Vladimir Putin Ain’t Silas Barnaby


Sep 23, 2010
Even when Barack Taqiyya signs a treaty that is essential to America’s security wall he is too late with too little. NATO members are more than capable of defending against Russia. America only has to step in if NATO is losing. Not so with the Philippines and China. The US military should have stepped in immediately under obligation in the original treaty:

The Philippines has been under attack by China since 2012 when China seized the Scarborough Shoal from the Philippines. Despite its mutual defense treaty with Manila, Washington did nothing.

This non-response emboldened China still further.

And today China is threatening the Second Thomas Shoal, another Philippine possession.

So, too, late last year China extended its Air Defense Identification Zone to include Japanese and South Korean airspace. The US responded to the aggressive move by recommending that its allies comply with China’s dictates.

The administration’s top priority in all these cases, as well as in the case of Beijing’s challenge to Japan’s control over the Senkaku Islands in the East China Sea, has been to avoid conflicts with China.

But American timidity and refusal to abide by US treaty obligations to the Philippines and Japan have had the opposite effect.


This brings us to the second problem with the Obama administration’s new assertiveness in Asia. It simply isn’t credible.

On Wednesday, The Hill reported that due to Obama’s cuts in defense spending, for four months in 2015, the US will have no aircraft carriers in Asia. In other words, even as Obama’s rhetoric signals a renewed US military commitment to its allies, Obama’s defense cuts empty his pledges of substance.

We already know Obama lacks the will to confront China. And his decision to downsize the US military ensures the US will lack good options for confronting it in the coming years.

And it’s not only the treaties referred to in the above excerpt. Every treaty with reliable allies is in question under the Obama Doctrine:

During his joint press conference in Manila on Monday with Aquino, Ed Henry from Fox News asked Obama to explain his foreign policy doctrine.

“What do you think the Obama Doctrine is in terms of what your guiding principle is on all of these crises and how you answer those critics who say they think the doctrine is weakness.”

Life Under the Obama Doctrine
Caroline Glick | May 02, 2014

Life Under the Obama Doctrine - Caroline Glick - Page full

The Obama Doctrine is easily understood by examining how Taqiyya handles treaty obligations. He honors no treaty that relies on the US military for enforcement. He honors every treaty that turns military decisions over to the United Nations. The US military can then be used —— but only with the UN’s approval and control.

NOTE: New START weakened the US military’s retaliatory capabilities in addition to eliminating the US military’s role in enforcing it.

The Obama Doctrine in four words: No unilateral military confrontations.

In truth, the New World Order crowd has been shaping the Obama Doctrine for decades. Taqiyya the Liar somehow convinced the power structure behind the United Nations that he was the guy who could sell it to the American people. He has been implementing it since he took office; hence it is named after him. I leave it to you to judge the extent of his success.

Finally, the leaders of China and Russia are not Silas Barnaby, nor are their militaries made up of Bogeyman as Americans will find out when they call upon the toy soldiers Barack Taqiyya leaves in his wake:

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rDdhg8CyeUo&feature=player_detailpage]March of the Wooden Soldiers (20) (End) - YouTube[/ame]​
Finally, the leaders of China and Russia are not Silas Barnaby, nor are their militaries made up of Bogeyman as Americans will find out when they call upon the toy soldiers Barack Taqiyya leaves in his wake:

I’m getting a sinking feeling in the pit of my stomach. The country could end up with nothing more than a universal police force by the time he is finished. That is more in line with his worldview than is a military force trained and equipped to fight a major war. The scariest part is that he and his kind will leave the country without retaliatory capabilities. In fact, gutting the military indicates they have no intention of retaliating after a sneak attack.

May 7, 2014
Military Downsizing = National Security Danger
By Elise Cooper

Articles: Military Downsizing = National Security Danger
bs, ONE of our nuke missiles has more nuclear potential than the ENTIRE nuke arsenal of either Britain or France. See anybody messing with THEM? We don't need 90% of our miltary and spy outfits. It's a huge waste of time and money.
bs, ONE of our nuke missiles has more nuclear potential than the ENTIRE nuke arsenal of either Britain or France. See anybody messing with THEM? We don't need 90% of our miltary and spy outfits. It's a huge waste of time and money.

To srlip: Oh really.

Let’s examine that one.

Putin’s nationalism has the support of a vast majority of Russians; so his attempts to revive Russia’s power in the world is seen as positive inside Russia and among Communists globally. Putin’s failed domestic governance benefits from his foreign policy saber rattling.

Both Putin and Barack Taqiyya blend foreign and domestic policies for devious reasons.

Taqiyya the Liar’s global government agenda is seen as negative by most Americans because they do not support his foreign policies. Taqiyya’s foreign policy is a success from his perspective; in that it is designed to bring America back to the glory years of Socialism/Communism on the domestic front. In short: Socialists implementing Socialism/Communism in this country made the most gains during the Cold War thanks to the Soviet Union.

At the height of the Cold War responsible Americans lived with the fear that the Soviet Union would attack if Americans were busy quelling massive unrest. Democrats played on that fear for all it was worth; so Americans rolled over for a lot of Communist garbage rather than risk nuclear war. Today, Taqiyya & Company are reviving the threat from Russia as well instilling a fear of China and Islam. Note how they dealt with all three military threats if you doubt me.

The way Taqiyya has been handling Russia specifically clearly shows that a return to the fear of an attack by a militarily powerful enemy will keep Americans from revolting as it did throughout the Cold War.

On the other side, it’s always been a crap shoot for America’s enemies. If they attacked they would have united the country behind a powerful military. Today, thanks to Taqiyya, a weakened military could tip the scale if favor of the attackers.

Also, Taqiyya’s Russia policy is a win-win situation for the New World Order crowd. Either they bring Americans to totalitarian government incrementally without war, or they get totalitarian global government after a military defeat.
Taqiyya, Biden, John Kerry, Hillary Clinton, and the rest of the top Democrats will take it anyway they can get it. Every one them supports a form of government they have been committing treason to protect and advance. That form of government ain’t the one they swore to support and defend against all enemies, foreign and domestic. If they are not outright Communists personally they admire Communism’s totalitarian form of government. There is not a one of them working for a free private sector citizenry over collectivism.

Finally, a word about the United Nations and Democrats. A month ago 46 senators voted to ratify a UN resolution that would have eventually disarmed law-abiding Americans, They were 45 Democrats and one avowed Socialist:

Baldwin (D-WI)
Baucus (D-MT)
Bennett (D-CO)
Blumenthal (D-CT)
Boxer (D-CA)
Brown (D-OH)
Cantwell (D-WA)
Cardin (D-MD)
Carper (D-DE)
Casey (D-PA)
Coons (D-DE)
Cowan (D-MA)
Durbin (D-IL)j
Feinstein (D-CA)
Franken (D-MN)
Harkin (D-IA)
Hirono (D-HI)
Johnson (D-SD)
Kaine (D-VA)
King (I-ME)
Klobuchar (D-MN)
Landrieu (D-LA)
Leahy (D-VT)
Levin (D-MI)
McCaskill (D-MO)
Menendez (D-NJ)
Merkley (D-OR)
Mikulski (D-MD)
Murphy (D-CT)
Murray (D-WA)
Nelson (D-FL)
Reed (D-RI)
Reid (D-NV)
Rockefeller (D-WV)
Sanders (I-VT)
Schatz (D-HI)
Shaheen (D-NH)
Stabenow (D-MI)
Udall (D-CO)
Udall (D-NM)
Warner (D-VA)
Warren (D-MA)
Whitehouse (D-RI)
Wyden (D-OR)

U.N. Firearms Control 2117 Defeated By Senate – Barely
Saturday, April 26, 2014 7:18

U.N. Firearms Control 2117 Defeated By Senate ? Barely | Alternative
I remember that, Flanders. I posted a thread about it here when it happened. About Russia / China / US relations. We're in serious trouble. No question about it. Downsizing our military was the very worst decision and it began after Reagan left office. At this point USA freedom is headed for the graveyard. ( militarily and otherwise )

Here is what I see, Flanders. Obama admin and the UN he serves are making their moves under the guise that everyone is still on board for the one world goverment system they have devised - free of borders, sovereignty of nations, etc. Russia and China have never been on board but it served the purpose of getting them into the position they are in right now. Remember that the USA gave Russia 1 billion dollars per day for years. Who wouldn't take advantage of that?

On the other hand, now that China is in the drivers seat why allow the West to be the architects of the NWO when they can ally with Russia and have it all? ( the borrower is servant to the lender )

So what the Russians and Chinese need ( now that we are flat broke ) is alot of diversion on the world stage while they prepare to draw the US into a war by invading Taiwan. It is rather interesting that the Philipines is the home base of Al Qaeda ( or was back a few years ago ) and the Chinese can take whatever they wish without much said by U.N. Why is that? They need China and they don't want to make any waves. That is what I suspect is going on... they are watching closely to see will China make a move on Taiwan? After Russia made her move on Ukraine without any resistance? You bet she will! The time is at hand! How could it not be?

Has there ever been a better time for China to take back Taiwan than now? She has Russia joining her for naval drills in the South China Sea at the end of this month. What do you think they are up to?

Why is our Navy so blind? How could anyone watching this not realize they are about to take Taiwan and draw us into a war so they can retaliate with a nuclear strike against America and bring us down for good.

What is the motive of Russia and the nations who will help her invade America? Nicarauga, Mexico, Cuba, Venezuala, China...... To defeat the USA. What is the motive of the nations who are assisting the Russsians? They have all been promised something.

How does this tie into the middle east? Russia won't make her move on Israel until America is taken out of the way and cannot respond. After America is hit all hell will break loose. How long do you think they will stall their plans for the middle east?

I'm very concerned about this news of the shut down march against D.C. because while Americans are rising up with this "internal revolution" our enemies are waiting for the perfect moment to blindside us. I would say it looks like it could be at hand.
Actually, Flanders, if you think about it - America never did have any history of Islamic roots or Communist. It isn't in our history at all. It's in our history to fight it to the end. It's in our history to have revolutions and civil wars but Marxism won't ever live on in America. It was a short visit and its on its way out. God would destroy this nation completely before he ever handed it is over to Communists. No doubt they'll be the first casualties of war.....

So I don't fear communism taking over here but I do believe an all out war on our homeland is inevitable because we are vulnerable to an invasion. We have little protection on our Mexican border - we can drive a herd of elephant un - noticed from the Canadian border - over 5,000 miles unsupervised - so that is where we are now as I see it. ( vulnerable to attack / invasion )

As for Obama? After America falls I do not see that he has much of a future in politics.
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Finally, the leaders of China and Russia are not Silas Barnaby, nor are their militaries made up of Bogeyman as Americans will find out when they call upon the toy soldiers Barack Taqiyya leaves in his wake:

I’m getting a sinking feeling in the pit of my stomach. The country could end up with nothing more than a universal police force by the time he is finished. That is more in line with his worldview than is a military force trained and equipped to fight a major war. The scariest part is that he and his kind will leave the country without retaliatory capabilities. In fact, gutting the military indicates they have no intention of retaliating after a sneak attack.

May 7, 2014
Military Downsizing = National Security Danger
By Elise Cooper

Articles: Military Downsizing = National Security Danger

It will never get that far, Flanders. The USA will be attacked and Obama won't be in charge of anything after that happens. It will be a brand new day for America and those who hailed communism as something virtuous will curse the day they heard about it once they see what these Russians, Chinese, Nicaraguans, Cubans, Venezualans have in store for their sons and daughters. It is not going to be pleasant but waking up to reality seldom is.

The good news is the American people are awake that something is seriously wrong and on that is the reason none of them will ever give up their 2nd amendment rights.

Had we given up our second amendment rights - surrendering our firearms, etc. the Russians and Chinese would have already invaded. It is a bit more difficult when 200 million plus citizens are armed to the teeth. The UN knows this. The Russians know this. The Chinese know this. The Communists know this.

Every American should know this.
To Jeri: Nothing, absolutely nothing, makes me happier than someone improving on my thoughts. You outshine me. :smiliehug:

I remember that, Flanders. I posted a thread about it here when it happened. About Russia / China / US relations. We're in serious trouble. No question about it. Downsizing our military was the very worst decision and it began after Reagan left office. At this point USA freedom is headed for the graveyard. ( militarily and otherwise )

Here is what I see, Flanders. Obama admin and the UN he serves are making their moves under the guise that everyone is still on board for the one world goverment system they have devised - free of borders, sovereignty of nations, etc. Russia and China have never been on board but it served the purpose of getting them into the position they are in right now. Remember that the USA gave Russia 1 billion dollars per day for years. Who wouldn't take advantage of that?

On the other hand, now that China is in the drivers seat why allow the West to be the architects of the NWO when they can ally with Russia and have it all? ( the borrower is servant to the lender )

So what the Russians and Chinese need ( now that we are flat broke ) is alot of diversion on the world stage while they prepare to draw the US into a war by invading Taiwan. It is rather interesting that the Philipines is the home base of Al Qaeda ( or was back a few years ago ) and the Chinese can take whatever they wish without much said by U.N. Why is that? They need China and they don't want to make any waves. That is what I suspect is going on... they are watching closely to see will China make a move on Taiwan? After Russia made her move on Ukraine without any resistance? You bet she will! The time is at hand! How could it not be?

Has there ever been a better time for China to take back Taiwan than now? She has Russia joining her for naval drills in the South China Sea at the end of this month. What do you think they are up to?

Why is our Navy so blind? How could anyone watching this not realize they are about to take Taiwan and draw us into a war so they can retaliate with a nuclear strike against America and bring us down for good.

What is the motive of Russia and the nations who will help her invade America? Nicarauga, Mexico, Cuba, Venezuala, China...... To defeat the USA. What is the motive of the nations who are assisting the Russsians? They have all been promised something.

How does this tie into the middle east? Russia won't make her move on Israel until America is taken out of the way and cannot respond. After America is hit all hell will break loose. How long do you think they will stall their plans for the middle east?

I'm very concerned about this news of the shut down march against D.C. because while Americans are rising up with this "internal revolution" our enemies are waiting for the perfect moment to blindside us. I would say it looks like it could be at hand.

Actually, Flanders, if you think about it - America never did have any history of Islamic roots or Communist. It isn't in our history at all. It's in our history to fight it to the end. It's in our history to have revolutions and civil wars but Marxism won't ever live on in America. It was a short visit and its on its way out. God would destroy this nation completely before he ever handed it is over to Communists. No doubt they'll be the first casualties of war.....

So I don't fear communism taking over here but I do believe an all out war on our homeland is inevitable because we are vulnerable to an invasion. We have little protection on our Mexican border - we can drive a herd of elephant un - noticed from the Canadian border - over 5,000 miles unsupervised - so that is where we are now as I see it. ( vulnerable to attack / invasion )

As for Obama? After America falls I do not see that he has much of a future in politics.

Finally, the leaders of China and Russia are not Silas Barnaby, nor are their militaries made up of Bogeyman as Americans will find out when they call upon the toy soldiers Barack Taqiyya leaves in his wake:

I’m getting a sinking feeling in the pit of my stomach. The country could end up with nothing more than a universal police force by the time he is finished. That is more in line with his worldview than is a military force trained and equipped to fight a major war. The scariest part is that he and his kind will leave the country without retaliatory capabilities. In fact, gutting the military indicates they have no intention of retaliating after a sneak attack.

May 7, 2014
Military Downsizing = National Security Danger
By Elise Cooper

Articles: Military Downsizing = National Security Danger

It will never get that far, Flanders. The USA will be attacked and Obama won't be in charge of anything after that happens. It will be a brand new day for America and those who hailed communism as something virtuous will curse the day they heard about it once they see what these Russians, Chinese, Nicaraguans, Cubans, Venezualans have in store for their sons and daughters. It is not going to be pleasant but waking up to reality seldom is.

The good news is the American people are awake that something is seriously wrong and on that is the reason none of them will ever give up their 2nd amendment rights.

Had we given up our second amendment rights - surrendering our firearms, etc. the Russians and Chinese would have already invaded. It is a bit more difficult when 200 million plus citizens are armed to the teeth. The UN knows this. The Russians know this. The Chinese know this. The Communists know this.

Every American should know this.
Last edited:
Finally, the leaders of China and Russia are not Silas Barnaby, nor are their militaries made up of Bogeyman as Americans will find out when they call upon the toy soldiers Barack Taqiyya leaves in his wake:

I’m getting a sinking feeling in the pit of my stomach. The country could end up with nothing more than a universal police force by the time he is finished. That is more in line with his worldview than is a military force trained and equipped to fight a major war. The scariest part is that he and his kind will leave the country without retaliatory capabilities. In fact, gutting the military indicates they have no intention of retaliating after a sneak attack.

May 7, 2014
Military Downsizing = National Security Danger
By Elise Cooper

Articles: Military Downsizing = National Security Danger

It will never get that far, Flanders. The USA will be attacked and Obama won't be in charge of anything after that happens. It will be a brand new day for America and those who hailed communism as something virtuous will curse the day they heard about it once they see what these Russians, Chinese, Nicaraguans, Cubans, Venezualans have in store for their sons and daughters. It is not going to be pleasant but waking up to reality seldom is.

The good news is the American people are awake that something is seriously wrong and on that is the reason none of them will ever give up their 2nd amendment rights.

Had we given up our second amendment rights - surrendering our firearms, etc. the Russians and Chinese would have already invaded. It is a bit more difficult when 200 million plus citizens are armed to the teeth. The UN knows this. The Russians know this. The Chinese know this. The Communists know this.

Every American should know this.

I'm more worried about our homes being invaded by Obama's Brownshirters.
Blame this on John Kerry and his kind:

China has built an offshore oil drilling rig, numbered HD-981, specifically for the purpose invalidating other nations’ claims to seabed they thought was theirs.


Miscalculation might not lead to war because there is nothing miscalculated about what China is doing. China intends to start a war. Most probably China wants Vietnam to attack its drilling operation so that it can play the injured party and launch a retaliatory strike.


China declared an Air Defence Identification Zone (ADIZ) over the Senkaku Islands late last year, which upset the Japanese who own the islands. China has also indicated that at some stage it will also declare an ADIZ over the 90% of the South China Sea that it claims.


Chinese state media has already stated that “Chinese troops to seize Zhongye Island back from the Philippines in 2014”. From the China Daily Mail of 11th January, 2014:


The Philippines has a mutual defense treaty with the United States; Vietnam does not. That is the advantage for China in starting with Vietnam first. If the United States, and perhaps Japan, does not assist Vietnam in its coming war with China, then China is likely to decide that it can scrape the Filipino bases off their islands with impunity.


After Vietnam will most likely come Japan. Rig HD-981, China’s “mobile national territory,” will be moved to a site in Japan’s EEZ north of the Senkakus, equidistant between the Chinese Shuimen airbase and the Japanese and US airbases on Okinawa. This will be an intolerable insult to the Japanese, but a certain US president might decide that, as no land area is involved, the United States-Japan mutual defense treaty does not apply. China will wear down the Japanese forces and then invade the Senakaku and Yaeyama Islands. If successful in taking them, China will then extend its ADIZ to at least 300 km east of the Yaeyama Islands, isolating Japan from the rest of Asia.

You can find a lot of talk about how the Vietnamese people love Americans and hate China. Don’t believe it. They’d like nothing better than Americans fighting for them. America’s political defeat in Vietnam now leaves us in the position of going back into Asia and fight for Communist Vietnam against Communist China. Either way Communism wins. The only other choice is handing it all to China. Thank you John Kerry.

Here’s the worst of it. The United Nations and its supporters have long wanted the US military to fight for Socialism/Communism. Any UN ‘police action’ in Asia involving the US military will accomplish just that. Now try this one on for size:

Ratifying the Law of the Sea Treaty will be sold as the only way to avoid war and stop China from claiming the seabed in the entire South China Sea. Once the LOST is ratified China will get exactly what it wants by giving the United Nations a piece of the take.

Finally, Kerry’s meeting with Viet Cong officials while Americans were fighting and dying in Vietnam clearly shows that he never did want any part of Asia free of Communism.

Nevertheless, taking on China and keeping East Asia free is best done as a joint effort. By 2015 there may not be anyone left to fight alongside them.

May 19, 2014
China's 'Mobile National Territory'
By David Archibald

Articles: China's 'Mobile National Territory'

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