Voting. If it worked, they wouldn't let us do it

NO, drama queen.

NOT like Trump and his cult.

Trump expressed support for hanging Pence during ...

View attachment 772996
Politico › news › 2022/05/25 › trum...

May 25, 2022 — The select panel has heard that, after “hang Mike Pence” chants broke out, the then-president expressed support for the prospect of hanging ...
Fake News!!!


From your link, "POLITICO could not independently verify the veracity of the claim regarding Meadows’ comments."
Those are the "conservatives" who turn the country over to people like you. I despise them. Shallow thinkers

BTW, your mind isn't qualified to run city government. Liberal "thinking" has created EVERYTHING wrong in this country

Liberals like Trump?

Fact is Trump shoved some very liberal things down our throat in his 4 years. He might have well been a democrat. Had Trump run as a democrat and done exactly the same things as he did as a Republican, the democrats would've loved him and the Republican voters would've hated him.

That's just how screwed up the American voters are. They can't tell left from right anymore.
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I haven't voted for 2 election cycles now. I despise liberals. And I now more than despise liberal Republicans. The left wing and the right wing are holding up the same corrupt, big spending, big anti constitution government. With ever liberal Republican administration we've had since at least Reagan, have grown the size and scope of government.
I'm a fiscal and constitutional conservative, who's without a party.
The talking point memo that was sent out decades ago, was that if you don't vote, then you can't complain. As if it's someone's civic duty to cast a vote for people you either can't support. Or write in someone's name that won't even be counted.

What a crock. It's no ones civic duty to support anyone they don't really like. It's no ones civic duty to perpetuate the problem by helping to elect someone that's not anything like what you'd support.
And I'll be darned if I'm going to be scared into voting for a lesser of two evils. That's been strategy of the R & D's for how many years now? It's a genius strategy, because it's kept them in power for over 100 years now. It's kept the country ruled by two parties with the same results. More spending, higher deficits, higher national debt, less freedoms & liberties, a worsen economy, lower USD value, higher inflation. And on and on and on.

The last time I voted, it was for one of those "lesser of two evils." And I felt like a slimeball for casting it. So I decided never to cast another vote, unless I can support at least 90% of what the candidate does (not says). I'm not looking for perfection because politicians are just people. But BY GOD, 90% of the time, they better be on my side and support the things I support. I will no longer let a politician talk me into voting for them. From now on, they've got to earn my vote.
When you vote, you're allowing someone to control your life. They own you. And you gave them permission to do so.

Carlin nails it.

Push for Proportional Representation then. Enough people do it, the politicians won't have much choice, but it has to be a people led thing.
Its the same reason ultra liberals are ineffective.

Now my question to you is this; how righteous are they really (both the ultra cons and ultra libs) if they are taking GOP/DNC money to run their campaigns?
Ultra liberals have gotten most of their agendas. I tell you, we are living off of a fiat currency now. We need to reduce our standard of living from within and not from the politics of globalism. Trump tried to get manufacturing back here and he was destroyed by the power brokers.
Biden said Democrats will do everything in their power to prevent Trump: "We have to demonstrate that he will not take power. But if he does run, we'll make sure he doesn't become president again."
So the Democrats are threatening Trump with death?
The Democrats said something similar about North Stream. Impunity for criminals leads to higher crime rates.

So what if they prevent Trump from running and winning. Us actual conservatives aren't going to lose anything we haven't already got. We'll just get another liberal in a different suit.

Seriously what are you Trump supporters fighting over?
Someone who spent $8 trillion in just 4 years.
Someone who funded planned parenthood and the the ACA.
Someone who got his Platinum Plan through congress, that gave $500 BILLION to black communities, just because they were black communities.

All we're losing is a north eastern liberal with a republican's badge. And all his supporters are going to lose is their security blankets. Their messiah who they think is going to make everything like it was in the 1960's. I hate to be the one to break it to you, but todays Republicans, like Trump, couldn't hold a 1960's conservative's handkerchief.
They're almost identical to the 2000's democrats. Trump is a moderate democrat at best.
I haven't voted for 2 election cycles now. I despise liberals. And I now more than despise liberal Republicans. The left wing and the right wing are holding up the same corrupt, big spending, big anti constitution government. With ever liberal Republican administration we've had since at least Reagan, have grown the size and scope of government.
I'm a fiscal and constitutional conservative, who's without a party.
The talking point memo that was sent out decades ago, was that if you don't vote, then you can't complain. As if it's someone's civic duty to cast a vote for people you either can't support. Or write in someone's name that won't even be counted.

What a crock. It's no ones civic duty to support anyone they don't really like. It's no ones civic duty to perpetuate the problem by helping to elect someone that's not anything like what you'd support.
And I'll be darned if I'm going to be scared into voting for a lesser of two evils. That's been strategy of the R & D's for how many years now? It's a genius strategy, because it's kept them in power for over 100 years now. It's kept the country ruled by two parties with the same results. More spending, higher deficits, higher national debt, less freedoms & liberties, a worsen economy, lower USD value, higher inflation. And on and on and on.

The last time I voted, it was for one of those "lesser of two evils." And I felt like a slimeball for casting it. So I decided never to cast another vote, unless I can support at least 90% of what the candidate does (not says). I'm not looking for perfection because politicians are just people. But BY GOD, 90% of the time, they better be on my side and support the things I support. I will no longer let a politician talk me into voting for them. From now on, they've got to earn my vote.
When you vote, you're allowing someone to control your life. They own you. And you gave them permission to do so.

Carlin nails it.

Those who vote decide nothing. Those who count the votes decide everything. Just one thing in the stacked deck that you have to deal with.

Democrats promise bad government and always deliver.

Republicans promise good government but most of the time deliver the same bad government we would have got had the Democrats been elected.
Didn't we all? Pence was a traitor to his country for not calling for a Congressional audit of the election.
Trump's cult tried every audit and failed.
Then tried to send a list of fake electors.

Teabaggers will really be crying when Trump and his cult are indicted for that.
Push for Proportional Representation then. Enough people do it, the politicians won't have much choice, but it has to be a people led thing.

The people are led by fear mostly. Democrats are so scared a Republican is going to win, they lie, cheat and steal. They rig their nominations in favor of a demented old white guy.
And Republicans are so scared a democrat is going to win, so they nominate a liberal salesman.

It's called voting for the lesser of two evils. They putting blind political faith in that person. Completely ignoring all the crap he's shoved in your face and the lies he's told you.

Take Bidens supposed war on fossil fuels, for example. (just an example. So let's not get into a discussion about it. Just focus on the point.)
Biden stated he was going to end fossil fuel in the USA, right?
Did he? No.
Can he? No

But the democrats and republicans took him for his word. And they used irrelevant things like the unused oil leases and that stupid pipeline shut down as their proof.
Never mind the fact that Biden opened up those leases, only to be sued time and again by environmentalist. And never mind the fact that the Keystone Pipeline was competed under Obama. The ONLY thing that's not finished is a shortcut that would connect the same damn pipeline. And that almost none of that oil would've ever gotten to our fuel tanks, because China and Canada own it all.

So the point is, it's just lies and propaganda to get both R & D's to continue to stay loyal to the R & D's.

It's their game. And we play it by their rules. Well sorry, I choose not to play by their rules. Because the ONLY satisfaction any of us are going to get, is to vote for the winner of the election. NOT someone who's actually a good leader for "we the people."
Didn't we all? Pence was a traitor to his country for not calling for a Congressional audit of the election.
Yes, but in America, folks are given a trial, and evidence is presented. There is not mob justice.

That whole narrative about, "hang Pence," is deep state optics. That whole thing that happened, or whatever you heard that day, or what they presented in the J6 hearings was garbage.

That "gallows," that was at the protest, from what I could tell when a small woman was standing next to it? It was about four and a half feet tall, with no trap door on it, and the noose was just a rubber loop, it wasn't even a proper noose rope.

SO? It was only a protest prop.

We have no idea who started the chanting, it might have been spooks, DNC operatives, antifa, who knows? So this whole narrative of, "they wanted to hang Pence," is a garbage narrative, and it is no where in the communications or texts as far as I know. . .

It is just media optics.

I have looked to see if I can find ANYWHERE, in the indictments, for threatening the life of Pence, narrowed down to any one individual, or group, because that IS a serious crime. They have tons of footage of this incident. Where IS IT?!

And you know what? The only folks that are doing it? Are of course, those masked provocateurs that have not been charged as far as I know.

"Threatening the president of the United States is a federal felony under United States Code Title 18, Section 871.[1][2][3][4] It consists of knowingly and willfully mailing or otherwise making "any threat to take the life of, to kidnap, or to inflict great bodily harm upon the president of the United States". The law also includes presidential candidates, vice presidents, and former presidents.. . "

If this is a real narrative? I want one of these loons that are pushing, and the fake MSM that have no evidence, to find just ONE DoJ indictment, I've looked, it DOES NOT EXIST.

Don't fall for this garbage.
Ultra liberals have gotten most of their agendas. I tell you, we are living off of a fiat currency now. We need to reduce our standard of living from within and not from the politics of globalism. Trump tried to get manufacturing back here and he was destroyed by the power brokers.
Trump is and always was a lying a-hole - he grabed some great and good ideas from others - and then totally messed it up.
You should show them who's boss by not voting for anyone except trump next november. Write him in if you have to !!!!

You should vote for someone to be your boss. To lie to you and tell you retarded things like "I'm going to end fossil fuel in America." Or "we need to pass this bill because it's going to pay for everything and still reduce the deficit and bring down inflation."

Those who vote decide nothing. Those who count the votes decide everything. Just one thing in the stacked deck that you have to deal with.

Democrats promise bad government and always deliver.

Republicans promise good government but most of the time deliver the same bad government we would have got had the Democrats been elected.
More teabagger projection.

More corruption when republicans are in office.
Teabaggers love their fascist, criminals, even before the orange grifter took office.

Obama (D) – 8 yrs in office. Zero criminal indictments, zero convictions and zero prison sentences.

Bush, George W. (R) – 8 yrs in office. 16 criminal indictments. 16 convictions. 9 prison sentences.

Clinton (D) – 8 yrs in office. 2 criminal indictments. One conviction. One prison sentence.

Bush, George H. W. (R) – 4 yrs in office. One indictment. One conviction. One prison sentence.

Reagan (R) – 8 yrs in office. 26 criminal indictments. 16 convictions. 8 prison sentences.

Carter (D) – 4 yrs in office. One indictment. Zero convictions and zero prison sentences.

Ford (R) – 4 yrs in office. One indictment and one conviction. One prison sentence.

Nixon (R) – 6 yrs in office. 76 criminal indictments. 55 convictions. 15 prison sentences.

Johnson (D) – 5 yrs in office. Zero indictments. Zero convictions. Zero prison sentences.

In the last 53 years, Democrats have been in the Oval Office for 25 of those years, while Republicans held it for 28.

In their 25 yrs in office Democrats had a total of three executive branch officials indicted with one conviction and one prison sentence.

In the 28 yrs that Republicans have held office over the last 53 yrs they have had a total of, 120 criminal indictments of executive branch officials, 89 criminal convictions and 34 prison sentences handed down.
The people are led by fear mostly. Democrats are so scared a Republican is going to win, they lie, cheat and steal. They rig their nominations in favor of a demented old white guy.
And Republicans are so scared a democrat is going to win, so they nominate a liberal salesman.

It's called voting for the lesser of two evils. They putting blind political faith in that person. Completely ignoring all the crap he's shoved in your face and the lies he's told you.

Take Bidens supposed war on fossil fuels, for example. (just an example. So let's not get into a discussion about it. Just focus on the point.)
Biden stated he was going to end fossil fuel in the USA, right?
Did he? No.
Can he? No

But the democrats and republicans took him for his word. And they used irrelevant things like the unused oil leases and that stupid pipeline shut down as their proof.
Never mind the fact that Biden opened up those leases, only to be sued time and again by environmentalist. And never mind the fact that the Keystone Pipeline was competed under Obama. The ONLY thing that's not finished is a shortcut that would connect the same damn pipeline. And that almost none of that oil would've ever gotten to our fuel tanks, because China and Canada own it all.

So the point is, it's just lies and propaganda to get both R & D's to continue to stay loyal to the R & D's.

It's their game. And we play it by their rules. Well sorry, I choose not to play by their rules. Because the ONLY satisfaction any of us are going to get, is to vote for the winner of the election. NOT someone who's actually a good leader for "we the people."

Well, unless you push for a different voting system, then these are the rules.
I disagree. It’s saying our government is horrendous and must be dealt with. I hope more Americans are finally coming to this realization.

You don't think the mafia can get horrendous? Power corrupt. Absolute power corrupts absolutely.

You're a "lesser of two evils" voter, aren't you?

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