Vitamin D is at fighting off COVID 19... which means what?

Stick to vaccines silly.
Absurd. Are you a big pharma salesperson?

Numerous studies show D deficiency is a very common problem and it’s consequences are a weakened immune system.

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