Voting Republican this term may end up changing the US Constitution to help the Far Right ideas

That was much better.
Critical thinking is the practice of challenging what one does believe to test its validity.
NFBW: You should test the viability of your uncritical thinking that science is behind the political activism and advocacy for the right of states with white Christian legislative majorities to ban a medical procedure that has nothing to do with any public interest whatsoever or protecting civil rights of any born or naturalized American citizen or visitor to this great nation of ours.

There is no serious consideration or understanding that white Christians are not behind every state, since Dobbs, that bans abortion any sooner than Roe v Wade set viability for the unborn, fifty years ago.

There is no ‘science’ that has produced tested scientific evidence based upon human critical thinking that state lawmakers and public government authorities must have the power to ban a medical procedure based upon the political preferences of a majority of voters in their jurisdiction any more than ‘science’ supported the practice of burning or drowning women to determine if they were or were not a witch.

The point that banning the medical procedure of abortion being a God driven governmental legal decision has been no better expressed here than by Papageorgio

PapaG221024-#397 “I am a fiscal conservative and a social moderate, I have stated it many times and I am against abortion, it is a wrong decision and women should be told tne mental and physical aspects so they can make an informed decision, but I can’t decide what other people do with their lives, that is between them and their god.
NFBW: I Would add that any person deciding to terminate her own unwanted pregnancy is between them and their god or no god because we expect that we have freedom of conscience in this nation as founded as well as a right to privacy in the comfort of our own homes and dictir’s offices.
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Abortion is a human issue.
NFBW: Isn’t everything humans do a human issue? It’s why I am rational theist as were five of our first six presidents making them more comfortable and compatible with secular humanism and enlightenment philosophies than they were with any revealed and organized religion witnessed in their era.

Humans created both religion and science, the good that comes from it and the bad, so I don’t know what you are driving at with abortion being a human issue. Seems a bit redundant to say that, don’t you think?

Here are some of your words of wisdom on the matter from previous conversations.

NFBW220723-#3,822 “One for the actualized human being, the other for the latent and potential human.”​
ding220723-#3,823 “A child in the womb is not a latent or potential human being. It is a human being in the earliest stages of the human life cycle which begins after fertilization and ends at death. Every stage along the continuum is fully human and has the appropriate human characteristics for that stage of the human life cycle. Learn some science.”​
END 220723-#3823

NFBW: Take note that your reply did not address my use of the qualification of an actualized human being having the distinction of being different in characteristics than the “latent and potential human” organism while it’s being nursed in the womb of it’s mother to which it is by nature attached.

ding210222-#4 “Modern science was born in the Catholic Church” . . . . The Church humanized the West by insisting on the sacredness of all human life”​
ding210222-#4 “Religion provides answers to the origin questions. Religion promotes the virtues of thankfulness, forgiveness, humility, chastity, temperance, charity, diligence, patience and kindness. Religion creates wonderful charities and organizations. Religious persons and institutions are usually the first source of literacy, education, and healthcare in the poorer regions. Religion has been the source of abundant human services from hospitals, orphanages, nursing homes, and schools, to advocacy on behalf of those with no voice, to supporting cultural outreaches, and seeking always to find ways in which to protect and promote human life and its authentic flourishing. Religion gave us the concept of subsidiarity. Religion has done what no government can ever do, namely teach morality and civility. Religion teaches accountability and responsibility. Religion teaches that we have a choice in how we behave. Religion teaches that actions have consequences. Religion inspires a sense of wonder in nature and the universe. Religion helps us feel connected to one another and to nature. Religion helps us feel less alone in the world. Religion serves to ennoble the human spirit. Religion serves to bind the community together. Religion inspires love, peace and happiness. Religion serves to create traditions. Religion brings order to our lives. Religion brings comfort to the terminally ill. Religion can act as a source of hope for the oppressed. Religion teaches that we can transform ourselves. Christian values were the foundation which Western Civilization was built upon. No other institution played a greater role in shaping Western Civilization than the Catholic Church. Modern science was born in the Catholic Church. Catholic priests developed the idea of free-market. The Catholic Church invented the university. Western law grew out of Church canon law. The Church humanized the West by insisting on the sacredness of all human life. The Church constantly sought to alleviate the evils of slavery and repeatedly denounced the mass enslavement of conquered populations and the infamous slave trade, thereby undermining slavery at its sources. Religion gave us great thinkers, leaders and humanitarians. Religion gave us America. Religion gave us incredible artwork. Religion gave us incredible music. Religion gave us incredible architecture. Christianity has spread democracy. Christians fought other Christians in WWII to end their aggression. Christians rebuilt Europe and Japan after WWII.”​

NFBW: And now you argue that religion has nothing to do with white Christian voters demands that their state government must ban a medical procedure they oppose because they are in the majority in their state and they want it banned.

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[ The Endless, absolutely endless attempts of Republicans and their followers to dehumanize Democrats, Republicans and Independents who do not follow their beliefs. All to gain power. Power for what? To take other people's Rights away from them. These Republicans basically believe in Pagan ideas, and are projecting them onto all others. It Must Stop !!!! This is not different from accusing Democrats of trafficking children and many other absurd allegations ]

The Republican Senate nominee in New Hampshire shared at a Thursday event the hoax claim that children are being told they can identify as anthropomorphic cats and use litter boxes in schools.

Don Bolduc, a retired Army brigadier general who is challenging Democratic Sen. Maggie Hassan, made the comments while speaking to supporters in North Hampton, according to audio obtained by CNN’s KFile from an attendee. The claim, which has occasionally been cited by some Republican politicians, has been repeatedly debunked.

“Guess what? We have furries and fuzzies in classrooms,” Bolduc told the crowd. “They lick themselves, they’re cats. When they don’t like something, they hiss – people walk down the hallway and jump out,” he said, as a hissing sound could be heard.

“And get this, get this,” he continued. “They’re putting litter boxes, right? Litter boxes for that. … These are the same people that are concerned about spreading germs. Yet they let children lick themselves and then touch everything. And they’re starting to lick each other.”

“I wish I was making it up,” concluded Bolduc. “I honestly wish it was a ‘Saturday Night Live’ skit.”

Bolduc made similar comments on a radio show earlier Thursday. His campaign did not respond to requests for comment.

Inside Elections rates Bolduc’s race against Hassan as Tilt Democratic.

Furries are a subculture that sometimes involves people dressing up as anthropomorphic animal characters and attending conventions. The unfounded internet rumor has been repeatedly denied by various school officials who have had to continuously dispute the false claims.

A handful of Republican officials across the country have continued to cite the false claims about children identifying as cats or using litter boxes in schools, including gubernatorial nominees Scott Jensen of Minnesota and Heidi Ganahl of Colorado recently.

The claim reportedly originated from a community member at a local school board meeting last year and has since spread across the internet. It has been repeatedly shot down by fact-checkers from major news outlets as false. The bizarre conspiracy has spread so much that it even has its own dedicated Wikipedia page.

An ally of white nationalists; a former CEO and conspiracy theorist who tried to convince Donald Trump to use the National Guard to seize voting machines after the 2020 election; an Ohio math teacher who claims he discovered an algorithm showing that virtually every county in the United States was hacked to prevent Trump’s reelection two years ago—these are people with whom Republican secretary of state candidates have forged alliances.

Mark Finchem, Jim Marchant, and Kristina Karamo, each an election denialist and a GOP contender for secretary of state in, respectively, Arizona, Nevada, and Michigan, were scheduled to appear October 29 at a self-described “Florida Election Integrity Conference 2.0” in Orlando. Also on the bill: other proponents of Trump’s Big Lie that the election was stolen from him. The event, one in a series of such conferences being mounted by 2020 truthers across the country, shows how these Republican candidates are closely tied to right-wing extremism. The previous conference in this series, held in New Mexico, was moderated by Lara Logan, the past CBS News reporter who has recently been mouthing bonkers QAnon-ish claims that a Satanic global cabal of elitists is kidnapping hundreds of thousands of children to drink their blood. (She has been booted off Fox News and Newsmax for her conspiracy-driven ravings.)

The Florida event is moderated by Carolyn Ryan, who works for Real America’s Voice, a conservative network that broadcasts Steve Bannon’s daily show and has promoted QAnon material. Scheduled speakers at the conference—in addition to the three Republican secretary of state candidates—include Laura Loomer, Patrick Byrne, and Douglas Frank, each a luminary in the 2020 truther movement.

In August, Loomer, who describes herself as a “proud Islamaphobe,” narrowly lost a Republican primary contest for a House seat. She had previously declared, “I’m a really big supporter of the Christian nationalist movement,” and “I’m going to fight for Christians, I’m going to fight for white people, I’m going to fight for nationalist movements.” She has also proclaimed, “I love Nick Fuentes,” referring to one of the nation’s leading antisemitic white nationalists, called this racist an “ally,” and agreed to speak at one of his conferences. After losing that GOP congressional primary, Loomer insisted she was the victim of election fraud—yes, another conspiracy theory—and called on MAGA Republicans to not vote for the Republican candidate who defeated her.

(full article online)

Obama is anti Israel.
Only a few Republicans have condemned the attack on Pelosi. Where is the Party of Family and Values?
Lost in the quagmire of lies and deceits that it does not know how to return to normal, anymore?

Will they ever?
[ Voting in 2016 would have kept all of these guys in the place where they were and should never have left. Away from normal people ]

That was much better. See?

Abortion is a human issue.
Are you saying Trump voters and supporters are not human. Are you saying that trumps supporters are not Trumpism‘s main stream political base and they are not a heaping majority of white evangelical Christians including right wing Catholics who wanted Roe v. Wade overturned for 50 years?

Trumpism has become an uncivil religion deeply connected with Christianity overwhelmingly driven by capitalism, regionalism and politics.

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