
MATTERS people.

EVERY vote counts.

Trump won in 2016 because of a mere 80,000 votes spread across three states...out of 160 MILLION.

If you need further illustration about how important every vote is, consider this.

The Virginia legislature was until this year Republican and they were blocking Medicaid expansion to tens of thousands of Virginians.

In 2017 the legislature flipped from Republican to Dem by one seat. And that seat was won by ONE vote.

Because of that ONE vote...tens of thousands of people got healthcare

Every vote matters

Actually no, every vote doesn't count because the US doesn't have proportional representation.

I've voted quite a few times knowing my vote doesn't count for anything.
does an army protect a nation?


maybe not

short sighted much?
Of course, it does, but the government does not protect individuals with a military. That is the responsibility of local authorities and even then, when you have only seconds the police are minutes away.

People are better served by being the very first line of defense of self, family, and home.

We, as a nation, would have much more control over our own lives if the taxes collected actually went into those programs and responsibilities that government is authorized to do. When that money is lost due to frivolous spending on programs designed for getting votes and maintaining political power -- programs that are not in the purview of government responsibility -- then we end up with unfair and excessive taxation for very little representation.

Put the government back into its box; cut the spending. Then talk to Me about taxation.

What is this?
"I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will faithfully execute the Office of President of the United States, and will to the best of my Ability, preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States."

HOW does a POTUS protect & the defend The Constitution & what is ONE of those responsibilities?

To 'protect' the American people.

WHY ARE YOU so stupid?
wow. Really? You're that fucking stuipid?

The oath of office is to faithfully defend the Consitution of the United States. This means America as a whole, not any one individual. Good God, but aren't you tired of embarrassing yourself in this thread yet?

EVERY POTUS in my life time has stated it is their function to protect the American people.

It is the function to defend America on the world stage. Get a grip. We have local law enforcement authorities for that, and in many states, they don't even have to do that.

Learn to stand for yourself, protect yourself, and more importantly, live your life for yourself. Stop depending on the government for your happiness.

Have a nice day.

My happiness, as you state, and the FACT THAT OTHER NATIONS have nukes pointed at your shitty head are TWO different realities, bro.
MATTERS people.

EVERY vote counts.

Trump won in 2016 because of a mere 80,000 votes spread across three states...out of 160 MILLION.

If you need further illustration about how important every vote is, consider this.

The Virginia legislature was until this year Republican and they were blocking Medicaid expansion to tens of thousands of Virginians.

In 2017 the legislature flipped from Republican to Dem by one seat. And that seat was won by ONE vote.

Because of that ONE vote...tens of thousands of people got healthcare

Every vote matters

I live in a Communist country. I don't think they actually count votes and just declare victories as the party desires. California sucks. But I still went through the farce of voting, even knowing that there is zero chance for honest results.
Apparently they had logistics problems and couldn't move the illegals fast enough to other states to vote repeatedly. It is called leveraging the vote. Being inefficient caused this because when they got there the polls were closed already.

These kinds of lies are what we should be voting AGAINST people.Get out there and make it happen

Voting against is a ridiculous situation. I want to be able to vote for who I want to represent me. The current situation is horrible.
MATTERS people.

EVERY vote counts.

Trump won in 2016 because of a mere 80,000 votes spread across three states...out of 160 MILLION.

If you need further illustration about how important every vote is, consider this.

The Virginia legislature was until this year Republican and they were blocking Medicaid expansion to tens of thousands of Virginians.

In 2017 the legislature flipped from Republican to Dem by one seat. And that seat was won by ONE vote.

Because of that ONE vote...tens of thousands of people got healthcare

Every vote matters

I live in a Communist country. I don't think they actually count votes and just declare victories as the party desires. California sucks. But I still went through the farce of voting, even knowing that there is zero chance for honest results.

Good; you should STAY commie & keep voting GOP
MATTERS people.

EVERY vote counts.

Trump won in 2016 because of a mere 80,000 votes spread across three states...out of 160 MILLION.

If you need further illustration about how important every vote is, consider this.

The Virginia legislature was until this year Republican and they were blocking Medicaid expansion to tens of thousands of Virginians.

In 2017 the legislature flipped from Republican to Dem by one seat. And that seat was won by ONE vote.

Because of that ONE vote...tens of thousands of people got healthcare

Every vote matters

I live in a Communist country. I don't think they actually count votes and just declare victories as the party desires. California sucks. But I still went through the farce of voting, even knowing that there is zero chance for honest results.

Good; you should STAY commie & keep voting GOP

Commies are leftists, not righties.
After the last election, we learned how many Americans were clueless enough to vote for Trump.

On Wednesday, we'll know how many Americans are willing to vote against their most basic interests, despite the absolute certainty that they know they're doing it and they understand what will happen to them if Republican majorities are maintained.

If the Republicans do manage to maintain their majority in the coming election, the next two years will strip the middle class of most, if not all, of the gains they've made since FDR's New Deal. The Republicans have come right out and admitted it.

Forget any pragmatic healthcare law, we'll be facing the repeal of such things as the minimum wage, voting rights, equality under the law, as well as the elevation of the corporate "person" and the 1% of wealth-holders to the status of "Super Citizens."

Despite these radical potentialities, loss of access to affordable healthcare is going to hit the middle class, committed Republican base particularly hard. They are at or approaching the age where diseases appear suddenly, and with a vengeance. Cancer, diabetes, heart problems, the various dementias, and a host of other very serious maladies emerge in late middle age. It's also not out of the realm of realistic possibility that the Republicans will make medical debts nondischargeable via bankruptcy.

In short — on Tuesday, November 6th, 2018, Americans will choose a future that will either reaffirm the stake of the middle class in the American experiment, or we will see the Republicans absolutely destroy the core of the base who voted for them.

If that happens, make no mistake — they will cement their place as the ruling class in America, legislatively first, and then by edict. They will make damned sure that the middle class will not be able to reemerge and return to to the position of political power the middle class once held.

Is THAT really what you want America? Why would you shoot yourself in the foot to vote for thieves?

Why did all those people commit suicide for Jim Jones? Why did all those Germans blindly believe in Hitler?

Unintelligent/uneducated/desperate people are relatively easy to con COMPLETELY into believing and doing almost anything.

Trumpbots are little different.

I just hope Trump does not ask them to do anything violent to others when he almost inevitably loses in 2020. I also just hope that Trump does not deliberately start a war in 2020 just to stay in power (since during war - sitting POTUS's have never lost an election).

Unintelligent/uneducated/desperate people are relatively easy to con COMPLETELY into believing and doing almost anything.

Yeah, Hope & Change was groovy.
MATTERS people.

EVERY vote counts.

Trump won in 2016 because of a mere 80,000 votes spread across three states...out of 160 MILLION.

If you need further illustration about how important every vote is, consider this.

The Virginia legislature was until this year Republican and they were blocking Medicaid expansion to tens of thousands of Virginians.

In 2017 the legislature flipped from Republican to Dem by one seat. And that seat was won by ONE vote.

Because of that ONE vote...tens of thousands of people got healthcare

Every vote matters

I live in a Communist country. I don't think they actually count votes and just declare victories as the party desires. California sucks. But I still went through the farce of voting, even knowing that there is zero chance for honest results.

Good; you should STAY commie & keep voting GOP

Commies are leftists, not righties.

Caddo is extremely stupid.

It's why he's a leftist.

Russians were commies & Trump got a bump in his ass during the election from the Russians.

Does that make Trump a commie, or a Russian?

Ask Donny Jr.
MATTERS people.

EVERY vote counts.

Trump won in 2016 because of a mere 80,000 votes spread across three states...out of 160 MILLION.

If you need further illustration about how important every vote is, consider this.

The Virginia legislature was until this year Republican and they were blocking Medicaid expansion to tens of thousands of Virginians.

In 2017 the legislature flipped from Republican to Dem by one seat. And that seat was won by ONE vote.

Because of that ONE vote...tens of thousands of people got healthcare

Every vote matters

I live in a Communist country. I don't think they actually count votes and just declare victories as the party desires. California sucks. But I still went through the farce of voting, even knowing that there is zero chance for honest results.

Good; you should STAY commie & keep voting GOP

Commies are leftists, not righties.

Caddo is extremely stupid.

It's why he's a leftist.

Russians were commies & Trump got a bump in his ass during the election from the Russians.

Does that make Trump a commie, or a Russian?

Ask Donny Jr.


You know that by the dossier Hillary bought from the Kremlin, right sploogy... :rofl:
MATTERS people.

EVERY vote counts.

Trump won in 2016 because of a mere 80,000 votes spread across three states...out of 160 MILLION.

If you need further illustration about how important every vote is, consider this.

The Virginia legislature was until this year Republican and they were blocking Medicaid expansion to tens of thousands of Virginians.

In 2017 the legislature flipped from Republican to Dem by one seat. And that seat was won by ONE vote.

Because of that ONE vote...tens of thousands of people got healthcare

Every vote matters

I live in a Communist country. I don't think they actually count votes and just declare victories as the party desires. California sucks. But I still went through the farce of voting, even knowing that there is zero chance for honest results.

Good; you should STAY commie & keep voting GOP

Commies are leftists, not righties.

Caddo is extremely stupid.

It's why he's a leftist.

He probably never bothered to look into who the US Communist Party supported the last three presidential elections....... and Bernie Sanders as well.
Democrats believe that women are going to punish Republicans over Kavanaugh. Now that we know the accusations were Democrat lies, those women may well punish Democrats for bringing them.

It was a grave miscalculation on their part. They easily forgot that women are married to men, have male children, and a male parent.

I credit the Kavanaugh thing to early voting favoring Republicans. Usually early voting favors Democrats. But I think people were just so pissed off they could't wait to vote Republican just to show Democrats we are not as gullible as they take us for.
Oh; you think arrogance is a good thing? LOL
You obviously believe it's a positive character trait.

No; arrogance is to be reviled.

Arrogance is a character trait of Republicans; period.

So you want us to revile you?
Yeah, but the best I can do is to pity him.

I require NO pity like Republicans do.

what were you saying about arrogance again?
Apparently they had logistics problems and couldn't move the illegals fast enough to other states to vote repeatedly. It is called leveraging the vote. Being inefficient caused this because when they got there the polls were closed already.

These kinds of lies are what we should be voting AGAINST people.Get out there and make it happen

Voting against is a ridiculous situation. I want to be able to vote for who I want to represent me. The current situation is horrible.

. I want to be able to vote for who I want to represent me

Who is stopping you?
Deleted 8 posts.

stay on topic, drop the personal insults

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