Voters in Germany Punishing Merkels Party for Refugee Influx

Germany can't do anything as they have the stain of nazism if they attempt to remove the refugees.

You blaming German citizens for something that happened 80+ years ago is as lame as trying to blame me for Slavery that happened over a 150 years ago. Matty buddy I would stick with science if I was you...
Weak argument...
Germany can't do anything as they have the stain of nazism if they attempt to remove the refugees.

if I were a german I would say fuck off

the only way for Germany to make progressives like you happy is to commit suicide, time to stop worrying about what you psychotic wankers think
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Good time to use my favorite German word, "schadenfreude." After reading Der Spiegel for years and dealing with German backpacker filth, that nation of violently, sadistically, arrogantly American-hating subhuman savages can't suffer enough for me. In the past 100 years, all 3 times German pigs wield any kind of power, I've hilariously noticed the rest of Europe gets Fucked with a capital F. Germans are such extreme, American-hating cocksuckers I wish we had used nukes of that coward filth of my race rather than Japan. I've witnessed enough German American-hating delirium, I get sexually turned on whenever members of that loathsome nation die. Want to know my favorite thing about Russia? They've killed more German maggots than just about anyone!

good time to use an American phrase, liberal mouth breather
WillMunny is such a psycho he ADMITS he gets "sexually turned on" at people being killed. We ALREADY know you HATE Europa and you come across as classic uneducated American trailer trash.

For you Backpfeifengesicht....Die Schweine fressen aus dem Trog im Stall.
Sie sind wirklich ein Stück Hinterwäldler Müll. Lucy Ich bezweifle, dass er weiß, was du gesagt hast. Er kommuniziert wahrscheinlich in grunzt und Trillerpfeifen.
That's a nice way to put it Lucy.
Jim I already posted extensive analysis of the three election results, with commentary, in bripat9643 thread in Politics section, thread title:
"German voters crushing verdict on open-door migration: Angela Merkel is punished"
Perhaps a merge of your thread into bripat's thread or something, might make sense.

With zero info available in this thread, I think I'll try yours instead. Thanks for posting.

There is the link to the story; what information did you expect to be spoon fed to you?

I think if the results are as punishing as you suggest, this would be a top of the fold headline news story.

Why would you expect the corporate owned media to push story lines that cut into their owners profits?

Yeah right. You're just overstating the election results.
Did you accidentally post to the wrong thread? That post made less sense than the nonsense you usually post.
Germany can't do anything as they have the stain of nazism if they attempt to remove the refugees.
The existence of Germany as a nation is at stake. For example if we magically removed all the Irish from Ireland and replaced them with Englishmen, it wouldnt really be Ireland any more. Same goes for importing a bunch of unassimilating fascist Muslims intent on destroying Germany demographically from the inside.

But why am I even bothering to assplain anything to a Democrat shill like you?
That's a nice way to put it Lucy.
With zero info available in this thread, I think I'll try yours instead. Thanks for posting.

There is the link to the story; what information did you expect to be spoon fed to you?

I think if the results are as punishing as you suggest, this would be a top of the fold headline news story.

Why would you expect the corporate owned media to push story lines that cut into their owners profits?

Yeah right. You're just overstating the election results.
Did you accidentally post to the wrong thread? That post made less sense than the nonsense you usually post.

That's gotta be some kind of a record ;)
There is the link to the story; what information did you expect to be spoon fed to you?

I think if the results are as punishing as you suggest, this would be a top of the fold headline news story.

Why would you expect the corporate owned media to push story lines that cut into their owners profits?

Yeah right. You're just overstating the election results.
Did you accidentally post to the wrong thread? That post made less sense than the nonsense you usually post.

That's gotta be some kind of a record ;)
Post of yours that exhibit complete lack of self awareness are fairly common from you.

IT is the unintended irony that simply take my breathe away at times.
I think if the results are as punishing as you suggest, this would be a top of the fold headline news story.

Why would you expect the corporate owned media to push story lines that cut into their owners profits?

Yeah right. You're just overstating the election results.
Did you accidentally post to the wrong thread? That post made less sense than the nonsense you usually post.

That's gotta be some kind of a record ;)
Post of yours that exhibit complete lack of self awareness are fairly common from you.

IT is the unintended irony that simply take my breathe away at times.

So I posted a comment on the wrong thread. You do it and laugh it off. I do it and it's a major castrophe.

Double standard
Why would you expect the corporate owned media to push story lines that cut into their owners profits?

Yeah right. You're just overstating the election results.
Did you accidentally post to the wrong thread? That post made less sense than the nonsense you usually post.

That's gotta be some kind of a record ;)
Post of yours that exhibit complete lack of self awareness are fairly common from you.

IT is the unintended irony that simply take my breathe away at times.

So I posted a comment on the wrong thread. You do it and laugh it off. I do it and it's a major castrophe.

Double standard
I never said it was a catastrophe.

More of an expected event akin to sick animals dying or a rotted mine collapsing.

But the irony is just precious.
Yeah right. You're just overstating the election results.
Did you accidentally post to the wrong thread? That post made less sense than the nonsense you usually post.

That's gotta be some kind of a record ;)
Post of yours that exhibit complete lack of self awareness are fairly common from you.

IT is the unintended irony that simply take my breathe away at times.

So I posted a comment on the wrong thread. You do it and laugh it off. I do it and it's a major castrophe.

Double standard
I never said it was a catastrophe.

More of an expected event akin to sick animals dying or a rotted mine collapsing.

But the irony is just precious.

Your behavior suggests your full of shit as usual. Just saying.
Did you accidentally post to the wrong thread? That post made less sense than the nonsense you usually post.

That's gotta be some kind of a record ;)
Post of yours that exhibit complete lack of self awareness are fairly common from you.

IT is the unintended irony that simply take my breathe away at times.

So I posted a comment on the wrong thread. You do it and laugh it off. I do it and it's a major castrophe.

Double standard
I never said it was a catastrophe.

More of an expected event akin to sick animals dying or a rotted mine collapsing.

But the irony is just precious.

Your behavior suggests your full of shit as usual. Just saying.
And the evidence proves you are full of the shit all of the time, loser. Just saying.

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