VP Biden's Son Joins Ukraine Gas Company...


Platinum Member
Oct 7, 2011
This is why our young men & women are sent to die in Godforsaken Hellholes all over the World. It's time for Americans to understand what our aggressive Foreign Interventionist policies are really about. The VP and his spoiled kid are gonna get very rich off this one. Just follow the money people. Follow the money.

The youngest son of U.S. Vice President Joe Biden, Hunter Biden, has been appointed head of legal affairs at Ukraine's largest private gas producer — a move he said would benefit Ukrainians and the country's economy.

In a statement published Monday on its website, Burisma Holdings announced Hunter Biden would join its board of directors and head the company's legal unit.

"As a new member of the board, I believe that my assistance in consulting the company on matters of transparency, corporate governance and responsibility, international expansion and other priorities will contribute to the economy and benefit the people of Ukraine," Hunter Biden said in the statement.

Burisma owns several Ukrainian oil and gas companies, including Esko Pivnich and Pari, Lenta.ru reported Tuesday. The company also has assets in Ukraine's Dnepr-Donetsk, the Carpathian and the Azov-Kuvan basins.

Burisma produced 11,600 barrels of oil equivalent, or boe, in 2013 and was planning to increase its production in Ukraine by 35-40 percent in 2014, U.S. financier and member of the board of directors Devon Archer told newspaper Capital in late April.

Hunter's father, as U.S. Vice President, has repeatedly rebuked Russia for its reported involvement in Ukraine and has pledged to support efforts to reduce its dependency on Russian energy.

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Ya had to know there was something up with this intervention. I did anyway. It's all about the cash. Always is.
They are so freaking brazen. That whole family should be in jail. I'm not sure if I want to laugh my ass off or bazooka barf.

This is why our kids are sent to die. And you're right, they are freaking brazen. They know they'll get away with it. They own the American Media too. It's an awful Government/Media Complex at this point.
Thankfully the Bidens aren't Republicans

Ain't that right, ProgDuppes?

Oh, i suspect they'll be pretty quiet about this one. Don't expect mention of it on CNN and NBC. It's Democrat Evil. So it's all good. ;)
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They are so freaking brazen. That whole family should be in jail. I'm not sure if I want to laugh my ass off or bazooka barf.

This is why our kids are sent to die. And you're right, they are freaking brazen. They know they'll get away with it. They own the American Media too. It's an awful Government/Media Complex at this point.

The wildest thing for me is I started off seriously left wing campaigning for Pierre Elliot Trudeau. You name it. I did it. I marched at Berkley I partied at the Whiskey. I was a Ryerson journalism student. You really don't get much farther left.:D

Somewhere in the middle of all my partying I realized I was being used. And it's not that I swung right. It's that I could handle and not without great effort trying to find truth as to how our politics and our lives are run.

Fast forward to now.

I don't know where the next day is headed but I'm worried. I'm just not getting how people can follow along like an ass with a carrot in front of him to turn the wheel round and round.

I just don't get it. And frankly, I'm glad I don't.
Anytime pauli, td, crusader, and I are in agreement on the same thing, everyone else should begin with "hmmm"? perhaps "I should read this closely without my political blinders on."

Yeah, it's very disturbing. It shouldn't matter which Political Party you belong to. It just doesn't seem right.
Americans kids die so the Globalist Elites can get richer. Happens all the time. But hopefully, more Americans are waking up to this sad reality.
Anytime pauli, td, crusader, and I are in agreement on the same thing, everyone else should begin with "hmmm"? perhaps "I should read this closely without my political blinders on."

I know we are out here. I guess we are fringe. Oh cripes. I'm too old to be fringe :lol:
They are so freaking brazen. That whole family should be in jail. I'm not sure if I want to laugh my ass off or bazooka barf.

This is why our kids are sent to die. And you're right, they are freaking brazen. They know they'll get away with it. They own the American Media too. It's an awful Government/Media Complex at this point.

The wildest thing for me is I started off seriously left wing campaigning for Pierre Elliot Trudeau. You name it. I did it. I marched at Berkley I partied at the Whiskey. I was a Ryerson journalism student. You really don't get much farther left.:D

Somewhere in the middle of all my partying I realized I was being used. And it's not that I swung right. It's that I could handle and not without great effort trying to find truth as to how our politics and our lives are run.

Fast forward to now.

I don't know where the next day is headed but I'm worried. I'm just not getting how people can follow along like an ass with a carrot in front of him to turn the wheel round and round.

I just don't get it. And frankly, I'm glad I don't.

It's hard for most to grasp what's going on. They're busy surviving their daily lives. And the American Government/Media Complex is incredibly effective keeping them in the dark. Only a handful of large powerful Corporations control all Media in this country. And of course they're joined at the hip with Government. They control the message. It is very sad but i think more Americans are waking up. I'm actually optimistic. But i do hear what you're saying. It can be very frustrating.
I actually try to keep my activism off of USMB. I spend all my spare hours which are great in the dead of winter at minus 50 C invested in "projects".

Over the years I've been a serious kick ass water revolutionist and pissed off as hell this last year that we still can't feed Africa unless the food comes in a box and I'm really about to go nuts on this.

Try seed. It grows food. That's going to be my new mantra. Paulitician keep up the good fight.

I believe in Ron. I believe in Rand. They are not perfect. I don't expect them to be. But I'm glad they are out there.
The youngest son of U.S. Vice President Joe Biden, Hunter Biden, has been appointed head of legal affairs at Ukraine's largest private gas producer — a move he said would benefit Ukrainians and the country's economy.

Talk about bad optics!
This is why our kids are sent to die. And you're right, they are freaking brazen. They know they'll get away with it. They own the American Media too. It's an awful Government/Media Complex at this point.

The wildest thing for me is I started off seriously left wing campaigning for Pierre Elliot Trudeau. You name it. I did it. I marched at Berkley I partied at the Whiskey. I was a Ryerson journalism student. You really don't get much farther left.:D

Somewhere in the middle of all my partying I realized I was being used. And it's not that I swung right. It's that I could handle and not without great effort trying to find truth as to how our politics and our lives are run.

Fast forward to now.

I don't know where the next day is headed but I'm worried. I'm just not getting how people can follow along like an ass with a carrot in front of him to turn the wheel round and round.

I just don't get it. And frankly, I'm glad I don't.

It's hard for most to grasp what's going on. They're busy surviving their daily lives. And the American Government/Media Complex is incredibly effective keeping them in the dark. Only a handful of large powerful Corporations control all Media in this country. And of course they're joined at the hip with Government. They control the message. It is very sad but i think more Americans are waking up. I'm actually optimistic. But i do hear what you're saying. It can be very frustrating.

I don't know who is out there today.

I don't know who could be a Jerry or an Abbie now. It's like the world is upside down. No one even wants to admit anymore that it was LBJ and the Democrats we rioted against.

So they twist history. And children today think Vietnam was Nixon. Instead of Haliburton and LBJ.

Cripes we could go on forever. I took a huge hit with a billy club and the calcium scar is still on my pretty little head from that day at a protest march when a young man hit me with his baton.

Fast forward from Vietnam. Now all the lies about the Ukraine. When does it end?
I actually try to keep my activism off of USMB. I spend all my spare hours which are great in the dead of winter at minus 50 C invested in "projects".

Over the years I've been a serious kick ass water revolutionist and pissed off as hell this last year that we still can't feed Africa unless the food comes in a box and I'm really about to go nuts on this.

Try seed. It grows food. That's going to be my new mantra. Paulitician keep up the good fight.

I believe in Ron. I believe in Rand. They are not perfect. I don't expect them to be. But I'm glad they are out there.

Well said. Thanks.
The youngest son of U.S. Vice President Joe Biden, Hunter Biden, has been appointed head of legal affairs at Ukraine's largest private gas producer — a move he said would benefit Ukrainians and the country's economy.

Talk about bad optics!

It's all about the Cash. That's all this intervention is about. People are deluding themselves if they think it's about 'Freedom and Democracy' for Ukrainians. Biden and his kid will get richer, while at the same time forcing American Taxpayers to spend several $Billion over there. That's the ugly reality.
If gas/oil is so bad, did he turn down the appointment?

when will liberals lead by example?
If gas/oil is so bad, did he turn down the appointment?

when will liberals lead by example?

Biden and his kid are gonna make a whole lot of cash off this one. But i'm even more disturbed with the fact our Government is gonna force American Taxpayers to spend several $Billion over there. For what reason? To help more Globalist Elites get richer? It's criminal.

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