Voting Republican this term may end up changing the US Constitution to help the Far Right ideas

Why would any one accept

ding220815-#4,843 Every embryology textbook teaches that new genetically distinct human beings come into existence IMMEDIATELY after fertilization. That's the science. Viability apart from its mother plays no role in that determination.

NFBW: You say viability apart from its mother plays no role in the determination that new genetically distinct human beings come into existence IMMEDIATELY after fertilization. You are an excellent propagandist with your use of language but a loser when it comes to telling the truth.

Of course viability plays no role in that determination. But just because a new genetically distinct human beings comes into existence IMMEDIATELY after fertilization it led not mean the new distinct human being is a person who’s rights supercede the rights of the mother until it reaches a stage of viability outside the womb.

Still tl/dr
[ If this is what many Republicans choose to remember about J6, then any lies coming from the Republican leaders and others will always mean nothing to them, and so will the country (mean nothing, that is) Power over Country ]

The canvassers in California's Shasta County in September wore reflective orange vests and official-looking badges that read “Voter Taskforce.” Four residents said they mistook them for government officials.

But the door knockers didn't explain where to vote or promote a candidate, the usual work of canvassers ahead of a big election.

Instead, they grilled residents on their voting history and who lived in their homes, probing questions that might have violated state laws on intimidation and harassment, according to the county's chief election official.

At one house, they interrogated a couple about the whereabouts of their adult daughter. At another, they listed names of registered voters and demanded to know if they still lived at the address.

The incidents highlight how a once-routine staple of American elections -- door-to-door canvassing -- has been adopted by former U.S. President Donald Trump's supporters since the 2020 election to prove his baseless claims of voter fraud, or potentially disenfranchise voters by stoking doubts about voter registration books.

Screen capture from video of Republican nominee for governor of Pennsylvania, Doug Mastriano, acting in the anti-abortion movie 'Operation Resist.' (YouTube. Used in accordance with Clause 27a of the Copyright Law)
Screen capture from video of Republican nominee for governor of Pennsylvania, Doug Mastriano, acting in the anti-abortion movie 'Operation Resist.' (YouTube. Used in accordance with Clause 27a of the Copyright Law)

JTA — Doug Mastriano, the Republican nominee for governor in the US state of Pennsylvania who has drawn scrutiny for his association with antisemites, acted in a 2019 film about the rescue of Jews that has drawn criticism from Holocaust scholars — and from its Jewish star — for Holocaust distortions.
The New Yorker and The Washington Post this week both reported on “Operation Resist,” which purports to depict the rescue of Dutch Jews by American spies. Mastriano plays an American spy and also helped finance the movie.

The film, which is fiction, operates from a thesis that abortion and gun control pave a path to Nazi-like control.

It begins with an effort by US liberals in the present day to remove Holocaust education from a school board curriculum, then flashes back to the rescue of a Dutch Jewish girl, Miriam.

At the end, the film returns to the present, in which a Holocaust survivor who attends a meeting of the school board explains that Miriam is his sister, and uses her experience to decry abortion, gun control and government overreach.

(full article online)

Democracy is on the ballot Nov. 8.
And we believe that means a vote for Democrats Mandela Barnes for U.S. Senate and Tony Evers for governor.

Their Republican opponents, incumbent Sen. Ron Johnson and businessman Tim Michels, continue to cast doubt on the 2020 election, and both have fudged on whether they will accept the outcome of the 2022 vote. A commitment to basic democratic principles is a threshold neither passes, and their willingness to cavalierly ignore longtime norms of democracy is dangerous.

(full article online)

At a time when the airwaves and Internet teem with opinions, our statewide editorial board limits what it says.

We rarely endorse candidates.

Our rare editorial opinions focus on issues where the public recognizes our expertise or special duty — we defend the First Amendment, public records and public access to government meetings, to open and honest government.

We highlight government corruption and ensure that minority rights and viewpoints are respected by the majority.

Above all, our editorials defend our democratic republic — where citizens remain in charge.

Given what’s at stake for American democracy on Nov. 8, and the consistent disregard some representatives have shown for democratic norms, we are obligated to speak up.

Sen. Ron Johnson’s reckless conspiracy mongering, stretching of the truth, unwillingness to accept election results and obeisance to the Trumpist right should disqualify him from public office, the USA TODAY NETWORK-Wisconsin editorial board believes.

Editorial: Election deceiver, science fabulist, billionaire benefactor. After 12 years, it's time to term-limit Ron Johnson

Opinion: I'm a lifelong Republican but sometimes party loyalty asks too much. I'm voting for Mandela Barnes and Tony Evers

With Wisconsin politics once again in the crosshairs of a broader national debate, here’s our bottom line: No politician who refuses to accept valid election results or continues without evidence to question the 2020 election deserves the support of citizens who believe in self-government and the Constitution.

(full article online)


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