Vote for Biden’s best accomplishment of the last 30 days.

Vote for Biden’s best accomplishment of the last 30 days.

  • Surrendering Afghanistan to the Taliban

    Votes: 3 27.3%
  • Abandoning Americans in enemy held Afghanistan

    Votes: 4 36.4%
  • Arming the Taliban to the point they are now a major military power in the region

    Votes: 1 9.1%
  • Getting 13 soldiers killed

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Killing a bunch of kids with a drone strike

    Votes: 3 27.3%
  • Wasting millions on a pretend rally in DC

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Letting 15,000 illegals into America in broad daylight

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
Biden's only hope is that Republicans retake the House and Senate to make him a lame duck because not even Dems can weather his screw ups for another 3 years 4 months.
Trumpyberra not only negotiated and signed the surrender agreement but gave the Taliban a bonus when, during his post election loss tantrum, he ordered all the remaining troops out by Jan 15th. However he reversed that order after our Generals objected, but he still reduced our troop strength down to less that 20% of what he started his term with. That is about 2.5 % of the total troops we had at the height of the war. Even though the agreement call for a reduction to 8,600 troops, the next administration was purposefully placed between a rock and a very hard place. Trump has even bragged about what he did to the incoming administration.

The suicide terrorist attack is a stark reminder of why we were there in the first place. The collateral damage we caused on the way our is a stark reminder to the innocent people in those countries we attacked, who paid a horrible price for our response to 9-11.
^^^ another lying left winger tries to make excuses for Biden. Who's the f'ing POTUS you clown? Biden is not bound by any agreement Trump made. Clearly because he abandoned most of Trump's withdrawal plan and went with his own half baked dipshit plan. So just admit it, your man Biden screwed the pooch you gutless bunch of half men liberal gender confused morons.
Surrender Joe owns the Afghanistan clusterfuck 100%. Fact.
Good Old Joe is responsible for implementing the Trump withdrawal, and for not re-deploying troops to Afghanistan to fight the Taliban, again. Bush owns the occupation. Obama owns the surge. Trumpybear is still a moron in a China shop.
^^^ another lying left winger tries to make excuses for Biden. Who's the f'ing POTUS you clown? Biden is not bound by any agreement Trump made. Clearly because he abandoned most of Trump's withdrawal plan and went with his own half baked dipshit plan. So just admit it, your man Biden screwed the pooch you gutless bunch of half men liberal gender confused morons.

Where in that plan did it call for reducing our troop strength to 2500? Why did he sign an order to remove all the troops by Jan 15th and what made him change his mind. What condition did his buddies in the Taliban achieve to get him to do that? Biden worked with what he had and didn't lose a single soldier fighting the Taliban on our way out. The Suicide bomber was terrible as was the killing of the civilians in the drone strike, however both are indicative of that war. In 2019 alone, we killed around 700 civilians in errant drone strikes.

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No he doesn't. Whine all you'd like about it.
The buck actually DID stop at his desk.
It was messy and unpopular and turned into a clusterfuck.
However, I'm wondering where your just and righteous outrage
has been, especially with the last two Republican administrations?

I support Biden ending things. I understand the right wing's need to
bleed as much mileage out of this as possible. But the balloon on this
one has already deflated.
Agree with all of the above except how the war ended. All war ends badly. its the nature of war.
Fuck em. They knew they had to get out when Trump surrendered last year.
Yep..”Fuck em”?
Says the FEELZ people who refuse to say “fuck” illegal wetbacks under the guise of humanitarian responsibility.
Haha…you twisted fucks are so lost.
Biden's only hope is that Republicans retake the House and Senate to make him a lame duck because not even Dems can weather his screw ups for another 3 years 4 months.
The liberal media war on Trump is what got Biden elected.

My biggest fear is that the liberal media will hide Biden's and the Democrats screwups so well that the Dems will keep control of Congress and we will get another Democrat as President. The economy will continue downward and foreign policy will stink.

I hope I'm wrong.
Jonson will. He has made a mess of the country and desperately needs a fwend. I imagine Joe is explaining the GFA to the dozy fucker.
Let’s get this straight. You like Biden, and you’re pissed at Jonson for being nice to Biden.
Reconcile that for the class.
What is MORE amazing than all of Biden's FUCKS UPS is the fact that left wing communist cuck faggot assholes DO NOT CARE.

They are brain dead sheep following a brain dead PUPPET.

These dumb fucks are following the CHINESE COMMUNIST PARTY.

They DO NOT GIVE A FUCK ABOUT BIPOC. It is all bullshit.
What is MORE amazing than all of Biden's FUCKS UPS is the fact that left wing communist cuck faggot assholes DO NOT CARE.

They are brain dead sheep following a brain dead PUPPET.

These dumb fucks are following the CHINESE COMMUNIST PARTY.

They DO NOT GIVE A FUCK ABOUT BIPOC. It is all bullshit.
All is proceeding as desired by the Left. Destroy America.
It is going to be VERY easy for historians to rank the worst POTUS in the history of the nation.
Except for his resistance to communist china, biden’s policies are a train wreck

But so far he is showing signs of doing the right thing on our most important foreign policy issue

I wasnt expecting this, but I’m cautiously optimistic

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