VP Biden to Teamsters: If You Vote Republican, 'Don't Come to Me...You're On Your Own


Diamond Member
Jul 11, 2004
Well well..we told ya this administration wasn't a President and Vp to ALL the people in this country. and how bout all that "Civility"?:eusa_whistle:

July 05, 2011 2:23 PM

PrintRSSShare:EmailMoreFarkTechnoratiGoogleLiveMy SpaceNewsvineRedditDeliciousMixxYahooAt the Paris Las Vegas Hotel on Friday, Vice President Biden addressed a convention of the International Teamsters, telling the union members to vote Democratic next year.
"And don't any of you, by the way, any of you guys vote Republican,” the garrulous Vice President started to say, after which he caught himself. “I'm not supposed to say, this isn't political, I'm not supposed to say this.”

The crowd cheered him on.

“Guys!” Biden continued. “Let me put it this way! Don't come to me if you do! You're on your own, Jack!"

At another point, the Vice President told the crowd, "Your logo is a horse's head. Theirs should be the horse's other end.”

The vice president’s message was clear: he and the president stand with organized labor, while the Republicans seek to undermine their achievements.

"Look at Wisconsin, Ohio, Indiana, Missouri, Iowa, Florida, Pennsylvania. Did you ever think in 2011 you would be fighting for the right to work for less again?” asked the vice president. “What in God's name did any organized labor union do to the collapse of this economy?”

from with comments.
VP Biden to Teamsters: If You Vote Republican, 'Don't Come to Me...You're On Your Own, Jack!' - Political Punch
Thing is Biden won't know who voted for whom will he?

It's just more political theater and class warfare

Same shit different asshole.
Well well..we told ya this administration wasn't a President and Vp to ALL the people in this country. and how bout all that "Civility"?:eusa_whistle:

July 05, 2011 2:23 PM

PrintRSSShare:EmailMoreFarkTechnoratiGoogleLiveMy SpaceNewsvineRedditDeliciousMixxYahooAt the Paris Las Vegas Hotel on Friday, Vice President Biden addressed a convention of the International Teamsters, telling the union members to vote Democratic next year.
"And don't any of you, by the way, any of you guys vote Republican,” the garrulous Vice President started to say, after which he caught himself. “I'm not supposed to say, this isn't political, I'm not supposed to say this.”

The crowd cheered him on.

“Guys!” Biden continued. “Let me put it this way! Don't come to me if you do! You're on your own, Jack!"

At another point, the Vice President told the crowd, "Your logo is a horse's head. Theirs should be the horse's other end.”

The vice president’s message was clear: he and the president stand with organized labor, while the Republicans seek to undermine their achievements.

"Look at Wisconsin, Ohio, Indiana, Missouri, Iowa, Florida, Pennsylvania. Did you ever think in 2011 you would be fighting for the right to work for less again?” asked the vice president. “What in God's name did any organized labor union do to the collapse of this economy?”

from with comments.
VP Biden to Teamsters: If You Vote Republican, 'Don't Come to Me...You're On Your Own, Jack!' - Political Punch

Now I'm sure there is at least one pro-union Republican out there BUT, for the most part you vote Republican you vote against unions. The Republican party is in lock step way better than the other party.

Do you disagree?
Ah, I love Biden. I want him to be my dad.

If the unions don't come out for Obama in 2012 (doorknocking, funds, etc.) he's saying, Don't come to me for help.
Well well..we told ya this administration wasn't a President and Vp to ALL the people in this country. and how bout all that "Civility"?:eusa_whistle:

July 05, 2011 2:23 PM

PrintRSSShare:EmailMoreFarkTechnoratiGoogleLiveMy SpaceNewsvineRedditDeliciousMixxYahooAt the Paris Las Vegas Hotel on Friday, Vice President Biden addressed a convention of the International Teamsters, telling the union members to vote Democratic next year.
"And don't any of you, by the way, any of you guys vote Republican,” the garrulous Vice President started to say, after which he caught himself. “I'm not supposed to say, this isn't political, I'm not supposed to say this.”

The crowd cheered him on.

“Guys!” Biden continued. “Let me put it this way! Don't come to me if you do! You're on your own, Jack!"

At another point, the Vice President told the crowd, "Your logo is a horse's head. Theirs should be the horse's other end.”

The vice president’s message was clear: he and the president stand with organized labor, while the Republicans seek to undermine their achievements.

"Look at Wisconsin, Ohio, Indiana, Missouri, Iowa, Florida, Pennsylvania. Did you ever think in 2011 you would be fighting for the right to work for less again?” asked the vice president. “What in God's name did any organized labor union do to the collapse of this economy?”

from with comments.
VP Biden to Teamsters: If You Vote Republican, 'Don't Come to Me...You're On Your Own, Jack!' - Political Punch

This is the same guy who said: "You cannot go to a 7-11 or a Dunkin' Donuts unless you have a slight Indian accent."

He also said: "The No. 1 job facing the middle class happens to be a three letter word: J-O-B-S, jobs."

And this: "When the stock market crashed, FDR got on TV ..."

Only Obama is keeping this sparkling intellect from being the most powerful man in the world.

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