Wacky Omar: It's silly to compare Trump & Obama. one is human, the other is not

Poor poor dirty Don. Always hounded by trite little insults. I'm sure he's a bigger man and will simply not respond in kind too.

Personally I'm just shallow and superficial. It's his face I can't stand. Can you believe that face? I mean how could we have elected a president with a face like that?

Poor Dirty Deficit Donnie.
Poor poor dirty Don. Always hounded by trite little insults. I'm sure he's a bigger man and will simply not respond in kind too.

Personally I'm just shallow and superficial. It's his face I can't stand. Can you believe that face? I mean how could we have elected a president with a face like that?

Poor Dirty Deficit Donnie.
An attempt to distract from the Democratic Party's hard turn in favor of anti semitism?
Poor poor dirty Don. Always hounded by trite little insults. I'm sure he's a bigger man and will simply not respond in kind too.

Personally I'm just shallow and superficial. It's his face I can't stand. Can you believe that face? I mean how could we have elected a president with a face like that?

Poor Dirty Deficit Donnie.
An attempt to distract from the Democratic Party's hard turn in favor of anti semitism?

Yes, one should never ever question the influence of the Jewish lobbying group in promoting policies that are favorable to Israel. Not that there is any thing illegal about voicing ones opinion about lobbying groups in general. Questioning the level of influence, especially influence allegedly based on cash money, will get you a Canard Card thrown at you for sure.

They have a Canard Card for just damn near everything. I'll probably get one for saying that too.
Can't expect anything less from a member of the death cult.

Wonder if Mossad would like her address??
from Politico:

"House Republican leaders are pointing fingers at one another over how the party handled last week's anti-hate resolution, according to several GOP sources. Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy was upset that the Republican Conference chairwoman, Rep. Liz Cheney of Wyoming, and 22 other Republicans voted against the measure, sources said. Members of leadership typically vote together. But other members of McCarthy’s leadership team were frustrated that there wasn’t better communication about the GOP’s strategy on the resolution, which condemned all forms of bigotry and was crafted by Democrats in response to remarks seen as anti-Semitic by Rep. Ilhan Omar."

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