Wage Strikes Planned at Fast-Food Outlets

So Herman Cain invented pizza? - No, an at no point was that ever claimed.

Gunpowder was invented in China....Those people have never been free. -Perhaps, but they were not Communists when Gunpowder was invented.

The French invented the first automobile during the 18th century during the reign of Napoleon.
(The History of the Automobile - Gas Engines)
The very first self-powered road vehicles were powered by steam engines and by that definition Nicolas Joseph Cugnot of France built the first automobile in 1769 - recognized by the British Royal Automobile Club and the Automobile Club de France as being the first.



Very nice article that had no relevance to the post you were responding to...try again.
Lying bitch. No one claimed Herman Cain invented pizza.:lol:

Got you bitch faces backs against the wall and you know it.

Uh-huh. I'm quivering.

Herman Cain invented the tomato several hundred years ago when he was living in Mexico, too, so that he could put tomato sauce on his pizzas.

You really are insane.


Keep outing yourself.

I've always been out there. I think you're the one who needs to get out more often.
If you are forced to make a living off of Fast Food rages the problem is with you not the wages
Go to school learn a skill then you wouldn't be forced to work Fast Food

These Fast Food workers might just be cutting their own throats if they make it to expensive to keep employed the industry might just be forced to seek out an alternative to that burger flipper. If they can invent and build a robot to build a car they sure can invent and build a robot to make a hamburger
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So Herman Cain invented pizza? - No, an at no point was that ever claimed.

Gunpowder was invented in China....Those people have never been free. -Perhaps, but they were not Communists when Gunpowder was invented.

The French invented the first automobile during the 18th century during the reign of Napoleon.
(The History of the Automobile - Gas Engines)
The very first self-powered road vehicles were powered by steam engines and by that definition Nicolas Joseph Cugnot of France built the first automobile in 1769 - recognized by the British Royal Automobile Club and the Automobile Club de France as being the first.



Very nice article that had no relevance to the post you were responding to...try again.

Guess you didn't see his original request. And BTW, he did not request inventions from Communist countries. Do I have to use an emoticon to express sarcasm? You really think I thought "U becki becki Beckistan" Cain invented pizza? You get an F- for comprehension.
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Don't Like your pay? Get a better job.

You know it should be a no brainer. I did so many jobs. From bus boy to sub girl I did everything.

It's called real life.

I did too. After my classes ended for the day in the mid-1970s I went to work at a restaurant from 4:30 in the afternoon til' 11:00 at night, 6 nights a week, to put myself through 4 years of college.

I recall being able to pay my bills: rent, tuition, books, car, gas, food, car insurance, clothing, utilities, etc.

I couldn't have done that on today's $750 a month. Could you? Do you know what a shitty apartment rents for these days? Try about $900 a month if you're in the northeast.

yeah, but today you could just live in momma's basement and get free insurance and an EBT card, why bother with school?
So Herman Cain invented pizza? - No, an at no point was that ever claimed.

Gunpowder was invented in China....Those people have never been free. -Perhaps, but they were not Communists when Gunpowder was invented.

The French invented the first automobile during the 18th century during the reign of Napoleon.
(The History of the Automobile - Gas Engines)
The very first self-powered road vehicles were powered by steam engines and by that definition Nicolas Joseph Cugnot of France built the first automobile in 1769 - recognized by the British Royal Automobile Club and the Automobile Club de France as being the first.



Very nice article that had no relevance to the post you were responding to...try again.

Guess you didn't see his original request. And BTW, he did not request inventions from Communist countries. Do I have to use an emoticon to express sarcasm? You really think I thought "U becki becki Beckistan" Cain invented pizza? You get an F- for comprehension.

are you a complete fricken moron? NO ONE claimed that Cain invented pizza. Did you miss your paxil dose? did you take it with vodka? WTF is wrong with you?
So Herman Cain invented pizza? - No, an at no point was that ever claimed.

Gunpowder was invented in China....Those people have never been free. -Perhaps, but they were not Communists when Gunpowder was invented.

The French invented the first automobile during the 18th century during the reign of Napoleon.
(The History of the Automobile - Gas Engines)
The very first self-powered road vehicles were powered by steam engines and by that definition Nicolas Joseph Cugnot of France built the first automobile in 1769 - recognized by the British Royal Automobile Club and the Automobile Club de France as being the first.



Very nice article that had no relevance to the post you were responding to...try again.

Guess you didn't see his original request. And BTW, he did not request inventions from Communist countries. Do I have to use an emoticon to express sarcasm? You really think I thought "U becki becki Beckistan" Cain invented pizza? You get an F- for comprehension.

I think I asked if you could name world changing inventions that came out of socialist countries.

for the record, France was not socialist when the cars you listed were "invented"
Don't Like your pay? Get a better job.

You know it should be a no brainer. I did so many jobs. From bus boy to sub girl I did everything.

It's called real life.

I did too. After my classes ended for the day in the mid-1970s I went to work at a restaurant from 4:30 in the afternoon til' 11:00 at night, 6 nights a week, to put myself through 4 years of college.

I recall being able to pay my bills: rent, tuition, books, car, gas, food, car insurance, clothing, utilities, etc.

I couldn't have done that on today's $750 a month (take home pay for average fast food worker). Could you? Do you know what a shitty apartment rents for these days? Try about $900 a month if you're in the northeast.

now that couldn't have a thing to do with the outrageous cost of public universities today, could it? You know those that have unions driving up the pay and benefits for their employees? At least fast food is able to keep its price reasonable for those college students as well as employ them, yet they are the ones that are getting all the grief.
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The employees aren't protesting. Those are protesters hired by the Union.

You know, you are probably right.

BTW, you know that most of these so-called "strikes" are just staged events, where people who don't even work there, are paid by SEIU union thugs to show up and "protest", don't you?


It looks like astroturfing is alive and well in the Democrat party and their hard-left handlers.

You've heard about the so-called "fast-food strikes" that keep popping up. Another was this week. Their publicists have been trying to pretend they are "grassroots" movements - people who are simply upset, and who take to the streets to protest.

Not even close, it turns out. SEIU (the Service Employees International Union) has been actively starting these protests and organizing them. And, when they couldn't find enough people who thought they were worth paying attention to, SEIU has been paying strangers to come in, act like "employees" of the business being struck, and carry signs in "protest".

Democrats and other hard-left fanatics have been trying to legislate against the will of the people for quite some time now. It's really no surprise that they are faking "concern" over various employers who only pay what the employees' labor is worth, and staging fake "protests" and "strikes" to try to pretend they have some sort of backing from normal people.

Looks like they are still at it.

Is there no form of fakery and lying these people won't stoop to, to pretend they have a legitimate grievance?


Fast-food protests really front for guess who

Fast-food protests really front for guess who

Claims to be 'movement of workers' seeking higher wages

by Aaron Klein
Published: 2 days ago

Fast Food Forward, the group organizing the fast-food strikes set for New York City tomorrow, bills itself as a “movement of NYC fast food workers to raise wages and gain rights at work.” However, WND has found the group is actually a front for the progressive SEIU labor union and is led by paid professionals from the union as well as from the latest incarnation of the controversial ACORN group.

While it has been highly publicized that SEIU – Service Employees International Union – backs the fast-food protests, the new revelation shows its paid employees are actually leading and organizing a major component of the movement.

Besides directing the New York contingent, Fast Food Forward has been instrumental in fueling the protests scheduled nationwide.

Fast Food Forward’s president and lead organizer is activist Kendall Fells. He has been widely quoted by news media as simply organizing for the fast-food group.

USA Today, for example, reported: “Kendall Fells, a New York City-based organizer for Fast Food Forward, said demonstrations are planned for 100 cities, in addition to the 100 cities where workers will strike.” The New York Times labeled Fells only as one of Fast Food Forward’s main organizers. UPI similarly reported Fells is “one of the organizers of Thursday’s strikes.”

Fells, however, is more than just a Fast Food Forward organizer. He has been a paid SEIU organizer since at least 2007.

In 2007, Fells took in $73,129 as an SEIU organizer.
In 2008, his SEIU salary increased to $95,913. In 2009, Fells made $100,071 from his SEIU efforts. He made a similar salary in 2010.
In 2011, Fells’ SEIU salary jumped to $120,151. Last year, he took in $111,000 as a New York City coordinator for the SEIU.

Meanwhile, Fast Food Forward’s secretary-treasurer is activist Kevin Doyle. WND found Doyle has been employed by the SEIU since 2009. He is currently executive vice president of SEIU Local 32BJ.

Fast Food Forward’s vice president is Jonathan Westin. It turns out Westin doubles as organizing director for New York Communities for Change, the reincarnation of ACORN.
Very nice article that had no relevance to the post you were responding to...try again.

Guess you didn't see his original request. And BTW, he did not request inventions from Communist countries. Do I have to use an emoticon to express sarcasm? You really think I thought "U becki becki Beckistan" Cain invented pizza? You get an F- for comprehension.

are you a complete fricken moron? NO ONE claimed that Cain invented pizza. Did you miss your paxil dose? did you take it with vodka? WTF is wrong with you?

Oh jesus. Google "sarcasm". Do I have to paste a chuckling emoticon on a line in order for you neanderthals to get it?
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You know it should be a no brainer. I did so many jobs. From bus boy to sub girl I did everything.

It's called real life.

I did too. After my classes ended for the day in the mid-1970s I went to work at a restaurant from 4:30 in the afternoon til' 11:00 at night, 6 nights a week, to put myself through 4 years of college.

I recall being able to pay my bills: rent, tuition, books, car, gas, food, car insurance, clothing, utilities, etc.

I couldn't have done that on today's $750 a month. Could you? Do you know what a shitty apartment rents for these days? Try about $900 a month if you're in the northeast.

yeah, but today you could just live in momma's basement and get free insurance and an EBT card, why bother with school?

I see that this is all you got. So you agree, a living wage is not something that the Walmart Employee Playbook allows anymore. Thank you.
Very nice article that had no relevance to the post you were responding to...try again.

Guess you didn't see his original request. And BTW, he did not request inventions from Communist countries. Do I have to use an emoticon to express sarcasm? You really think I thought "U becki becki Beckistan" Cain invented pizza? You get an F- for comprehension.

are you a complete fricken moron? NO ONE claimed that Cain invented pizza. Did you miss your paxil dose? did you take it with vodka? WTF is wrong with you?

Now here is something that was not invented in China but certainly they have taken our innovation and improved it vastly.

For shame, America, for shame. Our infrastructure crumbles and the real Communists, not the ones you think are in your closet, excel:


The Beijing International Airport
How about furthering your education, trying a little investing in yourself for a change.

America used to be the land of "Ask not what your country can do for you, but what you can do for your country". We went to the Moon based on that premise "And it didn't take a miracle to do it. We just went out and did it!" Tom Hanks "Apollo Thirteen"

But in this era of Comrade Barack its "Look at all the bright, new and shiny free stuff I've brought for you" You won't even get to the rooftop of a one story house with that attitude, let alone a spot 232,000 miles from home.

Back in the time around the 1987 stock Market crash, the Wall Street Journal ran an article about an immigrant waiter that had recently passed away. He had lived alone in a small, sparsely furnished rented apartment, his hourly wage was meager and tip income was average. When the relatives went to clean out his apartment the feature that quickly caught their eyes was this neatly piled stack of Wall Street Journal recent and back issues. When they later got to the lawyers office, they were surprised to find that their immigrant waiter relative had amassed an investment stock account worth in excess of $150,000 in 1987 dollars. A $300,000 ranch home today, sold for $70,000 then. America was the land of opportunity up until the advent of Comrade Barack, then it became I exist, I eat, I breathe, I defecate, I micturate, therefore society owes me.

Society don't owe you nuttin', f#@ker. Work for it!
Sad how the right supports using the government to help people fucked over by these corporations. Increasing minimum wage = less welfare.

Not necessarily. What happens when you increase minimum wage and companies lay off 1 out of every two employees and force the 1 guy to take on the work of two for the pay increase?

The guy who gets laid off certainly will be needing some welfare...

Then Australia and western Europe's McD's should be an epic fail by your logic, right?

Tea - really? Did I say anything about an "epic fail", lol? Please don't twist my words to suit your agenda. That's incredibly dishonest.

If you read my comment, I said that increasing the wage of employees will lead to McDonald's hiring less employees and pushing their current ones to work harder? The Atlantic article here agrees with this claim:
The Magical World Where McDonald's Pays $15 an Hour? It's Australia - Jordan Weissmann - The Atlantic

QUOTE.... "Or if not, they've at least managed to replace a few of them with computers. As Michael Schaefer, an analyst with Euromonitor International, told me, fast food franchises in Europe have been some of the earliest adopters of touchscreen kiosks that let customers order without a cashier. As always, the peril of making employees more expensive is that machines become cheaper in comparison."

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