Wages at Golden Corral $2.13 an hour

Did he tip?

No answer yet

So, let's say he did. Then he knew that the boy made more than $2.13 an hour and he looks the fool for posting nonsense.

If he did not tip, than hangover could care less how much the boy made. And that's called NOT putting your money where your mouth is.

Good Lord
Did he tip?

No answer yet

So, let's say he did. Then he knew that the boy made more than $2.13 an hour and he looks the fool for posting nonsense.

If he did not tip, than hangover could care less how much the boy made. And that's called NOT putting your money where your mouth is.

Good Lord

he is kind of avoiding a few questions here aint he?....
Did he tip?

No answer yet

So, let's say he did. Then he knew that the boy made more than $2.13 an hour and he looks the fool for posting nonsense.

If he did not tip, than hangover could care less how much the boy made. And that's called NOT putting your money where your mouth is.

Good Lord


I've determined that strict adherence to partisan ideology tends to distort rational thought processes.

In other words, wingers are goofy!


Did he tip?

No answer yet

So, let's say he did. Then he knew that the boy made more than $2.13 an hour and he looks the fool for posting nonsense.

If he did not tip, than hangover could care less how much the boy made. And that's called NOT putting your money where your mouth is.

Good Lord

he is kind of avoiding a few questions here aint he?....

I'm still waiting for an answer to my post of:

You know, virtually every American started out making minimum wage and quickly moved beyond it. I need a liberal to explain to me how some of us end up 40 years later in life making six figures while apparently some are still making minimum wage 40 years later? Did they start working for someone in a minimum wage job 40 years ago and just stay there the rest of their life doing the same simple starter job all those years? Seriously, I want to know how a grown assed adult in their 50's can still only find a minimum wage job after 40 years in the workforce. Anyone?

So far, crickets.
I'm still waiting for an answer to my post of:

You know, virtually every American started out making minimum wage and quickly moved beyond it. I need a liberal to explain to me how some of us end up 40 years later in life making six figures while apparently some are still making minimum wage 40 years later? Did they start working for someone in a minimum wage job 40 years ago and just stay there the rest of their life doing the same simple starter job all those years? Seriously, I want to know how a grown assed adult in their 50's can still only find a minimum wage job after 40 years in the workforce. Anyone?

So far, crickets.

I can answer that question - Bush, Racism, Reagan and Homophobia.
The wife and I went to the New Golden Corral Buffet last night, and I asked the bus boy how much they started him out at. He said $2.13 an hour! I asked what the cooks were paid. He said he wasn't positive, thought it was $8.00 an hour. Anyone think they get medical benefits?
At $2.13 an hour, that guy can't even buy a cup of coffee and a breakfast sandwich at Burger King.($3.99) Is it really possible to live on $80.00 a week?
Looks like the cons have succeeded in making the U.S. a banana republic.
Our dinner was $26.00

It's not that we delight in seeing the very low end earning such meager wages, we don't of course, we just want to suggest resolutions different than yours.

But what we do find upsetting year after year is the huge pay imbalance between most wage earners and labor unions. Between private wage earners and government employees. Don't forget to factor in all of the huge benefits, medical, pension et al. when comparing compensation.

Finally, you can thank your highly left wing trial lawyer associations and most all lawyers for keeping tort laws as they are, for allowing all these frivolous crap lawsuits to go through and the winning defendant still have to pay for his legal fees, and for an endless line of victims, and for having the congress in their hip pocket.
Did he tip?

No answer yet

So, let's say he did. Then he knew that the boy made more than $2.13 an hour and he looks the fool for posting nonsense.

If he did not tip, than hangover could care less how much the boy made. And that's called NOT putting your money where your mouth is.

Good Lord

he is kind of avoiding a few questions here aint he?....

I'm still waiting for an answer to my post of:

You know, virtually every American started out making minimum wage and quickly moved beyond it. I need a liberal to explain to me how some of us end up 40 years later in life making six figures while apparently some are still making minimum wage 40 years later? Did they start working for someone in a minimum wage job 40 years ago and just stay there the rest of their life doing the same simple starter job all those years? Seriously, I want to know how a grown assed adult in their 50's can still only find a minimum wage job after 40 years in the workforce. Anyone?

So far, crickets.

the guy is a phony....
I think if anyone can read back you can see where "information" meets "insults" and the people who use lot's of insults think they win debates........

via "He's so stupid (god I'm so smart, I totally owned him in that debate)"

Perhaps use some information to hold a factual debate instead of the childish insults? How old are you people?
I think if anyone can read back you can see where "information" meets "insults" and the people who use lot's of insults think they win debates........

via "He's so stupid (god I'm so smart, I totally owned him in that debate)"

Perhaps use some information to hold a factual debate instead of the childish insults? How old are you people?

I would draw your attention to post #2

It posed a simple question

Did you tip him?

If The OP refuses that information he opens himself up to insult as you cannot withhold pertinent information for examination, and then claim to want a discussion of the topic.

But thanks for your concern
I think if anyone can read back you can see where "information" meets "insults" and the people who use lot's of insults think they win debates........

via "He's so stupid (god I'm so smart, I totally owned him in that debate)"

Perhaps use some information to hold a factual debate instead of the childish insults? How old are you people?

if that kinda shit bothers you, maybe you should go find another board,because that's the way it gets around here.....the Disney board is nice i hear.....
The wife and I went to the New Golden Corral Buffet last night, and I asked the bus boy how much they started him out at. He said $2.13 an hour! I asked what the cooks were paid. He said he wasn't positive, thought it was $8.00 an hour. Anyone think they get medical benefits?
At $2.13 an hour, that guy can't even buy a cup of coffee and a breakfast sandwich at Burger King.($3.99) Is it really possible to live on $80.00 a week?
Looks like the cons have succeeded in making the U.S. a banana republic.
Our dinner was $26.00

It's not that we delight in seeing the very low end earning such meager wages, we don't of course, we just want to suggest resolutions different than yours.

But what we do find upsetting year after year is the huge pay imbalance between most wage earners and labor unions. Between private wage earners and government employees. Don't forget to factor in all of the huge benefits, medical, pension et al. when comparing compensation.

Finally, you can thank your highly left wing trial lawyer associations and most all lawyers for keeping tort laws as they are, for allowing all these frivolous crap lawsuits to go through and the winning defendant still have to pay for his legal fees, and for an endless line of victims, and for having the congress in their hip pocket.

Thanks to the con union busting efforts, teachers in Wisconsin are getting $2.13 an hour.

Con integrity.....
kwc57 said.
I want EVERYONE to succeed in life. That is the Republican and conservative motto.
The cons don't even want their own president of the United States to succeed, and have done everything they could to make him fail. That's how low you are.
I think if anyone can read back you can see where "information" meets "insults" and the people who use lot's of insults think they win debates........

via "He's so stupid (god I'm so smart, I totally owned him in that debate)"

Perhaps use some information to hold a factual debate instead of the childish insults? How old are you people?

if that kinda shit bothers you, maybe you should go find another board,because that's the way it gets around here.....the Disney board is nice i hear.....

^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^Banned from Disney.................
uhhh. few things. busboys get at least minimum wage. the server (waitress/waiter) probably gets the 2.13 hour. thats the normal wage for most servers. thats why they rely on and APPRECIATE any and all tips they get. did yall know they get taxed on tips whether they get one or not?

ok: as for calling the busboy a liar, loser, etc....thats just childish bullshit. of course id expect nothing less from the juvenile asshats on this forum. sad but true.
The wife and I went to the New Golden Corral Buffet last night, and I asked the bus boy how much they started him out at. He said $2.13 an hour! I asked what the cooks were paid. He said he wasn't positive, thought it was $8.00 an hour. Anyone think they get medical benefits?
At $2.13 an hour, that guy can't even buy a cup of coffee and a breakfast sandwich at Burger King.($3.99) Is it really possible to live on $80.00 a week?
Looks like the cons have succeeded in making the U.S. a banana republic.
Our dinner was $26.00

It's not that we delight in seeing the very low end earning such meager wages, we don't of course, we just want to suggest resolutions different than yours.

But what we do find upsetting year after year is the huge pay imbalance between most wage earners and labor unions. Between private wage earners and government employees. Don't forget to factor in all of the huge benefits, medical, pension et al. when comparing compensation.

Finally, you can thank your highly left wing trial lawyer associations and most all lawyers for keeping tort laws as they are, for allowing all these frivolous crap lawsuits to go through and the winning defendant still have to pay for his legal fees, and for an endless line of victims, and for having the congress in their hip pocket.

Thanks to the con union busting efforts, teachers in Wisconsin are getting $2.13 an hour.

Con integrity.....
kwc57 said.
I want EVERYONE to succeed in life. That is the Republican and conservative motto.
The cons don't even want their own president of the United States to succeed, and have done everything they could to make him fail. That's how low you are.

You would be the dumb fuck that when someone is holding a gun to your head and can't get it to fire, you'd tell them how to take the safety off so they can succeed. The opposition party is opposing the president because they believe his polices are harmful to the nation. They don't want him to succeed in doing greater harm. It's called self defense. Look it up and have one of your 7th grade teachers explain it to you after recess. Gawd, you're an idiot.
The wife and I went to the New Golden Corral Buffet last night, and I asked the bus boy how much they started him out at. He said $2.13 an hour! I asked what the cooks were paid. He said he wasn't positive, thought it was $8.00 an hour. Anyone think they get medical benefits?
At $2.13 an hour, that guy can't even buy a cup of coffee and a breakfast sandwich at Burger King.($3.99) Is it really possible to live on $80.00 a week?
Looks like the cons have succeeded in making the U.S. a banana republic.
Our dinner was $26.00

It's not that we delight in seeing the very low end earning such meager wages, we don't of course, we just want to suggest resolutions different than yours.

But what we do find upsetting year after year is the huge pay imbalance between most wage earners and labor unions. Between private wage earners and government employees. Don't forget to factor in all of the huge benefits, medical, pension et al. when comparing compensation.

Finally, you can thank your highly left wing trial lawyer associations and most all lawyers for keeping tort laws as they are, for allowing all these frivolous crap lawsuits to go through and the winning defendant still have to pay for his legal fees, and for an endless line of victims, and for having the congress in their hip pocket.

Thanks to the con union busting efforts, teachers in Wisconsin are getting $2.13 an hour.

Con integrity.....
kwc57 said.
I want EVERYONE to succeed in life. That is the Republican and conservative motto.
The cons don't even want their own president of the United States to succeed, and have done everything they could to make him fail. That's how low you are.

You know what's amusing to me, Hangover? I keep hearing this refrain from you progressives and it totally ignores reality. The truth is that if the GOP hadn't taken control of the House in the 2010 mid-terms, the next two things on Barack Obama's "agenda" were Cap & Trade legislation and Card Check legislation...two things that would have cost the economy even MORE jobs than we've lost with ObamaCare. If it hadn't been for the 2010 mid-terms this President would have done serious damage to the economy and American workers because he's totally clueless when it comes to economics. His policies have been based on his own political views and have failed epically because his views don't work in the "real world".

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