VP Biden's Son Joins Ukraine Gas Company...

Ya had to know there was something up with this intervention. I did anyway. It's all about the cash. Always is.
Remember GI Joe's younger house-building brother James and Iraq?

"David Richter, the president of Hill International (HIL), a mid-sized outfit that manages construction projects, was speaking (2012) last year at a private meeting with investors when he was asked about the recent success of his newest subsidiary, HillStone International.

"How was it that HillStone, a newcomer in the business of home building, landed a massive and potentially lucrative contract to build 100,000 homes in war-torn Iraq?

"Richter didn’t mince words. It really helps, he said, to have 'the brother of the vice president as a partner,' according to a person who was present.

The 'brother' Richter was referring to during the meeting is James Biden, the younger brother of Vice President Joe Biden."

IMHO, Ralph Nader has had a lot of good ideas over the years, and one of his best was his call for parasites like Biden and his brood to be the first ones into combat whenever this country goes to war.

The Ties that Biden | Fox Business
Bazooka barf

How can any democrat hold their head up today? I'm thinking Abbie and Jerry and the way we put pedal to the metal and rocked and rolled and made the government come to their knees baby.

What has happened to all the people I knew? This is why I have left the left. They suck the governments cock. Oh boy that's not a nice way to put it.

I guess there really is no nice way to put it. They are on their knees blowing every day.

But that's crass. I'd like to think of a different way to put it.
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What is this discussion about? First the right-wing was so pissed off at Obama for not sending the US military into Crimea, and now you're all butthurt because rich Joe Biden's rich son got a rich job with some rich company? Do you people even know why you hate the government so much?
What is this discussion about? First the right-wing was so pissed off at Obama for not sending the US military into Crimea, and now you're all butthurt because rich Joe Biden's rich son got a rich job with some rich company? Do you people even know why you hate the government so much?
To me it's the fact that V.P. Biden is complicit in the USEPA's rampant campaign to destroy our hydrocarbon industries here at home, while his progeny gets paid to increase hydrocarbon production elsewhere.
When Russia takes over what's left of Ukraine maybe president Putin will even let Biden' s son stay.
Look at the Reids, Pelosi, Feinstein, so what? They use government to make tens of millions, what's the big deal?
Bazooka barf

How can any democrat hold their head up today? I'm thinking Abbie and Jerry and the way we put pedal to the metal and rocked and rolled and made the government come to their knees baby.

What has happened to all the people I knew? This is why I have left the left. They suck the governments cock. Oh boy that's not a nice way to put it.

I guess there really is no nice way to put it. They are on their knees blowing every day.

But that's crass. I'd like to think of a different way to put it.
I remember when we thought America was about the ballot, not the bullet.
Then came JFK, RFK, MLK, and Malcolm.
The Left got scared and left the house.
What is this discussion about? First the right-wing was so pissed off at Obama for not sending the US military into Crimea, and now you're all butthurt because rich Joe Biden's rich son got a rich job with some rich company? Do you people even know why you hate the government so much?

I'm a right-winger and i do not support intervention in Ukraine. American Taxpayers shouldn't be forced to spend $Billions over there just so Globalist Elite assholes like Biden & his son can get richer. To hell with em.
Look at the Reids, Pelosi, Feinstein, so what? They use government to make tens of millions, what's the big deal?

Sadly, that is the sentiment from many. Biden and his spoiled kid will get richer while average Americans go broke. It's time for Americans to seriously contemplate what these interventions are really about.
This is the hypocrisy of the left.

The left's silence tells us all we need to know.

It's safe to say there will be no ranting & raving about this travesty on CNN or NBC. But that's our corrupt MSM for ya. Waddayagonnado?
This is the hypocrisy of the left.

The left's silence tells us all we need to know.

It's safe to say there will be no ranting & raving about this travesty on CNN or NBC. But that's our corrupt MSM for ya. Waddayagonnado?
Stop choosing between Republican OR Democrat when casting your ballot in House and Senate races, especially if your ballot already offers Third Party candidates.
FLUSH the DC Toilet and FIRE the second shot heard 'round the world!
Fossil fuel ain't so bad if the V.P.'s family is making a buck.


We even have a Kerry Heinz connection.

Because he's the vice-president's son! That's a coincidence. "This is totally based on merit," said Burisma's chairman, Alan Apter.

He doesn't sound very Ukrainian. He's American, as is the other new board member, Devon Archer.

Who? Devon Archer, who works with Hunter Biden at Rosemont Seneca partners, which is half owned by Rosemont Capital, a private equity firm founded by Archer and Christopher Heinz.

Who? Christopher Heinz … John Kerry's stepson.

Why shouldn't Hunter Biden join the board of a gas company in Ukraine? | Business | The Guardian
Putin is a patriot. obama is anti American. That's the difference between them.

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