WA School Mistaken: Satan Group Is A Hate Group & Can't Use Campus Therefore

Freedom of religion is freedom of religion.

The Satanists have the same rights as anyone else.

Shit, as long as they call their infant sacrifice "choice," they'll even get federal funding////

Nope, when a club announces it is out to represent a general intolerance of people of faith, it has defined itself as a faith-hating group. And as a hate-group, it cannot be allowed on school grounds. Their mistake was that they called all other religions generally "tyrannical and oppressive". That is a message of blind intolerance towards other groups and their frame of reference. It will foster bullying on school grounds by secular kids of religious ones. And intolerance (or the teaching of it by demonizing other groups) & bullying is prohibited.
Just as stupid as a christian club.....
No, Christian clubs don't teach hate of individuals. They teach hatred of sin (an action/verb) but not the sinners (people/noun).
Bullshit X 1000.
Except that it's true x 1000. Christians teach love and extending a hand to the troubled. To hate the sin but not the sinner. It's established fact for thousands of years.

Great comeback by the way. Did you win a lot in your debate club? :lmao:
I grew up in a hardcore Christian home and community. I can tell you from long sad experience that most Christians do not make the distinction between sin and sinner. All I am is an atheist and 3/4 of my family has not spoken to me for over 20 years. The rest are hateful as hell all because I decided I no longer wanted to attend church three time s a week. Don't try to tell how Christians are, I know how they are when they drop all pretense of public piety.
You're a liar. Like all atheists are. Your family hasn't spoken to you because you're a liar, have probably stolen from them and who knows what else you've done to gain their enmity, but I'm sure it's extensive...
Dontcha just love the newly indoctrinated generation of Millennials? Great work Church of Satan. Wonder what influenced these kids now grown as they were growing up? Twenty guesses and the first 19 don't count.


(numbers mine)
Satanic Temple seeks after-school Satan club in Mount Vernon

The Satanic Temple of Seattle would like to have the program running this school year but needs approval from the school district....A 1991 Supreme Court ruling, Good News Club vs. Milford Central School District, 1. stated that if schools allow any organization to use school property, they must allow all organizations — religious and secular — access, Bruner said....
Claypool said a Centennial parent recently brought the Good News Bible Club’s use of school property to the attention of the Satanic Temple, which has operating in Seattle for about a year and a half, Claypool said.

The parent was concerned about publicly funded spaces being used by the Good News Bible Club, he said.

2. “These children (in the Good News Bible Club), they’re also taught to evangelize to other children,” Claypool said. “(The parent) thought this indoctrination on school grounds was inappropriate.”...
The temple has aspirations to open an After School Satan Club at every school that has a Good News Bible Club, Claypool said.

3. He said the goal aligns with a movement on behalf of Satanic Temples nationwide.

“We’re leveraging equal access,” he said....“We don’t worship a deity,” he said. “We only see Satan as a metaphor for fighting religious tyranny and oppression.”...
“It’s kind of an all-or-nothing deal,” Bruner said. “Do we want to exclude everyone from use of our public facilities just because of this group that’s trying to make a point?”

4. The district will work with its attorney and its School Board to explore how to respond to the application.


1. This is the premise upon which they launch to gain access to children's minds. (evangelize)

2. Their object is to teach the ways and benefits of the Satanist Church, which is evangelizing. While at the same time they state that evangelizing on school grounds they do not support. Therefore their reason for wanting access to the school is either A. Duplicitous or B. For another reason... (grounds not to allow them there).

3. So they are phony, not representing what they say they are. They even admit that the word "Satan" is an attention-getter; you know, to susceptible and curious children they're trying to rope in (see "evangelize"). The group is a hate group because their stated intent and the intent of the same nationwide where this is going on is to be "fighting religious tyranny and oppression". Straight out of the chute they're declaring they're a group whose sole goal is to impart to children to hate or hold potent disdain in a generalized way for other organized religions. They are a hate group because hating other groups in a generalized way is what KKK does. It's what any bigot does without examining the merits of individuals within that group. And hate groups are not allowed to use schools or other public facilities.

4. Dear district: See #3. There's only one way this group can gain legal access to school campuses, and that is if nazis can hold clubs on school grounds while stating the purpose of those meetings is to teach or otherwise impart disdain or hatred for Judaism.

You're welcome.

So much for religious freedom and our constitution.

You are the people who want religion in schools. Conservatives are the ones who went to court to be able to have religious clubs and prayers said on school grounds and at school functions. Well our constitution says that what one group can do, all groups can do. You brought this on yourselves by your constant forcing your religion on our nation.

You seem to believe everyone is free to follow the religion you agree with and no other.

I'm not a satan worshiper but I'm not christian and don't believe in the idea of a god or a satan.

Just because I don't believe it doesn't mean no one else can either.

That's called FREEDOM.

The Satanists themselves say it isn't a religion.

It exists as a hate group, they target and harass Christians. They say it right there. Good grief atheists are dense.

Nope, when a club announces it is out to represent a general intolerance of people of faith, it has defined itself as a faith-hating group.

If you went by that criterion, you would have to ban the democratic party on campus. NO ONE hates Christians as much as democrats do, after all.

And as a hate-group, it cannot be allowed on school grounds. Their mistake was that they called all other religions generally "tyrannical and oppressive". That is a message of blind intolerance towards other groups and their frame of reference. It will foster bullying on school grounds by secular kids of religious ones. And intolerance (or the teaching of it by demonizing other groups) & bullying is prohibited.

Not correct. This is not the SPLC lynch mob, there would have to be SPECIFIC examples and calls for hate against targets, which there are not.

Nope, when a club announces it is out to represent a general intolerance of people of faith, it has defined itself as a faith-hating group.

If you went by that criterion, you would have to ban the democratic party on campus. NO ONE hates Christians as much as democrats do, after all.

And as a hate-group, it cannot be allowed on school grounds. Their mistake was that they called all other religions generally "tyrannical and oppressive". That is a message of blind intolerance towards other groups and their frame of reference. It will foster bullying on school grounds by secular kids of religious ones. And intolerance (or the teaching of it by demonizing other groups) & bullying is prohibited.

Not correct. This is not the SPLC lynch mob, there would have to be SPECIFIC examples and calls for hate against targets, which there are not.
They specifically say that they are forming to counter a very specific Christian group.

It doesn't get much more specific than that.
They specifically say that they are forming to counter a very specific Christian group.

It doesn't get much more specific than that.

"Counter" is not an expression of hate.

Look, they will attract one or two goth losers who lack the ambition to regularly attend meetings.

Ignore them, they are insignificant.
They specifically say that they are forming to counter a very specific Christian group.

It doesn't get much more specific than that.

"Counter" is not an expression of hate.

Look, they will attract one or two goth losers who lack the ambition to regularly attend meetings.

Ignore them, they are insignificant.

It's targeting and bullying behavior, and it's being facilitated by our schools.

I'm grateful that my kids are in a small school where this wouldn't be tolerated. Any of this bs or the bs handouts about white privilege and my kids and as many other kids as parents I could influence would be out so fast.

It's targeting and bullying behavior.

It is adults promoting something they will never get kids to buy into. The people behind this are ClosedCaption type blowhards. The few losers they attract pose no threat to the Christians.

We have freedom of religion in this country, IF it is denied to these losers, you open up precedent for the democrats to deny freedom of religion to Christians.

Remember, the democrats are dedicated to ending the 1st amendment, and will use ANYTHING to end civil rights. Don't give them ammunition.

It's targeting and bullying behavior.

It is adults promoting something they will never get kids to buy into. The people behind this are ClosedCaption type blowhards. The few losers they attract pose no threat to the Christians.

We have freedom of religion in this country, IF it is denied to these losers, you open up precedent for the democrats to deny freedom of religion to Christians.

Remember, the democrats are dedicated to ending the 1st amendment, and will use ANYTHING to end civil rights. Don't give them ammunition.
I know they aren't a threat to Christians, that isn't the point. The point is the schools are facilitating hatred towards Christians.
I know they aren't a threat to Christians, that isn't the point. The point is the schools are facilitating hatred towards Christians.

If they allow a "young democrats" club, they are facilitating hatred towards Christians.

Muslims hate Jews, can the school allow a Christian club, but prohibit a Muslim club? Nothing teaches hate more than the Koran, yet I doubt anyone would suggest prohibiting a Muslim club.
Dontcha just love the newly indoctrinated generation of Millennials? Great work Church of Satan. Wonder what influenced these kids now grown as they were growing up? Twenty guesses and the first 19 don't count.


(numbers mine)
Satanic Temple seeks after-school Satan club in Mount Vernon

The Satanic Temple of Seattle would like to have the program running this school year but needs approval from the school district....A 1991 Supreme Court ruling, Good News Club vs. Milford Central School District, 1. stated that if schools allow any organization to use school property, they must allow all organizations — religious and secular — access, Bruner said....
Claypool said a Centennial parent recently brought the Good News Bible Club’s use of school property to the attention of the Satanic Temple, which has operating in Seattle for about a year and a half, Claypool said.

The parent was concerned about publicly funded spaces being used by the Good News Bible Club, he said.

2. “These children (in the Good News Bible Club), they’re also taught to evangelize to other children,” Claypool said. “(The parent) thought this indoctrination on school grounds was inappropriate.”...
The temple has aspirations to open an After School Satan Club at every school that has a Good News Bible Club, Claypool said.

3. He said the goal aligns with a movement on behalf of Satanic Temples nationwide.

“We’re leveraging equal access,” he said....“We don’t worship a deity,” he said. “We only see Satan as a metaphor for fighting religious tyranny and oppression.”...
“It’s kind of an all-or-nothing deal,” Bruner said. “Do we want to exclude everyone from use of our public facilities just because of this group that’s trying to make a point?”

4. The district will work with its attorney and its School Board to explore how to respond to the application.


1. This is the premise upon which they launch to gain access to children's minds. (evangelize)

2. Their object is to teach the ways and benefits of the Satanist Church, which is evangelizing. While at the same time they state that evangelizing on school grounds they do not support. Therefore their reason for wanting access to the school is either A. Duplicitous or B. For another reason... (grounds not to allow them there).

3. So they are phony, not representing what they say they are. They even admit that the word "Satan" is an attention-getter; you know, to susceptible and curious children they're trying to rope in (see "evangelize"). The group is a hate group because their stated intent and the intent of the same nationwide where this is going on is to be "fighting religious tyranny and oppression". Straight out of the chute they're declaring they're a group whose sole goal is to impart to children to hate or hold potent disdain in a generalized way for other organized religions. They are a hate group because hating other groups in a generalized way is what KKK does. It's what any bigot does without examining the merits of individuals within that group. And hate groups are not allowed to use schools or other public facilities.

4. Dear district: See #3. There's only one way this group can gain legal access to school campuses, and that is if nazis can hold clubs on school grounds while stating the purpose of those meetings is to teach or otherwise impart disdain or hatred for Judaism.

You're welcome.

So much for religious freedom and our constitution.

You are the people who want religion in schools. Conservatives are the ones who went to court to be able to have religious clubs and prayers said on school grounds and at school functions. Well our constitution says that what one group can do, all groups can do. You brought this on yourselves by your constant forcing your religion on our nation.

You seem to believe everyone is free to follow the religion you agree with and no other.

I'm not a satan worshiper but I'm not christian and don't believe in the idea of a god or a satan.

Just because I don't believe it doesn't mean no one else can either.

That's called FREEDOM.

The Satanists themselves say it isn't a religion.

It exists as a hate group, they target and harass Christians. They say it right there. Good grief atheists are dense.

Sil hasn't been able to do it, maybe you can. Can you show where it 'says right there' that the Satanic Temple is a hate group?
They specifically say that they are forming to counter a very specific Christian group.

It doesn't get much more specific than that.

"Counter" is not an expression of hate.

Look, they will attract one or two goth losers who lack the ambition to regularly attend meetings.

Ignore them, they are insignificant.
^ this.

A group that has no real foundation or compass (which I believe this is one) will be resigned to pointless obscurity unless people run to point them out.

It's targeting and bullying behavior.

It is adults promoting something they will never get kids to buy into. The people behind this are ClosedCaption type blowhards. The few losers they attract pose no threat to the Christians.

We have freedom of religion in this country, IF it is denied to these losers, you open up precedent for the democrats to deny freedom of religion to Christians.

Remember, the democrats are dedicated to ending the 1st amendment, and will use ANYTHING to end civil rights. Don't give them ammunition.

Freedom is not freedom when it is only protected for those that do the 'right' thing or you agree with. At some point, the power that government holds will not be held by people that you agree with or are even reasonable people. At that time, you do not want them to have the power to infringe on your freedoms because they certainly will.
I know they aren't a threat to Christians, that isn't the point. The point is the schools are facilitating hatred towards Christians.

If they allow a "young democrats" club, they are facilitating hatred towards Christians.

Muslims hate Jews, can the school allow a Christian club, but prohibit a Muslim club? Nothing teaches hate more than the Koran, yet I doubt anyone would suggest prohibiting a Muslim club.
Young democrats don't declare their ONLY PURPOSE is to target Christian groups.
Dontcha just love the newly indoctrinated generation of Millennials? Great work Church of Satan. Wonder what influenced these kids now grown as they were growing up? Twenty guesses and the first 19 don't count.


(numbers mine)
Satanic Temple seeks after-school Satan club in Mount Vernon

The Satanic Temple of Seattle would like to have the program running this school year but needs approval from the school district....A 1991 Supreme Court ruling, Good News Club vs. Milford Central School District, 1. stated that if schools allow any organization to use school property, they must allow all organizations — religious and secular — access, Bruner said....
Claypool said a Centennial parent recently brought the Good News Bible Club’s use of school property to the attention of the Satanic Temple, which has operating in Seattle for about a year and a half, Claypool said.

The parent was concerned about publicly funded spaces being used by the Good News Bible Club, he said.

2. “These children (in the Good News Bible Club), they’re also taught to evangelize to other children,” Claypool said. “(The parent) thought this indoctrination on school grounds was inappropriate.”...
The temple has aspirations to open an After School Satan Club at every school that has a Good News Bible Club, Claypool said.

3. He said the goal aligns with a movement on behalf of Satanic Temples nationwide.

“We’re leveraging equal access,” he said....“We don’t worship a deity,” he said. “We only see Satan as a metaphor for fighting religious tyranny and oppression.”...
“It’s kind of an all-or-nothing deal,” Bruner said. “Do we want to exclude everyone from use of our public facilities just because of this group that’s trying to make a point?”

4. The district will work with its attorney and its School Board to explore how to respond to the application.


1. This is the premise upon which they launch to gain access to children's minds. (evangelize)

2. Their object is to teach the ways and benefits of the Satanist Church, which is evangelizing. While at the same time they state that evangelizing on school grounds they do not support. Therefore their reason for wanting access to the school is either A. Duplicitous or B. For another reason... (grounds not to allow them there).

3. So they are phony, not representing what they say they are. They even admit that the word "Satan" is an attention-getter; you know, to susceptible and curious children they're trying to rope in (see "evangelize"). The group is a hate group because their stated intent and the intent of the same nationwide where this is going on is to be "fighting religious tyranny and oppression". Straight out of the chute they're declaring they're a group whose sole goal is to impart to children to hate or hold potent disdain in a generalized way for other organized religions. They are a hate group because hating other groups in a generalized way is what KKK does. It's what any bigot does without examining the merits of individuals within that group. And hate groups are not allowed to use schools or other public facilities.

4. Dear district: See #3. There's only one way this group can gain legal access to school campuses, and that is if nazis can hold clubs on school grounds while stating the purpose of those meetings is to teach or otherwise impart disdain or hatred for Judaism.

You're welcome.

So much for religious freedom and our constitution.

You are the people who want religion in schools. Conservatives are the ones who went to court to be able to have religious clubs and prayers said on school grounds and at school functions. Well our constitution says that what one group can do, all groups can do. You brought this on yourselves by your constant forcing your religion on our nation.

You seem to believe everyone is free to follow the religion you agree with and no other.

I'm not a satan worshiper but I'm not christian and don't believe in the idea of a god or a satan.

Just because I don't believe it doesn't mean no one else can either.

That's called FREEDOM.

The Satanists themselves say it isn't a religion.

It exists as a hate group, they target and harass Christians. They say it right there. Good grief atheists are dense.

Sil hasn't been able to do it, maybe you can. Can you show where it 'says right there' that the Satanic Temple is a hate group?

No, I said they said that they said they exist to target and harass Christians. It EXISTS as a hate group, they PROCLAIM their intent to target and harass Christian children.

"The temple has aspirations to open an After School Satan Club at every school that has a Good News Bible Club, Claypool said."
They specifically say that they are forming to counter a very specific Christian group.

It doesn't get much more specific than that.

"Counter" is not an expression of hate.

Look, they will attract one or two goth losers who lack the ambition to regularly attend meetings.

Ignore them, they are insignificant.
^ this.

A group that has no real foundation or compass (which I believe this is one) will be resigned to pointless obscurity unless people run to point them out.

It's targeting and bullying behavior.

It is adults promoting something they will never get kids to buy into. The people behind this are ClosedCaption type blowhards. The few losers they attract pose no threat to the Christians.

We have freedom of religion in this country, IF it is denied to these losers, you open up precedent for the democrats to deny freedom of religion to Christians.

Remember, the democrats are dedicated to ending the 1st amendment, and will use ANYTHING to end civil rights. Don't give them ammunition.

Freedom is not freedom when it is only protected for those that do the 'right' thing or you agree with. At some point, the power that government holds will not be held by people that you agree with or are even reasonable people. At that time, you do not want them to have the power to infringe on your freedoms because they certainly will.

You idiots are the reason we don't have freedom in this country any more. Your insistence that freedom of religion is the same as the elimination of religion.
“The so-called Satanic Temple group is a handful of atheists masquerading as so-called Satanists. This group is not legitimate. Its only reason to exist is to oppose the Good News Clubs. The Good News Clubs teach morals, character development, patriotism and respect from a Christian viewpoint. Public schools welcome these clubs because they improve the behavior of the students and the Supreme Court has sided with these clubs,” said Mat Staver, Liberty Counsel’s Founder and Chairman.

“The so-called Satanist group has nothing good to offer the students and its entire reason for existence is to be disruptive. Schools do not have to tolerate groups which disrupt the school and target other legitimate clubs. No sane parents would consent to allow their child to attend this group. Full of sound and fury, this group will soon fade away,” concluded Staver.

"Liberty Counsel has offered pro bono legal counsel to the schools targeted by this disruptive group."

Satanist Group Has No Right to Disrupt School - Liberty
No, I said they said that they said they exist to target and harass Christians. It EXISTS as a hate group, they PROCLAIM their intent to target and harass Christian children.

"The temple has aspirations to open an After School Satan Club at every school that has a Good News Bible Club, Claypool said."

That and they even defined their name "Satanists" as "equal to being in opposition to all other religions which we call tyrannical and oppressive". Rendered more succinctly, it means "Satanists = demonizing children who practice faith". Being the embodiment of demonizing generally other groups and teaching intolerance of their faith is one and the same as a hate group. And, hate groups are simply not allowed on school grounds, ever, for any reason. They fucked up when they announced what their purpose was.

Oh well, live and learn.
Dontcha just love the newly indoctrinated generation of Millennials? Great work Church of Satan. Wonder what influenced these kids now grown as they were growing up? Twenty guesses and the first 19 don't count.


(numbers mine)
Satanic Temple seeks after-school Satan club in Mount Vernon

The Satanic Temple of Seattle would like to have the program running this school year but needs approval from the school district....A 1991 Supreme Court ruling, Good News Club vs. Milford Central School District, 1. stated that if schools allow any organization to use school property, they must allow all organizations — religious and secular — access, Bruner said....
Claypool said a Centennial parent recently brought the Good News Bible Club’s use of school property to the attention of the Satanic Temple, which has operating in Seattle for about a year and a half, Claypool said.

The parent was concerned about publicly funded spaces being used by the Good News Bible Club, he said.

2. “These children (in the Good News Bible Club), they’re also taught to evangelize to other children,” Claypool said. “(The parent) thought this indoctrination on school grounds was inappropriate.”...
The temple has aspirations to open an After School Satan Club at every school that has a Good News Bible Club, Claypool said.

3. He said the goal aligns with a movement on behalf of Satanic Temples nationwide.

“We’re leveraging equal access,” he said....“We don’t worship a deity,” he said. “We only see Satan as a metaphor for fighting religious tyranny and oppression.”...
“It’s kind of an all-or-nothing deal,” Bruner said. “Do we want to exclude everyone from use of our public facilities just because of this group that’s trying to make a point?”

4. The district will work with its attorney and its School Board to explore how to respond to the application.


1. This is the premise upon which they launch to gain access to children's minds. (evangelize)

2. Their object is to teach the ways and benefits of the Satanist Church, which is evangelizing. While at the same time they state that evangelizing on school grounds they do not support. Therefore their reason for wanting access to the school is either A. Duplicitous or B. For another reason... (grounds not to allow them there).

3. So they are phony, not representing what they say they are. They even admit that the word "Satan" is an attention-getter; you know, to susceptible and curious children they're trying to rope in (see "evangelize"). The group is a hate group because their stated intent and the intent of the same nationwide where this is going on is to be "fighting religious tyranny and oppression". Straight out of the chute they're declaring they're a group whose sole goal is to impart to children to hate or hold potent disdain in a generalized way for other organized religions. They are a hate group because hating other groups in a generalized way is what KKK does. It's what any bigot does without examining the merits of individuals within that group. And hate groups are not allowed to use schools or other public facilities.

4. Dear district: See #3. There's only one way this group can gain legal access to school campuses, and that is if nazis can hold clubs on school grounds while stating the purpose of those meetings is to teach or otherwise impart disdain or hatred for Judaism.

You're welcome.

So much for religious freedom and our constitution.

You are the people who want religion in schools. Conservatives are the ones who went to court to be able to have religious clubs and prayers said on school grounds and at school functions. Well our constitution says that what one group can do, all groups can do. You brought this on yourselves by your constant forcing your religion on our nation.

You seem to believe everyone is free to follow the religion you agree with and no other.

I'm not a satan worshiper but I'm not christian and don't believe in the idea of a god or a satan.

Just because I don't believe it doesn't mean no one else can either.

That's called FREEDOM.

The Satanists themselves say it isn't a religion.

It exists as a hate group, they target and harass Christians. They say it right there. Good grief atheists are dense.

Sil hasn't been able to do it, maybe you can. Can you show where it 'says right there' that the Satanic Temple is a hate group?

No, I said they said that they said they exist to target and harass Christians. It EXISTS as a hate group, they PROCLAIM their intent to target and harass Christian children.

"The temple has aspirations to open an After School Satan Club at every school that has a Good News Bible Club, Claypool said."

Saying they want to open a Satanic club at every school with a Good News Bible Club is not the same as saying the Satanic Temple of Seattle exists to target and harass Christian children.

Have you looked at their website? They certainly don't say anything about existing only to target and harass Christian children. Do you know the group's history? Can you show evidence that the only thing they do is target and harass Christian children? Are you aware that The Satanic Temple is a national organization and the the Seattle chapter is just one branch?

The Satanic Temple Seattle
The Satanic Temple

They may be an odd group, but they neither proclaim themselves a hate group nor do their actions in wanting to set up a group in response to the Good News Bible Club make them a hate group.
No, I said they said that they said they exist to target and harass Christians. It EXISTS as a hate group, they PROCLAIM their intent to target and harass Christian children.

"The temple has aspirations to open an After School Satan Club at every school that has a Good News Bible Club, Claypool said."

That and they even defined their name "Satanists" as "equal to being in opposition to all other religions which we call tyrannical and oppressive". Rendered more succinctly, it means "Satanists = demonizing children who practice faith". Being the embodiment of demonizing generally other groups and teaching intolerance of their faith is one and the same as a hate group. And, hate groups are simply not allowed on school grounds, ever, for any reason. They fucked up when they announced what their purpose was.

Oh well, live and learn.

By rendered more succinctly you obviously mean rendered into Silhouette BS.

Would you like to see the group's actual announced purpose is? Here, from their website, which I just linked to in my previous post :

"The mission of The Satanic Temple is to encourage benevolence and empathy among all people."

But I'm sure you'll just repeat the claim that saying one is against religious tyranny and oppression is the same as saying all religion is tyrannical and oppressive.
They specifically say that they are forming to counter a very specific Christian group.

It doesn't get much more specific than that.

"Counter" is not an expression of hate.

Look, they will attract one or two goth losers who lack the ambition to regularly attend meetings.

Ignore them, they are insignificant.
^ this.

A group that has no real foundation or compass (which I believe this is one) will be resigned to pointless obscurity unless people run to point them out.

It's targeting and bullying behavior.

It is adults promoting something they will never get kids to buy into. The people behind this are ClosedCaption type blowhards. The few losers they attract pose no threat to the Christians.

We have freedom of religion in this country, IF it is denied to these losers, you open up precedent for the democrats to deny freedom of religion to Christians.

Remember, the democrats are dedicated to ending the 1st amendment, and will use ANYTHING to end civil rights. Don't give them ammunition.

Freedom is not freedom when it is only protected for those that do the 'right' thing or you agree with. At some point, the power that government holds will not be held by people that you agree with or are even reasonable people. At that time, you do not want them to have the power to infringe on your freedoms because they certainly will.

You idiots are the reason we don't have freedom in this country any more. Your insistence that freedom of religion is the same as the elimination of religion.
It is just the opposite. It is those like yourself that are actively destroying even what freedom means much less freedom itself. Here you are saying that the government should be using its power to remove the freedoms of those that you disagree with.

The second that the government comes in, using that EXACT same power that you want to give it, to remove a christian groups right to assemble then you will be up in arms. The sad part is that I don't even think that you recognize it is the support of those like you in the first place that would allow the government to do such a thing.

You are really no different than the liberals that you abhor - the only real difference is what you want the government to infringe on rights for.

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