Voting. If it worked, they wouldn't let us do it

Those who vote decide nothing. Those who count the votes decide everything. Just one thing in the stacked deck that you have to deal with.

Democrats promise bad government and always deliver.

Republicans promise good government but most of the time deliver the same bad government we would have got had the Democrats been elected.

And those who do vote, decide who's going to rule over you and the rest of us. If you voters would vote for decent folks, get decent nominee's and decent politicians, then those of us who don't vote, would be in the wrong.
But the fact of the matter is, since at least 1980, you voters have chosen some real losers. YOU'RE the reason why things got this bad. Not because of one party or the other. But all of y'all who voted.

BTW, I'm not saying not at least partially to blame. From the time I was 18, until 2016, I never missed a general election vote. And very few mid terms. But I can honestly say, I haven't voted for a winner since Reagan. And Reagan turned out to be a loser.

The ones in charge now, were put there by voters.
I'm not "ultra anything." I'm standing in the same exact spot, right of center, that conservatives were before the Reagan RINO's, Bush's and now Trump republicans hijacked the GOP. Back when most republicans were actually conservatives. Not the leftist republicans who just call themselves conservatives.

I'm just waiting on a conservative to vote for. And not settling for anything less. There's nothing fantastic or extraordinary about it.

What's really extraordinary about it, is how far the left the right has gone, with out them even realizing it.

I guess I'm like the old man screaming at teenagers "THAT'S NOT MUSIC."

And just as effective.
Get off your own fucking lawn!
And those who do vote, decide who's going to rule over you and the rest of us. If you voters would vote for decent folks, get decent nominee's and decent politicians, then those of us who don't vote, would be in the wrong.
But the fact of the matter is, since at least 1980, you voters have chosen some real losers. YOU'RE the reason why things got this bad. Not because of one party or the other. But all of y'all who voted.

BTW, I'm not saying not at least partially to blame. From the time I was 18, until 2016, I never missed a general election vote. And very few mid terms. But I can honestly say, I haven't voted for a winner since Reagan. And Reagan turned out to be a loser.

The ones in charge now, were put there by voters.

And non-voters
You aren't superior.
I haven't voted for 2 election cycles now. I despise liberals. And I now more than despise liberal Republicans. The left wing and the right wing are holding up the same corrupt, big spending, big anti constitution government. With ever liberal Republican administration we've had since at least Reagan, have grown the size and scope of government.
I'm a fiscal and constitutional conservative, who's without a party.
The talking point memo that was sent out decades ago, was that if you don't vote, then you can't complain. As if it's someone's civic duty to cast a vote for people you either can't support. Or write in someone's name that won't even be counted.

What a crock. It's no ones civic duty to support anyone they don't really like. It's no ones civic duty to perpetuate the problem by helping to elect someone that's not anything like what you'd support.
And I'll be darned if I'm going to be scared into voting for a lesser of two evils. That's been strategy of the R & D's for how many years now? It's a genius strategy, because it's kept them in power for over 100 years now. It's kept the country ruled by two parties with the same results. More spending, higher deficits, higher national debt, less freedoms & liberties, a worsen economy, lower USD value, higher inflation. And on and on and on.

The last time I voted, it was for one of those "lesser of two evils." And I felt like a slimeball for casting it. So I decided never to cast another vote, unless I can support at least 90% of what the candidate does (not says). I'm not looking for perfection because politicians are just people. But BY GOD, 90% of the time, they better be on my side and support the things I support. I will no longer let a politician talk me into voting for them. From now on, they've got to earn my vote.
When you vote, you're allowing someone to control your life. They own you. And you gave them permission to do so.

Carlin nails it.

Who is "they"? Anyway.. you are the victim of a prisoners' dilemma. The only way your logic works is if no one votes for the lesser of two evils. If people do vote that way then you are basically throwing away your preference. Also, anyone who looks at the two choices and doesnt see a clearly dangerous GOP shouldnt vote.
Lol. Really?

The woman in that video left out some pretty important things about the mafia. Things that prove they're not all that and a bag of chips.
Todays mafia now runs Fentanyl, heroin and other drugs that's helping this drug epidemic we have. They sell illegal guns to gangs. They help illegals get into the USA.
Good lord. The left has been so brainwashed by 1/6.
Yeah, kinda like when America was "Brainwashed' by those planes that crashed into building in NYC, DC and in a field in Pennsylvania, on 9/11.

We were all influenced by what the media showed on VIDEO.
And honestly, those who invaded the capital that day, were just as brainwashed.

This is what happens when political loyalist stop thinking for themselves and let the media and social media rot their brains.
Trump and his cult used social media to declare the election was stolen.

VIDEO of the attempted insurrection.

So............we should listen to................YOU?
The woman in that video left out some pretty important things about the mafia. Things that prove they're not all that and a bag of chips.
Todays mafia now runs Fentanyl, heroin and other drugs that's helping this drug epidemic we have. They sell illegal guns to gangs. They help illegals get into the USA.
You're stuck on arguing nothing. You had a good thread going.
And non-voters
You aren't superior.

Superior? Not in the least. We just don't have anyone we can support. Most of us are sick to death of liberals and liberal Republicans.
I live in Arkansas. My congressman and both my senators are liberal Republicans who voted for Biden's last omnibus bill and every one of Trumps.
Yeah, kinda like when America was "Brainwashed' by those planes that crashed into building in NYC, DC and in a field in Pennsylvania, on 9/11.

We were all influenced by what the media showed on VIDEO.

Trump and his cult used social media to declare the election was stolen.

VIDEO of the attempted insurrection.

So............we should listen to................YOU?
Must every post be about Trump?
Did I lose you when I pointed out how bad todays mafia was? Sorry pal, but the lesser of two evils is still evil.
Today’s Mafia is nothing. It’s not what it once was and besides, why did you chose to make the thread about the Mafia. WTF man!
Who is "they"? Anyway.. you are the victim of a prisoners' dilemma. The only way your logic works is if no one votes for the lesser of two evils. If people do vote that way then you are basically throwing away your preference. Also, anyone who looks at the two choices and doesnt see a clearly dangerous GOP shouldnt vote.

"They" is you and everyone else who's loyal to the R or D's.

If someone chooses NOT to vote because the candidates we're force fed aren't anyone that we can support with at least 90% of our beliefs, how is that throwing away our preference, when our preference would be someone who we could actually support?

My preference isn't the lesser of two evils. And I dare say yours was one that lied when he said he was going to end fossil fuels or spend $10 trillion and claim it's going to reduce the deficit and bring down inflation.
I'm not "ultra anything." I'm standing in the same exact spot, right of center, that conservatives were before the Reagan RINO's, Bush's and now Trump republicans hijacked the GOP. Back when most republicans were actually conservatives. Not the leftist republicans who just call themselves conservatives.

I'm just waiting on a conservative to vote for. And not settling for anything less. There's nothing fantastic or extraordinary about it.

What's really extraordinary about it, is how far the left the right has gone, with out them even realizing it.

I guess I'm like the old man screaming at teenagers "THAT'S NOT MUSIC."

Okay; again though what does it say about Lee and Roy that they have run as Republicans? Seems like they are accepting of the GOP as it is instead of standing on principle. And you could make the same argument for ultra libs on the left with the DNC as well.
Must every post be about Trump?
Yes, when someone post this.......#11.

"Biden said Democrats will do everything in their power to prevent Trump: "We have to demonstrate that he will not take power. But if he does run, we'll make sure he doesn't become president again."
"So the Democrats are threatening Trump with death"?

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