Wages at Golden Corral $2.13 an hour

Every person is entitled to a job as well. The government should insure EVERY ONE has a livable wage,home to live in and food in their belly.

And if you don't feel motivated to go to school and get an education and try to make a better life for yourself.

Don't worry you will be taken care of from cradle to grave....

Just make sure you vote Democrat in every election to make sure you receive what you are entitled to.

Did all that genius. Didn't really help much.They can get away with shit wages and they will I got home to my 3 bedroom 1 bath rental that's 1200 square feet tops with no central HAC they go home to a 6 bedroom 3 bath 15000k home with indoor pool and 10 cars in drive way..I drive a vehicle that's 13 years old same for the wife. We JUST got her a vehicle...almost a decade together and we finally were able to get her a car because we now NEED 2 vehicles so its even more of a strain on us financially.

That sounds terrible. Do you need help? Have you called the police to report the employers/CEOs who are holding guns to you and your wife's heads?
Did you tip?

So if the customer tips the busboy he has to tip the waitress too? That would get kind of expensive. I bussed tables around 1961 for about a buck or buck and a quarter an hour. The tips were for the waitress. Looks like busboy wages have only doubled in over 50 years. Thats when gas was about 20 , 25 cents a gallon.
Did you tip?

So if the customer tips the busboy he has to tip the waitress too? That would get kind of expensive. I bussed tables around 1961 for about a buck or buck and a quarter an hour. The tips were for the waitress. Looks like busboy wages have only doubled in over 50 years. Thats when gas was about 20 , 25 cents a gallon.

I'm sorry that you're stilla bus boy after all these years.

And if you don't feel motivated to go to school and get an education and try to make a better life for yourself.

Don't worry you will be taken care of from cradle to grave....

Just make sure you vote Democrat in every election to make sure you receive what you are entitled to.

Well, we've seen the Ying and the Yang ^^^ but nothing pragmatic.

Everyone in a democratic society is entitled to equal protection under the law and equal opportunity. The former can be guaranteed by the legislatures, the latter by an educated populace.

Ignorance is the father of prejudice and bigotry, thus we must educate the ignorant and condemn publicly the willfully ignorant. Since the willfully ignorant and the malevolent will always exist (living under the motto, "I got mine, fuck the rest of you") a democratic government has a duty to make sure opportunity is equally available to all.

Vote Wry Catcher! He'll tax the rich, spend their money affording everyone an equal opportunity and protection under the law! Except, you know, the people he stole from to provide equal protection and opportunity....


As one of the willfully ignorant I wouldn't expect anything from you in terms of substance or honest debate. The best you offer is ad hominem light, thoughtless to be sure, and a sure sign of your callous conservative mentality.
Did you tip?

So if the customer tips the busboy he has to tip the waitress too? That would get kind of expensive. I bussed tables around 1961 for about a buck or buck and a quarter an hour. The tips were for the waitress. Looks like busboy wages have only doubled in over 50 years. Thats when gas was about 20 , 25 cents a gallon.

I'm sorry that you're stilla bus boy after all these years.


Oldest bus boy alive I think, and thanks for the dime tips, cheapskate. By the way, any proof that liberals don't tip like you said in another post? Ask anyone in the business and they'll tell you the best and worst tippers by race. Political persuasion though? How would you know that?
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So if the customer tips the busboy he has to tip the waitress too? That would get kind of expensive. I bussed tables around 1961 for about a buck or buck and a quarter an hour. The tips were for the waitress. Looks like busboy wages have only doubled in over 50 years. Thats when gas was about 20 , 25 cents a gallon.

I'm sorry that you're stilla bus boy after all these years.


Oldest bus boy alive I think, and thanks for the 25 cent tips cheapskate. By the way, any proof that liberals don't tip like you said in another post? Ask anyone in the business and they'll tell you the best and worst tippers by race. Political persuasion though? How would you know that?

Who are the worst tippers by race?
Well, we've seen the Ying and the Yang ^^^ but nothing pragmatic.

Everyone in a democratic society is entitled to equal protection under the law and equal opportunity. The former can be guaranteed by the legislatures, the latter by an educated populace.

Ignorance is the father of prejudice and bigotry, thus we must educate the ignorant and condemn publicly the willfully ignorant. Since the willfully ignorant and the malevolent will always exist (living under the motto, "I got mine, fuck the rest of you") a democratic government has a duty to make sure opportunity is equally available to all.

Vote Wry Catcher! He'll tax the rich, spend their money affording everyone an equal opportunity and protection under the law! Except, you know, the people he stole from to provide equal protection and opportunity....


As one of the willfully ignorant I wouldn't expect anything from you in terms of substance or honest debate. The best you offer is ad hominem light, thoughtless to be sure, and a sure sign of your callous conservative mentality.

UH huh. Except Im not a conservative. And what i posted is EXACTLY how it is. The same as i threw your intellectually bankrupt ass under the bus over gun control and you didn't even have the balls to reply. Because you know I'm right. You're a hypocrite. Your entire ideological viewpoint is rooted in hypocrisy and you will not feel shame, or change that. You've embraced it. You can only ignore it when it is pointed out.
I'm sorry that you're stilla bus boy after all these years.


Oldest bus boy alive I think, and thanks for the 25 cent tips cheapskate. By the way, any proof that liberals don't tip like you said in another post? Ask anyone in the business and they'll tell you the best and worst tippers by race. Political persuasion though? How would you know that?

Who are the worst tippers by race?

I won't say that, it would be offensive to some. I was just using that to illustrate a point that servers don't know if a tipper is a liberal or not but plenty of them can tell you who the tippers are by race.
Vote Wry Catcher! He'll tax the rich, spend their money affording everyone an equal opportunity and protection under the law! Except, you know, the people he stole from to provide equal protection and opportunity....


As one of the willfully ignorant I wouldn't expect anything from you in terms of substance or honest debate. The best you offer is ad hominem light, thoughtless to be sure, and a sure sign of your callous conservative mentality.

UH huh. Except Im not a conservative. And what i posted is EXACTLY how it is. The same as i threw your intellectually bankrupt ass under the bus over gun control and you didn't even have the balls to reply. Because you know I'm right. You're a hypocrite. Your entire ideological viewpoint is rooted in hypocrisy and you will not feel shame, or change that. You've embraced it. You can only ignore it when it is pointed out.

Your ego seems to cloud your memory. All of your posts qualify as ad hominem light, lack substance and echo the callous conservative motto. You can deny being a conservative and even pretend to have made substantive and thought provoking posts, but the evidence is clear you're a light weight whose posts when not attacking the person are of the Idiot Fringe genre.
Oldest bus boy alive I think, and thanks for the 25 cent tips cheapskate. By the way, any proof that liberals don't tip like you said in another post? Ask anyone in the business and they'll tell you the best and worst tippers by race. Political persuasion though? How would you know that?

Who are the worst tippers by race?

I won't say that, it would be offensive to some. I was just using that to illustrate a point that servers don't know if a tipper is a liberal or not but plenty of them can tell you who the tippers are by race.

Everyone already knows the answer. Just like we know the answer to a lot of things, but we don't say it outloud because well you're a racist for noticing.

Here we are, still in a thread started by some lying putz, I bet she's getting a kick out of the thread she started.
As one of the willfully ignorant I wouldn't expect anything from you in terms of substance or honest debate. The best you offer is ad hominem light, thoughtless to be sure, and a sure sign of your callous conservative mentality.

UH huh. Except Im not a conservative. And what i posted is EXACTLY how it is. The same as i threw your intellectually bankrupt ass under the bus over gun control and you didn't even have the balls to reply. Because you know I'm right. You're a hypocrite. Your entire ideological viewpoint is rooted in hypocrisy and you will not feel shame, or change that. You've embraced it. You can only ignore it when it is pointed out.

Your ego seems to cloud your memory. All of your posts qualify as ad hominem light, lack substance and echo the callous conservative motto. You can deny being a conservative and even pretend to have made substantive and thought provoking posts, but the evidence is clear you're a light weight whose posts when not attacking the person are of the Idiot Fringe genre.

Playing repeater, I see. How quaint.
The bus boy where I work gets paid the same as the waitresses do. Around 2.50 / hour.

At the end of the night the waitresses have to give him/her 3% of our nights sales. So if we have sales of $1000 for the night, he makes 30 off me. Same goes for all the waitresses on for that night which is anywhere from 4-6 on a shift depending on the night. I usually make about 20% of my sales in tips.

But I know he busts his ass to clear my tables so they can turn it over. The more I make, the more he makes. Thats his incentive.
Unlike most of you, I was both a busboy and a waiter a long, long time ago (1960s). As a busboy I was paid an hourly wage but every now and then a waitperson would give me a little extra. They didn't have to but they did.

As a waiter, I did rather well. Driving to work on the first evening of my new job, it was snowing and I was dangerously low on gasoline. I had enough gas to get there but getting back was questionable. I was just hoping to get a dollar for some gas but when the dinner service ended I counted my tips and had over $20. On an hourly basis I made good money; however, the number of hours was limited as one might reasonably suspect. Restaurants, like many other businesses, have peak times during which more employees are scheduled and slower periods when less help is required. Employers will not pay employees to stand around with their arms folded. While servers have collateral duties, there are only so many salt and pepper shakers to be filled.

Being a waiter is not for the squeamish. You're on your feet constantly and you must be ever alert to all your customers' needs. Dealing with rude customers can be demoralizing especially when you have to take the heat for a foul-up in the kitchen. The work isn't easy and it isn't for everyone, but the pay can be good if you can get the hours you need.

PS: The restaurant I worked at was Blue Falls Inn, a gourmet restaurant on the outskirts of Reading, Pennsylvania.
The bus boy where I work gets paid the same as the waitresses do. Around 2.50 / hour.

At the end of the night the waitresses have to give him/her 3% of our nights sales. So if we have sales of $1000 for the night, he makes 30 off me. Same goes for all the waitresses on for that night which is anywhere from 4-6 on a shift depending on the night. I usually make about 20% of my sales in tips.

But I know he busts his ass to clear my tables so they can turn it over. The more I make, the more he makes. Thats his incentive.

And according to the OP both you and the busser were forced to take those jobs by racist evil white racist republicans. I hope that you vote democrat so that you can get a better job.

Good luck.
The bus boy where I work gets paid the same as the waitresses do. Around 2.50 / hour.

At the end of the night the waitresses have to give him/her 3% of our nights sales. So if we have sales of $1000 for the night, he makes 30 off me. Same goes for all the waitresses on for that night which is anywhere from 4-6 on a shift depending on the night. I usually make about 20% of my sales in tips.

But I know he busts his ass to clear my tables so they can turn it over. The more I make, the more he makes. Thats his incentive.

And according to the OP both you and the busser were forced to take those jobs by racist evil white racist republicans. I hope that you vote democrat so that you can get a better job.

Good luck.

Its only a second job for me. Spending fun money. I only waitress two nights a week.

I have a full time job handling Federal contracts.
The bus boy where I work gets paid the same as the waitresses do. Around 2.50 / hour.

At the end of the night the waitresses have to give him/her 3% of our nights sales. So if we have sales of $1000 for the night, he makes 30 off me. Same goes for all the waitresses on for that night which is anywhere from 4-6 on a shift depending on the night. I usually make about 20% of my sales in tips.

But I know he busts his ass to clear my tables so they can turn it over. The more I make, the more he makes. Thats his incentive.

And according to the OP both you and the busser were forced to take those jobs by racist evil white racist republicans. I hope that you vote democrat so that you can get a better job.

Good luck.

Its only a second job for me. Spending fun money. I only waitress two nights a week.

I have a full time job handling Federal contracts.

Wait. So you have a choice to work where you want to? And you're making extra money? Fun money? Poor people don't have fun money! How greedy of you to work two jobs when there are poor people that, because of evil racist white racist homophobic racist white republicans, don't even have one job!

Stand by the OP is about to descend upon this thread with his mighty liberal hammer of justice and make you see the error of your ways, like having a job is a choice come-on! Now I know you are a racist republican because you took a job from a poor person and you have fun money. You racist. Do you hate women too? Wait you are a woman. I bet you hate black and brown women then!

Liberal justice for the win!
Every person is entitled to a job as well. The government should insure EVERY ONE has a livable wage,home to live in and food in their belly.

And how are you handling the "entitlements" for those people who make awful choices in life? Does society owe a "livable" wage, a home and food to someone that didn't work hard in school, doesn't really like getting up and going to work and does a terrible job when they are there? Is it fair that that person gets things they haven't earned...paid for by those who HAVE worked hard?

It's a nice "concept" Orion but like many concepts falls on it's face when implemented in a real world situation.

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