Voter Registration Effort Focuses On Ex-Offenders

“Could you imagine if 300,000 ex-offenders came together under one voters block?” He says, “ex-offenders would no longer have to beg for scraps at the table because that puts us in the position to vote you in and vote you out. We want housing, we want programs, we want jobs.”

Voter Registration Effort Focuses On Ex-Offenders « CBS Philly

"Currently jailed felons are only allowed to vote in Maine and Vermont. Democrats would like to change state laws so all currently jailed inmates even those with felony records can vote including those out on parole and awaiting release from prison. With 5.8 million convicts that is a lot of votes. Democrats also know that 80 percent of all felons polled would vote democrat so now we can see the reason behind the push for prisoner rights.

Democrats point to the laws in other countries like Canada, Denmark and Israel that allow most convicted criminals even those who are serving prison sentences the right to vote. Democrats also are saying the law banning prisoners the right to vote disenfranchises African Americans the most who make up 40 percent of felons in the United States. In a Huffington Post interview, The Sentencing Project calls the law into question and says, “This is a fundamental question of democracy”.

Victim rights advocates call the push by democrats “insulting” and a “slap in the face to all victims of crime”. This issue will not be decided in time for this election, but democrats say they will continue to fight for a prisoner’s right to vote in all local and national elections."
Why Democrats Want Jailed Felons To Vote | Medford Oregon City Search

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