Voting. If it worked, they wouldn't let us do it

I know how I meant it. How you took it and now how you want to project that onto others is up to you.... 😄

I'm just stating facts. Facts that were presented by mostly blacks.

If all the systemic racism that you believe in were actually true, there wouldn't be so many successful blacks who claim almost verbatim what I've explained to you.
What's funny is a lot of what you claim to be true, comes from successful blacks who were only successful at race baiting/hustling. There's a market for that. There's people who will buy into that crap and donate to it.
Notice the $million$ that BLM got in donations.
And for what? All over a legit movement by illegitimate people. Con artists.
I'm just stating facts. Facts that were presented by mostly blacks.

What facts?
If all the systemic racism that you believe in were actually true, there wouldn't be so many successful blacks who claim almost verbatim what I've explained to you.
I know many successful black people personally. You aren't talking facts, you're talking opinion and the voting opinion of Black Americans accross the socio-economic spectrum is pretty clear. We reject the GOP by over 90%.
What's funny is a lot of what you claim to be true, comes from successful blacks who were only successful at race baiting/hustling. There's a market for that. There's people who will buy into that crap and donate to it.
Notice the $million$ that BLM got in donations.
And for what? All over a legit movement by illegitimate people. Con artists.
Ironically you're the bigot race hustler. 😄
I know how I meant it. How you took it and now how you want to project that onto others is up to you.... 😄

You just keep voting democrat, and let them keep minorities in the ghetto and the projects collecting their free money.

I'm not a republican and haven't voted for one (primary vote) since 2012. But one thing they do get right with me is personal responsibility. Apparently blacks folks in the hood don't care about that. They'd rather marry the government than their baby daddy.
No sir, I'm no where near the outer anything. Or fringe anything. I'm standing where fiscal and constitutional conservatives stood before the Big spending Reagan rino's came to DC. And I haven't moved hardly an inch.
The right has moved left.
Before 1970, no republican would even consider our government paying millions for things like gender studies in Pakistan or much of the other frivolous crap they pay for. Nor would they even consider borrowing more than we could honestly pay back within 1 presidential term.
This will explain it a LOT better than I can.

The Liberty Dial

Foreign aid was routinely over 3% of the federal budget during 1950-1970. In some rare instances, it jumped over 4%. This is is significant when critiquing how much we spend now, because during the 2000s till now, we've spent as low as 0.10% to up to 1+% of the federal budget each year, on foreign aid. Last year it was 0.70%. This is the reality. You should be ecstatic that we are no longer spending 3-4% of the federal budget on foreign aid like we were before 1970. Four to five times more was being spent, in fact. You've literally spent decades outraged over myths and fairytales.
Foreign aid was routinely over 3% of the federal budget during 1950-1970. In some rare instances, it jumped over 4%. This is is significant when critiquing how much we spend now, because during the 2000s till now, we've spent as low as 0.10% to up to 1+% of the federal budget each year, on foreign aid. Last year it was 0.70%. This is the reality. You should be ecstatic that we are no longer spending 3-4% of the federal budget on foreign aid like we were before 1970. Four to five times more was being spent, in fact. You've literally spent decades outraged over myths and fairytales.

You're using percentages. Throw in some actual $$$ figures and then say that.
You're using percentages. Throw in some actual $$$ figures and then say that.

Why would I do that, when that doesn't take inflation into account or how much revenue the US generated back then compared to now? Do you think the US spending a 4 billion in 1968 is worth the same in today's dollars and vice versa? What a dumb thing to say. You should be embarrassed.
Why would I do that, when that doesn't take inflation into account or how much revenue the US generated back then compared to now? Do you think the US spending a 4 billion in 1968 is worth the same in today's dollars and vice versa? What a dumb thing to say. You should be embarrassed.

That's sort of the point. Because of all the borrowing and spending the government has been doing, including all the money that Trump spent, using an actual dollar amount would show how much inflation has cost us tax payers.

40 years ago, you could retire in Mexico and live good on $1000 per month. Today, you can still do that for $1500 per month. That's only a $500 per month increase in 40 years.
$500 per month doesn't even come close to the 40yr increases here in the USA.

Our foreign aid money has increased because of the USD value has diminished. As well as the corruption involved in all that "foreign aid."
90% of the foreign aid we spend, doesn't ever reach what actually needs the aid.
That's sort of the point. Because of all the borrowing and spending the government has been doing, including all the money that Trump spent, using an actual dollar amount would show how much inflation has cost us tax payers.

40 years ago, you could retire in Mexico and live good on $1000 per month. Today, you can still do that for $1500 per month. That's only a $500 per month increase in 40 years.
$500 per month doesn't even come close to the 40yr increases here in the USA.

Our foreign aid money has increased because of the USD value has diminished. As well as the corruption involved in all that "foreign aid."
90% of the foreign aid we spend, doesn't ever reach what actually needs the aid.

The US is not mexico. No one living in a rich first world country has the same buying power in 2023 that they did in the 1960s. Get real. Even in places like Vietnam or Mexico the value of money isn't the same due to inflation. You can't land in either country with 10k today and expect to retire there, like you would in the 60s.

Foreign aid has decreased relative to how much revenue the US has generated over the years. Back before 1970 the US generated 100 billion and less a year the farther back you went, but tens of billions of todays dollars were spent on foreign aid each year during that time. The US now is generating around 3 trillion a year, and was up to 5 Trillion as of 2022, but foreign aid is still in the tens of billions a year. Usually, it's about 40 billion or less. A much lower percentage, but the amount is the same, accounting for inflation. The US is effectively spending less than it did before 1970! You've been angry your entire adult life over a simple lie you've convinced yourself is true.
The US is not mexico. No one living in a rich first world country has the same buying power in 2023 that they did in the 1960s. Get real. Even in places like Vietnam or Mexico the value of money isn't the same due to inflation. You can't land in either country with 10k today and expect to retire there, like you would in the 60s.

Who the hell is saying that inflation only exists in the USA? No one. But our monetary policy of borrowing trillions and dumping all that money into the economy ($31.5 trillion now) is something no other country is doing. And that's precisely why you can live nice on only $1500 per month in Mexico. And why it's a poverty wage here in the USA.
Who the hell is saying that inflation only exists in the USA? No one. But our monetary policy of borrowing trillions and dumping all that money into the economy ($31.5 trillion now) is something no other country is doing. And that's precisely why you can live nice on only $1500 per month in Mexico. And why it's a poverty wage here in the USA.

You'd have to live in a pretty shitty area of mexico to live "nice" on 1500 a month. But nevertheless, the reason why you can is because their economy isn't remotely on the same level as the US. Mexico is still considered third world. Look at the cost of living in any first world country with a thriving economy. It's no different than the US, it's high everywhere. It literally has nothing to do with what you claim. In any case, none of that has a thing to do with how much the US spends on foreign aid. If you want to complain they spend too much, go ahead, but the claim that they would never dream of spending so much before 1970 is just completely wrong. The US spent more money on foreign aid when they generated way less revenue before 1970. You should have been complaining then, not now.
You'd have to live in a pretty shitty area of mexico to live "nice" on 1500 a month. But nevertheless, the reason why you can is because their economy isn't remotely on the same level as the US. Mexico is still considered third world. Look at the cost of living in any first world country with a thriving economy. It's no different than the US, it's high everywhere. It literally has nothing to do with what you claim. In any case, none of that has a thing to do with how much the US spends on foreign aid. If you want to complain they spend too much, go ahead, but the claim that they would never dream of spending so much before 1970 is just completely wrong. The US spent more money on foreign aid when they generated way less revenue before 1970. You should have been complaining then, not now.

A pretty shitting area, on $1500 a month? Not at all.

Sure, there's a lot of differences between the US and Mexican culture. Especially when it comes to business. But one of the main differences is that the US has more businesses. What we don't have is enough manufacturing. This is because most companies who trade globally can't compete globally when they're having to pay their employee's $20+hr.
The USD has lost 75% of its buying power since this massive borrow and spend policy started in 1980.

We did borrow and spend quite a bit prior to 80. Those stupid wars and the equipment to fight them.
A pretty shitting area, on $1500 a month? Not at all.

Sure, there's a lot of differences between the US and Mexican culture. Especially when it comes to business. But one of the main differences is that the US has more businesses. What we don't have is enough manufacturing. This is because most companies who trade globally can't compete globally when they're having to pay their employee's $20+hr.
The USD has lost 75% of its buying power since this massive borrow and spend policy started in 1980.

We did borrow and spend quite a bit prior to 80. Those stupid wars and the equipment to fight them.

And how is buying power in Sweden, Japan, UK, Germany, and ALL first world nations? What's different in those countries? It's the same everywhere. This is what you call reality. Sweden and Germany have the lowest deficits in the world. They are very fiscally conservative. Can you buy more things with Swedish Krona and German francs? Hell no. Those countries are expensive as fuck. I have no idea where you're getting your information from.

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