Wage Strikes Planned at Fast-Food Outlets

Since the wages have increased something like 600% I'd like Edge to explain how CEO's in 30 years have become 600% better than everyone else. That is truly amazing

They don't have to be better nit wit, they just have to be more valuable to the company.


So you wouldn't have any problem with us going back to the gilden age??? AKA China/mexico.
...if Cities and States that have imposed higher minimum wages had either higher unemployment rates or completely lacked fast food franchises. Neither is actually the case...
Fast food is everywhere. Jeesh. So let's get clear on the min.wage/unemployment facts--

--that all low unemployment states have no state min. wage, and the high unemployment states have higher min. wages. If anyone wants, we can also look at how unemployment goes up with min. wage boosts.
... highest minimum wage state was Washington, which has an unemployment rate of 7%, LOWER than most of the states with the Federal standard.
No, Washington with the highest mw has an unemployment rate that's above the average 6.7 state rate. fwiw, the states no higher than fed. min. average an unemployment rate that's more than a percent lower than the others.
...If anyone wants, we can also look at how unemployment goes up with min. wage boosts.
...does raising the minimum wage cause unemployment to rise...
OK, we can do that next, so long as we have finished observing how areas w/ higher min wages have higher unemployment.
** Tea Baggers don't like welfare -- their tax dollars going to feed the poor.

** Tea Baggers don't want to see people paid a living wage -- "Get a better job McPeople".

** Tea Baggers don't see to understand -- when McDonalds doesn't pay people a living wage they go on Walfare, collect food stamps.

Why not make McDonalds pay their employees enough so that WE (YOU) don't have support them via your tax dollars?

Should like a plan???

I see you are doubling down on the full retard act.
I'm not angry, I'm laughing at you. You people are so incredibly stupid you can't see that you're destroying yourselves.

I left Ohio in 1977 when I saw that dimocrap scum were going to run the whole area into the ground. They did. When I saw Companies and Businesses just FLEEING the stupidity of dimocraps and their lapdog Unions, I decided it was time for me to follow suit.

I had a good job at Republic Steel. Doing okay but I saw the handwriting on the wall so I moved to Florida and I struggled for a while.

But I knew things would break because Florida was, and still is, growing.... And not run by dimocrap scum.

Cleveland lost 300,000 Steel jobs ALONE between 1976 and 1996. They lost tens of thousands more manufacturing jobs.

My best friend's wife (she was a hottie, too) was a Chemical Engineer at Diamond Shamrock when dimocrap scum ran the Company out of Cleveland to Texas. They offered for her to go and she accepted.

He didn't. dimocrap scum do more than just destroy jobs, they destroy families.

Cleveland was/is the sister City of Dee-Troit. How they doing?

And I don't care if I insult you or not. In fact, that is my intention.

You people are so stupid that you're killing yourselves and it places a burden on us because we have to take care of you afterwards.

How can German Car Makers make twice as many cars as we do and pay their workers twice as much?

How Germany Builds Twice As Many Cars As The U.S. While Paying Its Workers Twice As Much - Forbes

Simple, their Unions work with the Companies in Good Faith.

Our Unions are scum-of-the-earth socialists. Our Unions kill Companies. Our Unions kill jobs and destroy families and desolate entire regions.

And the reason why....? They're infested with dimocrap scum.

It's just not any more complicated than that.

Been there, done that, sold the T-Shirt.

I don't want to be nice to you and people like you. I want you to go away. Forever.

Without you, we could would have a much better Country to live in.

your friends wife left him for a job?

they split up over $.

sad fucking state of affairs for THAT couple.

Didn't marry because of love. Really sad how things are swirling down the crapper these days.

Exactly. Americans have been brainwashed by corporatocracy.

$$$$$$ = success.

Not working hard and being a loving family member.

no, it's better now to leave all of your loved ones for big city jobs where you know nobody. that's success.
Do you really think platitudes and insults make the grade, in a discussion? Only when I kid.


You haven't addressed why - for 95% of America, wages grew only 23% while it's up over 100% for 5% of people.

And if you get too cocky well - good for you bruv. Pat yourself on your always angry and retentive ass.

I'm not angry, I'm laughing at you. You people are so incredibly stupid you can't see that you're destroying yourselves.

I left Ohio in 1977 when I saw that dimocrap scum were going to run the whole area into the ground. They did. When I saw Companies and Businesses just FLEEING the stupidity of dimocraps and their lapdog Unions, I decided it was time for me to follow suit.

I had a good job at Republic Steel. Doing okay but I saw the handwriting on the wall so I moved to Florida and I struggled for a while.

But I knew things would break because Florida was, and still is, growing.... And not run by dimocrap scum.

Cleveland lost 300,000 Steel jobs ALONE between 1976 and 1996. They lost tens of thousands more manufacturing jobs.

My best friend's wife (she was a hottie, too) was a Chemical Engineer at Diamond Shamrock when dimocrap scum ran the Company out of Cleveland to Texas. They offered for her to go and she accepted.

He didn't. dimocrap scum do more than just destroy jobs, they destroy families.

Cleveland was/is the sister City of Dee-Troit. How they doing?

And I don't care if I insult you or not. In fact, that is my intention.

You people are so stupid that you're killing yourselves and it places a burden on us because we have to take care of you afterwards.

How can German Car Makers make twice as many cars as we do and pay their workers twice as much?

How Germany Builds Twice As Many Cars As The U.S. While Paying Its Workers Twice As Much - Forbes

Simple, their Unions work with the Companies in Good Faith.

Our Unions are scum-of-the-earth socialists. Our Unions kill Companies. Our Unions kill jobs and destroy families and desolate entire regions.

And the reason why....? They're infested with dimocrap scum.

It's just not any more complicated than that.

Been there, done that, sold the T-Shirt.

I don't want to be nice to you and people like you. I want you to go away. Forever.

Without you, we could would have a much better Country to live in.

your friends wife left him for a job?

they split up over $.

sad fucking state of affairs for THAT couple.

It wasn't a job, it was a career. And a good one. Know what Chemical Engineer makes?

And he had a good job, a good career, that he didn't want to leave. He was afraid to leave it and start over somewhere he was unfamiliar with.

She couldn't stay in Cleveland, where would she work? dimocrap scum were killing the City and they just simply didn't care about the people trying to live there. Like they ever have? :dunno:

I hope a similar situation never happens to you but I can tell you, it was one of the most heart breaking things I've ever seen.

Me? I don't know if I would have gone with her. He had worked his way from the ground up, from a dumbass laborer to running a crew of 30 men and was doing quite well. He didn't want to start over and I don't blame him.

She had a specialized job in a specialty field with dimocrap scum running loose destroying everything in site... What choice did she have?
Either you have to buy that yourselves and most of the people you know are just plain failures in life which resulted in yourselves and most of the people you know only growing about 23% since the 80's , while executives grew 100% and over -

Or, you'd have to agree that something went awry.

And I don't think that executive compensation should be anything short of miraculous - but I'm talking a macro-level nightmare going on because they should grow (as a percentage, not REAL dollars) around the same rate.

It's relevant to 95% of America, and probably including yourself.

They should have grown at 23% just like the rest of us.

Real dollars - of course they should have added way more.

But growing as a percent - it should be the same. And it's 23% to 100-300%.

Did all of America up and vanish, stop working hard, become unskilled? 95% of us?

It is absolutely irrelevant to me and to the rest of the country whether they know it or not. Executive pay grows in proportion to what the company thinks they deserve, not what left wing hack lunatics like you think they deserve.

The point is that burger flippers don't deserve $15 an hour.

Then you are another who is content to supplement these fast food workers through welfare and SNAP cards, right? Because they can't make it on $750 a month so they apply for assistance. Who pays for that? Hmmmm?

End welfare, and subsidies.
Either you have to buy that yourselves and most of the people you know are just plain failures in life which resulted in yourselves and most of the people you know only growing about 23% since the 80's , while executives grew 100% and over -

Or, you'd have to agree that something went awry.

And I don't think that executive compensation should be anything short of miraculous - but I'm talking a macro-level nightmare going on because they should grow (as a percentage, not REAL dollars) around the same rate.

It's relevant to 95% of America, and probably including yourself.

They should have grown at 23% just like the rest of us.

Real dollars - of course they should have added way more.

But growing as a percent - it should be the same. And it's 23% to 100-300%.

Did all of America up and vanish, stop working hard, become unskilled? 95% of us?

It is absolutely irrelevant to me and to the rest of the country whether they know it or not. Executive pay grows in proportion to what the company thinks they deserve, not what left wing hack lunatics like you think they deserve.

The point is that burger flippers don't deserve $15 an hour.

Then you are another who is content to supplement these fast food workers through welfare and SNAP cards, right? Because they can't make it on $750 a month so they apply for assistance. Who pays for that? Hmmmm?

We need to stop giving them assistance.
I'm not angry, I'm laughing at you. You people are so incredibly stupid you can't see that you're destroying yourselves.

I left Ohio in 1977 when I saw that dimocrap scum were going to run the whole area into the ground. They did. When I saw Companies and Businesses just FLEEING the stupidity of dimocraps and their lapdog Unions, I decided it was time for me to follow suit.

I had a good job at Republic Steel. Doing okay but I saw the handwriting on the wall so I moved to Florida and I struggled for a while.

But I knew things would break because Florida was, and still is, growing.... And not run by dimocrap scum.

Cleveland lost 300,000 Steel jobs ALONE between 1976 and 1996. They lost tens of thousands more manufacturing jobs.

My best friend's wife (she was a hottie, too) was a Chemical Engineer at Diamond Shamrock when dimocrap scum ran the Company out of Cleveland to Texas. They offered for her to go and she accepted.

He didn't. dimocrap scum do more than just destroy jobs, they destroy families.

Cleveland was/is the sister City of Dee-Troit. How they doing?

And I don't care if I insult you or not. In fact, that is my intention.

You people are so stupid that you're killing yourselves and it places a burden on us because we have to take care of you afterwards.

How can German Car Makers make twice as many cars as we do and pay their workers twice as much?

How Germany Builds Twice As Many Cars As The U.S. While Paying Its Workers Twice As Much - Forbes

Simple, their Unions work with the Companies in Good Faith.

Our Unions are scum-of-the-earth socialists. Our Unions kill Companies. Our Unions kill jobs and destroy families and desolate entire regions.

And the reason why....? They're infested with dimocrap scum.

It's just not any more complicated than that.

Been there, done that, sold the T-Shirt.

I don't want to be nice to you and people like you. I want you to go away. Forever.

Without you, we could would have a much better Country to live in.

your friends wife left him for a job?

they split up over $.

sad fucking state of affairs for THAT couple.

It wasn't a job, it was a career. And a good one. Know what Chemical Engineer makes?

And he had a good job, a good career, that he didn't want to leave. He was afraid to leave it and start over somewhere he was unfamiliar with.

She couldn't stay in Cleveland, where would she work? dimocrap scum were killing the City and they just simply didn't care about the people trying to live there. Like they ever have? :dunno:

I hope a similar situation never happens to you but I can tell you, it was one of the most heart breaking things I've ever seen.

Me? I don't know if I would have gone with her. He had worked his way from the ground up, from a dumbass laborer to running a crew of 30 men and was doing quite well. He didn't want to start over and I don't blame him.

She had a specialized job in a specialty field with dimocrap scum running loose destroying everything in site... What choice did she have?

:lol: @ a career being more important than the person you're sworn to love through thick and thin.

some friends
Since the wages have increased something like 600% I'd like Edge to explain how CEO's in 30 years have become 600% better than everyone else. That is truly amazing

They don't have to be better nit wit, they just have to be more valuable to the company.


So you wouldn't have any problem with us going back to the gilden age??? AKA China/mexico.

More proof that the far left can not justify their stance on this.

Nor do they have clue on how the economy works an thus proving that no far left zealot should be allowed in government making such decisions.
your friends wife left him for a job?

they split up over $.

sad fucking state of affairs for THAT couple.

It wasn't a job, it was a career. And a good one. Know what Chemical Engineer makes?

And he had a good job, a good career, that he didn't want to leave. He was afraid to leave it and start over somewhere he was unfamiliar with.

She couldn't stay in Cleveland, where would she work? dimocrap scum were killing the City and they just simply didn't care about the people trying to live there. Like they ever have? :dunno:

I hope a similar situation never happens to you but I can tell you, it was one of the most heart breaking things I've ever seen.

Me? I don't know if I would have gone with her. He had worked his way from the ground up, from a dumbass laborer to running a crew of 30 men and was doing quite well. He didn't want to start over and I don't blame him.

She had a specialized job in a specialty field with dimocrap scum running loose destroying everything in site... What choice did she have?

:lol: @ a career being more important than the person you're sworn to love through thick and thin.

some friends

eat shit and die, bitch
Since the wages have increased something like 600% I'd like Edge to explain how CEO's in 30 years have become 600% better than everyone else. That is truly amazing

They don't have to be better nit wit, they just have to be more valuable to the company.


So you wouldn't have any problem with us going back to the gilden age??? AKA China/mexico.

Obviously you haven't the slightest idea what the fuck you are talking about. What is the problem? Do you not read the posts you respond to? Or do you not understand what you read?
wrong, capitalism is for anyone who is willing to work harder than the next guy, invent something, innovate, improve, discover. It works for everyone. Bill Gates invented a computer operating system which made him a multi millionaire and also created millions of new jobs.

Yeah, great....use a Harvard educated rich kid with a successful wealthy attorney father as your example of capitalism. Love it.

How many years do you think Gates worked at McDonald's in order to save for his first computer?


Here, let me help you. Try Jeff Bezos.

OK, try Herman Cain, steve jobs, The guys that started Dominoes pizza, Al Copeland (Popeyes fried chicken).

The point is that capitalism works for everyone, name one great invention that has come from a socialist country.

So Herman Cain invented pizza?

Gunpowder was invented in China....Those people have never been free.

The French invented the first automobile during the 18th century during the reign of Napoleon.
(The History of the Automobile - Gas Engines)
The very first self-powered road vehicles were powered by steam engines and by that definition Nicolas Joseph Cugnot of France built the first automobile in 1769 - recognized by the British Royal Automobile Club and the Automobile Club de France as being the first.



your friends wife left him for a job?

they split up over $.

sad fucking state of affairs for THAT couple.

Didn't marry because of love. Really sad how things are swirling down the crapper these days.

Exactly. Americans have been brainwashed by corporatocracy.

$$$$$$ = success.

Not working hard and being a loving family member.

no, it's better now to leave all of your loved ones for big city jobs where you know nobody. that's success.

LOL this has been going a whole lot longer than any far leftie is willing to admit.
I think welfare is out of control and that too many people take blatant advantage of it.

And you can think that, while also wanting to get to the bottom of why, say, an accountant today makes 275% less in comparison to an executive level job than he did in the 70's.....

without even SPEAKING politics or ideology.

But you know it all douches are living in your paradigm and can't nooo00obody touch it, no sir!

You're shameful.
** Tea Baggers don't like welfare -- their tax dollars going to feed the poor.

** Tea Baggers don't want to see people paid a living wage -- "Get a better job McPeople".

** Tea Baggers don't see to understand -- when McDonalds doesn't pay people a living wage they go on Walfare, collect food stamps.

Why not make McDonalds pay their employees enough so that WE (YOU) don't have support them via your tax dollars?

Should like a plan???

I see you are doubling down on the full retard act.

its the only act he knows, ignorance on display:cuckoo:
Yeah, great....use a Harvard educated rich kid with a successful wealthy attorney father as your example of capitalism. Love it.

How many years do you think Gates worked at McDonald's in order to save for his first computer?


Here, let me help you. Try Jeff Bezos.

OK, try Herman Cain, steve jobs, The guys that started Dominoes pizza, Al Copeland (Popeyes fried chicken).

The point is that capitalism works for everyone, name one great invention that has come from a socialist country.

So Herman Cain invented pizza?

Gunpowder was invented in China....Those people have never been free.

The French invented the first automobile during the 18th century during the reign of Napoleon.
(The History of the Automobile - Gas Engines)
The very first self-powered road vehicles were powered by steam engines and by that definition Nicolas Joseph Cugnot of France built the first automobile in 1769 - recognized by the British Royal Automobile Club and the Automobile Club de France as being the first.



I seethe far left is now twisting words to try and make yet another invalid point that they deem to be valid.
They don't have to be better nit wit, they just have to be more valuable to the company.


So you wouldn't have any problem with us going back to the gilden age??? AKA China/mexico.

Obviously you haven't the slightest idea what the fuck you are talking about. What is the problem? Do you not read the posts you respond to? Or do you not understand what you read?

Wow, what a stunning rebuttal. I am humbled by your educated, analytical response.
Regular Don Rickles we got here.

So you love the right to remain silent huh? That is funneh :doubt:

I do love it when people who have nothing to say exercise it. I'm certain that you aren't self aware enough to realize that you are one who should exercise it, as you replied with yet another vacuous comment to my post when your silence would obviously have been more appreciated.

Since you haven't made ANY relevant contribution to a thread I've read in the past two days, you may take a vacay on my "do not bore me" list.

They don't have to be better nit wit, they just have to be more valuable to the company.


So you wouldn't have any problem with us going back to the gilden age??? AKA China/mexico.

More proof that the far left can not justify their stance on this.

Nor do they have clue on how the economy works an thus proving that no far left zealot should be allowed in government making such decisions.

He's either illiterate, an idiot, or he doesn't read the posts he responds to.

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