Vivek Ramaswamy Defends Trump


Diamond Member
Jul 16, 2019
Vivek is not my candidate, but he's right on this issue. The truth about this political persecution needs to come out. Vivek realizes if this happens to Trump, it could happen to him.

---Vivek Ramaswamy Defends Trump, Demands Government Tell the Truth About What’s Driving the Prosecutions---

Vivek is not my candidate, but he's right on this issue. The truth about this political persecution needs to come out. Vivek realizes if this happens to Trump, it could happen to him.

---Vivek Ramaswamy Defends Trump, Demands Government Tell the Truth About What’s Driving the Prosecutions---

No. He is not, and Trump deserves prosecution, same as the destructive mob he unleashed on the capital, as he sat watching it on TV and thanking them after they had lost the fight and were breaking up.
No. He is not, and Trump deserves prosecution, same as the destructive mob he unleashed on the capital, as he sat watching it on TV and thanking them after they had lost the fight and were breaking up.

With all due candor: What generic TV Guide version of "January 6th" documentary are they passing around in the ole' folks home?

Like literally none of that is true.
Don't know. Haven't visited on in years.
You guys tried to make the case, the January 6th mob should not be prosecuted. How did that work out? Just how many cases have DC Federal Prosecutors lost? Not many. You are not showing candor, but your own gullibility and desire for favorable outcome. After this many cases and convictions by both juries and by judges, one would think even hard core Anti-American committed Trumps would get the point by now. DC Federal Prosecutors do not play, and they use the actual law. Instead of wishful thinking and Courthouse step rhetoric, they use evidence. Using real evidence vs populous talking point mumbo-jumbo is almost like cheating. DC Judges, understand legal argument and evidence. Prosecution breaks it down for juries, and they seem to understand also. You people are f#cked. There is no getting around evidence.
Vivek is not my candidate, but he's right on this issue. The truth about this political persecution needs to come out. Vivek realizes if this happens to Trump, it could happen to him.

---Vivek Ramaswamy Defends Trump, Demands Government Tell the Truth About What’s Driving the Prosecutions---

Funny how he didn't defend Trump in the book he wrote just a year or so ago....

"It was a dark day for democracy, the loser of the last election refused to concede the race, claimed the election was stolen and raised hundreds of millions of dollars from his supporters. The worst victimhood narrative that afflicts modern conservatives is the budding belief that any election they lose must have been stolen. Instead of being the party that strives for excellence and rejects the easy path of victimhood narratives, we have created our own"

But when he saw that it was easier to just reverse everything you said the year before and tell Trumpers what they want to he knows that Trumpers don't really read boos who would because of his obvious grifting, Trumpers want him to be Trump's VP...

It is interesting, how conservatives all universally think that loyalty to TheParty and DearLeader should be rewarded with a cushy job.

You don't see Democrats saying "Give the jobs to the most slavish party hacks!". That's purely a Republican thing.
Vivek is not my candidate, but he's right on this issue. The truth about this political persecution needs to come out. Vivek realizes if this happens to Trump, it could happen to him.

---Vivek Ramaswamy Defends Trump, Demands Government Tell the Truth About What’s Driving the Prosecutions---

Fishing for trump votes. Or a VP job.

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