WA School Mistaken: Satan Group Is A Hate Group & Can't Use Campus Therefore

They specifically say that they are forming to counter a very specific Christian group.

It doesn't get much more specific than that.

"Counter" is not an expression of hate.

Look, they will attract one or two goth losers who lack the ambition to regularly attend meetings.

Ignore them, they are insignificant.
^ this.

A group that has no real foundation or compass (which I believe this is one) will be resigned to pointless obscurity unless people run to point them out.

It's targeting and bullying behavior.

It is adults promoting something they will never get kids to buy into. The people behind this are ClosedCaption type blowhards. The few losers they attract pose no threat to the Christians.

We have freedom of religion in this country, IF it is denied to these losers, you open up precedent for the democrats to deny freedom of religion to Christians.

Remember, the democrats are dedicated to ending the 1st amendment, and will use ANYTHING to end civil rights. Don't give them ammunition.

Freedom is not freedom when it is only protected for those that do the 'right' thing or you agree with. At some point, the power that government holds will not be held by people that you agree with or are even reasonable people. At that time, you do not want them to have the power to infringe on your freedoms because they certainly will.

You idiots are the reason we don't have freedom in this country any more. Your insistence that freedom of religion is the same as the elimination of religion.
It is just the opposite. It is those like yourself that are actively destroying even what freedom means much less freedom itself. Here you are saying that the government should be using its power to remove the freedoms of those that you disagree with.

The second that the government comes in, using that EXACT same power that you want to give it, to remove a christian groups right to assemble then you will be up in arms. The sad part is that I don't even think that you recognize it is the support of those like you in the first place that would allow the government to do such a thing.

You are really no different than the liberals that you abhor - the only real difference is what you want the government to infringe on rights for.

I didn't call for governmental removal of anything, liar. And how is denying predators access to children "infringing upon rights"? It's not, no more than it's "infringing upon the rights" of pedophiles if we don't allow them to establish pederast clubs on the school grounds to target children.

And no, preventing predators from attacking and intimidating Christian children is not an elimination of freedom. Freedom isn't the freedom to do whatever you want, after all...particularly not in our schools, as Christians have realized for decades. Satanists are perfectly free to be Satanists. They aren't free to use schools as stages for institutionalized bullying of Christian children. No, it is not "exactly the same" and no, it has nothing to do with "freedom of religion". Dumbfuck. Again, you relativist morons who can't figure out the difference between the spirit and the letter of the law, and who have juvenile understanding of the words "liberty" and "freedom" are the reason we are in such a mess today. You cowards who refuse to ever say "That's wrong and we aren't going to facilitate that garbage!" because someone says "but I have a right to access your kids and tell them anything I want!" bullshit you do.
And, incidentally, the feds have absolutely no authority to force a community to open their schools to asshats they don't want. I don't give a shit what the Supreme court or anybody else says, if a community says "No we aren't going to let you use our school for that" then that's the law. We are not subjects of the Supreme Court, and we have lost more freedom under the guise of "civil rights" than we have gained in the entire history of this nation.
And, incidentally, the feds have absolutely no authority to force a community to open their schools to asshats they don't want. I don't give a shit what the Supreme court or anybody else says, if a community says "No we aren't going to let you use our school for that" then that's the law. We are not subjects of the Supreme Court, and we have lost more freedom under the guise of "civil rights" than we have gained in the entire history of this nation.

You don't care what the Supreme Court says? We are not subjects of the Supreme Court, but they are the highest court of the land.

Yep, damn those civil rights! :lol:
They specifically say that they are forming to counter a very specific Christian group.

It doesn't get much more specific than that.

"Counter" is not an expression of hate.

Look, they will attract one or two goth losers who lack the ambition to regularly attend meetings.

Ignore them, they are insignificant.
^ this.

A group that has no real foundation or compass (which I believe this is one) will be resigned to pointless obscurity unless people run to point them out.

It's targeting and bullying behavior.

It is adults promoting something they will never get kids to buy into. The people behind this are ClosedCaption type blowhards. The few losers they attract pose no threat to the Christians.

We have freedom of religion in this country, IF it is denied to these losers, you open up precedent for the democrats to deny freedom of religion to Christians.

Remember, the democrats are dedicated to ending the 1st amendment, and will use ANYTHING to end civil rights. Don't give them ammunition.

Freedom is not freedom when it is only protected for those that do the 'right' thing or you agree with. At some point, the power that government holds will not be held by people that you agree with or are even reasonable people. At that time, you do not want them to have the power to infringe on your freedoms because they certainly will.

You idiots are the reason we don't have freedom in this country any more. Your insistence that freedom of religion is the same as the elimination of religion.
It is just the opposite. It is those like yourself that are actively destroying even what freedom means much less freedom itself. Here you are saying that the government should be using its power to remove the freedoms of those that you disagree with.

The second that the government comes in, using that EXACT same power that you want to give it, to remove a christian groups right to assemble then you will be up in arms. The sad part is that I don't even think that you recognize it is the support of those like you in the first place that would allow the government to do such a thing.

You are really no different than the liberals that you abhor - the only real difference is what you want the government to infringe on rights for.

I didn't call for governmental removal of anything, liar. And how is denying predators access to children "infringing upon rights"? It's not, no more than it's "infringing upon the rights" of pedophiles if we don't allow them to establish pederast clubs on the school grounds to target children.

And no, preventing predators from attacking and intimidating Christian children is not an elimination of freedom. Freedom isn't the freedom to do whatever you want, after all...particularly not in our schools, as Christians have realized for decades. Satanists are perfectly free to be Satanists. They aren't free to use schools as stages for institutionalized bullying of Christian children. No, it is not "exactly the same" and no, it has nothing to do with "freedom of religion". Dumbfuck. Again, you relativist morons who can't figure out the difference between the spirit and the letter of the law, and who have juvenile understanding of the words "liberty" and "freedom" are the reason we are in such a mess today. You cowards who refuse to ever say "That's wrong and we aren't going to facilitate that garbage!" because someone says "but I have a right to access your kids and tell them anything I want!" bullshit you do.

Your evidence that the members of the Satanic Temple are institutionalizing bullying of Christian children?

Your Christian persecution complex is cute. It must be so difficult, being part of one of the largest groups in the country. 70% or so of the country identifies as Christian, but oh, the wailing and gnashing of teeth! Those poor Christian children are facing institutionalized bullying from a couple of Satanists trying to make a group at the school!

No one said the group has a right to access the kids and tell them anything they want. You are using the same tactic as Sil, making things up about the Satanic Temple of Seattle because you don't like them.
And, incidentally, the feds have absolutely no authority to force a community to open their schools to asshats they don't want. I don't give a shit what the Supreme court or anybody else says, if a community says "No we aren't going to let you use our school for that" then that's the law. We are not subjects of the Supreme Court, and we have lost more freedom under the guise of "civil rights" than we have gained in the entire history of this nation.

You don't care what the Supreme Court says? We are not subjects of the Supreme Court, but they are the highest court of the land.

Yep, damn those civil rights! :lol:

"What goes by the name “constitutional law” has been eclipsing the U.S. Constitution for a long time. But when the 1964 Civil Rights Act substituted a wholly open-ended mandate to oppose “discrimination” for any and all fundamental rights, it became the little law that ate the Constitution. Now, because the Act pretended that the commerce clause trumps the freedom of persons to associate or not with whomever they wish, and is being taken to mean that it trumps the free exercise of religion as well, bakers and photographers are forced to take part in homosexual weddings. A commission in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts reported that even a church may be forced to operate its bathrooms according to gender self-identification because it “could be seen as a place of public accommodation if it holds a secular event, such as a spaghetti supper, that is open to the general public.” California came very close to mandating that Catholic schools admit homosexual and transgender students or close down. The Justice Department is studying how to prosecute on-line transactions such as vacation home rental site Airbnb, Inc., that fall afoul of its evolving anti-discrimination standards.

"This arbitrary power, whose rabid guard-dog growls and barks: “Racist! Sexist! Homophobic!” has transformed our lives by removing restraints on government. The American Bar Association’s new professional guidelines expose lawyers to penalties for insufficient political correctness. Performing abortions or at least training to perform them may be imposed as a requirement for licensing doctors, nurses, and hospitals that offer services to the general public.

"Addressing what it would take to reestablish the primacy of fundamental rights would have required Republican candidates to reset the Civil Rights movement on sound constitutional roots. Surprised they didn’t do it?"
You don't care what the Supreme Court says? We are not subjects of the Supreme Court, but they are the highest court of the land.

Yep, damn those civil rights!

The civil right to teach intolerance of children of faith? Where's that in hate laws?
You don't care what the Supreme Court says? We are not subjects of the Supreme Court, but they are the highest court of the land.

Yep, damn those civil rights!

The civil right to teach intolerance of children of faith? Where's that in hate laws?

When you show that the Satanic Temple has said they are going to teach intolerance of children of faith, your post might have some relevance.
You don't care what the Supreme Court says? We are not subjects of the Supreme Court, but they are the highest court of the land.

Yep, damn those civil rights!

The civil right to teach intolerance of children of faith? Where's that in hate laws?

When you show that the Satanic Temple has said they are going to teach intolerance of children of faith, your post might have some relevance.

No, it has relevance anyway. The Satanists state they are not a religion, so they aren't favored by freedom of religion law (not that it matters in the schools anyway). Their stated purpose is to target and set themselves against Christian clubs. So they seek to obstruct freedom of religion...while bullying children.
You don't care what the Supreme Court says? We are not subjects of the Supreme Court, but they are the highest court of the land.

Yep, damn those civil rights!

The civil right to teach intolerance of children of faith? Where's that in hate laws?

When you show that the Satanic Temple has said they are going to teach intolerance of children of faith, your post might have some relevance.

No, it has relevance anyway.

How is it relevant to talk about teaching intolerance of children of faith when none of the parties the thread is about have been teaching intolerance of children of faith nor claimed they are going to do so?
You don't care what the Supreme Court says? We are not subjects of the Supreme Court, but they are the highest court of the land.

Yep, damn those civil rights!

The civil right to teach intolerance of children of faith? Where's that in hate laws?

When you show that the Satanic Temple has said they are going to teach intolerance of children of faith, your post might have some relevance.

No, it has relevance anyway.

How is it relevant to talk about teaching intolerance of children of faith when none of the parties the thread is about have been teaching intolerance of children of faith nor claimed they are going to do so?

Of course they are teaching intolerance of faith. And of course they lie about it. You know, like when Bill said "I did not have sexual relations with that woman" or Hillary said "It was because of a video".
You don't care what the Supreme Court says? We are not subjects of the Supreme Court, but they are the highest court of the land.

Yep, damn those civil rights!

The civil right to teach intolerance of children of faith? Where's that in hate laws?

When you show that the Satanic Temple has said they are going to teach intolerance of children of faith, your post might have some relevance.

No, it has relevance anyway.

How is it relevant to talk about teaching intolerance of children of faith when none of the parties the thread is about have been teaching intolerance of children of faith nor claimed they are going to do so?

Of course they are teaching intolerance of faith. And of course they lie about it. You know, like when Bill said "I did not have sexual relations with that woman" or Hillary said "It was because of a video".

Ah, I see. Do you have much actual experience with the Satanic Temple of Seattle?

What constitutes teaching intolerance of faith in your mind, I wonder? Does your bar for teaching intolerance of faith work in both directions?
The civil right to teach intolerance of children of faith? Where's that in hate laws?

When you show that the Satanic Temple has said they are going to teach intolerance of children of faith, your post might have some relevance.

No, it has relevance anyway.

How is it relevant to talk about teaching intolerance of children of faith when none of the parties the thread is about have been teaching intolerance of children of faith nor claimed they are going to do so?

Of course they are teaching intolerance of faith. And of course they lie about it. You know, like when Bill said "I did not have sexual relations with that woman" or Hillary said "It was because of a video".

Ah, I see. Do you have much actual experience with the Satanic Temple of Seattle?

What constitutes teaching intolerance of faith in your mind, I wonder? Does your bar for teaching intolerance of faith work in both directions?
I'm not interested in facilitating targeting of my children by ANY group that states their entire purpose is to locate and dissuade my children from their faith. Capice?
"Counter" is not an expression of hate.

Look, they will attract one or two goth losers who lack the ambition to regularly attend meetings.

Ignore them, they are insignificant.
^ this.

A group that has no real foundation or compass (which I believe this is one) will be resigned to pointless obscurity unless people run to point them out.
It is adults promoting something they will never get kids to buy into. The people behind this are ClosedCaption type blowhards. The few losers they attract pose no threat to the Christians.

We have freedom of religion in this country, IF it is denied to these losers, you open up precedent for the democrats to deny freedom of religion to Christians.

Remember, the democrats are dedicated to ending the 1st amendment, and will use ANYTHING to end civil rights. Don't give them ammunition.

Freedom is not freedom when it is only protected for those that do the 'right' thing or you agree with. At some point, the power that government holds will not be held by people that you agree with or are even reasonable people. At that time, you do not want them to have the power to infringe on your freedoms because they certainly will.

You idiots are the reason we don't have freedom in this country any more. Your insistence that freedom of religion is the same as the elimination of religion.
It is just the opposite. It is those like yourself that are actively destroying even what freedom means much less freedom itself. Here you are saying that the government should be using its power to remove the freedoms of those that you disagree with.

The second that the government comes in, using that EXACT same power that you want to give it, to remove a christian groups right to assemble then you will be up in arms. The sad part is that I don't even think that you recognize it is the support of those like you in the first place that would allow the government to do such a thing.

You are really no different than the liberals that you abhor - the only real difference is what you want the government to infringe on rights for.

I didn't call for governmental removal of anything, liar. And how is denying predators access to children "infringing upon rights"? It's not, no more than it's "infringing upon the rights" of pedophiles if we don't allow them to establish pederast clubs on the school grounds to target children.

And no, preventing predators from attacking and intimidating Christian children is not an elimination of freedom. Freedom isn't the freedom to do whatever you want, after all...particularly not in our schools, as Christians have realized for decades. Satanists are perfectly free to be Satanists. They aren't free to use schools as stages for institutionalized bullying of Christian children. No, it is not "exactly the same" and no, it has nothing to do with "freedom of religion". Dumbfuck. Again, you relativist morons who can't figure out the difference between the spirit and the letter of the law, and who have juvenile understanding of the words "liberty" and "freedom" are the reason we are in such a mess today. You cowards who refuse to ever say "That's wrong and we aren't going to facilitate that garbage!" because someone says "but I have a right to access your kids and tell them anything I want!" bullshit you do.

Your evidence that the members of the Satanic Temple are institutionalizing bullying of Christian children?

Your Christian persecution complex is cute. It must be so difficult, being part of one of the largest groups in the country. 70% or so of the country identifies as Christian, but oh, the wailing and gnashing of teeth! Those poor Christian children are facing institutionalized bullying from a couple of Satanists trying to make a group at the school!

No one said the group has a right to access the kids and tell them anything they want. You are using the same tactic as Sil, making things up about the Satanic Temple of Seattle because you don't like them.
Christers like Allie aren't happy unless they can cry persecution....she was happy as a pig in slop during the Oregon stand off.
Ah, I see. Do you have much actual experience with the Satanic Temple of Seattle?

What constitutes teaching intolerance of faith in your mind, I wonder? Does your bar for teaching intolerance of faith work in both directions?

So, you're saying...I assume I know where this is leading...that if Christians can't accept promoting homosexuality (the behavior) while extending compassion to homosexuals (the people doing the behavior) it is the same as the Satanists?

I guess what constitutes teaching intolerance of one group towards other groups in general would be announcing something like "all religions are tyrannical and oppressive" as the core edict, indeed the base-identity, of the group you're proposing to bring onto school grounds...where kids of "all religions" go to school and play every day.
Ah, I see. Do you have much actual experience with the Satanic Temple of Seattle?

What constitutes teaching intolerance of faith in your mind, I wonder? Does your bar for teaching intolerance of faith work in both directions?

So, you're saying...I assume I know where this is leading...that if Christians can't accept promoting homosexuality (the behavior) while extending compassion to homosexuals (the people doing the behavior) it is the same as the Satanists?

I guess what constitutes teaching intolerance of one group towards other groups in general would be announcing something like "all religions are tyrannical and oppressive" as the core edict, indeed the base-identity, of the group you're proposing to bring onto school grounds...where kids of "all religions" go to school and play every day.

Of course you assume I was talking about homosexuality. You are obsessed with it.

Instead, I was thinking that religions are generally fairly intolerant of other belief, in that they consider their own religion to be the one true religion, they believe that people of other faiths or no faith will not get whatever eternal reward their god offers, perhaps they will even suffer eternal torment. If Satanists teaching they don't believe in the supernatural is teaching intolerance, is Christians teaching that their idea of the supernatural is the only true one not doing the same?

The Satanic Temple of Seattle did not announce that all religions are tyrannical and oppressive. That is simply a lie you keep repeating.
When you show that the Satanic Temple has said they are going to teach intolerance of children of faith, your post might have some relevance.

No, it has relevance anyway.

How is it relevant to talk about teaching intolerance of children of faith when none of the parties the thread is about have been teaching intolerance of children of faith nor claimed they are going to do so?

Of course they are teaching intolerance of faith. And of course they lie about it. You know, like when Bill said "I did not have sexual relations with that woman" or Hillary said "It was because of a video".

Ah, I see. Do you have much actual experience with the Satanic Temple of Seattle?

What constitutes teaching intolerance of faith in your mind, I wonder? Does your bar for teaching intolerance of faith work in both directions?
I'm not interested in facilitating targeting of my children by ANY group that states their entire purpose is to locate and dissuade my children from their faith. Capice?

Are children forced to go to either the Good News Bible Club or the proposed Satanic Temple club? If not, why is it an issue for you?

And what about non-Christians, should they be upset that the Good News Bible Club targets their children to dissuade them from their faith or lack thereof?
They specifically say that they are forming to counter a very specific Christian group.

It doesn't get much more specific than that.

"Counter" is not an expression of hate.

Look, they will attract one or two goth losers who lack the ambition to regularly attend meetings.

Ignore them, they are insignificant.
^ this.

A group that has no real foundation or compass (which I believe this is one) will be resigned to pointless obscurity unless people run to point them out.

It's targeting and bullying behavior.

It is adults promoting something they will never get kids to buy into. The people behind this are ClosedCaption type blowhards. The few losers they attract pose no threat to the Christians.

We have freedom of religion in this country, IF it is denied to these losers, you open up precedent for the democrats to deny freedom of religion to Christians.

Remember, the democrats are dedicated to ending the 1st amendment, and will use ANYTHING to end civil rights. Don't give them ammunition.

Freedom is not freedom when it is only protected for those that do the 'right' thing or you agree with. At some point, the power that government holds will not be held by people that you agree with or are even reasonable people. At that time, you do not want them to have the power to infringe on your freedoms because they certainly will.

You idiots are the reason we don't have freedom in this country any more. Your insistence that freedom of religion is the same as the elimination of religion.
It is just the opposite. It is those like yourself that are actively destroying even what freedom means much less freedom itself. Here you are saying that the government should be using its power to remove the freedoms of those that you disagree with.

The second that the government comes in, using that EXACT same power that you want to give it, to remove a christian groups right to assemble then you will be up in arms. The sad part is that I don't even think that you recognize it is the support of those like you in the first place that would allow the government to do such a thing.

You are really no different than the liberals that you abhor - the only real difference is what you want the government to infringe on rights for.

I didn't call for governmental removal of anything, liar. And how is denying predators access to children "infringing upon rights"? It's not, no more than it's "infringing upon the rights" of pedophiles if we don't allow them to establish pederast clubs on the school grounds to target children.
You did call for their rights to be infringed (you do know that the right to assemble is protected in the first amendment) and what is even more bizarre is that in the very next sentence you call for it again right after denying that you did it at all.

And then compare them to pedophiles. Clearly a silly comparison as there is no 'victim' of the particular group in question. It is interesting that you have completely avoided mal's challenge to provide an example of this so called victimization. It appears that you think anything opposed to Christianity is immediately means that they are attacking Christians.
And no, preventing predators from attacking and intimidating Christian children is not an elimination of freedom. Freedom isn't the freedom to do whatever you want, after all...particularly not in our schools, as Christians have realized for decades. Satanists are perfectly free to be Satanists. They aren't free to use schools as stages for institutionalized bullying of Christian children. No, it is not "exactly the same" and no, it has nothing to do with "freedom of religion". Dumbfuck. Again, you relativist morons who can't figure out the difference between the spirit and the letter of the law, and who have juvenile understanding of the words "liberty" and "freedom" are the reason we are in such a mess today. You cowards who refuse to ever say "That's wrong and we aren't going to facilitate that garbage!" because someone says "but I have a right to access your kids and tell them anything I want!" bullshit you do.
Rand, rave and call names - that seems to be all you have other than bald face lies about the actual topic. The only one being a 'dumbfuck' here is you as you have utterly failed to address anything that was said. I am sorry that you have to do so much work to deny the fact that you hate freedom and what it means - perhaps you should stop trying to pretend that you support it and you would not have to do so much pretzel logic trying to look like you do.
Freedom is great. If the Satanists want to embody depicting all other people of faith as "tyrannical and oppressive"; that's their right. Just not on school grounds where that amounts to demonizing (hating) kids who are religious there.

They screwed up. Their intro was a fail.
Freedom is great. If the Satanists want to embody depicting all other people of faith as "tyrannical and oppressive"; that's their right. Just not on school grounds where that amounts to demonizing (hating) kids who are religious there.

They screwed up. Their intro was a fail.

Don't Christians depict all other people as sinners who are bound for hell? Is that not demonizing (hating) kids who are not Christian?

Christers like Allie aren't happy unless they can cry persecution....she was happy as a pig in slop during the Oregon stand off.

Thanks Adolf.

You can go back to masturbating to pictures of concentration camps now, and let the grown ups talk.

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