Wages at Golden Corral $2.13 an hour

Golden Corral Salaries | Glassdoor

Average salary of a Server is $3.42 an hour. It ranges generally from $2 to $5 an hour.

The debate isn't even if this is true or false, it's absolutely true. Any time spent researching if it's true or not proves it's true. Or maybe it's so unimaginable that you think it's not a possibility........

So there are the facts. They slapped you in the face. And you used insults.

Seems the OP won the debate to me. And I won the debate on information vs. insult.

Wake up from your party brainwash please.

yea the OP won the debate.....where the fuck did he run too?....and if you notice he avoided just about every question he was asked....like did he ever fucking tip the guy.....

Are you stating that if an OP posts a factual statement and then goes back to his life and family it's not valid anymore?

I assume he thought if you REALLY wanted to learn you could use an internet search. Clearly you didn't and only are here to troll him. His post was valid kid. But internet trolls are trolls. They are weak in real life and want to become strong on the internet......But here is a website that might help you.......Let me google that for you

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sCNrK-n68CM]Trololo 10 hours - YouTube[/ame]

geezus you aint to smart are you?.....Hangover was posting in various threads after he left here and was posting the next day in various threads,i was in 1 or 2.....so thats going back to his family and life right?.....if you START a thread,you are expected to back up what you say and answer questions asked....otherwise....whats the fucking purpose of starting it if you are going to run from it?.....and if we took a poll right now as to who is a troll,me or you.....get prepared to win your first trophy "kid"....
I wonder how much the people that produced the products he buys at Walmart are paid in China . Not that a liberal would care, cause they do not care about anything.

I am wondering who forces anyone to work at Golden Corral. BTW, how do I know hangover shops at Walmart?

Well, he eats at Golden Corral doesn't he?
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So far all the asshole cons think it's a big joke for workers to make $2.13 an hour. Fucking people is the GOP platform.

This asshole conservative worked as a bartender for a little while in college and earned $2.10 an hour in pay.
I also took home anywhere from $100 to $200 plus a night in tips ... After tipping out the bar-backs and being tipped out by the waitresses (bar-backs are like busboys for the bar).
Cleaning out the car one time ... I found 3 un-cashed paychecks in the glove compartment ... What I received in actual pay didn't mean jack-shit compared to the cash I had in my pocket.

The owners would take the total payout on my drawer and I was taxed at 12-13% of what the drawer took in.
That means I was taxed on what I should have made in tips as well as what I was paid in wages ... Whether or not deadbeat customers tipped me.
I am not complaining ... There were good customers that tipped well above what they were required to ... And it made up for those who didn't.

The best single tip I ever made was a $500 tip on a $5 Charter and water on the rocks ... The guy was a regular customer, a wealthy investment banker and heard I was having car trouble.

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I provide good service because I get paid a proper hourly wage. No need for tips.

You've got it all backwards.

Are you a server? Good ones can make far more than minimum wage

Work in a restaurant here and you are likely to be paid more than the average minimum.

Again, no tips required. Must suck to have to grovel for money, eh?

Yes, it's horrible for a waiter to take home more than the manager!
It's not that we delight in seeing the very low end earning such meager wages, we don't of course, we just want to suggest resolutions different than yours.

But what we do find upsetting year after year is the huge pay imbalance between most wage earners and labor unions. Between private wage earners and government employees. Don't forget to factor in all of the huge benefits, medical, pension et al. when comparing compensation.

Finally, you can thank your highly left wing trial lawyer associations and most all lawyers for keeping tort laws as they are, for allowing all these frivolous crap lawsuits to go through and the winning defendant still have to pay for his legal fees, and for an endless line of victims, and for having the congress in their hip pocket.

Thanks to the con union busting efforts, teachers in Wisconsin are getting $2.13 an hour.

Con integrity.....
kwc57 said.
I want EVERYONE to succeed in life. That is the Republican and conservative motto.
The cons don't even want their own president of the United States to succeed, and have done everything they could to make him fail. That's how low you are.

You would be the dumb fuck that when someone is holding a gun to your head and can't get it to fire, you'd tell them how to take the safety off so they can succeed. The opposition party is opposing the president because they believe his polices are harmful to the nation. They don't want him to succeed in doing greater harm. It's called self defense. Look it up and have one of your 7th grade teachers explain it to you after recess. Gawd, you're an idiot.

Dumb fuck, idiot. That's how an intellectual con thinks he wins an argument. Your mommy is calling you.
Golden Corral Salaries | Glassdoor

Average salary of a Server is $3.42 an hour. It ranges generally from $2 to $5 an hour.

The debate isn't even if this is true or false, it's absolutely true. Any time spent researching if it's true or not proves it's true. Or maybe it's so unimaginable that you think it's not a possibility........

So there are the facts. They slapped you in the face. And you used insults.

Seems the OP won the debate to me. And I won the debate on information vs. insult.

Wake up from your party brainwash please.

The asshole that wrote the OP said he asked a busboy, not a server. Servers get tips, busboys do not. Minimum wage for people who get tips is lower because tips are factored in, if you do not get tips you get the federal minimum wage. Do you understand the difference between the two, or are you a brain dead moron?

See how that works, idiot? I countered your argument, and then insulted you because you are a fucking idiot that actually thinks that it is impossible to to both argue and insult people.

Did you learn anything, or are you to stupid to get the message?

I haven't seen a busboy in a long time.....I don't think busboys clear the tables anymore..The waitress/waiter IS the busboy today.

More importantly you are missing the entire point. America isn't tipping much if at all because the middle class is broke. Watch some documentaries. The richest people in the world don't tip the people that work for them. Park Avenue style..

Waitress/waiters work at restaurants that bring your food to you. At Golden Corral, it's a buffet, you get your own food. Bus persons come by and collect your plates.
The asshole that wrote the OP said he asked a busboy, not a server. Servers get tips, busboys do not. Minimum wage for people who get tips is lower because tips are factored in, if you do not get tips you get the federal minimum wage. Do you understand the difference between the two, or are you a brain dead moron?

See how that works, idiot? I countered your argument, and then insulted you because you are a fucking idiot that actually thinks that it is impossible to to both argue and insult people.

Did you learn anything, or are you to stupid to get the message?

I haven't seen a busboy in a long time.....I don't think busboys clear the tables anymore..The waitress/waiter IS the busboy today.

More importantly you are missing the entire point. America isn't tipping much if at all because the middle class is broke. Watch some documentaries. The richest people in the world don't tip the people that work for them. Park Avenue style..

Waitress/waiters work at restaurants that bring your food to you. At Golden Corral, it's a buffet, you get your own food. Bus persons come by and collect your plates.
And refill your coffee cup or water or soda glass and such... they probably provide about 40-50% of the level of service that one would expect in a non-buffet restaurant...
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Thanks to the con union busting efforts, teachers in Wisconsin are getting $2.13 an hour.

Con integrity.....

The cons don't even want their own president of the United States to succeed, and have done everything they could to make him fail. That's how low you are.

You would be the dumb fuck that when someone is holding a gun to your head and can't get it to fire, you'd tell them how to take the safety off so they can succeed. The opposition party is opposing the president because they believe his polices are harmful to the nation. They don't want him to succeed in doing greater harm. It's called self defense. Look it up and have one of your 7th grade teachers explain it to you after recess. Gawd, you're an idiot.

Dumb fuck, idiot. That's how an intellectual con thinks he wins an argument. Your mommy is calling you.

and you think you win by avoiding all the questions that have been asked you.....now answer Pops question or go back to doing what you do best.....running from threads.....
The asshole that wrote the OP said he asked a busboy, not a server. Servers get tips, busboys do not. Minimum wage for people who get tips is lower because tips are factored in, if you do not get tips you get the federal minimum wage. Do you understand the difference between the two, or are you a brain dead moron?

See how that works, idiot? I countered your argument, and then insulted you because you are a fucking idiot that actually thinks that it is impossible to to both argue and insult people.

Did you learn anything, or are you to stupid to get the message?

I haven't seen a busboy in a long time.....I don't think busboys clear the tables anymore..The waitress/waiter IS the busboy today.

More importantly you are missing the entire point. America isn't tipping much if at all because the middle class is broke. Watch some documentaries. The richest people in the world don't tip the people that work for them. Park Avenue style..

Waitress/waiters work at restaurants that bring your food to you. At Golden Corral, it's a buffet, you get your own food. Bus persons come by and collect your plates.


You know this only makes you look worse. Right?
Golden Corral Salaries | Glassdoor

Average salary of a Server is $3.42 an hour. It ranges generally from $2 to $5 an hour.

The debate isn't even if this is true or false, it's absolutely true. Any time spent researching if it's true or not proves it's true. Or maybe it's so unimaginable that you think it's not a possibility........

So there are the facts. They slapped you in the face. And you used insults.

Seems the OP won the debate to me. And I won the debate on information vs. insult.

Wake up from your party brainwash please.

The asshole that wrote the OP said he asked a busboy, not a server. Servers get tips, busboys do not. Minimum wage for people who get tips is lower because tips are factored in, if you do not get tips you get the federal minimum wage. Do you understand the difference between the two, or are you a brain dead moron?

See how that works, idiot? I countered your argument, and then insulted you because you are a fucking idiot that actually thinks that it is impossible to to both argue and insult people.

Did you learn anything, or are you to stupid to get the message?

I haven't seen a busboy in a long time.....I don't think busboys clear the tables anymore..The waitress/waiter IS the busboy today.

More importantly you are missing the entire point. America isn't tipping much if at all because the middle class is broke. Watch some documentaries. The richest people in the world don't tip the people that work for them. Park Avenue style..

Everyone I know tips quite handsomely, perhaps you should stop hanging out with cheap OWS scumbags and find a better class of friends.
I provide good service because I get paid a proper hourly wage. No need for tips.

You've got it all backwards.

Are you a server? Good ones can make far more than minimum wage

Exactly. When I worked for tips the hourly folks were pissed off every payday. So were the managers.

As one of those hourly, better than minimum wage, employees, I was watching one waitress bring in as much on a busy Saturday as I made during the week.
I provide good service because I get paid a proper hourly wage. No need for tips.

You've got it all backwards.

Are you a server? Good ones can make far more than minimum wage

Work in a restaurant here and you are likely to be paid more than the average minimum.

Again, no tips required. Must suck to have to grovel for money, eh?

It must suck to think that Mickey D's is a restaurant.
Golden Corral Salaries | Glassdoor

Average salary of a Server is $3.42 an hour. It ranges generally from $2 to $5 an hour.

The debate isn't even if this is true or false, it's absolutely true. Any time spent researching if it's true or not proves it's true. Or maybe it's so unimaginable that you think it's not a possibility........

So there are the facts. They slapped you in the face. And you used insults.

Seems the OP won the debate to me. And I won the debate on information vs. insult.

Wake up from your party brainwash please.

The asshole that wrote the OP said he asked a busboy, not a server. Servers get tips, busboys do not. Minimum wage for people who get tips is lower because tips are factored in, if you do not get tips you get the federal minimum wage. Do you understand the difference between the two, or are you a brain dead moron?

See how that works, idiot? I countered your argument, and then insulted you because you are a fucking idiot that actually thinks that it is impossible to to both argue and insult people.

Did you learn anything, or are you to stupid to get the message?

I haven't seen a busboy in a long time.....I don't think busboys clear the tables anymore..The waitress/waiter IS the busboy today.

More importantly you are missing the entire point. America isn't tipping much if at all because the middle class is broke. Watch some documentaries. The richest people in the world don't tip the people that work for them. Park Avenue style..

^^^^^^get out of the house more^^^^^^^^

I know many waitress's / waiters that would fall down laughing at this post
The wife and I went to the New Golden Corral Buffet last night, and I asked the bus boy how much they started him out at. He said $2.13 an hour! I asked what the cooks were paid. He said he wasn't positive, thought it was $8.00 an hour. Anyone think they get medical benefits?
At $2.13 an hour, that guy can't even buy a cup of coffee and a breakfast sandwich at Burger King.($3.99) Is it really possible to live on $80.00 a week?
Looks like the cons have succeeded in making the U.S. a banana republic.
Our dinner was $26.00

You must live in China. The starting wage at the McDonalds in Carson City is 10.33 an hour. The Port of Subs starts at 10 an hour and the lowest Casino job starts at around 12 an hour. In fact I couldn't find ANY place in northern Nevada that started people lower than 10 an hour.
The wife and I went to the New Golden Corral Buffet last night, and I asked the bus boy how much they started him out at. He said $2.13 an hour! I asked what the cooks were paid. He said he wasn't positive, thought it was $8.00 an hour. Anyone think they get medical benefits?

At $2.13 an hour, that guy can't even buy a cup of coffee and a breakfast sandwich at Burger King.($3.99) Is it really possible to live on $80.00 a week?

Looks like the cons have succeeded in making the U.S. a banana republic.

Our dinner was $26.00

You must live in China. The starting wage at the McDonalds in Carson City is 10.33 an hour. The Port of Subs starts at 10 an hour and the lowest Casino job starts at around 12 an hour. In fact I couldn't find ANY place in northern Nevada that started people lower than 10 an hour.

He wasn't in Nevada.

Sent from my iPhone using the tears of Raider's fans.
Well he wasn't anywhere.. But it is suppose to be in Arkansas.

Sent from my iPhone using the tears of Raider's fans.
Well he wasn't anywhere.. But it is suppose to be in Arkansas.

Sent from my iPhone using the tears of Raider's fans.

Well, apparently the minimum wage in Arkansas is 6.25 an hour. Looks like Hangover is lying through his progressive tee.

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