Voters are much more concerned about Biden's age than Trump's


Diamond Member
Feb 22, 2013
Trump definitely does not come off as an old man, but Biden does.

Why the Age Issue Is Hurting Biden So Much More Than Trump​

Both Donald J. Trump and President Biden are over 75. But voters are much less likely to worry that Mr. Trump is too old to serve.

Donald J. Trump has praised Hungary’s prime minister, Viktor Orban, for his leadership of Turkey, and confused Nikki Haley and Nancy Pelosi. President Biden has named dead former European leaders when describing his contemporary peers, and referred to Egypt as Mexico.
The episodes might have raised parallel concerns about age and mental acuity. Instead, while Mr. Biden, 81, has been increasingly dogged by doubts and concerns about his advancing years from voters, Mr. Trump, who is 77, has not felt the same political blowback.
The response suggests profound differences not only between the two men, but in how they are perceived by the American public, and in what their supporters expect of them — a divide that could play a major role in the coming presidential election.
In a New York Times/Siena College poll of six battleground states, an overwhelming majority of voters said they had serious concerns about Mr. Biden’s age, with 70 percent saying he is too old to be president. Fewer than half of voters have expressed similar misgivings about Mr. Trump.

Trump definitely does not come off as an old man, but Biden does.

Why the Age Issue Is Hurting Biden So Much More Than Trump​

Both Donald J. Trump and President Biden are over 75. But voters are much less likely to worry that Mr. Trump is too old to serve.

If that’s true it’s stupid.

They are three years apart
The dude has been in DC since the Nixon administration, and here he is again asking for your vote.
It just astounds me that some people just cannot let go. He's had 6 different decades to live off the taxpayers, and still he demands more. What a pig, I mean really this is ridiculous! it is guy is not as senile as your guy....yet these 2 guys are the ones running....can you imagine how the winner will be after another 4 years?...
too bad for what you clowns think or want. You forced the issue stealing 2020 and destroying the Country. Now it needs a quick fix. Only one is willing to try to save America (again) and capable. Do the math mental midget.
I didn't vote for either of these unqualified candidates.
A friend of mine that usually votes Democrat will change his vote to the GOP candidate.
I didn't vote for either of these unqualified candidates.
Well well aren’t you special. Look at me. I’m smarter than all. As the idiots non-vote allows the Country to be destroyed. Sod off you ignorant black backed tree ape. The arse jack will double down in 2024, now in emergency times.
Both are too old ideally. However the survey numbers are skewed by normal people who think they are both too old and abnormal people who think the babbling orange blob makes sense. If you asked a Trumper if Donald's shit was edible they answer in the affirmative.
Talking points went out to the lowIQ saps See above top notch gorilla post ^^^^^^ The noise will soon increase to a deafening roar with all dummies lined up like those yelling Heil Hitler in 1939. Too dumb to understand what they have caused to now. Double down time for them as they lose it all.
Donald last few days:

1. Called Victor Orban the leader of Turkey
2. Said Pennsylvanian is changing its name
3. Called Nikki Haley is Nancy Pelosi X7
4. Said Biden is going to lead us into World War 2
5. Said he ran against Obama in 2016
6. Identified a picture of the woman he raped as his wife in court
Yes they both are too old, but Trump doesn't
Donald last few days:

1. Called Victor Orban the leader of Turkey
2. Said Pennsylvanian is changing its name
3. Called Nikki Haley is Nancy Pelosi X7
4. Said Biden is going to lead us into World War 2
5. Said he ran against Obama in 2016
6. Identified a picture of the woman he raped as his wife in court

Nobody cares.

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