Voting Republican this term may end up changing the US Constitution to help the Far Right ideas

6Are you saying Trump voters and supporters are not human. Are you saying that trumps supporters are not Trumpism‘s main stream political base and they are not a heaping majority of white evangelical Christians including right wing Catholics who wanted Roe v. Wade overturned for 50 years?

Trumpism has become an uncivil religion deeply connected with Christianity overwhelmingly driven by capitalism, regionalism and politics.

[ What will Elon Musk do?]

CLF's newest spot against Democratic Rep. Kim Schrier opens with black-and-white footage of the congresswoman being sworn in by the speaker as members of Schrier's family stand by, though Schrier and Pelosi are shown in color. After bemoaning the state of the economy, the narrator declares, "While we suffer, Schrier voted with Nancy Pelosi to spend more and raise taxes." The second portion of the commercial touts Republican Matt Larkin as "a check on Biden and Pelosi."

Pelosi has been a favorite target for Republicans at least as far back as 2006, when the GOP made a video portraying the then-minority leader as "Darth Nancy." Republicans have since ditched the Star Wars-themed ads, but Pelosi very much remains a central figure in their attacks: Last week, the Washington Post reported that, since Labor Day, Republicans had spent $37 million on commercials invoking Pelosi. Democrats, by contrast, had deployed a far smaller $8 million on spots linking Republicans to Donald Trump.

CLF's lack of reticence is unsurprising: Political violence inspired by right-wing incitement has failed to dissuade Republicans from using dangerous rhetoric about Pelosi in the past. Indeed, they stuck to their strategy of demonizing the speaker even after Jan. 6, when multiple armed rioters specifically sought her out during the assault on the Capitol, calling out her name in much the same way Paul Pelosi's attacker is reported to have. CLF's new spot in Washington shows that Republicans aren't letting up now, so we're almost certain to see a continued escalation during the final full week of the campaign.

  • We learned that David Depape, the man who attacked Paul Pelosi had a hit list with the Speaker’s name included on it.
By day’s end charges had been filed against Depape by both federal and state prosecutors. The federal complaint includes the 18 USC 115 assault charge we discussed the day the attack occurred, and also an attempted kidnapping charge, with Speaker Pelosi as the intended victim. The attempted kidnapping charge was supported by DePape’s confession when he was interviewed after the attack that, “he was going to hold Nancy hostage and talk to her.” Attempted kidnapping carries a penalty of up to 20 years in custody.

Meantime, Neither Donald Trump nor the official GOP Twitter account have condemned the attack. A few Republicans have, but still others, with louder voices, have tried to link it to general criticisms of rising crime under Democrats (which isn’t true) or worse. Elon Musk notably retweeted some of that worse; a false insinuation from the Santa Monica Observer, a paper known for spreading fake news and conspiracy theories of the rankest sort. The story offers the writers opinion that Paul Pelosi was involved in a sex scandal—an opinion that is faulty for multiple reasons and apparent on even a quick read of the original story. Musk was forced to take the tweet down, but hasn’t publicly said it’s false. Ditto, Texas Senator Ted Cruz who should know better than to repeat this kind of garbage, but apparently doesn’t.

I miss the Republican party pre-Trump. A party whose policies I frequently disagreed with but whose leaders I often liked and respected. We need leadership in both parties in this country who will urge Americans to take a deep breath and help the country walk back from the political violence that feels increasingly imminent. Whatever measured statements might issue from Mitch McConnell and a handful of other Republicans, they lack the sustained force to return their party to one that believes in free and fair election and lawful competition of ideas for the votes of American citizens. Nor have they served to unequivocally condemn criminally violent acts like the assault on Mr. Pelosi.

Sometimes a politician inadvertently use language that conjures a violent image. “We need to fight hard in this election” comes to mind. But that’s not what I’m talking about here. The message from some corners of the Republican Party is overtly violent and targeted at Democrats. If it’s just poorly chosen language, they should step up to acknowledge their error and encourage people who support them to disavow violence. That isn’t happening. Instead, this from GOP Rep Tom Emmer from Minnesota, posted on October 26. Emmer is a part of the House’s Republican leadership, serving as Chairman of the National Republican Congressional Committee in the last two Congresses.

[There is no bottom to Republican Christian Evangelical perversion. Actually, some even "convert Jews" after they are dead. Imagine Evangelicals in total power in the US. What else will they come up with? ]

The Republican nominee for Congress in Texas’ 7th district is a self-proclaimed history buff, but his take on Anne Frank is not one that most historians would endorse.

Johnny Teague, an evangelical pastor and business owner who won the district’s primary in March, in 2020 published “The Lost Diary of Anne Frank,” a novel imagining the famous Jewish Holocaust victim’s final days in the Auschwitz and Bergen-Belsen concentration camps as she might have written them in her diary.

The kicker: In Teague’s telling, Frank seems to embrace Christianity just before she is murdered by the Nazis.

Published by Las Vegas-based publisher Histria Books, the speculative book attempts to faithfully extend the writing style of Frank’s “original” diary entries into her experiences in the camps: it “picks up where her original journey left off,” according to the promotional summary. Teague claims to have interviewed Holocaust survivors and visited the Anne Frank House, multiple concentration camps and the major Holocaust museums in Washington, D.C., and Israel as part of his research.

“I would love to learn more about Jesus and all He faced in His dear life as a Jewish teacher,” Teague’s Anne Frank character muses at one point, saying that her dad had tried to get her a copy of the New Testament. Anne’s father Otto Frank, who in real life did survive the Holocaust, seems to have been spared a tragic fate in Teague’s telling because of his interest in learning about Jesus.

Later, Anne does learn about Jesus through other means, reciting psalms and expressing sympathy for Jesus’ plight.

By book’s end, Anne is firm in her belief that “every Jewish man or woman should ask” questions like “Where is the Messiah? … Did He come already, and we didn’t recognize Him?”

Teague, responding to a query from the Jewish Telegraphic Agency after the story’s initial publication, said his book had been “misrepresented” and that it shows Frank “relating her suffering to the historic persecution by Egypt, Haman, Assyria, Rome and others — all horrific facts of how the precious Jewish people have been attacked for so many centuries.”

Teague said he based Frank’s interpretation of Jesus off of a reference in her original diary to her father wanting her and her sister Margot “to be exposed to the New Testament and the life of Jesus” and, “As she made those entries in her own hand, I could not pretend that the thoughts, lessons, or questions of Jesus never crossed her mind afterward.” He also said he included Jesus because “when the Jewish people were suffering so much torment and suffering, it is impossible to imagine them not contemplating in their turmoil the longing for a Messiah to rescue them.”

While Teague’s version of Frank doesn’t explicitly indicate she wants to convert to Christianity, she makes many comments praising Christians she meets in the concentration camp, noting of one woman, “What I love about her is her faith in God and her faith in Jesus.” Later, Frank says, “I am seeing a stark difference in some of the Christians here, as opposed to the others… It seems Christians are more willing to die than the rest of us.”

Teague says such passages don’t necessarily represent a full conversion to Christianity. “Do I think Anne Frank became a Christian? No one can know what spiritual decisions or conclusions people make in a time of tragedy and persecution,” Teague continued. “This book does not indicate either way.”

He added, “We must stand with the Jewish people and for them.”

Teague also claims in his candidate biography that he “has been affiliated with” the Association for Jewish Studies, the academic membership organization devoted to Jewish studies. Teague’s Anne Frank book appears on a 2021 AJS list of books by its own members, under the author name “Johnny Mark Teague.” AJS did not return requests for comment.

The candidate’s top issues on his website include “Close the Border,” “Eliminate Property Taxes” and his belief that fossil fuels are divinely ordained: “If you believe in a Creator and that everything is here for a purpose, then you have to realize that fossil fuels are not an accident. At the very beginning of time, God knew we would need automation and industry, so in His Wisdom, He gave us the fuels that we would need.”

It’s common for evangelical Christians to engage in proselytizing, including toward Jews, and surveys have indicated that nearly half of American adults believe the country should be “a Christian nation.” But the size and scope of Teague’s efforts to undermine Anne Frank’s Judaism in his book is unusual even in such circles.

The Houston-area district Teague is running in has a Democratic incumbent. It was redrawn in 2020 but is still heavily favored to elect a Democrat.

This is the second time Teague has secured the Republican nomination for a Congressional district in Texas. He previously ran in the state’s ninth district in 2020, where he only received 21% of the vote in the general election. The election was held two days after “The Lost Diary of Anne Frank” was published.

Update (11/1/22): This story has been updated with comment from Johnny Teague.

There is no bottom to Republican Christian Evangelical perversion.

That from the side that is now going after young children, grooming them toward homosexuality, transsexuality, and other insane and immoral sexual perversions.
That from the side that is now going after young children, grooming them toward homosexuality, transsexuality, and other insane and immoral sexual perversions.
[Democrats are not doing any such thing.
Be religious all you like, believe all you like the way you want to believe it.

Homosexuality exists. It has always existed, no "grooming" required.

Animals also experience homosexual tendencies. The Catholic Church and others do not want to accept it and leave it alone, it should not take away from animals and humans from being what god and nature made them.

When you can disprove that god made many animals and Humans homosexual, transsexual, etc, get back to me.]

Same-sex behaviour ranging from co-parenting to sex has been observed in over 1,000 species with likely many more as researchers begin to look for the behaviour explicitly. Homosexuality is widespread, with bisexuality even more prevalent across species.May 2, 2019

Scientists explore the evolution of animal homosexuality
[Do you wish to go after all of these animals and destroy them, as well?]


Main article: List of mammals displaying homosexual behavior
Selected mammals from the full list


Main article: List of birds displaying homosexual behavior
Selected birds from the full list


Arctic grayling (Thymallus arcticus) leaping for a fly fisherman's bait. Research going back to the 1950s has shown both male and female graylings exhibit homosexual behavior.[45]

[ Roberts, Thomas, doing the wrong thing with the power they have. Ethics should be introduced to the SCOTUS ]

Chief Justice John Roberts on Tuesday put a temporary hold on the handover of former President Donald Trump's tax returns to a congressional committee.

Roberts' order gives the Supreme Court time to weigh the legal issues in Trump's emergency appeal to the high court, filed Monday.

Without court intervention, the tax returns could have been provided as early as Thursday by the Treasury Department to the Democratic-controlled House Ways and Means Committee.

Roberts gave the committee until Nov. 10 to respond. The chief justice handles emergency appeals from the nation's capital, where the fight over Trump's taxes has been going on since 2019.

Lower courts ruled that the committee has broad authority to obtain tax returns and rejected Trump’s claims that it was overstepping.

If Trump can persuade the nation’s highest court to intervene in this case, he could potentially delay a final decision until the start of the next Congress in January. If Republicans recapture control of the House in the fall election, they could drop the records request.

The temporary delay imposed by Roberts is the third such order issued by justices in recent days in cases related to Trump.

Seriously ding , you think anti-abortion Christians at Trump’s rallies are not morons?

Here’s an opening prayer at a Rewaken America rally:

"Father God, we’re asking you to open the eyes of President Trump’s understanding that … he will know how to implement divine intervention, that you will surround him with none of this Deep State trash, none of this RINO trash … in the name of Jesus.”
Seriously ding , you think anti-abortion Christians at Trump’s rallies are not morons?

Here’s an opening prayer at a Rewaken America rally:

"Father God, we’re asking you to open the eyes of President Trump’s understanding that … he will know how to implement divine intervention, that you will surround him with none of this Deep State trash, none of this RINO trash … in the name of Jesus.”
I think abortion is a human issue.

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