Voting. If it worked, they wouldn't let us do it

The woman in that video left out some pretty important things about the mafia. Things that prove they're not all that and a bag of chips.
Todays mafia now runs Fentanyl, heroin and other drugs that's helping this drug epidemic we have. They sell illegal guns to gangs. They help illegals get into the USA.
Yes yes yes, I agree with you. We get it.

The mafia she is talking about, is the mafia pre-prohibition, the old world one, that is stylized and idealized in culture. Back to Italy.

Once the mafia worked with the FBI and the State during WWII, now? They are mighty powerful. Most folks? Believe they have disappeared.

Mostly because they are in bed with the CIA and all the other Deep State organizations.

They would be awful, but mostly because of the state. They have been in bed with our intelligence agencies since J. Edgar Hoover. They kept black mail lists on a shit load of folks, they were the ones that started all this nasty business, and taught the Deep State to act like criminals in the first place.

We get it.

Do a search in my Stay Informed thread for the gemstone files post, you need not belabor the point, we get it.

Most folks don't even know that they suspect James Crosby, (former owner of Resorts International) may have been CIA, and of course, Meyer Lansky. That's how that all started with Roy Cohn. . . and, in comes, you guessed it. . . . dum dum dum, TRUMP.

I haven't voted for 2 election cycles now. I despise liberals. And I now more than despise liberal Republicans. The left wing and the right wing are holding up the same corrupt, big spending, big anti constitution government. With ever liberal Republican administration we've had since at least Reagan, have grown the size and scope of government.
I'm a fiscal and constitutional conservative, who's without a party.
The talking point memo that was sent out decades ago, was that if you don't vote, then you can't complain. As if it's someone's civic duty to cast a vote for people you either can't support. Or write in someone's name that won't even be counted.

What a crock. It's no ones civic duty to support anyone they don't really like. It's no ones civic duty to perpetuate the problem by helping to elect someone that's not anything like what you'd support.
And I'll be darned if I'm going to be scared into voting for a lesser of two evils. That's been strategy of the R & D's for how many years now? It's a genius strategy, because it's kept them in power for over 100 years now. It's kept the country ruled by two parties with the same results. More spending, higher deficits, higher national debt, less freedoms & liberties, a worsen economy, lower USD value, higher inflation. And on and on and on.

The last time I voted, it was for one of those "lesser of two evils." And I felt like a slimeball for casting it. So I decided never to cast another vote, unless I can support at least 90% of what the candidate does (not says). I'm not looking for perfection because politicians are just people. But BY GOD, 90% of the time, they better be on my side and support the things I support. I will no longer let a politician talk me into voting for them. From now on, they've got to earn my vote.
When you vote, you're allowing someone to control your life. They own you. And you gave them permission to do so.

Carlin nails it.

It's true your vote doesn't matter because the people who own the government ( and it ain't "We The People") decide for you
"They" is you and everyone else who's loyal to the R or D's.

If someone chooses NOT to vote because the candidates we're force fed aren't anyone that we can support with at least 90% of our beliefs, how is that throwing away our preference, when our preference would be someone who we could actually support?

My preference isn't the lesser of two evils. And I dare say yours was one that lied when he said he was going to end fossil fuels or spend $10 trillion and claim it's going to reduce the deficit and bring down inflation.
I guess I think of it as coming to a fork in the road in a bus. The bus is going one way or another... you may not want to go either way... but it is going down one of them, with or without your input.

Biden wasnt planning to end fossil fuel in 4 years. He was clear in that he thinks its key for our national security and the environment to rely less on fossil fuels. It's his opponents who reframed it to what you repeated. Biden has said repeatedly he wouldnt ban fracking. Litteraly you cant suggest any improvements in our energy structure without right wingers shitting themselves and posting nonsense.

Biden isnt responsible for inflation. Neither are the pubs. Its a supply and demand result of Covid arround the world and some key things like OPEC cutbacks. The right wingers want you to believe everything is simple and lie about what is happening. Its very complex and no one, not even our President, can change market forces.
Today’s Mafia is nothing.
That's not exactly true.

This is the problem with it being integrated with the intel establishment. You should have know this when we went over that gemstone file stuff. . .

It is nothing because it is protected by the NSA and the CIA. The CIA started working very closely with it during Iran Contra. Where does it end, and where do our three letter agencies and private contractors start?


The government just has the press protect all that now, I believe. When Epstein took over for Roy Cohn, and I believe, this is why, we do not have that client list, organized crime.

If the Mafia were really nothing, all this would be out in the open, IMO. . .
If you voters would vote for decent folks, get decent nominee's and decent politicians, then those of us who don't vote, would be in the wrong.
The corporations and the corporate parties decide who the voters get to choose from, to pick the candidates.

. . .and even then? If the corporate parties do not like who the voters are starting to lean towards? The media will censor, black list, and gaslight the process, till the voters are forced to choose who the elites want.

This happened to Ross Perot, Ron Paul and they out right rigged the process at the end against Bernie Sanders. It even went to court, the judge rule, the corporate owners of the parties do not have to listen to the will of the voters, they can pick anyone they like as their candidates.
Okay; again though what does it say about Lee and Roy that they have run as Republicans? Seems like they are accepting of the GOP as it is instead of standing on principle. And you could make the same argument for ultra libs on the left with the DNC as well.

One only has to look at their voting records to understand just how fiscally conservative they are. They voted against a LOT of Trump and Biden's spending. Why? Because they understand how that increases inflation and lowers the value of the USD.

Chip Roy 100%
Thomas Massie 96%
Byron Donalds 100%
Mike Lee 94%
Warren Davison 96%

There's a few. There's a few more who have more than a 90% liberty score. If don't trust the validity of these scores, you can compare them to the Liberal Republicans scores.
I guess I think of it as coming to a fork in the road in a bus. The bus is going one way or another... you may not want to go either way... but it is going down one of them, with or without your input.

Biden wasnt planning to end fossil fuel in 4 years. He was clear in that he thinks its key for our national security and the environment to rely less on fossil fuels. It's his opponents who reframed it to what you repeated. Biden has said repeatedly he wouldnt ban fracking. Litteraly you cant suggest any improvements in our energy structure without right wingers shitting themselves and posting nonsense.

Biden isnt responsible for inflation. Neither are the pubs. Its a supply and demand result of Covid arround the world and some key things like OPEC cutbacks. The right wingers want you to believe everything is simple and lie about what is happening. Its very complex and no one, not even our President, can change market forces.

You missed the entire point. Biden lied. He stated "I'm going to end fossil fuels in the USA." If he meant something else, he should've said something else. But the point is, he lied about that and other things. The same way that Trump lied.

Inflation is having too much money injected into the economy. Plain and simple. The only way you can get too much money is when the government borrows it and dumps it into the economy as it's been done at higher and higher rates since Reagan. This is why the USD has lost 75% of its buying power since Reagan.
I haven't voted for 2 election cycles now. I despise liberals. And I now more than despise liberal Republicans. The left wing and the right wing are holding up the same corrupt, big spending, big anti constitution government. With ever liberal Republican administration we've had since at least Reagan, have grown the size and scope of government.
I'm a fiscal and constitutional conservative, who's without a party.
The talking point memo that was sent out decades ago, was that if you don't vote, then you can't complain. As if it's someone's civic duty to cast a vote for people you either can't support. Or write in someone's name that won't even be counted.

What a crock. It's no ones civic duty to support anyone they don't really like. It's no ones civic duty to perpetuate the problem by helping to elect someone that's not anything like what you'd support.
And I'll be darned if I'm going to be scared into voting for a lesser of two evils. That's been strategy of the R & D's for how many years now? It's a genius strategy, because it's kept them in power for over 100 years now. It's kept the country ruled by two parties with the same results. More spending, higher deficits, higher national debt, less freedoms & liberties, a worsen economy, lower USD value, higher inflation. And on and on and on.

The last time I voted, it was for one of those "lesser of two evils." And I felt like a slimeball for casting it. So I decided never to cast another vote, unless I can support at least 90% of what the candidate does (not says). I'm not looking for perfection because politicians are just people. But BY GOD, 90% of the time, they better be on my side and support the things I support. I will no longer let a politician talk me into voting for them. From now on, they've got to earn my vote.
When you vote, you're allowing someone to control your life. They own you. And you gave them permission to do so.

Carlin nails it.

The woman in that video left out some pretty important things about the mafia. Things that prove they're not all that and a bag of chips.
Todays mafia now runs Fentanyl, heroin and other drugs that's helping this drug epidemic we have. They sell illegal guns to gangs. They help illegals get into the USA.
Yes, organized crime does this, but this activity is essential to the activities of the Deep State.

The Deep State ran these sort of operations in the fifties, sixties and early seventies in the golden triangle in southeast Asia. This is a source of revenue for clandestine operations that are off the books that nefarious actors in our own government, or associated with our own government, do not want auditors to know about.

All organized crime, and international terror operations, are nearly always connected with some national state government or NGO somewhere.
I think I even remember now, reading that this corruption has been documented to have reached up into the government of Arizona, like it has infested Mexico. It would not surprise me if it has started to corrupt towns in lower Texas by now, with the loose border controls being what they are.
I haven't voted for 2 election cycles now. I despise liberals. And I now more than despise liberal Republicans. The left wing and the right wing are holding up the same corrupt, big spending, big anti constitution government. With ever liberal Republican administration we've had since at least Reagan, have grown the size and scope of government.
I'm a fiscal and constitutional conservative, who's without a party.
The talking point memo that was sent out decades ago, was that if you don't vote, then you can't complain. As if it's someone's civic duty to cast a vote for people you either can't support. Or write in someone's name that won't even be counted.

What a crock. It's no ones civic duty to support anyone they don't really like. It's no ones civic duty to perpetuate the problem by helping to elect someone that's not anything like what you'd support.
And I'll be darned if I'm going to be scared into voting for a lesser of two evils. That's been strategy of the R & D's for how many years now? It's a genius strategy, because it's kept them in power for over 100 years now. It's kept the country ruled by two parties with the same results. More spending, higher deficits, higher national debt, less freedoms & liberties, a worsen economy, lower USD value, higher inflation. And on and on and on.

The last time I voted, it was for one of those "lesser of two evils." And I felt like a slimeball for casting it. So I decided never to cast another vote, unless I can support at least 90% of what the candidate does (not says). I'm not looking for perfection because politicians are just people. But BY GOD, 90% of the time, they better be on my side and support the things I support. I will no longer let a politician talk me into voting for them. From now on, they've got to earn my vote.
When you vote, you're allowing someone to control your life. They own you. And you gave them permission to do so.

Carlin nails it.

You Simps really do think the Constitution was written to protect the little guy, the common man against the tyranny of government don't you? 😄 Is there no propaganda you won't fall for?

The Constitution was written by aristocrats and capitalists looking to protect their business interests, the most profitable of which was slavery. Most voting was restricted to only white male land owners. Originally only the House and the President where chosen by this elite electorate, the Senators back then were chosen by the ruling class from the individual states. What protections existed were written with self interest in mind. These aristocrats wanted to make it difficult for any one of them to use the power of government against another. The checks and balances were the powerful checking the other powerful.
The corporations and the corporate parties decide who the voters get to choose from, to pick the candidates.

. . .and even then? If the corporate parties do not like who the voters are starting to lean towards? The media will censor, black list, and gaslight the process, till the voters are forced to choose who the elites want.

This happened to Ross Perot, Ron Paul and they out right rigged the process at the end against Bernie Sanders. It even went to court, the judge rule, the corporate owners of the parties do not have to listen to the will of the voters, they can pick anyone they like as their candidates.

In 2012, I was a regular at our local RNC headquarters trying to become a delegate at the national convention. Me and a few others were supporting Ron Paul (secretly) including the local chairmans secretary. Priors to the primaries midway point, a memo came down from on high from the state leadership that said (without actually saying) that the party was to back Romney. From that point on, anyone who was supporting someone other than Romney were ruled out as being a delegate for the state convention.

I had a friend who was vying for Kusinich about that time and he was done the same way by his local DNC chairman.

The corporate money rolls in for a particular candidate, essentially paying the party to push for that candidate. They then give a lot of that money to the media to help guide that candidate to the top of the list.

It's nauseating to see voters who've never even been to their local headquarters spew propaganda about how elections are ran and how nominee's are selected.
I haven't voted for 2 election cycles now. I despise liberals. And I now more than despise liberal Republicans. The left wing and the right wing are holding up the same corrupt, big spending, big anti constitution government. With ever liberal Republican administration we've had since at least Reagan, have grown the size and scope of government.
I'm a fiscal and constitutional conservative, who's without a party.
The talking point memo that was sent out decades ago, was that if you don't vote, then you can't complain. As if it's someone's civic duty to cast a vote for people you either can't support. Or write in someone's name that won't even be counted.

What a crock. It's no ones civic duty to support anyone they don't really like. It's no ones civic duty to perpetuate the problem by helping to elect someone that's not anything like what you'd support.
And I'll be darned if I'm going to be scared into voting for a lesser of two evils. That's been strategy of the R & D's for how many years now? It's a genius strategy, because it's kept them in power for over 100 years now. It's kept the country ruled by two parties with the same results. More spending, higher deficits, higher national debt, less freedoms & liberties, a worsen economy, lower USD value, higher inflation. And on and on and on.

The last time I voted, it was for one of those "lesser of two evils." And I felt like a slimeball for casting it. So I decided never to cast another vote, unless I can support at least 90% of what the candidate does (not says). I'm not looking for perfection because politicians are just people. But BY GOD, 90% of the time, they better be on my side and support the things I support. I will no longer let a politician talk me into voting for them. From now on, they've got to earn my vote.
When you vote, you're allowing someone to control your life. They own you. And you gave them permission to do so.

Carlin nails it.

The Marxist Dems and their voting machines have pretty much solidified the fact that voting has become a sham and a farce. The major problems we're currently seeing in America is the direct result of a fake "President" winning a fake "election." We only need to see the recent Arizona gubernatorial election to recognize that fact.
You Simps really do think the Constitution was written to protect the little guy, the common man against the tyranny of government don't you? 😄 Is there no propaganda you won't fall for?

The Constitution was written by aristocrats and capitalists looking to protect their business interests, the most profitable of which was slavery. Most voting was restricted to only white male land owners. Originally only the House and the President where chosen by this elite electorate, the Senators back then were chosen by the ruling class from the individual states. What protections existed were written with self interest in mind. These aristocrats wanted to make it difficult for any one of them to use the power of government against another. The checks and balances were the powerful checking the other powerful.

The constitution is what it is. And if the Federal government would just stick to the constitution, we'd all be a lot better off. Because the government would be a lot smaller. It wouldn't interfere in so much. And we'd be in a lot less wars.
You Simps really do think the Constitution was written to protect the little guy, the common man against the tyranny of government don't you? 😄 Is there no propaganda you won't fall for?

The Constitution was written by aristocrats and capitalists looking to protect their business interests, the most profitable of which was slavery. Most voting was restricted to only white male land owners. Originally only the House and the President where chosen by this elite electorate, the Senators back then were chosen by the ruling class from the individual states. What protections existed were written with self interest in mind. These aristocrats wanted to make it difficult for any one of them to use the power of government against another. The checks and balances were the powerful checking the other powerful.
Apparently ... you fell for Marx's propaganda. Can you name a successful Marxist nation without lying?

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