
Listen and then go eat some shit libtards

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Svp8OyzOZfA&feature=related]YouTube - Obama Promises[/ame]

I should say lazy assed libtards,, hell you can't even remember all the fucking lies you've been fed.. and you voted for this asshole. :lol::lol::lol:
How many people here truly understand everything contained within any and all of the possible bills presently being discussed by Congress on healthcare reform.
How many people pissing, moaning and fear mongering about what MIGHT be in them?

The VAST majority of what is written on USMB is either flames, jokes, or uninformed...


But, that's the point of this, or any, message board...entertainment.

If you are coming to this board to get unbiased information, you are in sad shape.
how convenient,, it will be there when you get home.. but he promises health care "at least as good as what I enjoy"

Isn't that up to Congress to decide in the end?

not the question,, the question is why doesn't he keep his promises! To my knowledge the "congressinal healthcare plan" has never been made public, discussed or voted on..
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How many people here truly understand everything contained within any and all of the possible bills presently being discussed by Congress on healthcare reform.
How many people pissing, moaning and fear mongering about what MIGHT be in them?

I'll tell ya something Yank... if you DON'T know what's in them, you BETTER be pissing and moaning.

The PROBLEM with these stinking, rotten liberals in power right now is not even THEY know what's in these bills, INCLUDING oBAMA, and they're still PASSING these bills, UNREAD! You're dumber'n a sack of puss if you DON'T get loud in opposition to that shit.
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You dumber'n a sack of PUSS if you DON'T get loud in opposition to that shit.

Talk about being dumber than a sack of puss.....how EXACTLY do you get loud in opposition to something you know NOTHING about? Isn't that like talking out of your ass?
You dumber'n a sack of PUSS if you DON'T get loud in opposition to that shit.

Talk about being dumber than a sack of puss.....how EXACTLY do you get loud in opposition to something you know NOTHING about? Isn't that like talking out of your ass?

Are you a drop out? I just EXPLAINED the WHY in the same post you CUT OUT to QUOTE ME!

Holy shit man... GET A FUCKING CLUE.
not the question,, the question is why doesn't he keep his promises! To my knowledge the "congressinal healthcare plan" has never been made public, discussed or voted on..

Because Obama is NOT KING of the United States? You DO understand how our government works, right? The executive branch does not make legislation and all that? Didn't you ever watch SchoolHouse Rocks as a kid? "I am just a bill" ring a bell?
Are you a drop out? I just EXPLAINED the WHY in the same post you CUT OUT to QUOTE ME!

You didn't answer the question, redneck. HOW can you get loud in opposition to something you know NOTHING about?
Stupid rednecks like to go off on people when they know nothing about the items being discussed. NO WONDER the South went to war (and LOST) against the United States!
It is just as much appropriate and relevant to talk about the debates in committee as it is debates on the floor. Bottom line is that I'm a taxpaying US citizen, and I'll talk about what my government is doing and proposing to do at any damned time in the process I bloody well want to.
Talk and debate is good, healthy and necessary in our Democracy. What we have been seeing at these town halls is not healthy, as it is not debate, nor even talk. The opponents simply want to shout down the people TRYING to hold the town hall. Honestly, what gets accomplished when all you are doing is shouting down the presenter of the information?

I'm hearing excuses, avoidance, and topic-hopping. First you want people to shut up and wait until the time you've designated as appropriate to discuss the topic, NOW you say talk and debate are good, and it's just the townhalls you're worried about. I don't recall townhalls even being the subject of the thread.

Make up your damned mind.
Stupid rednecks like to go off on people when they know nothing about the items being discussed. NO WONDER the South went to war (and LOST) against the United States!

you sound just like bobolinsoftpinktights!
But then again, I'm not pissing and moaning about them either. Time enough to weigh in when we have some idea which one they'll actually put up for a vote.

Thank you! Thank you! Why does this idea seem so difficult to grasp for the Republicans and neo-cons? Did anyone happen to watch "Huckabee" last night? Every single one of his "answers" on healthcare reform was laced with fear mongering. If nothing else, these bozos are good at trying to scare people.

From what I can tell, FOXNEWS continues to project upon its loyal viewers the same LIES that have been debunked many times. People calling into C-Span this morning were still saying that the bill calls for euthanizing old people and abortion on demand. And when asked where they got that information, you guessed it. Unfuckingbelievable.

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