Wage Strikes Planned at Fast-Food Outlets

Either you have to buy that yourselves and most of the people you know are just plain failures in life which resulted in yourselves and most of the people you know only growing about 23% since the 80's , while executives grew 100% and over -

Or, you'd have to agree that something went awry.

And I don't think that executive compensation should be anything short of miraculous - but I'm talking a macro-level nightmare going on because they should grow (as a percentage, not REAL dollars) around the same rate.

What the executives make is irrelevant. Burger flippers don't make $15 an hour.

It's relevant to 95% of America, and probably including yourself.

They should have grown at 23% just like the rest of us.

Real dollars - of course they should have added way more.

But growing as a percent - it should be the same. And it's 23% to 100-300%.

Did all of America up and vanish, stop working hard, become unskilled? 95% of us?

You realize that if min wage grew to 15$ an hour that everyone making 15 before that increase would be vastly more poor in a short period of time as cost of living dramatically raises?

Now imagine what you did to everyone that made 9-14 bucks an hour.... People making 16-20 would now be near min wage.... You pretty much don;t understand very very very basic economics.
You're a jackass dude.

Middle class doesn't mean only union. God damn that's stupid.

And I'm not talking about the past 8 years.

From the late 70's to early 80's compared to today, executive pay has grown exponentially in comparison to middle class pay. As a percentage.

If you're going to deny that cold fact, then why bother?

Stop using the term 'middle class'. It's a misnomer. We're "Working Class". Most of us.

Middle Class is a group that none of us need worry about. They're doing fine and will continue to.

As to why the huge separation of pay?

That's not really complicated at all. The more creative among us are cashing in, and they're cashing in because they're introducing new ideas and new technologies and new -- Everything.

Why is the hourly worker falling off the cliff? Again, very simple.... Because dimocrap scum and their thug Unions have run all the manufacturing out of the Country.

And NOT because of wages, because you can't work with dimocrap scum. You can't trust them because they lie, they deal in bad faith and they can not be trusted.

Know how many Man-Hours it takes to build a car in this Country?

I'm talking everything form lug-nuts to the horn to the engine, transmission and the cupholders..?

Take a guess? Stymied? Thirty (30)

That's right, it takes thirty man hours to build a new car in this Country on average.

Wages my dying ass. Manufacturing jobs left this Country because they can't deal with scum-of-the-earth dimocrap douchebags.

Know what kills Manufacturing Corporations? Not wages, not Unions, not competition---

Shut downs. They can pay the wages, they can deal with competition, hell, they can almost even deal with intrusive scumbag government regulators who got their noses up everybody's ass ....

But they CAN NOT deal with shut downs. It kills them It absolutel kills them.

Last time I was in Ohio (shows you how long it's been) UAW was striking for MLK's birthday to be a paid holiday.

This, while the workers at the South Carolina Toyota Plant were forming Quality Counsels trying to find ways to make better cars with fewer mistakes.

Wonder why American Blue Collar jobs have gone to shit?

Because you fucking deserve it. You're stupid, you're greedy and you're socialist scum.

Do you really think platitudes and insults make the grade, in a discussion? Only when I kid.


You haven't addressed why - for 95% of America, wages grew only 23% while it's up over 100% for 5% of people.

And if you get too cocky well - good for you bruv. Pat yourself on your always angry and retentive ass.

I'm not angry, I'm laughing at you. You people are so incredibly stupid you can't see that you're destroying yourselves.

I left Ohio in 1977 when I saw that dimocrap scum were going to run the whole area into the ground. They did. When I saw Companies and Businesses just FLEEING the stupidity of dimocraps and their lapdog Unions, I decided it was time for me to follow suit.

I had a good job at Republic Steel. Doing okay but I saw the handwriting on the wall so I moved to Florida and I struggled for a while.

But I knew things would break because Florida was, and still is, growing.... And not run by dimocrap scum.

Cleveland lost 300,000 Steel jobs ALONE between 1976 and 1996. They lost tens of thousands more manufacturing jobs.

My best friend's wife (she was a hottie, too) was a Chemical Engineer at Diamond Shamrock when dimocrap scum ran the Company out of Cleveland to Texas. They offered for her to go and she accepted.

He didn't. dimocrap scum do more than just destroy jobs, they destroy families.

Cleveland was/is the sister City of Dee-Troit. How they doing?

And I don't care if I insult you or not. In fact, that is my intention.

You people are so stupid that you're killing yourselves and it places a burden on us because we have to take care of you afterwards.

How can German Car Makers make twice as many cars as we do and pay their workers twice as much?

How Germany Builds Twice As Many Cars As The U.S. While Paying Its Workers Twice As Much - Forbes

Simple, their Unions work with the Companies in Good Faith.

Our Unions are scum-of-the-earth socialists. Our Unions kill Companies. Our Unions kill jobs and destroy families and desolate entire regions.

And the reason why....? They're infested with dimocrap scum.

It's just not any more complicated than that.

Been there, done that, sold the T-Shirt.

I don't want to be nice to you and people like you. I want you to go away. Forever.

Without you, we could would have a much better Country to live in.
** Tea Baggers don't like welfare -- their tax dollars going to feed the poor.

** Tea Baggers don't want to see people paid a living wage -- "Get a better job McPeople".

** Tea Baggers don't see to understand -- when McDonalds doesn't pay people a living wage they go on Walfare, collect food stamps.

Why not make McDonalds pay their employees enough so that WE (YOU) don't have support them via your tax dollars?

Should like a plan???
What the executives make is irrelevant. Burger flippers don't make $15 an hour.

It's relevant to 95% of America, and probably including yourself.

They should have grown at 23% just like the rest of us.

Real dollars - of course they should have added way more.

But growing as a percent - it should be the same. And it's 23% to 100-300%.

Did all of America up and vanish, stop working hard, become unskilled? 95% of us?

You realize that if min wage grew to 15$ an hour that everyone making 15 before that increase would be vastly more poor in a short period of time as cost of living dramatically raises?

Now imagine what you did to everyone that made 9-14 bucks an hour.... People making 16-20 would now be near min wage.... You pretty much don;t understand very very very basic economics.

I don't think minimum wage is my area of expertise.

im merely asking relevant questions to the country's reality.
I dont have a problem with people asking for hire wages either. My problem comes when they try to force them to.

The rich owners should pay better voluntarily then but that won't happen. Who cares about the little man,the ones actually selling the rich people's chinese made crap. The government needs to get involved a lot more. Stop letting them take jobs overseas that then allows them to get stuff made cheaply and then sell it here cheaply and pay their workers shit wages. Force them to only sell American made stuff and then those workers can get better jobs paying better wages. Capitalism is for the rich and by the rich.

wrong, capitalism is for anyone who is willing to work harder than the next guy, invent something, innovate, improve, discover. It works for everyone. Bill Gates invented a computer operating system which made him a multi millionaire and also created millions of new jobs.

Yeah, great....use a Harvard educated rich kid with a successful wealthy attorney father as your example of capitalism. Love it.

How many years do you think Gates worked at McDonald's in order to save for his first computer?


Here, let me help you. Try Jeff Bezos.
Either you have to buy that yourselves and most of the people you know are just plain failures in life which resulted in yourselves and most of the people you know only growing about 23% since the 80's , while executives grew 100% and over -

Or, you'd have to agree that something went awry.

And I don't think that executive compensation should be anything short of miraculous - but I'm talking a macro-level nightmare going on because they should grow (as a percentage, not REAL dollars) around the same rate.

It's relevant to 95% of America, and probably including yourself.

They should have grown at 23% just like the rest of us.

Real dollars - of course they should have added way more.

But growing as a percent - it should be the same. And it's 23% to 100-300%.

Did all of America up and vanish, stop working hard, become unskilled? 95% of us?

It is absolutely irrelevant to me and to the rest of the country whether they know it or not. Executive pay grows in proportion to what the company thinks they deserve, not what left wing hack lunatics like you think they deserve.

The point is that burger flippers don't deserve $15 an hour.

Executives now make 400X that of regular employees
in the 70's it was like 25X

are they superman now and everyone else who works hard just an ignorant know nothing peon? nothing is wrong with that?

How much does Oprah make? How about Baldwin, Streisand, Jay Z, Snoop Dog, Peyton Manning. Do these people contribute that much more to society than the rest of us? At least a CEO is making money for the shareholders as well as himself.
Either you have to buy that yourselves and most of the people you know are just plain failures in life which resulted in yourselves and most of the people you know only growing about 23% since the 80's , while executives grew 100% and over -

Or, you'd have to agree that something went awry.

And I don't think that executive compensation should be anything short of miraculous - but I'm talking a macro-level nightmare going on because they should grow (as a percentage, not REAL dollars) around the same rate.

It's relevant to 95% of America, and probably including yourself.

They should have grown at 23% just like the rest of us.

Real dollars - of course they should have added way more.

But growing as a percent - it should be the same. And it's 23% to 100-300%.

Did all of America up and vanish, stop working hard, become unskilled? 95% of us?

It is absolutely irrelevant to me and to the rest of the country whether they know it or not. Executive pay grows in proportion to what the company thinks they deserve, not what left wing hack lunatics like you think they deserve.

The point is that burger flippers don't deserve $15 an hour.

Executives now make 400X that of regular employees
in the 70's it was like 25X

are they superman now and everyone else who works hard just an ignorant know nothing peon? nothing is wrong with that?

They didn't get that much smarter..... You got that much stupider
Since the wages have increased something like 600% I'd like Edge to explain how CEO's in 30 years have become 600% better than everyone else. That is truly amazing

Fact is, you got your utopia. 30 years ago the 8 $ wage today would be incredible min wage in 1980. Point is, you got your increase and yet you bitch things ain't working out, despite you getting your way.

You were wrong, time has proven you are wrong. Deal with it, grow up, stop hating evolution and evolve already. This faith based economic system that you progressive believe in is like faith based healing, you just look stupid.
Stop using the term 'middle class'. It's a misnomer. We're "Working Class". Most of us.

Middle Class is a group that none of us need worry about. They're doing fine and will continue to.

As to why the huge separation of pay?

That's not really complicated at all. The more creative among us are cashing in, and they're cashing in because they're introducing new ideas and new technologies and new -- Everything.

Why is the hourly worker falling off the cliff? Again, very simple.... Because dimocrap scum and their thug Unions have run all the manufacturing out of the Country.

And NOT because of wages, because you can't work with dimocrap scum. You can't trust them because they lie, they deal in bad faith and they can not be trusted.

Know how many Man-Hours it takes to build a car in this Country?

I'm talking everything form lug-nuts to the horn to the engine, transmission and the cupholders..?

Take a guess? Stymied? Thirty (30)

That's right, it takes thirty man hours to build a new car in this Country on average.

Wages my dying ass. Manufacturing jobs left this Country because they can't deal with scum-of-the-earth dimocrap douchebags.

Know what kills Manufacturing Corporations? Not wages, not Unions, not competition---

Shut downs. They can pay the wages, they can deal with competition, hell, they can almost even deal with intrusive scumbag government regulators who got their noses up everybody's ass ....

But they CAN NOT deal with shut downs. It kills them It absolutel kills them.

Last time I was in Ohio (shows you how long it's been) UAW was striking for MLK's birthday to be a paid holiday.

This, while the workers at the South Carolina Toyota Plant were forming Quality Counsels trying to find ways to make better cars with fewer mistakes.

Wonder why American Blue Collar jobs have gone to shit?

Because you fucking deserve it. You're stupid, you're greedy and you're socialist scum.

Do you really think platitudes and insults make the grade, in a discussion? Only when I kid.


You haven't addressed why - for 95% of America, wages grew only 23% while it's up over 100% for 5% of people.

And if you get too cocky well - good for you bruv. Pat yourself on your always angry and retentive ass.

I'm not angry, I'm laughing at you. You people are so incredibly stupid you can't see that you're destroying yourselves.

I left Ohio in 1977 when I saw that dimocrap scum were going to run the whole area into the ground. They did. When I saw Companies and Businesses just FLEEING the stupidity of dimocraps and their lapdog Unions, I decided it was time for me to follow suit.

I had a good job at Republic Steel. Doing okay but I saw the handwriting on the wall so I moved to Florida and I struggled for a while.

But I knew things would break because Florida was, and still is, growing.... And not run by dimocrap scum.

Cleveland lost 300,000 Steel jobs ALONE between 1976 and 1996. They lost tens of thousands more manufacturing jobs.

My best friend's wife (she was a hottie, too) was a Chemical Engineer at Diamond Shamrock when dimocrap scum ran the Company out of Cleveland to Texas. They offered for her to go and she accepted.

He didn't. dimocrap scum do more than just destroy jobs, they destroy families.

Cleveland was/is the sister City of Dee-Troit. How they doing?

And I don't care if I insult you or not. In fact, that is my intention.

You people are so stupid that you're killing yourselves and it places a burden on us because we have to take care of you afterwards.

How can German Car Makers make twice as many cars as we do and pay their workers twice as much?

How Germany Builds Twice As Many Cars As The U.S. While Paying Its Workers Twice As Much - Forbes

Simple, their Unions work with the Companies in Good Faith.

Our Unions are scum-of-the-earth socialists. Our Unions kill Companies. Our Unions kill jobs and destroy families and desolate entire regions.

And the reason why....? They're infested with dimocrap scum.

It's just not any more complicated than that.

Been there, done that, sold the T-Shirt.

I don't want to be nice to you and people like you. I want you to go away. Forever.

Without you, we could would have a much better Country to live in.

your friends wife left him for a job?

they split up over $.

sad fucking state of affairs for THAT couple.
** Tea Baggers don't like welfare -- their tax dollars going to feed the poor.

** Tea Baggers don't want to see people paid a living wage -- "Get a better job McPeople".

** Tea Baggers don't see to understand -- when McDonalds doesn't pay people a living wage they go on Walfare, collect food stamps.

Why not make McDonalds pay their employees enough so that WE (YOU) don't have support them via your tax dollars?

Should like a plan???

And we're just talking McDonald's. What about Walmart's brazen display of gratitude towards their workers? They put up plastic bins asking FOR DONATIONS FROM THEIR EMPLOYEES FOR THEIR EMPLOYEES!

The rich owners should pay better voluntarily then but that won't happen. Who cares about the little man,the ones actually selling the rich people's chinese made crap. The government needs to get involved a lot more. Stop letting them take jobs overseas that then allows them to get stuff made cheaply and then sell it here cheaply and pay their workers shit wages. Force them to only sell American made stuff and then those workers can get better jobs paying better wages. Capitalism is for the rich and by the rich.

wrong, capitalism is for anyone who is willing to work harder than the next guy, invent something, innovate, improve, discover. It works for everyone. Bill Gates invented a computer operating system which made him a multi millionaire and also created millions of new jobs.

Yeah, great....use a Harvard educated rich kid with a successful wealthy attorney father as your example of capitalism. Love it.

How many years do you think Gates worked at McDonald's in order to save for his first computer?


Here, let me help you. Try Jeff Bezos.

OK, try Herman Cain, steve jobs, The guys that started Dominoes pizza, Al Copeland (Popeyes fried chicken).

The point is that capitalism works for everyone, name one great invention that has come from a socialist country.
It is absolutely irrelevant to me and to the rest of the country whether they know it or not. Executive pay grows in proportion to what the company thinks they deserve, not what left wing hack lunatics like you think they deserve.

The point is that burger flippers don't deserve $15 an hour.

Executives now make 400X that of regular employees
in the 70's it was like 25X

are they superman now and everyone else who works hard just an ignorant know nothing peon? nothing is wrong with that?

They didn't get that much smarter..... You got that much stupider

you don't know what I do, how much I make, where I live, what ive done, what sports ive played, who my friends and family are....

so, shove your assumptions up your angry ole' ass mr friends leave marriages for $$
Either you have to buy that yourselves and most of the people you know are just plain failures in life which resulted in yourselves and most of the people you know only growing about 23% since the 80's , while executives grew 100% and over -

Or, you'd have to agree that something went awry.

And I don't think that executive compensation should be anything short of miraculous - but I'm talking a macro-level nightmare going on because they should grow (as a percentage, not REAL dollars) around the same rate.

What the executives make is irrelevant. Burger flippers don't make $15 an hour.

It's relevant to 95% of America, and probably including yourself.

They should have grown at 23% just like the rest of us.

Real dollars - of course they should have added way more.

But growing as a percent - it should be the same. And it's 23% to 100-300%.

Did all of America up and vanish, stop working hard, become unskilled? 95% of us?

It is absolutely irrelevant to me and to the rest of the country whether they know it or not. Executive pay grows in proportion to what the company thinks they deserve, not what left wing hack lunatics like you think they deserve.

The point is that burger flippers don't deserve $15 an hour.

Then you are another who is content to supplement these fast food workers through welfare and SNAP cards, right? Because they can't make it on $750 a month so they apply for assistance. Who pays for that? Hmmmm?
It is absolutely irrelevant to me and to the rest of the country whether they know it or not. Executive pay grows in proportion to what the company thinks they deserve, not what left wing hack lunatics like you think they deserve.

The point is that burger flippers don't deserve $15 an hour.

Executives now make 400X that of regular employees
in the 70's it was like 25X

are they superman now and everyone else who works hard just an ignorant know nothing peon? nothing is wrong with that?

How much does Oprah make? How about Baldwin, Streisand, Jay Z, Snoop Dog, Peyton Manning. Do these people contribute that much more to society than the rest of us? At least a CEO is making money for the shareholders as well as himself.

They're not relevant to me, so why you'd ask? I dunno. But they do make money for people. Snoop, for example. He's got employees. He's got products. All of which create jobs and the like. Same with Oprah. She's not just an entertainer, she's an EXECUTIVE!~

You're a jackass dude.

Middle class doesn't mean only union. God damn that's stupid.

And I'm not talking about the past 8 years.

From the late 70's to early 80's compared to today, executive pay has grown exponentially in comparison to middle class pay. As a percentage.

If you're going to deny that cold fact, then why bother?

Stop using the term 'middle class'. It's a misnomer. We're "Working Class". Most of us.

Middle Class is a group that none of us need worry about. They're doing fine and will continue to.

As to why the huge separation of pay?

That's not really complicated at all. The more creative among us are cashing in, and they're cashing in because they're introducing new ideas and new technologies and new -- Everything.

Why is the hourly worker falling off the cliff? Again, very simple.... Because dimocrap scum and their thug Unions have run all the manufacturing out of the Country.

And NOT because of wages, because you can't work with dimocrap scum. You can't trust them because they lie, they deal in bad faith and they can not be trusted.

Know how many Man-Hours it takes to build a car in this Country?

I'm talking everything form lug-nuts to the horn to the engine, transmission and the cupholders..?

Take a guess? Stymied? Thirty (30)

That's right, it takes thirty man hours to build a new car in this Country on average.

Wages my dying ass. Manufacturing jobs left this Country because they can't deal with scum-of-the-earth dimocrap douchebags.

Know what kills Manufacturing Corporations? Not wages, not Unions, not competition---

Shut downs. They can pay the wages, they can deal with competition, hell, they can almost even deal with intrusive scumbag government regulators who got their noses up everybody's ass ....

But they CAN NOT deal with shut downs. It kills them It absolutel kills them.

Last time I was in Ohio (shows you how long it's been) UAW was striking for MLK's birthday to be a paid holiday.

This, while the workers at the South Carolina Toyota Plant were forming Quality Counsels trying to find ways to make better cars with fewer mistakes.

Wonder why American Blue Collar jobs have gone to shit?

Because you fucking deserve it. You're stupid, you're greedy and you're socialist scum.

Do you really think platitudes and insults make the grade, in a discussion? Only when I kid.


You haven't addressed why - for 95% of America, wages grew only 23% while it's up over 100% for 5% of people.

And if you get too cocky well - good for you bruv. Pat yourself on your always angry and retentive ass.

Fewer jobs means less competition for workers which means wage stagnation.

Many who were layed off in 2008 found jobs but at lower wages. Those of us who didn't lose our jobs haven't had raises or the usual pax increases because money is tight.
Do you really think platitudes and insults make the grade, in a discussion? Only when I kid.


You haven't addressed why - for 95% of America, wages grew only 23% while it's up over 100% for 5% of people.

And if you get too cocky well - good for you bruv. Pat yourself on your always angry and retentive ass.

I'm not angry, I'm laughing at you. You people are so incredibly stupid you can't see that you're destroying yourselves.

I left Ohio in 1977 when I saw that dimocrap scum were going to run the whole area into the ground. They did. When I saw Companies and Businesses just FLEEING the stupidity of dimocraps and their lapdog Unions, I decided it was time for me to follow suit.

I had a good job at Republic Steel. Doing okay but I saw the handwriting on the wall so I moved to Florida and I struggled for a while.

But I knew things would break because Florida was, and still is, growing.... And not run by dimocrap scum.

Cleveland lost 300,000 Steel jobs ALONE between 1976 and 1996. They lost tens of thousands more manufacturing jobs.

My best friend's wife (she was a hottie, too) was a Chemical Engineer at Diamond Shamrock when dimocrap scum ran the Company out of Cleveland to Texas. They offered for her to go and she accepted.

He didn't. dimocrap scum do more than just destroy jobs, they destroy families.

Cleveland was/is the sister City of Dee-Troit. How they doing?

And I don't care if I insult you or not. In fact, that is my intention.

You people are so stupid that you're killing yourselves and it places a burden on us because we have to take care of you afterwards.

How can German Car Makers make twice as many cars as we do and pay their workers twice as much?

How Germany Builds Twice As Many Cars As The U.S. While Paying Its Workers Twice As Much - Forbes

Simple, their Unions work with the Companies in Good Faith.

Our Unions are scum-of-the-earth socialists. Our Unions kill Companies. Our Unions kill jobs and destroy families and desolate entire regions.

And the reason why....? They're infested with dimocrap scum.

It's just not any more complicated than that.

Been there, done that, sold the T-Shirt.

I don't want to be nice to you and people like you. I want you to go away. Forever.

Without you, we could would have a much better Country to live in.

your friends wife left him for a job?

they split up over $.

sad fucking state of affairs for THAT couple.

Didn't marry because of love. Really sad how things are swirling down the crapper these days.
The middle class is the middle class. Your evasion is cute but not clever, cutie.

No it is not, the far left makes claims that the middle class is stagnate, that is because the unions have no negotiated any big huge pay raises in the past 8 years. Thus to the far left the middle class is stagnate.

Do you understand that the economy is not doing well? We have over 7% unemployment (the real numbers put it about 28% to 32% unemployment) and for the life you, you can not figure this out?

You're a jackass dude.

Middle class doesn't mean only union. God damn that's stupid.

And I'm not talking about the past 8 years.

From the late 70's to early 80's compared to today, executive pay has grown exponentially in comparison to middle class pay. As a percentage.

If you're going to deny that cold fact, then why bother?

According to far left logic only unions are middle class, it is fact.

And what the far left considers to be CEO pay is not what most think.

CEO draws a salary then gets stock options on top of that salary, the combined is what the far left uses to justify this. Once the far left understand this the better off we will all be.

Stock options are not a salary they are perk and thus should be excluded in any far left math formula.

If all you far left zealots are upset why not go protest at George Soros's house or Warren Buffet or Bill Gates or any board member at Apple?
If its such a simple job then why do the CEO's of this simply job company make millions while the actual workers make shit? Capitalism for the rich by the rich.

and you think keeping it together to keep all those they employ working isn't hard work, I assume? They don't have massive headaches they have to deal with on a daily basis, and never think of their jobs during the little time off they actually give themselves? They are responsible for keeping over 400,000 employed directly and through their franchises and making sure their product is competitive, that their vendors are getting paid, that their companies tax accountants are making sure they properly handle all the tax laws, and new tax laws? Worry over keeping the franchises lucrative so they can pay their franchise fees on debt they have financed for those individuals to have their own slice of the American dream? Worry over frivolous lawsuits? How their stock is maintaining its value for their investors? Worry over increasing prices for products used in their production of food and their shipping and how to maintain a price the customers will continue to pay for having to stand in line to order their food, gets themselves their own drinks, find a table, usually has to clear their own tables? Has to get up to get their own condiments?
You can substitute the word worry for the word strategy here, as they have to be able to plan strategically and keep one step ahead of possible changing conditions at a moments notice for all the above to be able to run smoothly and to stay afloat.

Why aren't you screaming about those that make millions per film for remembering lines in a script? Or how about their producers making billions? Or what about writers that make hundresds of thousands up to millions off a book they write of around 300 pages, average?
What do you think the ones packing the boxes of books actually make vs. the writer of 300 pages?

This has nothing to do with anything other than the unions hoping to get their greedy hands on fast food workers in America and the extra dues they will have to fill their greedy and many times corrupt pockets with.
Stop using the term 'middle class'. It's a misnomer. We're "Working Class". Most of us.

Middle Class is a group that none of us need worry about. They're doing fine and will continue to.

As to why the huge separation of pay?

That's not really complicated at all. The more creative among us are cashing in, and they're cashing in because they're introducing new ideas and new technologies and new -- Everything.

Why is the hourly worker falling off the cliff? Again, very simple.... Because dimocrap scum and their thug Unions have run all the manufacturing out of the Country.

And NOT because of wages, because you can't work with dimocrap scum. You can't trust them because they lie, they deal in bad faith and they can not be trusted.

Know how many Man-Hours it takes to build a car in this Country?

I'm talking everything form lug-nuts to the horn to the engine, transmission and the cupholders..?

Take a guess? Stymied? Thirty (30)

That's right, it takes thirty man hours to build a new car in this Country on average.

Wages my dying ass. Manufacturing jobs left this Country because they can't deal with scum-of-the-earth dimocrap douchebags.

Know what kills Manufacturing Corporations? Not wages, not Unions, not competition---

Shut downs. They can pay the wages, they can deal with competition, hell, they can almost even deal with intrusive scumbag government regulators who got their noses up everybody's ass ....

But they CAN NOT deal with shut downs. It kills them It absolutel kills them.

Last time I was in Ohio (shows you how long it's been) UAW was striking for MLK's birthday to be a paid holiday.

This, while the workers at the South Carolina Toyota Plant were forming Quality Counsels trying to find ways to make better cars with fewer mistakes.

Wonder why American Blue Collar jobs have gone to shit?

Because you fucking deserve it. You're stupid, you're greedy and you're socialist scum.

Do you really think platitudes and insults make the grade, in a discussion? Only when I kid.


You haven't addressed why - for 95% of America, wages grew only 23% while it's up over 100% for 5% of people.

And if you get too cocky well - good for you bruv. Pat yourself on your always angry and retentive ass.

Fewer jobs means less competition for workers which means wage stagnation.

Many who were layed off in 2008 found jobs but at lower wages. Those of us who didn't lose our jobs haven't had raises or the usual pax increases because money is tight.

Money is tight bro?

Corporate profits increased post recession to all time levels.

Are your wages still frozen bro? I'd rather ask questions than remain a lemming.

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