
Apparently they had logistics problems and couldn't move the illegals fast enough to other states to vote repeatedly. It is called leveraging the vote. Being inefficient caused this because when they got there the polls were closed already.

These kinds of lies are what we should be voting AGAINST people.Get out there and make it happen

Voting against is a ridiculous situation. I want to be able to vote for who I want to represent me. The current situation is horrible.

. I want to be able to vote for who I want to represent me

Who is stopping you?

The political system stops many, MANY people.

If you look at Germany, they have 6 parties in parliament. The US has two. The difference is how people vote.

If one person from Berlin votes for Party A in Germany and another person in a village near Stuttgart votes for Party A then Party A has two votes.

In the US is a person from New York votes for Party A and a person in San Francisco votes for Party A, then Party A gets nothing.

The United States has 27 recognized political parties. As long as you are outside of California you may vote for any of them you like.

In California you may only vote for democrats of course.
These kinds of lies are what we should be voting AGAINST people.Get out there and make it happen

Voting against is a ridiculous situation. I want to be able to vote for who I want to represent me. The current situation is horrible.

. I want to be able to vote for who I want to represent me

Who is stopping you?

The political system stops many, MANY people.

If you look at Germany, they have 6 parties in parliament. The US has two. The difference is how people vote.

If one person from Berlin votes for Party A in Germany and another person in a village near Stuttgart votes for Party A then Party A has two votes.

In the US is a person from New York votes for Party A and a person in San Francisco votes for Party A, then Party A gets nothing.

Nor should they. We don't vote on a national level. You vote for representation in your district, which means you vote does count.

No, your vote doesn't count.

If you vote for someone in FPTP and they don't win, you're screwed. Your vote is worthless.

Now, I'm going to show you 2017 German Federal election. Why? Because they have FPTP (US style) and PR at the same time.

It's not a perfect example because people KNOW when they vote FPTP that their PR vote is much more important, so they don't have the fear that exists in US elections. But still.

The CDU/CSU gained 37.2% of the votes with FPTP and gained 231 seats out of 299 seats. That's like 77% of the seats.

The SPD gained 24.6% of the votes and 59 seats, that's like 20% of the seats.

The AfD gained 11.5% of the votes and 3 seats, or 1% of the seats.

The FDP gained 7% of the votes and 0 seats, that's 0% of the seats obviously.

Die Linke gained 8.6% of the votes and 5 seats or 1.66% of the seats.

The Greens gained 8% of the votes and 1 seat or 0.33%

Now, for me there's something inherently wrong here. The representation in the Bundestag would bot represent what the people actually wanted. How do you gain 7% of the votes and get told you can't get represented?

Or 8% of the people gain only 0.33% of the power.

Literally the bottom 4 parties make up 35.1% of the votes and get 9 seats, which is 3% of the vote. That's literally you vote for these parties, your vote is only worth 1/10th what it should be.

You vote CDU/CSU and your vote is worth more than double.

It makes no sense.

What's even worse is that 12.6% of people wanted to vote AfD but only 11.5% actually did in FPTP.
10.7% of people wanted to vote FDP and yet only 7% did.
9.2% wanted to vote for die Linke, 8.6% did.
8.9% of people wanted to vote for the Greens, 8% did.

So, that's 6.3% of the people who wanted to vote for these 4 parties and yet changed their votes. For other smaller parties too the whole figure means the main two parties lost about 8% of the vote. That's a lot of people who felt they could not vote for the party of their choice.

If we move this over to the US, you're looking at about 33% - 50% of the people who would NOT vote Democrat or Republican if they ACTUALLY HAD THE CHOICE.

Now, you can try and ignore everything I've said by saying the usual crap like "but this is the system" or "but your vote does count" or whatever. But the reality is NO, your vote DOES NOT COUNT in many cases. People who live in strongholds will not get represented if they vote for anyone else. Because there's no chance to win.

You grasp that Germany is about the size of the state of California, right sploogy? How much does a vote in Madrid influence who rules in Berlin?

If you don't like it here, you can move to Germany.

Oh wait, they don't have the lax laws you demand of the Americans, you have zero chance at citizenship and any children you have will NOT be German citizens...
I am a progressive in a toss up house district where the dem is a little behind in the polls, and I am still not voting for them. Sucks, but the democrats are so depressing and she is so establishment DNC in her everything that I have absolutely no idea how she would help my district. Her mailers are all negative attacks on her opponent; despite her claims to listen to the people she has never responded to any tweets by regular people, and she had made it crystal clear that her end of the district is the only place that really matters to her. She is so ugh there is no way I can vote for her.
That's just stupid

My vote to do with as I wish. She isn't getting it and that is that. Your opinion about it does not matter.
I am a progressive in a toss up house district where the dem is a little behind in the polls, and I am still not voting for them. Sucks, but the democrats are so depressing and she is so establishment DNC in her everything that I have absolutely no idea how she would help my district. Her mailers are all negative attacks on her opponent; despite her claims to listen to the people she has never responded to any tweets by regular people, and she had made it crystal clear that her end of the district is the only place that really matters to her. She is so ugh there is no way I can vote for her.
That's just stupid

So voting is only good if you agree with who they choose?
MATTERS people.

EVERY vote counts.

Trump won in 2016 because of a mere 80,000 votes spread across three states...out of 160 MILLION.

If you need further illustration about how important every vote is, consider this.

The Virginia legislature was until this year Republican and they were blocking Medicaid expansion to tens of thousands of Virginians.

In 2017 the legislature flipped from Republican to Dem by one seat. And that seat was won by ONE vote.

Because of that ONE vote...tens of thousands of people got healthcare

Every vote matters
/——/ By one vote those people got screwed, blued and tattooed on their healthcare.
Democrats strongly believe in often / as many times / in as many locations as possible, in felons voting, in illegals voting, in pets voting, in the dead voting, in....

Democrats strongly believe in often / as many times / in as many locations as possible, in felons voting, in illegals voting, in pets voting, in the dead voting, in....


Awwww, you poor little snowflake.
The red wave seems more real now after all the charades and obstructing Democrat leaders have done last two years.
Do you understand?

Can you see the desperation?

Trumpers don't WANT you to vote.

They KNOW that when people vote in large numbers...they LOSE

When Americans vote - Trump wins.

And I am not sure if you have noticed the trend, but Trump wins.

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