Vivek Ramaswamy Calls Trump A Sore Loser

Umm yeah, another RINO for sure. If it wasn't for the fact that Ron DeSantis and Vivek Ramaswamy were RINOS they might possibly have been good presidential candidates. Oh wait, Ramaswamy wants to pardon the Bidens and DeSantis can't answer questions and think for himself. Trump 2024 🇺🇲 is the only option for me.
Trump IS a sore loser. Whoever wins in 2024 SHOULD (but won’t) issue a blanket pardon for ESL of the election crap from 2016 to 2024 so we can just start over with a clean slate and try to act like mature adults instead of spoiled children.

As of now Vivek is the only “Republican” candidate thst I would vote for.
Tell Swamp Thing nobody wants him for President.
It's a catch 22 DeSantis and Vivek are stuck in.

If they attack Trump they lose...

...if they DON'T attack Trump they also lose...because without the attacks, President Trump beats them anyway.

DeSantis was a fool to jump into the 2024 race. one ever heard of him. He had nothing to lose.

DeSantis lost 2028. Dude is done.
Umm yeah, another RINO for sure. If it wasn't for the fact that Ron DeSantis and Vivek Ramaswamy were RINOS they might possibly have been good presidential candidates. Oh wait, Ramaswamy wants to pardon the Bidens and DeSantis can't answer questions and think for himself. Trump 2024 🇺🇲 is the only option for me.

Of course Trump is a sore loser. He's a loser trying to take revenge on the country for the past 2 1/2 years.
The sad thing is Trump likes him and was considering him for a VP. I don't think he knows that Vivek is saying things behind his back.
When Trump supposedly said that, do you think Trump knew then that Vivek never even voted in a Presidential Election until 2020 and didn't even vote for a Trump/Pence ticket in 2016? :aug08_031:

Short video:

That's because Trump IS a sore loser.

NO ONE is a sore loser like what the Left showed us they were after the 2000 and especially the 2016 election.

Let us agree to disagree since we're friends as Trump didn't lose anything. The democrats cheated BIG time.

Trump sabotaged his presidency and his reelection.. He's just such a loser that he lies and blames others. He can't shut his fat mouth.... He never stops talking and he never listens. What the hell do you admire about this fat, repulsive, vulgar liar?
DeSantis was a fool to jump into the 2024 race.

DeSantis lost 2028. Dude is done.

I was a HUGE supporter of DeSantis and I wanted him to run, but DeSantis doesn't seem to care about our country as much as he cares about beating Trump. (Trump appears to be just as guilty as his opponent from time to time when it comes to the bickering, but he's still a much stronger candidate in my opinion.)

If he would have waited until 2028 to run, Trump's time would already be up so he wouldn't be looking as bad as he does right now and I was wrong for wanting him to run. (I also sort of have reason to believe that he ran just to beat Trump.)
Umm yeah, another RINO for sure. If it wasn't for the fact that Ron DeSantis and Vivek Ramaswamy were RINOS they might possibly have been good presidential candidates. Oh wait, Ramaswamy wants to pardon the Bidens and DeSantis can't answer questions and think for himself. Trump 2024 🇺🇲 is the only option for me.

About time that stupid motherfucker said something that made sense.

I don't expect it will last long though.
Umm yeah, another RINO for sure. If it wasn't for the fact that Ron DeSantis and Vivek Ramaswamy were RINOS they might possibly have been good presidential candidates. Oh wait, Ramaswamy wants to pardon the Bidens and DeSantis can't answer questions and think for himself. Trump 2024 🇺🇲 is the only option for me.
I keep reminding people, you CANNOT trust politicians they LIE. They fabricate a FAKE persona then lie straight to your face with every intention of screwing you over once elected. Trump has a lot of flaws, but he's not a politician. He doesn't fake it. You may not like him. You may not like what he says but he's not faking it like 99% of these so called professional politicians do.

If you want your eyes opened to who politicians really are, go look up the 60 Minutes investigative under cover story on politicians. Wow, just wow. Caught on hidden camera you get to see who they really are. One of these politicians said, "I don't give a shit about the people. I'm in this for the money, for me". He said this while negotiating a bribe!
BluesLegend I like Trump because he makes me hate him... and then uses that attitude of his that I hate against the left. So in other words, when it comes to politics sometimes it's good to be unlikeable. It just makes you a badass. 😎

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