VP Debate: Questions you'd like to see Sarah Palen get asked

1. How does it feel to dispel the myth that is, 'Chosen One'?

I never bought into the whole messiah thing. Other than that I am not sure what you are saying.

The wright sermons have been explained to my satiscfaction. I would like the Kalnins sermons explained to my satisfaction as well.

I am actually just fine with a pastor making silly comments. I'm not voting for the pastor. When this pastor thing first came up I said, that it is silliness. Those pastors say bizarre things.

When Palins, on the other hand, starts talking about God's will manifesting in her career, asking people to pray to God so that the pipeline can go in, and that sort of stuff, I get VERY NERVOUS.

We've lived through a presideny with a man who said he thought it was God's will that we take the gift of democracy to the middle east. I am a scientist. Using the idea of God's will to justify policy means that you don't have enough of a legitimate, secular reason for the policy, and that is completely innappropriate for the White House.

I don't know if that makes sense to you? but I didn't really understand your question. I was rooting for McCain in the primaries if that gives you any idea.
I never bought into the whole messiah thing. Other than that I am not sure what you are saying.

The wright sermons have been explained to my satiscfaction. I would like the Kalnins sermons explained to my satisfaction as well.

I am actually just fine with a pastor making silly comments. I'm not voting for the pastor. When this pastor thing first came up I said, that it is silliness. Those pastors say bizarre things.

When Palins, on the other hand, starts talking about God's will manifesting in her career, asking people to pray to God so that the pipeline can go in, and that sort of stuff, I get VERY NERVOUS.

We've lived through a presideny with a man who said he thought it was God's will that we take the gift of democracy to the middle east. I am a scientist. Using the idea of God's will to justify policy means that you don't have enough of a legitimate, secular reason for the policy, and that is completely innappropriate for the White House.

I don't know if that makes sense to you? but I didn't really understand your question. I was rooting for McCain in the primaries if that gives you any idea.

Wright was Obama's self admitted inspiration. Obama quoted Wright in his first book, comments that were racially charged. Yet even though he knew his pastor taught this hijacked form of religion he continued to give money and support his cause. Not only that but Obama himself made racially charged comments in his book.

As far as Palin's pastor goes, I still haven't seen one post providing video material of anything?
Ya, can't find it today either but the story was on NPR this afternoon (so is getting picked up) and they ended the story with "Palin now has to go through the same religious vetting that McCain and Obama had to."

(McCain had to square the Hagee thing.)

I haven't forgotten.
Why is everyone afraid of Honesty in America.

I find it very interesting how polarizing an election year can become. You have two basic schools of thought in America today. Much of the differences seems to be from those in the inner city, clashing with the rural American way of life. This is not however to say that all in the inner city, or all in rural America think the same way, it's just that the majority seem to fit into this pattern. There are many that are hands on hard working people out there that would like to be allowed to raise a family and prosper in these great states united to stand together as one nation without having a government official telling them how they should live. Then there is the group that includes not only the people that want our government to "take care of them", but also includes the people that strive to control what everyone is doing as well as how they do it. They seem to feel it is the right and duty of government to tell you what school to go to, what doctor to see, and how you should raise your children.

The problem is, this second group of citizens is the very group that is tearing down the very foundation that our country was founded on. America, these states United as One Nation - our very way of life depends on remaining true to the very ideals of those men that set us apart as a free nation to begin with some 200 plus years ago. You will hear many say their ideals and ideas are outdated, however this is not true, you can review any of the laws and documents that were setup to keep us free and see that there is nothing in their intention to stifle or limit our creativity or growth. Their way of life may not have had TV, radio, or automobiles, however it did depend on respect for fellow citizens, responsibility for ones actions, and love for family and country. They had a faith, a belief in something much bigger and more powerful than themselves, their family, or even their country. They had a belief in a Creator, one that has given each of us the ability to make choices, to be honorable, or despicable in our actions.

This Country, founded on freedom, is seeing a direct coordinated attack within it's people between the establishment of big give me government trying to unravel its roots just to see what they can gain, and those striving each day to make things better through their own sweat and tears. Instead of taking a stand on right and wrong, we find ourselves being forced to first decide what is right and who can define what is right. From this country's inception until the 1960's we can see how this great nation grew in size and strength, it's citizens generally willing to help one another, to a place where government is now telling people it knows better than they do how their children should be raised, what they should learn, and where they must attend school. Were no longer allowed to tell someone no, it might make them feel bad, we are even told that our children should not be taught to wait until they are married before having sex. I know this will not stop things from happening, that kids will explore sex, however the answer is not to then kill the child that may be a product of this action.

Another point I find sicking is the attitude of these two groups, the way they place a value only on some lives and want to throw others away. The very people that taught animals have rights, that want to put someone in jail for cutting down a tree that may or may not have been a home to an Owl or other creature, will be the first ones to tell you it is alright to put an unborn, child to death. This has even been taken to the point of delivering live babies, then lying them aside to die in some back room, yes, it is happening in many hospitals and clinics as we speak. However this same group, will go to great length's to protect the life of a criminal even though he as murdered, terrorized, raped, and ruined the lives of those he cam in contact with. It's a standard that has no basis in anything, they believe God should be removed from daily life, and wonder why schools are having problems. With more than 80 percent of the US population identifying with the christian religion, why would we as a nation want to exclude God from our lives. For those that say they do not believe in any religion, then I would ask what's the problem. If you do not have a belief in God, then you are not being forced to go to a church, and you can laugh at what is printed on our money. As far as the ten commandments is concerned, again more than 80 percent of the us population believes in what is said there, that being said, this (The Christian Ten Commandments) are what our country was founded on as far as how we would be expected to act. No enforcement of how or what to worship was ever given in our constitution, however the moral law in this country is based on Christian moral law.

For those moving to this country from a foreign land, if you are of another faith, why would you think you should even attempt to change the faith of our country. If you like your faith and want your government to rule by that faith, stay in a country that prodominantly believes in that faith. If you move to this country, we have our own language, or polititions may be too spineless to pass a law making English our official language, however take an example from past generations of immigrants moving to this great land, learn the language, use the language, and do not expect us to change to your language. Again, if that is what you are looking for, go home!

As for those in the Muslim faith, you are free to practice your faith while living in, or visiting this country. You are not free however to demand we change to your way of thinking, again if this is what you want, go home, leave, or shut up. Your rights are not being infringed upon, you are not being disrespected, you are in America, you wanted to move to this country because of something we have, changing it to what you moved from will destroy the very reason you or others even want to move to this land. As I would tell anyone, if you are moving to the U.S. and you don't like the way we are, go home. This country has its own ways of doing things, we were built on the blood, sweat, and tears of people looking to be free from tyranny and looking for a place to be free to worship their maker, many have died to give us this freedom, many more have been wounded or lost a love one for this freedom some want to change.

As for your political affiliations, look to not only the president, but also the congress, ask how your leaders are voting, see what they are asking for. There is no reason we should be held captive by a government official making us pay for a sports arena, when the ticket sales for those using that arena should be paying for it, not higher taxes on all. Yes it may dictate that the players not receive millions of dollars to play a game they love, however what do you make in your job, likely no where close to that. Whatever the salary of the players it will still be way more than we as average Americans will ever make. As for politicians entrenched in government, remove them, if they have been in office for more than three of four terms, it's very likely they are now a major part of the problem, turning Washing upside down by changing out all of congress would be a great step in getting something done. And please, Demand voting records, when politicians are dialoging against each other, have their record shown, have it displayed, hold them accountable for what they are asking for, or doing. If you sponsor a bill and add a bunch of pork to it, you name should go along with what you added, not only to those in congress, but so everyone can easily see what you are spending their hard earned money on.

Thanks for your time, and please remember to get out and vote.

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