Wages at Golden Corral $2.13 an hour

Did you tip?

Liberals dont tip.

Follow this up on some factual information. "Liberals" are called "bleeding heart" for a reason. But I'll assume you think all "liberals" are black and broke...That's what the Sheeple media teaches and you are clearly a sheep.

Statistically, Conservatives are less likely to tip. Or maybe you didn't notice the trend of "profit over humanity"....
So far all the asshole cons think it's a big joke for workers to make $2.13 an hour. Fucking people is the GOP platform.

How much should minimum wage be? Should it cover ObamaCare? Housing? Food? Should you have to do anything short of Voting Democrat to collect?

I think it should cover unnecessary war....... We have been at war for 12 years, 5 months, 1 week and 5 days now. I'm curious what diplomacy could have cost.................

But war is free to the small brains. Even though since 2001 we have spent $1,519,850,200,000. Note that in the time I typed that it was thousands more.....100,000 more now after checking SECONDS later.

Cost of National Security: Counting How Much the U.S. Spends Per Hour
The wife and I went to the New Golden Corral Buffet last night, and I asked the bus boy how much they started him out at. He said $2.13 an hour! I asked what the cooks were paid. He said he wasn't positive, thought it was $8.00 an hour. Anyone think they get medical benefits?
At $2.13 an hour, that guy can't even buy a cup of coffee and a breakfast sandwich at Burger King.($3.99) Is it really possible to live on $80.00 a week?
Looks like the cons have succeeded in making the U.S. a banana republic.
Our dinner was $26.00

$2.13 an hour is the minimum for a tipped employee. With tips, the employee must make at least minimum wage, or that employer has to make up the difference. What doesn't make sense is that Golden Corral is a buffet where tips are minimal. There is no wait staff, just bussers. Because of this, many people will not tip at all, and if they do, it's not going to be a 20% tip.
The bus boy is full of it.
$2.13 an hour is about normal for tip-able employees. Having said that, an employee cannot earn LESS THAN MINIMUM WAGE - including tips. So if a waitress has a crappy night, the business must pay her the difference between the $2/hr and whatever it takes to get to min. wage.


Wage and Hour Division (WHD)

Minimum Wages for Tipped Employees

Show a statute that proves your claim.

Pretty much common knowledge if you know anyone who owns a restaurant.
Well this thread is an advertisement for the plan the cons have for American workers, if they win in November. More poverty, more poor, more low wages. Every con post has either denied the truth, or tried to defend $2.13 an hour wages. When they destroy Social Security and welfare, the problem will be 40 million times worse. That's the con solution.

Hey jackass, how do you feel about the Dem solution for the last 5 years?

$0.00 minimum wage for millions of Americans that lost their jobs due to ACA and Obama's horrid economic policies.

Yo moron, it was the cons that cut off unemployment benefits. It was the cons that refused to raise the minimum wage. It's the cons that have obstructed infrastructure repair that would have created jobs. It's the cons that cut food stamps to hungry children. It's cons efforts to cut Social Security which will throw 40 million on the unemployment lines.
How about you give us some REAL CON SOLUTIONS, instead of just blaming Obama?

Yo moron. Not extending benefits a third time that should have already ended is not a cut.
Did you tip?

He shouldn't have to. No one should have to tip because an employer is so selfish they refuse to pay their workers a decent wage.

Oh for God's sake! The purpose of tipping isn't to relieve employers of the need to pay their employees...tipping is the system that we have in place to reward good service. Now you COULD abolish that but before you do I'd suggest you have a brief chat with someone who's from a region where tipping isn't allowed and ask them how service is there. I think you'll find that it sucks!

I provide good service because I get paid a proper hourly wage. No need for tips.
Well this thread is an advertisement for the plan the cons have for American workers, if they win in November. More poverty, more poor, more low wages. Every con post has either denied the truth, or tried to defend $2.13 an hour wages. When they destroy Social Security and welfare, the problem will be 40 million times worse. That's the con solution.

This thread is a lie, and you are a liar.

You picked up some bullshit meme at one of the hate sites, and figured that people here would be too stupid to catch on to your lies.

Next time, maybe change the name to Denny's or something, so that I can't just Google "Golden Corral only pays 2.13" and find the same post on a half dozen other board.

You see Hangover, you're not just a scumbag liar, you're also too stupid to effectively pull it off.

Thanks for exposing that scumbag!

Did you tip?

Liberals dont tip.

Follow this up on some factual information. "Liberals" are called "bleeding heart" for a reason. But I'll assume you think all "liberals" are black and broke...That's what the Sheeple media teaches and you are clearly a sheep.

Statistically, Conservatives are less likely to tip. Or maybe you didn't notice the trend of "profit over humanity"....

Your reliance on "common" knowledge will get you kudos amongst your 'common' silly Liberals. But in a world of men and women of education, sophistication, traditional values and accountability, provable facts talks. Bullshit walks.

Sioux Falls vs. San Francisco

We assume the rich give more than the middle class, the middle class more than the poor. I've heard liberals care more about the less fortunate, so we assume they give more than conservatives do. Are these assumptions truth, or myth?

To test what types of people give more, "20/20" went to two very different parts of the country, with contrasting populations: Sioux Falls, S.D. and San Francisco, Calif. The Salvation Army set up buckets at the busiest locations in each city -- Macy's in San Francisco and Wal-Mart in Sioux Falls. Which bucket collected more money?

Sioux Falls is rural and religious; half of the population goes to church every week. People in San Francisco make much more money, are predominantly liberal, and just 14 percent of people in San Francisco attend church every week. Liberals are said to care more about helping the poor; so did people in San Francisco give more?

It turns out that this idea that liberals give more…is a myth. Of the top 25 states where people give an above average percent of their income, 24 were red states in the last presidential election.

Arthur Brooks, the author of "Who Really Cares," says that "when you look at the data, it turns out the conservatives give about 30 percent more." He adds, "And incidentally, conservative-headed families make slightly less money."

And he says the differences in giving goes beyond money, pointing out that conservatives are 18 percent more likely to donate blood. He says this difference is not about politics, but about the different way conservatives and liberals view government.

"You find that people who believe it's the government's job to make incomes more equal, are far less likely to give their money away," Brooks says. In fact, people who disagree with the statement, "The government has a basic responsibility to take care of the people who can't take care of themselves," are 27 percent more likely to give to charity.

Who Gives and Who Doesn't? - ABC News

You begin your tenure here with bullshit, eh?


No? You say you WEREN'T lying?

It must be one or the other.

Stupidity or deceit?

Which do you plead?
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Why is it so incredible that the bus boy is making $2-something an hour?

What's the going slave-labor wage for a bus-boy straight off the back of the truck from Mexico, who can't speak much English, and who lives in a shit-hole with a dozen other bus-boys, who is unaware of or unclear about such laws, who wouldn't know who to report a Minimum Wage violation to, who would be scared shitless of losing his job and getting the crap kicked out of him and being arrested and deported if he did report a Minimum Wage violation, whose family in Mexico desperately needs whatever pennies he can scrape together to send back home, and whose employer doesn't even record him as an employee, so that there is never a chance of catching the violation during the course of a routine audit?

I'm about as anti- Illegal Alien as one can get - they shouldn't be here in the first place, and I think we should create harsh conditions that encourage them to leave for home on their own (self-deporation) - but, within the narrow context of such a story being credible...

Regardless of whether or not the OP was 'storytelling' for illustrative and conversational purposes, or being 'straight-up' with us...

Personally, I have zero difficulty in believing that such things go on all the time, right under our noses.

That doesn't do much to advance the discussion of Minimum Wage and welfare, etc., but it adds one more voice to those who believe that such things happen on a broad basis, anyway.

BTW... I get to Golden Corral here in Chicago's far southwest suburbs three or four or five times a year... and I always leave a tip... usually a modest 15% or so... sometimes a bit more, if the table service is particularly good.
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Follow this up on some factual information. "Liberals" are called "bleeding heart" for a reason. But I'll assume you think all "liberals" are black and broke...That's what the Sheeple media teaches and you are clearly a sheep.

Statistically, Conservatives are less likely to tip. Or maybe you didn't notice the trend of "profit over humanity"....

There are three kinds of lies...lies, damned lies and statistics.

You're batting a thousand
Did you tip?

Liberals dont tip.

Follow this up on some factual information. "Liberals" are called "bleeding heart" for a reason. But I'll assume you think all "liberals" are black and broke...That's what the Sheeple media teaches and you are clearly a sheep.

Statistically, Conservatives are less likely to tip. Or maybe you didn't notice the trend of "profit over humanity"....

Sure they are bleeding heart. So much so that they want to spend other people's money to solve perceived problems to make themselves feel better instead of actually doing something out of their own pocket and time. God bless them, for they are too stooped to know better.
I want EVERYONE to succeed in life. That is the Republican and conservative motto.
BWAH HA HA HA HA!!!!!!!!! You have reached a whole new level of bullshit! BWAH HA HA HA HA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And yet you don't know me. With each post you just keep proving what a drooling monkey moron you are. By all means, keep posting your cut and paste talking point lies. We can all use a good laugh.

After tying to convince us that the con's motto is for everyone to succeed, you have revealed your stupidity to all the readers of this thread. I give you the prize for the greatest con bullshit line ever on this forum. Cons don't even what the president of the United States to succeed, and have done everything they could to make him fail. That's how low you are.
Why is it so incredible that the bus boy is making $2-something an hour?

What's the going slave-labor wage for a bus-boy straight off the back of the truck from Mexico, who can't speak much English, and who lives in a shit-hole with a dozen other bus-boys, who is unaware of or unclear about such laws, who wouldn't know who to report a Minimum Wage violation to, who would be scared shitless of losing his job and getting the crap kicked out of him and being arrested and deported if he did report a Minimum Wage violation, whose family in Mexico desperately needs whatever pennies he can scrape together to send back home, and whose employer doesn't even record him as an employee, so that there is never a chance of catching the violation during the course of a routine audit?

I'm about as anti- Illegal Alien as one can get - they shouldn't be here in the first place, and I think we should create harsh conditions that encourage them to leave for home on their own (self-deporation) - but, within the narrow context of such a story being credible...

Regardless of whether or not the OP was 'storytelling' for illustrative and conversational purposes, or being 'straight-up' with us...

Personally, I have zero difficulty in believing that such things go on all the time, right under our noses.

That doesn't do much to advance the discussion of Minimum Wage and welfare, etc., but it adds one more voice to those who believe that such things happen on a broad basis, anyway.

BTW... I get to Golden Corral here in Chicago's far southwest suburbs three or four or five times a year... and I always leave a tip... usually a modest 15% or so... sometimes a bit more, if the table service is particularly good.

I don't really care about the woes of someone who came into the country illegally. They are a criminal and should suffer the consequences. We have immigration laws that function perfectly well for those who use them.
I provide good service because I get paid a proper hourly wage. No need for tips.

Interesting. I provide a good service because if I'm doing something I take pride in it and would be embarrassed to be perceived as someone who doesn't do a good job.

If I enter a mutual agreement with an employer to work for x wages I'll work to provide a good service. If I found the wages weren't fair I'd continue to do a good job while either looking for a different place to work that paid more, or start figuring out how to make my skillset worth more.
BWAH HA HA HA HA!!!!!!!!! You have reached a whole new level of bullshit! BWAH HA HA HA HA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And yet you don't know me. With each post you just keep proving what a drooling monkey moron you are. By all means, keep posting your cut and paste talking point lies. We can all use a good laugh.

After tying to convince us that the con's motto is for everyone to succeed, you have revealed your stupidity to all the readers of this thread. I give you the prize for the greatest con bullshit line ever on this forum. Cons don't even what the president of the United States to succeed, and have done everything they could to make him fail. That's how low you are.

Here's an idea you lying moron, do yourself a favor and check for polyps while you have your head up your ass. Conservatives actually do want everyone to succeed......except Obama, because his policies are actually doing harm to this nation. They have a responsibility to oppose him.
Wages at Golden Corral $2.13 an hour

Don't know if this is true or not. For the sake of conversation, let's say it's true. If it's true, my advice would be if you don't want to work for $2.13 an hour, don't work at Golden Corral.

That seems an obvious solution for the busser.
Instead of whining on this thread, those wringing their hands ("the sky is falling and the Neo-Cons did it!") have 2 proactive options:
1. Leave a $100 tip or...
2. Don't eat at GC which will cause its demise thereby eliminating those poor-paying jobs.
Problem solved! :D

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