Wages at Golden Corral $2.13 an hour

Did you tip?

He shouldn't have to. No one should have to tip because an employer is so selfish they refuse to pay their workers a decent wage.

Because you are a leftist and believe that charity begins in the pocket of your neighbor.

THEY should pay him better, but you sure the fuck won't give even a nickle of your own money.

Typical Communist.
He shouldn't have to. No one should have to tip because an employer is so selfish they refuse to pay their workers a decent wage.

Oh for God's sake! The purpose of tipping isn't to relieve employers of the need to pay their employees...tipping is the system that we have in place to reward good service. Now you COULD abolish that but before you do I'd suggest you have a brief chat with someone who's from a region where tipping isn't allowed and ask them how service is there. I think you'll find that it sucks!

I provide good service because I get paid a proper hourly wage. No need for tips.

What is your profession, Noomi? I worked as a bartender to put myself through college and literally got zero dollars in most of my paychecks because I was claiming so much in tips. That didn't mean that I was making zero dollars or that I was underpaid for what I was doing. I made great money.

Once again, I ask that you speak with someone who's from a place where tips are not the custom and ask them about the level of service compared with a place where tips are the majority of what people earn. I think you'll find that the service by tipped employees is FAR superior to that of people who work on straight pay because they have an incentive to work harder and faster so that they will make more money. When's the last time you took a trip to a Government office and sat for hours because the people working there took their sweet time doing their jobs? I guarantee you that if those people were getting tips for what they were doing they'd be OH SO MUCH FASTER!!! But they are not...so you are going to sit. It's why salespeople work on commission. You don't have an incentive to get out there and sell if you get the same amount one way or the other. The thing about tips and commissions that make both effective is that it rewards the best and punishes the worst. I know that punishing people for bad performance and rewarding people for great performance is a no-no for you liberals but the truth is...it works.
Why is it so incredible that the bus boy is making $2-something an hour?

What's the going slave-labor wage for a bus-boy straight off the back of the truck from Mexico, who can't speak much English, and who lives in a shit-hole with a dozen other bus-boys, who is unaware of or unclear about such laws, who wouldn't know who to report a Minimum Wage violation to, who would be scared shitless of losing his job and getting the crap kicked out of him and being arrested and deported if he did report a Minimum Wage violation, whose family in Mexico desperately needs whatever pennies he can scrape together to send back home, and whose employer doesn't even record him as an employee, so that there is never a chance of catching the violation during the course of a routine audit?

I'm about as anti- Illegal Alien as one can get - they shouldn't be here in the first place, and I think we should create harsh conditions that encourage them to leave for home on their own (self-deporation) - but, within the narrow context of such a story being credible...

Regardless of whether or not the OP was 'storytelling' for illustrative and conversational purposes, or being 'straight-up' with us...

Personally, I have zero difficulty in believing that such things go on all the time, right under our noses.

That doesn't do much to advance the discussion of Minimum Wage and welfare, etc., but it adds one more voice to those who believe that such things happen on a broad basis, anyway.

BTW... I get to Golden Corral here in Chicago's far southwest suburbs three or four or five times a year... and I always leave a tip... usually a modest 15% or so... sometimes a bit more, if the table service is particularly good.

I don't really care about the woes of someone who came into the country illegally. They are a criminal and should suffer the consequences. We have immigration laws that function perfectly well for those who use them.

I agree with you that Illegal Aliens have no business here, and should be sent home.

But I don't believe that you and I should (literally) feed off their misery.

I would much rather pay a buck or two more to get in, and have the job filled by an American who needs it, paid the Minimum Wage, rather than an Illegal Alien.
It's a funny thing...several times the local service industry union attempted to recruit our bar's employees into their union and inevitably the people that were for joining were the people who weren't the hardest workers. They thought it sounded great because being in the union would make it harder for the company to fire you. Those of us that busted ass thought it sounded terrible because the company would have a harder time getting rid of the sub par employees who sucked. I always felt that my job security was that my bosses knew I made them lots of money...I didn't need job security from a union.
BWAH HA HA HA HA!!!!!!!!! You have reached a whole new level of bullshit! BWAH HA HA HA HA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And yet you don't know me. With each post you just keep proving what a drooling monkey moron you are. By all means, keep posting your cut and paste talking point lies. We can all use a good laugh.

After tying to convince us that the con's motto is for everyone to succeed, you have revealed your stupidity to all the readers of this thread. I give you the prize for the greatest con bullshit line ever on this forum. Cons don't even what the president of the United States to succeed, and have done everything they could to make him fail. That's how low you are.

says the asshole who made fun of men with Physical Sexual problems who need Viagra or Levitra.....talk about low....how does the floor taste asswipe?....
It's a funny thing...several times the local service industry union attempted to recruit our bar's employees into their union and inevitably the people that were for joining were the people who weren't the hardest workers. They thought it sounded great because being in the union would make it harder for the company to fire you. Those of us that busted ass thought it sounded terrible because the company would have a harder time getting rid of the sub par employees who sucked. I always felt that my job security was that my bosses knew I made them lots of money...I didn't need job security from a union.
Which is all well and good, I suppose, until your boss decides to start harassing everyone who bet against him on the Steelers' game or giving twice the work-hours to his new girlfriend and cutting everybody else's to make up for it and firing anyone who dares to complain, or a thousand-and-one other reasons we can imagine for low-end workers wanting to have some measure of protection against bosses...

Then again, there are a great many unions and locals which don't do a damned thing for their members anymore...

The heyday of labor unions has long since come and gone...

Without a serious make-over and a lot of public relations effort, labor unions will probably continue their downward slide into irrelevancy and impotency and oblivion...
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Why is it so incredible that the bus boy is making $2-something an hour?

What's the going slave-labor wage for a bus-boy straight off the back of the truck from Mexico, who can't speak much English, and who lives in a shit-hole with a dozen other bus-boys, who is unaware of or unclear about such laws, who wouldn't know who to report a Minimum Wage violation to, who would be scared shitless of losing his job and getting the crap kicked out of him and being arrested and deported if he did report a Minimum Wage violation, whose family in Mexico desperately needs whatever pennies he can scrape together to send back home, and whose employer doesn't even record him as an employee, so that there is never a chance of catching the violation during the course of a routine audit?

I'm about as anti- Illegal Alien as one can get - they shouldn't be here in the first place, and I think we should create harsh conditions that encourage them to leave for home on their own (self-deporation) - but, within the narrow context of such a story being credible...

Regardless of whether or not the OP was 'storytelling' for illustrative and conversational purposes, or being 'straight-up' with us...

Personally, I have zero difficulty in believing that such things go on all the time, right under our noses.

That doesn't do much to advance the discussion of Minimum Wage and welfare, etc., but it adds one more voice to those who believe that such things happen on a broad basis, anyway.

BTW... I get to Golden Corral here in Chicago's far southwest suburbs three or four or five times a year... and I always leave a tip... usually a modest 15% or so... sometimes a bit more, if the table service is particularly good.

I don't really care about the woes of someone who came into the country illegally. They are a criminal and should suffer the consequences. We have immigration laws that function perfectly well for those who use them.

I agree with you that Illegal Aliens have no business here, and should be sent home.

But I don't believe that you and I should (literally) feed off their misery.

I would much rather pay a buck or two more to get in, and have the job filled by an American who needs it, paid the Minimum Wage, rather than an Illegal Alien.

I'm not feeding off of their misery. The government is causing their misery by not prosecuting companies that hire illegals. Talk to Obama. He's the one saying which laws they will and will not enforce in relation to illegal aliens. BTW, he has made it known that any info the share while signing up for Obamacare will not be used against them for deportation reasons. But back to the topic, I disagree with increasing the wages so Americans will take the job. These are entry level starter jobs for totally unskilled workers. A stepping stone. Take it and move up or take the learned skills and go somewhere that is paying more. Expecting the minimum wage to be a "living wage" is bullshit. Too many liberals don't understand exactly what a minimum wage job is.
Did you tip?

He shouldn't have to. No one should have to tip because an employer is so selfish they refuse to pay their workers a decent wage.

No one should have to pretend that leftists have valid opinions worth listening to just because they wander into the world gormlessly, going, "I don't understand the system, therefore it is WRONG and must be SMASHED and changed to suit me!" Maybe you lazyass, self-absorbed, juvenile fucktwits should shut your headholes once in a while and try learning how the world is instead of constantly blathering at everyone about how you mistakenly think it is.

Let me put this another way. In a REAL system that doesn't pander to brainless, worthless dipshits who never outgrew adolescence, certain jobs have pay dependent on strictly on job performance, rather than "We give you the same amount of money whether you're good or just know how to breathe in and out without choking". This is because these jobs are in service-intensive areas, such as sales or food service, and used to be occupied by people with some gumption and spirit who saw it as a chance to control their own income, rather than whining pissbuckets who are HORRIFIED at the idea that they're not doing the world a favor by getting out of bed and hauling their sad-sack asses to work.

No one wonders why you have to champion McDonald's workers getting $15 an hour and Big Macs being priced like steak dinners. It's obvious you would be utterly incapable of mastering the skills it takes to wait tables and earn tips rather than simply standing in front of a Fryolator, picking your nose and being bewildered that people don't respect your "job skills".
I'm not feeding off of their misery. The government is causing their misery by not prosecuting companies that hire illegals. Talk to Obama. He's the one saying which laws they will and will not enforce in relation to illegal aliens. BTW, he has made it known that any info the share while signing up for Obamacare will not be used against them for deportation reasons. But back to the topic, I disagree with increasing the wages so Americans will take the job. These are entry level starter jobs for totally unskilled workers. A stepping stone. Take it and move up or take the learned skills and go somewhere that is paying more. Expecting the minimum wage to be a "living wage" is bullshit. Too many liberals don't understand exactly what a minimum wage job is.

Hangover is a liar, I've well proven this.

I would guess that he's a union thug desperately seeking another way to force unions on the food industry.

But the picture he paints is completely false. The job of a server in a successful restaurant is highly sought after, because the money is REALLY GOOD. Back in my day, people would take busboy jobs as a way to work up to better positions. I realize that now, virtually all busboys are illegal aliens, but it used to be the first rung on the ladder up to server, or the golden ticket, bartender.

Hourly wage is meaningless, tips are what these people earn, and they can earn a LOT.

This offends Communists because those with more talent and a better work ethic will earn far more than those without them. To a Union, this is unacceptable, no one should EVER be rewarded for working hard. Rewards should be for being in the union, and nothing else.

IF the unions ever get hold of restaurants, I GUARANTEE that tips will be pooled, and divided evenly among all - with 50% going to the union, of course. GLORIOUS peoples Komisars of SEIU must be fed, after all.
I don't really care about the woes of someone who came into the country illegally. They are a criminal and should suffer the consequences. We have immigration laws that function perfectly well for those who use them.

I agree with you that Illegal Aliens have no business here, and should be sent home.

But I don't believe that you and I should (literally) feed off their misery.

I would much rather pay a buck or two more to get in, and have the job filled by an American who needs it, paid the Minimum Wage, rather than an Illegal Alien.

I'm not feeding off of their misery...
Disagree (and I'm guilty of the same thing) - I explain why - right or wrong - below.

...The government is causing their misery by not prosecuting companies that hire illegals...
While you and I contribute to that by frequenting establishments that hire illegals.

You and I have no control over whom a company hires, but we can surely guess, based upon appearances and observation and listening.

It is also not our job to vett such hiring, but that does not relieve you and I of our culpability, in perpetuating this state of affairs.

Unfortunately, I don't see either you nor I mending our ways, in this narrow context.

...Talk to Obama. He's the one saying which laws they will and will not enforce in relation to illegal aliens...
We were talking about your culpability - and mine- in patronizing such establishments; not about how the worker-bee got there in the first place.

...BTW, he has made it known that any info the share while signing up for Obamacare will not be used against them for deportation reasons...
Wouldn't surprise me a bit.

Both Democrats and Republicans are acting against the interests of the United States and both are full of shit clean up to their ears on the subject of immigration and Illegals.

...I disagree with increasing the wages so Americans will take the job. These are entry level starter jobs for totally unskilled workers. A stepping stone. Take it and move up or take the learned skills and go somewhere that is paying more...
Personally, I have mixed feelings on the subject; I see the wisdom of letting the marketplace sort things out, but I see the human cost for those on the bottom rungs.

...Expecting the minimum wage to be a 'living wage' is bullshit. Too many liberals don't understand exactly what a minimum wage job is.
Then again, what is the Alternative Cost or Opportunity Cost, when you and I are footing the bill for Income Supplements and Housing and Utility Assistance and Food Stamps and Medical Care because they aren't making anywhere near enough to provide those things for themselves, in whole or in part?

Our choices seem to be...

1. pay now - by upping the minimum wage, and teach a man to fish


2. pay later - by leaving the wage as-is, putting him on welfare, and giving him a fish - and another fish tomorrow, and the next day, and the next day, and the next...

Either way, you and I are picking up the tab.

Of course, we could always invoke (2), but also cut all Supplemental Income, Food Stamps, Housing Assistance, Utilities Assistance, etc., and really incentivize 'em to graduate past the McJob, eh?
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It's a funny thing...several times the local service industry union attempted to recruit our bar's employees into their union and inevitably the people that were for joining were the people who weren't the hardest workers. They thought it sounded great because being in the union would make it harder for the company to fire you. Those of us that busted ass thought it sounded terrible because the company would have a harder time getting rid of the sub par employees who sucked. I always felt that my job security was that my bosses knew I made them lots of money...I didn't need job security from a union.
Which is all well and good, I suppose, until your boss decides to start harassing everyone who bet against him on the Steelers' game or giving twice the work-hours to his new girlfriend and cutting everybody else's to make up for it and firing anyone who dares to complain, or a thousand-and-one other reasons we can imagine for low-end workers wanting to have some measure of protection against bosses...

Then again, there are a great many unions and locals which don't do a damned thing for their members anymore...

The heyday of labor unions has long since come and gone...

Without a serious make-over and a lot of public relations effort, labor unions will probably continue their downward slide into irrelevancy and impotency and oblivion...

I suppose a boss COULD do all of those things, Kondor but if they did then they wouldn't stay in business very long...nor would they keep their best employees. I was a bartender at one of the busiest bars in Boston and if I'd ever felt like I was getting screwed over it would have been easy to seek out a job elsewhere because I was good at what I did. I never had to do that however because I made a lot of money for ownership and they took good care of me because of that. That's been my experience all of my working life to be honest with you. Even now...

The flip side to that coin is union bosses that have family members and girlfriends that get jobs they don't deserve because the union boss puts pressure on business owners to hire them and retain them as employees even when they suck at what they do. THAT happens just as much if not more than the scenarios that you described.

I agree with you that Illegal Aliens have no business here, and should be sent home.

But I don't believe that you and I should (literally) feed off their misery.

I would much rather pay a buck or two more to get in, and have the job filled by an American who needs it, paid the Minimum Wage, rather than an Illegal Alien.

I'm not feeding off of their misery...
Disagree (and I'm guilty of the same thing) - I explain why - right or wrong - below.

While you and I contribute to that by frequenting establishments that hire illegals.

You and I have no control over whom a company hires, but we can surely guess, based upon appearances and observation and listening.

It is also not our job to vett such hiring, but that does not relieve you and I of our culpability, in perpetuating this state of affairs.

Unfortunately, I don't see either you nor I mending our ways, in this narrow context.

We were talking about your culpability - and mine- in patronizing such establishments; not about how the worker-bee got there in the first place.

Wouldn't surprise me a bit.

Both Democrats and Republicans are acting against the interests of the United States and both are full of shit clean up to their ears on the subject of immigration and Illegals.

...I disagree with increasing the wages so Americans will take the job. These are entry level starter jobs for totally unskilled workers. A stepping stone. Take it and move up or take the learned skills and go somewhere that is paying more...
Personally, I have mixed feelings on the subject; I see the wisdom of letting the marketplace sort things out, but I see the human cost for those on the bottom rungs.

...Expecting the minimum wage to be a 'living wage' is bullshit. Too many liberals don't understand exactly what a minimum wage job is.
Then again, what is the Alternative Cost or Opportunity Cost, when you and I are footing the bill for Income Supplements and Housing and Utility Assistance and Food Stamps and Medical Care because they aren't making anywhere near enough to provide those things for themselves, in whole or in part?

Our choices seem to be...

1. pay now - by upping the minimum wage, and teach a man to fish


2. pay later - by leaving the wage as-is, putting him on welfare, and giving him a fish

Either way, you and I are picking up the tab.

Of course, we could always invoke (2), but also cut all Supplemental Income, Food Stamps, Housing Assistance, Utilities Assistance, etc., and really incentivize 'em to graduate past the McJob, eh?

I don't think we make people "better" by taking away the satisfaction one gets from getting paid from doing a good days work and replacing it with a handout. What so many misguided people see as help...simply takes away the motivation to better oneself and replaces it with apathy and complacency. The social safety net shouldn't be a hammock that people get comfortable on for life...it should be something to catch those that have accidentally "fallen".

I agree with you that Illegal Aliens have no business here, and should be sent home.

But I don't believe that you and I should (literally) feed off their misery.

I would much rather pay a buck or two more to get in, and have the job filled by an American who needs it, paid the Minimum Wage, rather than an Illegal Alien.

I'm not feeding off of their misery...
Disagree (and I'm guilty of the same thing) - I explain why - right or wrong - below.

While you and I contribute to that by frequenting establishments that hire illegals.

You and I have no control over whom a company hires, but we can surely guess, based upon appearances and observation and listening.

It is also not our job to vett such hiring, but that does not relieve you and I of our culpability, in perpetuating this state of affairs.

Unfortunately, I don't see either you nor I mending our ways, in this narrow context.

We were talking about your culpability - and mine- in patronizing such establishments; not about how the worker-bee got there in the first place.

Wouldn't surprise me a bit.

Both Democrats and Republicans are acting against the interests of the United States and both are full of shit clean up to their ears on the subject of immigration and Illegals.

...I disagree with increasing the wages so Americans will take the job. These are entry level starter jobs for totally unskilled workers. A stepping stone. Take it and move up or take the learned skills and go somewhere that is paying more...
Personally, I have mixed feelings on the subject; I see the wisdom of letting the marketplace sort things out, but I see the human cost for those on the bottom rungs.

...Expecting the minimum wage to be a 'living wage' is bullshit. Too many liberals don't understand exactly what a minimum wage job is.
Then again, what is the Alternative Cost or Opportunity Cost, when you and I are footing the bill for Income Supplements and Housing and Utility Assistance and Food Stamps and Medical Care because they aren't making anywhere near enough to provide those things for themselves, in whole or in part?

Our choices seem to be...

1. pay now - by upping the minimum wage, and teach a man to fish


2. pay later - by leaving the wage as-is, putting him on welfare, and giving him a fish - and another fish tomorrow, and the next day, and the next day, and the next...

Either way, you and I are picking up the tab.

Of course, we could always invoke (2), but also cut all Supplemental Income, Food Stamps, Housing Assistance, Utilities Assistance, etc., and really incentivize 'em to graduate past the McJob, eh?

I disagree. Regardless of the amount of the minimum wage, you are teaching a man to fish. That job is not a job intended to feed a man for life. It is a job intended to learn how to feed yourself. You take your skills and hone them. I started at a grocery store when I was 16. I was a car loader. We actually had a system where we had a metal plate on the carts with a number on it. There was a plastic card that slid and clicked into the metal plate with the same number. The sacker pulled the plastic card and handed it to the customer. The customer drove thru a lane in front of the store, handed the car loader their card, we matched it up and pulled the cart over to their car and loaded it up. We were a big volume store way ahead of our time as this was the mid 70's. I did a good job and when a spot opened up for a sacker, I moved inside and started sacking. I did a good job and when a spot opened up for a checker, I moved up to checking. I did a good job and when a coveted position of "running the front" became available, I moved into it. From there I moved into the office. Did I make a ton of money? No, it was a grocery store and I was a kid in high school and college needing gas and date money. But each step came with an increase. More importantly, it came with a lot of lessons in work ethic and customer service. When I started there, I would roll my eyes at our manager who would scurry to the door to open it for a customer and wish them a good day. By the time I left there, I was doing the same thing. I took the lessons I learned there and applied them to my next job as I learned more skills and lessons which I took to my next job, etc. 40 years later at the age of 56, I still work in a service related career. I still credit that grocery store manager with teaching me the things that put me where I am today as a professional. THAT is the process and it is open to anyone regardless of education. I earned a bachelors from a university and my wife earned an associates degree from a junior college. She makes about 30 percent more than I do. My twin brother who worked by my side in that grocery store and only has a high school diploma makes about 50% more than me. And I make damned good money.

Leaving the wage as is changes nothing I just said about the process I went thru and is available to every citizen of this country. Raising minimum wage in no way keeps a person from having to get on welfare or having to receive a fish. That is by choice. Everyone......and I mean everyone is capable of moving beyond minimum wage in fairly short order.
"...I don't think we make people 'better' by taking away the satisfaction one gets from getting paid from doing a good days work and replacing it with a handout. What so many misguided people see as help...simply takes away the motivation to better oneself and replaces it with apathy and complacency..."
Again... mixed feelings, ultimately... I do see the wisdom of the position...and it was well-said.

"...The social safety net shouldn't be a hammock that people get comfortable on for life...it should be something to catch those that have accidentally 'fallen'."
Nolo contendere... no contest... but those who cannot (as opposed to will not) do better, are then left to shift for themselves, and end-up under bridges, etc... and that doesn't sit too well either... I suspect it's a bit more of a Grey Area than some folks would accord it, at first glance.

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