Voting. If it worked, they wouldn't let us do it

The Marxist Dems and their voting machines have pretty much solidified the fact that voting has become a sham and a farce. The major problems we're currently seeing in America is the direct result of a fake "President" winning a fake "election." We only need to see the recent Arizona gubernatorial election to recognize that fact.

The marxist dems aren't the only ones to blame for the mess we're in. 90% of the GOP are liberal Republicans. And have been since the 80's.

Thinking the dems are even 80% of the problem (instead of 100%) is missing the mark by at least 30%.

Two wings of the same corrupt bird.
The marxist dems aren't the only ones to blame for the mess we're in. 90% of the GOP are liberal Republicans. And have been since the 80's.

Thinking the dems are even 80% of the problem (instead of 100%) is missing the mark by at least 30%.

Two wings of the same corrupt bird.
^^^I can't dispute that fact.^^^
The constitution is what it is. And if the Federal government would just stick to the constitution, we'd all be a lot better off. Because the government would be a lot smaller. It wouldn't interfere in so much. And we'd be in a lot less wars.
Do you not know how many conflicts early American civilization was involved in. Do you even read history? 😄
Do you not know how many conflicts early American civilization was involved in. Do you even read history? 😄

That doesn't change what I said or meant. The constitution is pretty clear. The president has to get a formal declaration of war before it attacks any country first. At least it's supposed to. But now we have the NDAA, that allows any president to strike any country at will.

Conservatives are against the NDAA. Democrats and Liberal Republicans support it.
I haven't voted for 2 election cycles now. I despise liberals. And I now more than despise liberal Republicans. The left wing and the right wing are holding up the same corrupt, big spending, big anti constitution government. With ever liberal Republican administration we've had since at least Reagan, have grown the size and scope of government.
I'm a fiscal and constitutional conservative, who's without a party.
The talking point memo that was sent out decades ago, was that if you don't vote, then you can't complain. As if it's someone's civic duty to cast a vote for people you either can't support. Or write in someone's name that won't even be counted.

What a crock. It's no ones civic duty to support anyone they don't really like. It's no ones civic duty to perpetuate the problem by helping to elect someone that's not anything like what you'd support.
And I'll be darned if I'm going to be scared into voting for a lesser of two evils. That's been strategy of the R & D's for how many years now? It's a genius strategy, because it's kept them in power for over 100 years now. It's kept the country ruled by two parties with the same results. More spending, higher deficits, higher national debt, less freedoms & liberties, a worsen economy, lower USD value, higher inflation. And on and on and on.

The last time I voted, it was for one of those "lesser of two evils." And I felt like a slimeball for casting it. So I decided never to cast another vote, unless I can support at least 90% of what the candidate does (not says). I'm not looking for perfection because politicians are just people. But BY GOD, 90% of the time, they better be on my side and support the things I support. I will no longer let a politician talk me into voting for them. From now on, they've got to earn my vote.
When you vote, you're allowing someone to control your life. They own you. And you gave them permission to do so.

Carlin nails it.

The Democratic machine is also pushing people to vote who wouldn't normally vote.
Do you not know how many conflicts early American civilization was involved in. Do you even read history? 😄
I read and study history a great deal. It's why I chose to believe in the Constitution and a person's individual rights. If you understood why the American Founders signed the Declaration of Independence and penned the Constitution ... you would give up your Marxist beliefs. But, apparently, you are a product of the Public Fool System.
The Democratic machine is also pushing people to vote who wouldn't normally vote.

Agreed. I thought it was weird that the left, in 2015 was all for black power, gays and women. They were the "all inclusive party." But nominated an old straight white establishment guy with recent racists comments on his record.
Your avatar is a clenched fist which literally promotes Marxism.
Or brotherhood/black power..... is it the red and black tripping you up? I just liked the colors. In my other message board its a black and white first. You are familiar of the raised fist made popular in Black American culture aren't you? Tommie Smith, John Carlos.... any of that ringing a bell?
Or brotherhood/black power..... is it the red and black tripping you up? I just liked the colors. In my other message board its a black and white first. You are familiar of the raised fist made popular in Black American culture aren't you? Tommie Smith, John Carlos.... any of that ringing a bell?
The "Black Power" fist of the Black Panthers was a call for Communism. See ... I told you history wasn't your thing.

The raised fist, or the clenched fist, is a long-standing image of mixed meaning, often a symbol of political solidarity. It is also a common symbol of communism, socialism, and other revolutionary social movements. It can also represent a salute to express unity, strength, or resistance.

"Socialism" is a soft way of saying Communism or Marxism.
That doesn't change what I said or meant. The constitution is pretty clear.
It calls into question the accuracy of your statements.
The president has to get a formal declaration of war before it attacks any country first. At least it's supposed to. But now we have the NDAA, that allows any president to strike any country at will.

Conservatives are against the NDAA. Democrats and Liberal Republicans support it.
A quick search shows 149 Republicans in the house voted for the last one. That's another strike against the accuracy of your claims.
The "Black Power" fist of the Black Panthers was a call for Communism. See ... I told you history wasn't your thing.

"Socialism" is a soft way of saying Communism or Marxism.
Some Black Panthers called for communism, I'm not one of them and if I did support communism I certainly wouldn't have a problem expressing that support. In fact I have no problem saying honestly that I think the notion that sky daddy gave anyone an inalienable right to property its silly. That doesn't mean I don't think people shouldn't have a legal right to property but it is a recognition that your right to own property is dependent on the grace of society and not sky daddy.
Some Black Panthers called for communism, I'm not one of them and if I did support communism I certainly wouldn't have a problem expressing that support. In fact I have no problem saying honestly that I think the notion that sky daddy gave anyone an inalienable right to property its silly. That doesn't mean I don't think people shouldn't have a legal right to property but it is a recognition that your right to own property is dependent on the grace of society and not sky daddy.

The grace of society? You mean the money to buy property. Which is free market capitalism.
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Some Black Panthers called for communism, I'm not one of them and if I did support communism I certainly wouldn't have a problem expressing that support. In fact I have no problem saying honestly that I think the notion that sky daddy gave anyone an inalienable right to property its silly. That doesn't mean I don't think people shouldn't have a legal right to property but it is a recognition that your right to own property is dependent on the grace of society and not sky daddy.
Did society grant me my life? No. Life comes from something or Someone much greater than "society."

But regardless of whether you agree with Communism or not doesn't negate the fact that your avatar is widely regarded as a symbol of Marxism. I could wear a rainbow on my shirt and most people would consider me an LGBTQ+Pedo advocate. But they would be wrong. I would wear it to remind folks of God's promise that He wouldn't destroy the earth with a flood. Now I would know why I'm wearing it ... but you would completely miss my message. The same is true of the clenched fist and it's actual origin.
The grace of society? You mean the money to buy property. Which is free market capitalism.
Without society how would you be buying property? With what money and for what purpose? Purchasing property only makes sense in the context of a society.
Without society how would you be buying property? With what money and for what purpose? Purchasing property only makes sense in the context of a society.
Society couldn't care less if I buy property. It's the law that allows me to purchase property.
It calls into question the accuracy of your statements.

A quick search shows 149 Republicans in the house voted for the last one. That's another strike against the accuracy of your claims.

The NDAA still got enough GOP votes for the reauthorization to get to the president. Didn't it? They always get just enough votes for unconstitutional crap like that to pass. Same as the unconstitutional FISA (including 702) and the Patriot Act reauthorization. The ACA funding. Planned Parenthood funding. All the omnibus bills.
and so forth and so on.
Did society grant me my life? No. Life comes from something or Someone much greater than "society."
Again you display your failure with simple logic. I didn't say society granted you your life. Is that what you read because if so you might be dyslexic. I said the right to own property does not come from an imaginary sky daddy. The thing your life comes from is called biology and whether or not it is greater than society is more debatable today than any previous point in history.
But regardless of whether you agree with Communism or not doesn't negate the fact that your avatar is widely regarded as a symbol of Marxism.

I don't care what you regard it as. How you feel about isn't something I give much thought to and now when I do what comes to mind is amusement.
I could wear a rainbow on my shirt and most people would consider me an LGBTQ+Pedo advocate. But they would be wrong.
Who would care? 😄
I would wear it to remind folks of God's promise that He wouldn't destroy the earth with a flood. Now I would know why I'm wearing it ... but you would completely miss my message. The same is true of the clenched fist and it's actual origin.
Then it isn't much of a message is it? Why you came here to brag to me that you could message ineffectively is beyond me but thanks for that. 😄

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