Voting for Clinton = voting for WWIII with Russia

You have the message right, but the countries backwards. What you describe is exactly what the U.S. has and is doing to Russia.
Seriously? You believe the US is 100% guilty and Russia is 100% innocent? Do you believe both Ukraine and Syria all the fault of the US?

Do you live in the US? If so, why are you still here?

U.S. and lapdog Western Europe economically sanctions Russia, for how many years now? U.S. brags that it it even has a better hacking capability than Russia (tho', I doubt it). Ukraine is on Russian border, none of our business. We took Syria un-syrialous for the first 3 or more years of their civil war and now trying to play catch-up (day late, a dime short...). You look to place blame, whereas I see Ukraine and Syria being the natural course of historically unfolding events.
LOL Awesome dodge on the question, Billy.

Okay, so either you're a foreign US basher. No worries, we can take it! Or you're an idealistic, but highly ignorant teenager or early twentysomething who is still rebelling against his parents and sees support for the US as an extension of that rebellion. Which is it?

As for the innocence of Russia, I disagree. Putin is a tin-plated dictator trying to rebuild the USSR. Fuck him.

As of now, you gotz no choice but to take it............keep holding yer' ankles.............:alcoholic:< datz good, very, very good, Vodka!
What exactly do you think the Republican congress is supporting? In any event, I'm not a partisan. I don't make excuses for anyone.
Military operations in the ME.

To a significant extent they are complicit. But Obama is funding various factions and directing the efforts that aid and support ISIS.

That's retarded, Coupon Master.

I'll take Coupon Master over The Fluffer Republican, tbh.
To a significant extent they are complicit. But Obama is funding various factions and directing the efforts that aid and support ISIS.
Thanks for agreeing with my point.

Who holds the purse strings to the US Treasury?

So, that's how you're gonna pathetically try to play it? Try to oversimplify? Obama's misdeeds in the ME are well documented. ISIS has erupted on his watch.
As of now, you gotz no choice but to take it............keep holding yer' ankles.............:alcoholic:< datz good, very, very good, Vodka!
Disagreed about choices, but agreed Russia makes the very good vodka. I'm sure you're an expert. What is your favorite vodka?

Oddly enough, Trump sells one of the best vodkas around according to the link below, but I've never tasted it.
So, that's how you're gonna pathetically try to play it? Try to oversimplify? Obama's misdeeds in the ME are well documented. ISIS has erupted on his watch.
Label it as you please, but everyone should know that Congress controls the budget. If Obama is running madly all over the ME as you claim, then the Republicans are voting to fund it.
That has bum fuck nothing to do with it. I have no problem dropping bombs on shitheads. What I am saying is we should stop wasting time trying to manipulate Middle East governments.
Please explain the difference from your point of view.

Those "Middle East governments." are the ones who control or influence transportation of half the world's oil reserves. Cut it and it will make the Great Depression look like a slight downturn in the economy.



exactly why Trump want's to open drilling here. we have enough oil to last us till rapture. hell enough to sell back to them. the dems hate oil and the military so thank them for this dependency
exactly why Trump want's to open drilling here. we have enough oil to last us till rapture. hell enough to sell back to them. the dems hate oil and the military so thank them for this dependency
IIRC, the US obtains only 25% or less oil from the ME. Most of our own oil is either local or imported from Canada (hence all the oil pipeline controversies).

I suspect we could be completely independent of ME oil but choose not to do so because 1) we want to maintain influence in the area because 2) most of our trading partners obtain their oil from the ME.

We can hate'em but the fact remains a lot of our economy depends upon trade with both China and Japan. If their economies collapsed due to a lack of oil, ours would soon follow.
So, that's how you're gonna pathetically try to play it? Try to oversimplify? Obama's misdeeds in the ME are well documented. ISIS has erupted on his watch.
Label it as you please, but everyone should know that Congress controls the budget. If Obama is running madly all over the ME as you claim, then the Republicans are voting to fund it.

Congress doesn't "control" the budget. They set the a tentative budget (and they don't always even do that). Obama CONTROLS expenditures to a significant extent. Now, quit trying to pass the buck and come to grips that Obama has been a failure in the Middle East.
Congress doesn't "control" the budget. They set the a tentative budget (and they don't always even do that). Obama CONTROLS expenditures to a significant extent. Now, quit trying to pass the buck and come to grips that Obama has been a failure in the Middle East.
Sorry, dude, but the Constitution sets the rules.

The Federal Budget and the Constitution - Bill of Rights Institute
Congress doesn't "control" the budget. They set the a tentative budget (and they don't always even do that). Obama CONTROLS expenditures to a significant extent. Now, quit trying to pass the buck and come to grips that Obama has been a failure in the Middle East.
Sorry, dude, but the Constitution sets the rules.

The Federal Budget and the Constitution - Bill of Rights Institute

You're acting like you refuted anything I said.
You're acting like you refuted anything I said.
Dude, my argument isn't to persuade you. It's to persuade those reading our discussion. You claim Obama is a King who can spend money as he pleases. I claim his hands are tied to support from Congress. You and I can agree or disagree for years, but the Constitution is what rules. What you, I or others believe is up to each of us to decide.
Genocide does not apply to the Syrian situation nor does the responsibility to protect give the US any right to affect regime change. Try again.

Riiight, because dropping thousands of barrel bombs indiscriminately on civilian neighborhoods is not genocide, nor a war crime. Yes, you're a fucking idiot.

1. The mandate for the present report derives from the following three paragraphs of the 2005 World Summit Outcome

The RTP was created PRECISELY for this situation.

For those with intelligence, assad responded to this effort to end his 50-year family dynasty that began with peaceful marches and protests - by firing missiles into college dorm buildings, mass shootings of people in the streets, massacres in Houla and Banyias, etc.

assad is an animal, a piece of russian-protected filth guilty of War Crimes and will die before his appointed life expectancy, either by hanging in syria or in a Hague prison cell.
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It doesn't matter if Assad is "legitimate" or not, it's not our concern and we should not be meddling in the affairs of Middle Eastern governments. Besides, there can never be any true democracy with Muslims. They will always vote in religious nuts that will rule them with an iron fist. So it's either secular dictators to keep the religious nuts in line, or the wild west with Islamists chopping heads off. We should stay out of it and let the savages kill each other. We don't need to be in a proxy war with Russia.

Don't disagree with much of what you said; the issue is not so much syria as it is iran and russia, who are gobbling up neighboring states without resistance from the US or West, and living in a world where diseased, hideous countries like those enjoy vast rule over whole regions simply cannot be tolerated. Neighboring countries are jeopardized by this, who trade with the US and help protect the world order and US national security interests; the day of sitting isolated thinking two oceans will protect the US are long gone. Even further, if more of these countries are de-stabilized, even more refugees will try to leave for the West, creating even more problems. A stable world free of iranian and russian malfeasance is a better one for the US.

The West would not accept Germany conquering Poland and Eastern Europe, and it should never have allowed russia to grab Ukraine or iran to operate with a free hand in iraq, lebanon, yemen or gaza. Its time for an adult to re-enter the White House, and engage the proper response to such criminal regimes.
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U.S. and lapdog Western Europe economically sanctions Russia, for how many years now? U.S. brags that it it even has a better hacking capability than Russia (tho', I doubt it). Ukraine is on Russian border, none of our business. We took Syria un-syrialous for the first 3 or more years of their civil war and now trying to play catch-up (day late, a dime short...). You look to place blame, whereas I see Ukraine and Syria being the natural course of historically unfolding events.

1) EU/West only began sanctioning russia when they attacked Ukraine

2) so bec Ukraine is next to russia, it is fair game for putin to just take over the country? What if he keeps moving west, when does your arbitrarily-stated tolerance level stop and accept that action is needed?

3) a power vacuum created by the exit of the US will be filled by a hostile power such as russia or iran, and this is not acceptable.

BTW, it was assad/syria/iran who started this conflict with the US when syria harbored many of those same ISIS sunni terrorists you people are complaining about and gave them weapons, money, a place to hide and support to attack US troops in iraq - and it was iran who gave EFPs and other weapons for the Badr brigades and other shia militias in iraq to do the same.
I will feel bad for our soldiers etc that will die for Hillary's war...but I will be pulling for Russia. 100%.
If it took war with Russia to end the liberal stranglehold on the US I'm for war with Russia.

Can you imagine what would happen in such a war? The immigrants and refugees would be crushing one another to get out of this country. Poor Canada and Mexico, up to their eyebrows with muslims and africans.
You're acting like you refuted anything I said.
Dude, my argument isn't to persuade you. It's to persuade those reading our discussion. You claim Obama is a King who can spend money as he pleases. I claim his hands are tied to support from Congress. You and I can agree or disagree for years, but the Constitution is what rules. What you, I or others believe is up to each of us to decide.

That's fine, but we were dealing in a technical area. What I said was not incorrect. Obviously, the president and his appointees has discretion on how various funds are allocated. And at no point did I claim Obama was a king with unchecked power. You're simply indulging in fallacies.
There is much more truth in it than you care to see. Per the cease fire agreement which recently failed, the US was supposed to separate their "legitimate" opposition forces from the jihadists in order that a coordinated effort to destroy the jihadists could commence. Obviously the US is unable to complete such an undertaking and the US refuses to give up on regime change. The US is supporting terrorism in Syria, there is no other way for you to spin it.

"supporting terrorism in Syria, there is no other way for you to spin it"

You should talk.

assad is as legit a leader in syria as I am; I find it hilarious that the same leftists supporting "democracy and human rights" are defending a fucking animal mass murderer who is part of a 60 year family dynasty mafia gang, and ruled over a country 85% sunni with his 10% alawite minority.

People also have VERY short memories, as the syrian uprising began and existed as a national liberation uprising for YEARS before ISIS or other fanatical groups even appeared in syrai. Had the bastard obama not say on his fucking hands and helped the secular, legitimate FSA units with arms and supplies in the beginning, assad would be long gone - and iran and russia would have lost their pet. obama has done more to help the cancers russia and iran than any president before him, and his legacy is utterly heinous.

By supporting non-fanatical groups trying to uproot the criminal mafia gang led by assad the West is not "supporting terrorism," it is supporting the 85% of the country seeking to live without being murdered and oppressed for merely speaking of democratic rule.

Assad and his alavits - are Christian.

9/11 were performed by muslim...

US still upkeep muslim against christians after 9/11... How wonderful!

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