Vote, or face the Obama wrath!

There are alternatives. You still have to cast a ballot but you can spoil it or write none of the above.
Or rub it inside your ass crack before submitting it. I think such a stupid law would spawn all manner of creative forms of civil disobedience.

But would still legitimize the rule of the leaders because people "voted." As it stands now, the current system has no legitimacy, b/c folks know it is corrupt, they show their disdain by boycotting. Boycotting is a measurable metric of the legitimacy of a government, spoiled ballots aren't.
This will go nowhere. People feel just as strongly about the right not to vote as the right to vote. But in this case, Obama is still operating on the narrative that the 2014 election results were because so many stayed home. He hears their voices too, you know.
Only Obozo the clown would try to make millions illegal folks, legal,propose mandatory voting and then complain the republicans are the ones that try to cheat on voting by making a Simple requirement that you need a fucking ID

My idea for an appropriately updated voter card.
Mandatory Voting Obama Says It Would Be Transformative - ABC News


Mandatory Voting? Obama Says It Would Be 'Transformative'

hey say the only two things that are certain in life are death and taxes. President Barack Obama wants to add one more: voting.

Obama floated the idea of mandatory voting in the U.S. while speaking to a civic group in Cleveland on Wednesday. Asked about the corrosive influence of money in U.S. elections, Obama digressed into the related topic of voting rights and said the U.S. should be making it easier — not harder— for people to vote.

Just ask Australia, where citizens have no choice but to vote, the president said.

"If everybody voted, then it would completely change the political map in this country," Obama said, calling it potentially transformative. Not only that, Obama said, but universal voting would "counteract money more than anything."

Disproportionately, Americans who skip the polls on Election Day are younger, lower-income and more likely to be immigrants or minorities, Obama said. "There's a reason why some folks try to keep them away from the polls," he said in a veiled reference to efforts in a number of Republican-led states to make it harder for people to vote.

Statistically speaking, Obama is correct. Less than 37 percent of eligible voters cast ballots in the 2014 midterms, according to the United States Election Project. And a Pew Research Center study found that those avoiding the polls in 2014 tended to be younger, poorer, less educated and more racially diverse.

Why does this surprise anyone? Leftists hate freedom and choice. This guy is truly convinced he's the dictator of America.

Funny, wouldn't this require an ID?

If so, then is the administration racist?
Mandatory Voting Obama Says It Would Be Transformative - ABC News


Mandatory Voting? Obama Says It Would Be 'Transformative'

hey say the only two things that are certain in life are death and taxes. President Barack Obama wants to add one more: voting.

Obama floated the idea of mandatory voting in the U.S. while speaking to a civic group in Cleveland on Wednesday. Asked about the corrosive influence of money in U.S. elections, Obama digressed into the related topic of voting rights and said the U.S. should be making it easier — not harder— for people to vote.

Just ask Australia, where citizens have no choice but to vote, the president said.

"If everybody voted, then it would completely change the political map in this country," Obama said, calling it potentially transformative. Not only that, Obama said, but universal voting would "counteract money more than anything."

Disproportionately, Americans who skip the polls on Election Day are younger, lower-income and more likely to be immigrants or minorities, Obama said. "There's a reason why some folks try to keep them away from the polls," he said in a veiled reference to efforts in a number of Republican-led states to make it harder for people to vote.

Statistically speaking, Obama is correct. Less than 37 percent of eligible voters cast ballots in the 2014 midterms, according to the United States Election Project. And a Pew Research Center study found that those avoiding the polls in 2014 tended to be younger, poorer, less educated and more racially diverse.

Why does this surprise anyone? Leftists hate freedom and choice. This guy is truly convinced he's the dictator of America.

Funny, wouldn't this require an ID?

If so, then is the administration racist?

This administration has been racist ever since their racist inauguration. But the millions of voters who stayed home, who Obama blames for the huge GOP upset, must be made to pay.

Every knee shall bow!
How about:

Mandatory legal citizens
Mandatory ID's at the polls
Mandatory jobs!
Madatory removal of Obama from office...
The main problems are (1) Obama is trying to give driver's licenses to all the illegals, and (2) one Democrat-controlled state (Oregon) is already automatically registering anyone who gets a drivers license to vote... Anyone smell a rat here?
In local Los Angeles elections only 16% of the people vote. Imagine if the ones made to vote voted none of the above.
Ever notice that those who vote the least bitch the most?

Ferguson turnout in last local election before the Mike Brown shooting was 11%.

Fuck 'em, you reap what you sow.
Well, at least he's got people discussing the idea...which is what he wanted.
Well, at least he's got people discussing the idea...which is what he wanted.

He's done this before. When he first became president, he let fly his desire that Israel be forced back to its 1976 borders. The ensuing uproar caused Democrats to lose New York's 9th district which they held for 8 decades. It also told him be better put that on the back burner. Politicians call this floating a trial balloon. Democrats are notorious for doing this, and have a few times floated the trial balloon of government seizing retirement accounts like Spain did. They're going to keep doing this until they gage the reaction as less than fully oppositional and then they'll go ahead with it.

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