Wage Strikes Planned at Fast-Food Outlets

No it is not, the far left makes claims that the middle class is stagnate, that is because the unions have no negotiated any big huge pay raises in the past 8 years. Thus to the far left the middle class is stagnate.

Do you understand that the economy is not doing well? We have over 7% unemployment (the real numbers put it about 28% to 32% unemployment) and for the life you, you can not figure this out?

You're a jackass dude.

Middle class doesn't mean only union. God damn that's stupid.

And I'm not talking about the past 8 years.

From the late 70's to early 80's compared to today, executive pay has grown exponentially in comparison to middle class pay. As a percentage.

If you're going to deny that cold fact, then why bother?

According to far left logic only unions are middle class, it is fact.

And what the far left considers to be CEO pay is not what most think.

CEO draws a salary then gets stock options on top of that salary, the combined is what the far left uses to justify this. Once the far left understand this the better off we will all be.

Stock options are not a salary they are perk and thus should be excluded in any far left math formula.

If all you far left zealots are upset why not go protest at George Soros's house or Warren Buffet or Bill Gates or any board member at Apple?

Or Oprah, Jay-Z, and Beyonce.
QUOTE.... "Or if not, they've at least managed to replace a few of them with computers. As Michael Schaefer, an analyst with Euromonitor International, told me, fast food franchises in Europe have been some of the earliest adopters of touchscreen kiosks that let customers order without a cashier. As always, the peril of making employees more expensive is that machines become cheaper in comparison."

"Earliest adopters"? I don't think so.



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And an fyi, the ceo of McDonald's actual salary was only $753,000. Less than a million. He was given stock options which are worth only what stock price he can garner through good management, which also affects millions in this country invested in McDonald's stock- as well as those invested in their over 31,000 franchises. He is a keeper of much more than the left would ever give him credit for.

and there are over a billion stock shares issued. Have any idea how many Americans retirement relies on stock prices remaining up? How many lives are affected by his decisions?
And how many people that work for McDonald's have bought stocks through their direct stock options program?
so, let me understand this. You claim he only made $750K. But got a couple million stock options. Did you think that the stock options are of no value.

Here is the thing, me boy. Stock options do not depend on the fact that a ceo does a great job. It would take YEARS, and YEARS, to bring the stock value of McDonalds to really low levels. And that is not going to happen. Because they would fire the ceo, who would leave with the stock options AND a golden parachute, most likely.

Were you born STUPID, or have you worked at getting that way?
And an fyi, the ceo of McDonald's actual salary was only $753,000. Less than a million. He was given stock options which are worth only what stock price he can garner through good management, which also affects millions in this country invested in McDonald's stock- as well as those invested in their over 31,000 franchises. He is a keeper of much more than the left would ever give him credit for.

and there are over a billion stock shares issued. Have any idea how many Americans retirement relies on stock prices remaining up? How many lives are affected by his decisions?
And how many people that work for McDonald's have bought stocks through their direct stock options program?
And your point is???
The employees aren't protesting. Those are protesters hired by the Union.

In Vegas in the one protest they paid them less than union wages. :lol:

These protesters are getting a $75.00 gift card.

Boom times for rent-a-mobs | New York Post

$50.00 for a Walmart protest, $75.00 for a fast food protest.
And your source is the ny post??? Nice. How about I provide you a response from moveon. But then I would not. Because, of course, I work at maintaining integrity. Sorry you have none.
Guess you didn't see his original request. And BTW, he did not request inventions from Communist countries. Do I have to use an emoticon to express sarcasm? You really think I thought "U becki becki Beckistan" Cain invented pizza? You get an F- for comprehension.

are you a complete fricken moron? NO ONE claimed that Cain invented pizza. Did you miss your paxil dose? did you take it with vodka? WTF is wrong with you?

Oh jesus. Google "sarcasm". Do I have to paste a chuckling emoticon on a line in order for you neanderthals to get it?
Remember, you are responding to complete idiots. You should not expect them to understand.

It is useful to remember that they are congenital idiots. So it is NOT their fault. Just plain bad luck.
^ :lmao:

$7.50 or more per hour is "slave" wages.

Slaves got paid?? ! ??


A very persuasive OP!


Slaves were paid - with food, water and housing. These are generally are considered acceptable forms of payment (ie "will work for food").

Were slaves free to leave if they so chose?

No. But lets keep this honest here; some folks by their own choosing or via poor luck or whatnot really don't have a great option to quit. I'm speaking of the 30 year old who is undereducated, not all that smart, and has a kid to feed, or the person with a serious mental illness that won't be successful in positions that require a greater level of intellectual skill. These jobs are all they have, with the only other real option to be getting on welfare and living off the state.

Again, there are lots of McDonald's workers who have a lot of room to better themselves but some realistically do not.

I fully understand there is a difference between a slave on a plantation and a McD's worker.
Not necessarily. What happens when you increase minimum wage and companies lay off 1 out of every two employees and force the 1 guy to take on the work of two for the pay increase?

The guy who gets laid off certainly will be needing some welfare...

Then Australia and western Europe's McD's should be an epic fail by your logic, right?

Tea - really? Did I say anything about an "epic fail", lol? Please don't twist my words to suit your agenda. That's incredibly dishonest.

If you read my comment, I said that increasing the wage of employees will lead to McDonald's hiring less employees and pushing their current ones to work harder? The Atlantic article here agrees with this claim:
The Magical World Where McDonald's Pays $15 an Hour? It's Australia - Jordan Weissmann - The Atlantic

QUOTE.... "Or if not, they've at least managed to replace a few of them with computers. As Michael Schaefer, an analyst with Euromonitor International, told me, fast food franchises in Europe have been some of the earliest adopters of touchscreen kiosks that let customers order without a cashier. As always, the peril of making employees more expensive is that machines become cheaper in comparison."

Nice. You found an article written by Jordan Weissmann, the resident con of the Atlantic. Here is a review of Mr. Weissmann:
"But we have a new arrival in the battle for the Atlantic’s most hackish writer: Jordan Weissmann. His relative anonymity is blown out of the water by this story on supposedly indulgent out-of-touch teacher unions in Buffalo. Weissmann writes Mitt Romney some Republican debate talking points about teacher unions by blowing up the fact that Buffalo teachers have reconstructive surgery covered by their insurance. Equating Buffalo teachers with Beverly Hills starlets getting breast implants, Weissmann paints a picture of union greed.

Where to start here? The sexism of the photo published at the top of the article? That Weissmann provides not a single example of what any of these teachers used the benefit for during this supposed boom in plastic surgery of recent years, not to mention any comprehensive data? That he doesn’t bother to interview a single union member for his piece? That he doesn’t explore any other possible way for Buffalo balance the budget? That he doesn’t explore how much money Buffalo school administrators make?"
Jordan Weissmann: Hack - Lawyers, Guns & Money : Lawyers, Guns & Money

Most rational people find sources that have standing, that have shown impartiality, and that have no agenda. I suppose we should not be surprised at the source you found out there among the bat shit crazy con web sites.
And, Weissmann does not look at any actual studies, nor does he look at what has happened in this country. He simply does what he is known for: Pushes his right wing agenda.

Here are a couple of actual impartial articles, based on actual impartial studies. I know you won't like them, but you can go ahead and get back to your favored bat shit crazy con sites to feed your agenda.

Employment and the Minimum Wage?Evidence from Recent State Labor Market Trends | Economic Policy Institute

Should you have no agenda (Yes, I know that leaves you out, me boy.) then looking at the impartial roundup of studies done on the subject pretty much come down to the following, form the epi atticle linked above:
"The question of whether moderate minimum wage increases have an insignificantly positive or insignificantly negative impact on particular segments of the labor market will continue to be fruitful work for economists. In the meantime, policy makers should be aware that the facts clearly show that the benefits of such increases outweigh any potential costs."

If you actually read the information on the studies, what you learn is that advantages include lower turnover, higher productivity, and importantly, increases in aggregate demand since low wage workers generally spend nearly all of their incomes.
Guess you didn't see his original request. And BTW, he did not request inventions from Communist countries. Do I have to use an emoticon to express sarcasm? You really think I thought "U becki becki Beckistan" Cain invented pizza? You get an F- for comprehension.

Another "I got caught in a lie, so I was joking" drone, huh?

Go on and play, I won't take you seriously again.
No. But lets keep this honest here; some folks by their own choosing or via poor luck or whatnot really don't have a great option to quit. I'm speaking of the 30 year old who is undereducated, not all that smart, and has a kid to feed, or the person with a serious mental illness that won't be successful in positions that require a greater level of intellectual skill. These jobs are all they have, with the only other real option to be getting on welfare and living off the state.

So, you're saying they have no way to improve themselves or their performance, so they should be given a raise?
...whether moderate minimum wage increases have an insignificantly positive or insignificantly negative impact... ...the benefits of such increases outweigh any potential costs."
--and people who've never tried to sell anything say raising the price always increases income. In real life, here's what upping the minimum wage has done to teenagers--

--and here's what it's done to the rest of us:

Hey gang, here's a quick & easy quiz:

Who pays the wages of most McDonald's fast food workers?

From where does the money come? Who is literally writing the check?

The people do. We also pay for the welfare they must get on because Mcdonalds won't pay a livable wage.

Perhaps you should read my (clearly stated) question again.

Who literally writes the check?

Care to try again?

John Nichols: The Majority of Americans Support Raising the Minimum Wage | The Nation

A new Gallup poll says 76 percent of Americas support raising the minimum wage to $9 an hour, including 58 percent of polled Republicans. On last night’s Ed Show, Nation Washington correspondent John Nichols contrasted that public opinion with New Jersey Governor Chris Christie’s policy record. In January, the now re-elected Republican vetoed a minimum wage increase from $7.25 to $8.50, opting instead for a $1 increase. “If there’s a core issue, it’s these economic justice issues,” Nichols said, “On these, we’re seeing the majority of Republicans saying it’s time to get working on raising wages for working Americans.”

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