Voting. If it worked, they wouldn't let us do it

There's a difference between a Republican and a Conservative.
Trump.... a Republican who only identifies as a conservative.
Thomas Massie, Mike Lee, Chip Roy...... Actual conservatives.
There's conservative, and now there's magaturds. Magaturds are neither republican nor conservative, but a hybrid populism movement of shrieking harpys more resembling today's left extremism, though magaturds might smell slightly better.
Is it the nihilism that influences you to speak in cliches? I don't think I deserve to be governed by a society dominated in a culture of white supremacy but here I am.
The voters never hold their elected officials accountable. So the politicians are encouraged to make promises they never intend to keep.

And as you keep voting for "the lesser of two evils", what you end up with are more and more evil politicians.

Only about one third of voters vote in the primaries. The whackos and psychos vote and decide which two evils we have to choose from in the general election.

So, yeah. We get the politicians we deserve.
The voters never hold their elected officials accountable. So the politicians are encouraged to make promises they never intend to keep.

And as you keep voting for "the lesser of two evils", what you end up with are more and more evil politicians.

Only about one third of voters vote in the primaries. The whackos and psychos vote and decide which two evils we have to choose from in the general election.

So, yeah. We get the politicians we deserve.
I vote in the primaries. Evil isn't real. Clichés are meanigless drivel. I might prefer a better candidate than Biden but a choice between someone who is going to ignore the issues of black and minorities voters opposed to one who wants to demigod and promote bigotry and racism are clear distinctions for me. One is preferable to the other. Ignoring that fact does me nothing.
There's conservative, and now there's magaturds. Magaturds are neither republican nor conservative, but a hybrid populism movement of shrieking harpys more resembling today's left extremism, though magaturds might smell slightly better.

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Evil doesn't exist. This is the system we have. Political nihilism isn't going to change it.

See, now you're just trying to argue. You know what he means by "evil." And yet you're trying to correct his terminology.
That's one of the reasons why the voters can't come together and agree on anything.
The thinks they have to correct everything the right does. And the right does the same thing.

Like a bunch of children.
I haven't voted for 2 election cycles now. I despise liberals. And I now more than despise liberal Republicans. The left wing and the right wing are holding up the same corrupt, big spending, big anti constitution government. With ever liberal Republican administration we've had since at least Reagan, have grown the size and scope of government.
I'm a fiscal and constitutional conservative, who's without a party.
The talking point memo that was sent out decades ago, was that if you don't vote, then you can't complain. As if it's someone's civic duty to cast a vote for people you either can't support. Or write in someone's name that won't even be counted.

What a crock. It's no ones civic duty to support anyone they don't really like. It's no ones civic duty to perpetuate the problem by helping to elect someone that's not anything like what you'd support.
And I'll be darned if I'm going to be scared into voting for a lesser of two evils. That's been strategy of the R & D's for how many years now? It's a genius strategy, because it's kept them in power for over 100 years now. It's kept the country ruled by two parties with the same results. More spending, higher deficits, higher national debt, less freedoms & liberties, a worsen economy, lower USD value, higher inflation. And on and on and on.

The last time I voted, it was for one of those "lesser of two evils." And I felt like a slimeball for casting it. So I decided never to cast another vote, unless I can support at least 90% of what the candidate does (not says). I'm not looking for perfection because politicians are just people. But BY GOD, 90% of the time, they better be on my side and support the things I support. I will no longer let a politician talk me into voting for them. From now on, they've got to earn my vote.
When you vote, you're allowing someone to control your life. They own you. And you gave them permission to do so.

Carlin nails it.

Yep we elect mainly based on thirty second spots on TV. Not a great way to make an informed decision. Money for spots rule the election. I am much more comfortable voting in local elections. In local elections most the time I actually know the people running. Uphill now that is, I recently moved. Don't know the local politicians. Not likely to either. All I do now is hunt, fish and sleep. Unless I run into them in the woods or on the lake prolly not going to meet them.
You missed the entire point. Biden lied. He stated "I'm going to end fossil fuels in the USA." If he meant something else, he should've said something else. But the point is, he lied about that and other things. The same way that Trump lied.

Inflation is having too much money injected into the economy. Plain and simple. The only way you can get too much money is when the government borrows it and dumps it into the economy as it's been done at higher and higher rates since Reagan. This is why the USD has lost 75% of its buying power since Reagan.
Youre really not attempting here. Biden didn’t lie. There is enough volume of his quotes for you that you don’t have to pin him down on an offhanded remark he made to a climate advocate who thought he was too easy on oil. That simple quote had no timeline, no policy, no roadmap. Everything he has laid out has been consistent. He is not an advocate of oil subsidies to the most profitable industry in America… I don’t blame him. But oil industry is flourishing under Biden.

You are dead wrong on inflation. It is all supply side. Not demand. Look at the GDP which is demand.. it is where it should be. No money inflation.. just supply.
The voters never hold their elected officials accountable. So the politicians are encouraged to make promises they never intend to keep.

And as you keep voting for "the lesser of two evils", what you end up with are more and more evil politicians.

Only about one third of voters vote in the primaries. The whackos and psychos vote and decide which two evils we have to choose from in the general election.

So, yeah. We get the politicians we deserve.

And then the voters have the nerve to blame people like me who have stopped voting for the lesser of any evils, as if our one vote would've changed the outcome of the election.
No matter who wins the election, the government still wins.
Yep we elect mainly based on thirty second spots on TV. Not a great way to make an informed decision. Money for spots rule the election. I am much more comfortable voting in local elections. In local elections most the time I actually know the people running. Uphill now that is, I recently moved. Don't know the local politicians. Not likely to either. All I do now is hunt, fish and sleep. Unless I run into them in the woods or on the lake prolly not going to meet them.

I'm new here too. But everyone I've met seem to be happy with the way things are. So I just let them decide the last 2. I do know that 90% of them were unopposed. So they must be doing something good. It's a nice little community (since they got rid of the city police) I hear they had a few officers who tried to make the city budget just on traffic tickets.
Youre really not attempting here. Biden didn’t lie. There is enough volume of his quotes for you that you don’t have to pin him down on an offhanded remark he made to a climate advocate who thought he was too easy on oil. That simple quote had no timeline, no policy, no roadmap. Everything he has laid out has been consistent. He is not an advocate of oil subsidies to the most profitable industry in America… I don’t blame him. But oil industry is flourishing under Biden.

You are dead wrong on inflation. It is all supply side. Not demand. Look at the GDP which is demand.. it is where it should be. No money inflation.. just supply.

Drilling is back up to Trump levels. So yeah, he lied. The oil leases have opened back up. So yeah, he lied. He helped the oil companies get record profits. So yeah, he lied. And just watch for the oil subsidy report when it comes out. It'll be in the billions. So yeah, he lied.
See, now you're just trying to argue. You know what he means by "evil." And yet you're trying to correct his terminology.
No. I honestly don't know what he means by evil.
That's one of the reasons why the voters can't come together and agree on anything.

People disagree, welcome to humanity.
The thinks they have to correct everything the right does. And the right does the same thing.

Like a bunch of children.
When you speak in such childish generalities I don't know what you mean. I have plenty of criticism for the left and right but no patience for nihilism.
I'm new here too. But everyone I've met seem to be happy with the way things are. So I just let them decide the last 2. I do know that 90% of them were unopposed. So they must be doing something good. It's a nice little community (since they got rid of the city police) I hear they had a few officers who tried to make the city budget just on traffic tickets.
I live in a tourist trap. The police are pretty mellow. They want the place to be inviting. That tourist dollar rules around here. During season the area is filled with the wealthy. No real theft problems around here. Most the people running around can buy ya and sell ya hundred times over. Lol, no need to steal. The worst the police have to deal with is a drunk and disorder. Hotel taxes more than pay the bills around here. The cops here are almost PR people. Ya, to say people are happy around here is an understatement. Lol, they don't need my two cents to run things.

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