Vote for Biden’s best accomplishment of the last 30 days.

Vote for Biden’s best accomplishment of the last 30 days.

  • Surrendering Afghanistan to the Taliban

    Votes: 3 27.3%
  • Abandoning Americans in enemy held Afghanistan

    Votes: 4 36.4%
  • Arming the Taliban to the point they are now a major military power in the region

    Votes: 1 9.1%
  • Getting 13 soldiers killed

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Killing a bunch of kids with a drone strike

    Votes: 3 27.3%
  • Wasting millions on a pretend rally in DC

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Letting 15,000 illegals into America in broad daylight

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
You forgot "Beating Donald Trump in the 2020 Election". I'll check that box. :)
Tell us what we won. Gas up a dollar. Inflation a minimum of several percent and home and apartment prices increasing at insane levels. And it will get worse unless there is massive correction that will make those invested suffer.
Tell us what we won. Gas up a dollar. Inflation a minimum of several percent and home and apartment prices increasing at insane levels. And it will get worse unless there is massive correction that will make those invested suffer.
Most of the Democrats never worked in business and they don't understand the economy. That's true for Bernie, Feinstein,Schumer and Biden. All they know how to do is lie and collect votes.
Yes. However, beings as this is just a hit piece, I gave it the consideration it deserved. Afghanistan is over. Biden made the call. Something his predecessors didn't do.
I thought Biden's hand was forced by Trump's deal in Afghanistan.

Your story keeps changing.
Yep. And I believe he took responsibility for the crappy withdrawl..but...if you're going to lay it all at Biden's feet then you're not being very genuine.
Lots of blame on both sides to go around for this debacle.
Surrender Joe took no responsibility.

He blamed Trump, the Afghan forces, Americans in Afghanistan, global warming, El Nino, Santa Claus, racism, Trump, puppies, his generals, Trump.....there may be more.
And I believe he took responsibility for the crappy withdrawl
link because i can find some that other wise.
P.S. im just kidding. There is no link of him taking responsibility. Just pointing fingers.
But i get why you lie. Cultism has taken over your "brain"
I thought Biden's hand was forced by Trump's deal in Afghanistan.

Your story keeps changing.
Everybody is to blame for Afghanistan. My story hasn't changed.
What hasn't changed is your constant attempts to deflect blame from your savior. :)
link because i can find some that other wise.
P.S. im just kidding. There is no link of him taking responsibility. Just pointing fingers.
But i get why you lie. Cultism has taken over your "brain"
Well, your partisanship aside, I don't know what else to say. I get it. The guy has "D" next to his name. Carry on. Agree or disagree. Your political slant may vary.
Everybody is to blame for Afghanistan. My story hasn't changed.
What hasn't changed is your constant attempts to deflect blame from your savior. :)
I'm not deflecting at all.

Surrender Joe owns the Afghanistan clusterfuck 100%. Fact.
I'm not deflecting at all.

Surrender Joe owns the Afghanistan clusterfuck 100%. Fact.
No he doesn't. Whine all you'd like about it.
The buck actually DID stop at his desk.
It was messy and unpopular and turned into a clusterfuck.
However, I'm wondering where your just and righteous outrage
has been, especially with the last two Republican administrations?

I support Biden ending things. I understand the right wing's need to
bleed as much mileage out of this as possible. But the balloon on this
one has already deflated.
Well, your partisanship aside, I don't know what else to say. I get it. The guy has "D" next to his name. Carry on. Agree or disagree. Your political slant may vary.
Read the article, jackass. Jesus
And how am i partisan? What party do i belong to? The rethugs? The party i hate?
Binary dumbfuck.
No he doesn't. Whine all you'd like about it.
The buck actually DID stop at his desk.
It was messy and unpopular and turned into a clusterfuck.
However, I'm wondering where your just and righteous outrage
has been, especially with the last two Republican administrations?

I support Biden ending things. I understand the right wing's need to
bleed as much mileage out of this as possible. But the balloon on this
one has already deflated.
No he doesn't.

Yep. All his. You can try to blame Republicans who are long out of office all you want, but it isn't working.
Yep. And I believe he took responsibility for the crappy withdrawl..but...if you're going to lay it all at Biden's feet then you're not being very genuine.
Lots of blame on both sides to go around for this debacle.
Joe ‘the buck stops here’ Biden has not once took responsibility for ANYTHING that he’s done since taking office.
Trumpyberra not only negotiated and signed the surrender agreement but gave the Taliban a bonus when, during his post election loss tantrum, he ordered all the remaining troops out by Jan 15th. However he reversed that order after our Generals objected, but he still reduced our troop strength down to less that 20% of what he started his term with. That is about 2.5 % of the total troops we had at the height of the war. Even though the agreement call for a reduction to 8,600 troops, the next administration was purposefully placed between a rock and a very hard place. Trump has even bragged about what he did to the incoming administration.

The suicide terrorist attack is a stark reminder of why we were there in the first place. The collateral damage we caused on the way our is a stark reminder to the innocent people in those countries we attacked, who paid a horrible price for our response to 9-11.

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