Vulgar statements from the pants suit liar. Watch the reactions from the hypocrites.

The Trump spin is that the controversy is about, or should be about bad language and "locker room talk". The controversy is not really about dirty talk, but rather the subject of the talk. If Trump had said the same thing without using foul or "dirty" language he would still be in trouble for what he said. It is not normal or acceptable for a man to brag about committing adultery or sexual assault. The Trump cult is attempting to change the topic by demanding the controversy is simply one about the lesser offense of the use of bad language. That is the Trump campaign spin. They hoped that even if they lost that argument, it would only make Trump guilty of saying some cuss words. It hasn't worked. People are judging him for what he said, not how he said it. Sexual assault is not acceptable, even if you are a rich celebrity.

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