VP Debate: Questions you'd like to see Sarah Palen get asked

The articles already posted somewhere amidst the 60-or-so articles spammed on the board. Your opinion is spin. Simple as that.

If you think I have a problem with Palin believing our government stinks and believing in states' rights, you picked the wrong person. Our government DOES stink, and it HAS usurped whatever rights it's felt like from the 10th Amendment.

But you go on believing otherwise and that this next administration will be any different than the last. Or the one before that. Or the one before that. Or the one before that.

They're all the same. Bureaucrats bent on self-perpetuation. They'll say or do whatever they have to in order to get ahead, make a buck, or stay in office.

Someone who doesn't fit that mold works for me.

She will be indicted for abuse of power on Oct. 31st.
Now that I highly doubt ... they couldn't possibly prepare Palin for a REAL debate with Biden in time ...

You might be surprised. Biden rips people apart when he's the only doing the talking but when someone actually gets to respond to what he says, watch out! He won't know how to handle it.

"How dare a woman speak to me!"
She will be indicted for abuse of power on Oct. 31st.

Unfortunately, you may end up being right. You have a state Democrat Senator who has made it quite clear how he feels about her leading the investigation to find something, anything he could charge her on. It doesn't even have to be true, as long as he charges her, the damage will be done. It's like having Kirk leading the investigation, he has already indicted her in his own mind, so no matter what he's going to attempt to have charges brought against her.

What do you think that guy is being promised or paid on the side? The national DNC I'm sure has something lined up for him as long as he keeps up the charge.
Lefty sour grapes, it's like ogling a car wreck on the freeway. You don't WANT to look...but you just have to....
Perhaps she should be asked the same questions that Biden, Obama, and McCain are asked. Admittedly she and Obama have considerably less experience in forgien matters than McCain or Biden. She obviously has strengths in other very important matters that they may be lacking in. She has been in charge of something before unlike Obama or Biden.
Hmmm....I don't think having a preacher say the bad things happening in the world are a result of the judgment of God is quite as egregious as "God Damn America" and "Black Power".

However, it wasn't the fact that Obama didn't walk out that pissed people off. It was his ridiculous and stubborn insistence that he just didn't know Wright believed or preached those things. After 20 years of CLOSE contact...after referencing Wright's sermons in books and speeches, he didn't know?

What a lying sack of Obama. And then, after all that, he shit on Wright anyway.
Hmmm....I don't think having a preacher say the bad things happening in the world are a result of the judgment of God is quite as egregious as "God Damn America" and "Black Power".

However, it wasn't the fact that Obama didn't walk out that pissed people off. It was his ridiculous and stubborn insistence that he just didn't know Wright believed or preached those things. After 20 years of CLOSE contact...after referencing Wright's sermons in books and speeches, he didn't know?

What a lying sack of Obama. And then, after all that, he shit on Wright anyway.
its not, but these morons cant tell the different
they seem to be completely blinded to the truth
Hmmm....I don't think having a preacher say the bad things happening in the world are a result of the judgment of God is quite as egregious as "God Damn America" and "Black Power".

However, it wasn't the fact that Obama didn't walk out that pissed people off. It was his ridiculous and stubborn insistence that he just didn't know Wright believed or preached those things. After 20 years of CLOSE contact...after referencing Wright's sermons in books and speeches, he didn't know?

What a lying sack of Obama. And then, after all that, he shit on Wright anyway.

Plus, he kept on going to the same church even when he started running for the presidency. He wrote a book based on the guy's sermon. He wouldn't have the left the church if he wouldn't have been pressured to do so.

Palin didn't go to the same church for 20 years. Matter of fact she went to a number of different churches. She's been in a non-denominational church for the last 6 years with no ties to any socialist organization or group.
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I'd like to see her answer questions about the middle east. Tribal cultures and politics that affect different regions - how sunni and shia and kurds and etc should cooperate to continue progress in Iraq, how they might work to iimprove representation from these tribes to their parliament. Whether that is desirable. Should the kurds be granted a separate country in her opinion. How Iran's shia may impact iraq's development, the role the US should play in these relations, at what point military intervention in Iran would be appropriate, Israeli/Palestinian relations while we're at it, questions along these lines,

... and I'd like her to explain the comments made by her churches that condemn jews in one instance and send democrats to hell in another. Does she agree with them? Does she find them offensive? Does she believe the Iraq war is God's war as she stated in a recent speech?

1. How does it feel to dispel the myth that is, 'Chosen One'?
Granted, Obama attended a church run by a religious nut. However, Palin IS a religious nut. McCain picking Palin for VP is like Obama picking Wright.

In my fantasies we would keep the religious nuts OUT of politics! (Unless they belong to the Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster, of course, all bless His sauced name. Ramen.)
Granted, Obama attended a church run by a religious nut. However, Palin IS a religious nut. McCain picking Palin for VP is like Obama picking Wright.

In my fantasies we would keep the religious nuts OUT of politics! (Unless they belong to the Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster, of course, all bless His sauced name. Ramen.)

That would be the label you would like to saddle her with, but the facts dismiss the notion.
That would be the label you would like to saddle her with, but the facts dismiss the notion.

Oh, well, I guess that's that, then. You put me in my place with "facts." Great "facts" you used. So many "facts" all crammed into your ONE SENTENCE. Boy, is my face red.
1) Do you believe in Evolution, or do you think man and woman were created 6,000 years ago in Garden of Eden?

2) Do you believe in comprehensive sex educations for teenagers, or do you believe in "abstinence only"?

3) Do you believe we should fund programs to provide job training and housing for pregnant teenage girls?*
you really want to waste american's time with those question?

I fucking knew it but nobody believed me. I just knew you were a fat fuck with ADD....:lol::D:eusa_angel:
Stein says that as mayor, Palin continued to inject religious beliefs into her policy at times. "She asked the library how she could go about banning books," he says, because some voters thought they had inappropriate language in them. "The librarian was aghast." That woman, Mary Ellen Baker, couldn't be reached for comment, but news reports from the time show that Palin had threatened to fire Baker for not giving "full support" to the mayor.

I would ask her why she wants to ban books.

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