Wahhabis For Bubba - '1st Lady' Got Millions From World’s Biggest Sharia Law Education Firm

Bill Clinton Got Millions From World’s Biggest Sharia Law Education Firm

Clinton Receives Funding For 'Islamic Jihad'

"Former President Bill Clinton collected $5.6 million in fees from GEMS Education, a Dubai-based company that teaches Sharia Law through its network of more than 100 schools in the Middle East, Asia and Africa, according to a Daily Caller News Foundation investigation.

The company’s finances strictly adhere to “Sharia Finance,” which includes giving “zakat,” a religious tax of which one-eighth of the proceeds is dedicated to funding Islamic jihad."

"Sharia law is the Islamic religious legal system that many in the West see as intolerant of human rights and other religions, as well as violating the rights of women and gays. Sharia law is considered by Muslims to be superior to all secular authorities. Islamic jihadis regularly call for the imposition of Sharia law and want to impose it on the West."
...and Slick Willy is caught being paid by one of the leading advocating educational Jihadist-Funding firms! Nice!


As if Hillary receiving millions from Islamic States that support and finance terrorism, that oppress / mutilates / murders women for being raped, and who murder homosexuals is not bad enough...

Now we have Slick Willy taking millions from the leading Sharia law-advocating/ teaching educational firm that funds 'Islamic Jihad'...

Let's see how the 'In-The-Tank' Mass Liberal Media responds to THIS news.....

EXCLUSIVE: Bill Clinton Got Millions From World’s Biggest Sharia Law Education Firm

(BTW, by '1st Lady', I meant 'would-be 1st Lady, Bubba)
Yup. They take all those millions and buy AIDS medicines for people in poor countries that can't afford them. Wow. Horrible.

who buys AIDS meds for people in poor countries?----Hillary? If you imagine that ZAKAT goes to AIDS MEDS------there is a bridge in a town near me that you might like to buy
The Clinton Foundation, which is where I presume the OP said millions were going. So how much for the bridge?
The Clinton Foundation, which is where I presume the OP said millions were going....
You are terrible at 'presuming'... The Money went into Slick Willy's pocket. After that my best guess is the money found it's way into petrol for the 'Pedophile Plane', a shite-load of dollar bills for strippers, and 'hush' money for women he sexually assaulted/harassed/raped... :p
The Clinton Foundation, which is where I presume the OP said millions were going....
You are terrible at 'presuming'... The Money went into Slick Willy's pocket. After that my best guess is the money found it's way into petrol for the 'Pedophile Plane', a shite-load of dollar bills for strippers, and 'hush' money for women he sexually assaulted/harassed/raped... :p
He was in for those kind of equal rights for women too!
equal rights for.jpg
Bill Clinton Got Millions From World’s Biggest Sharia Law Education Firm

Clinton Receives Funding For 'Islamic Jihad'

"Former President Bill Clinton collected $5.6 million in fees from GEMS Education, a Dubai-based company that teaches Sharia Law through its network of more than 100 schools in the Middle East, Asia and Africa, according to a Daily Caller News Foundation investigation.

The company’s finances strictly adhere to “Sharia Finance,” which includes giving “zakat,” a religious tax of which one-eighth of the proceeds is dedicated to funding Islamic jihad."

"Sharia law is the Islamic religious legal system that many in the West see as intolerant of human rights and other religions, as well as violating the rights of women and gays. Sharia law is considered by Muslims to be superior to all secular authorities. Islamic jihadis regularly call for the imposition of Sharia law and want to impose it on the West."
...and Slick Willy is caught being paid by one of the leading advocating educational Jihadist-Funding firms! Nice!


As if Hillary receiving millions from Islamic States that support and finance terrorism, that oppress / mutilates / murders women for being raped, and who murder homosexuals is not bad enough...

Now we have Slick Willy taking millions from the leading Sharia law-advocating/ teaching educational firm that funds 'Islamic Jihad'...

Let's see how the 'In-The-Tank' Mass Liberal Media responds to THIS news.....

EXCLUSIVE: Bill Clinton Got Millions From World’s Biggest Sharia Law Education Firm

(BTW, by '1st Lady', I meant 'would-be 1st Lady, Bubba)
Yup. They take all those millions and buy AIDS medicines for people in poor countries that can't afford them. Wow. Horrible.

who buys AIDS meds for people in poor countries?----Hillary? If you imagine that ZAKAT goes to AIDS MEDS------there is a bridge in a town near me that you might like to buy
The Clinton Foundation, which is where I presume the OP said millions were going. So how much for the bridge?

OH!!! I did not know that the "contributions" were being laundered thru THE SHARIAH LAW EDUCATION syndicate. The clue here is "SHARIAH" ----shariah is a
very logical system of law. They are the RULES of a muslim society and the RULES by which muslims live. A very interesting aspect of the rules is ZAKAT which is sometimes mistranslated as "charity" ----in fact what it is ----is the obligatory contribution to ISLAM. Zakat cannot be used for
purposes not supportive of ISLAM. One cannot use zakat to
build a catholic church or fund a catholic hospital---but there is a LOOPHOLE-----if building the church or funding the hospital will ENHANCE the prestige of ISLAM---then its ok. The SHARIAH LAW EDUCATION thing can contribute to Hillary's foundation if by doing so ----something about ISLAM is enhanced. Now you know----feel free to ask questions
The Clinton Foundation, which is where I presume the OP said millions were going....
You are terrible at 'presuming'... The Money went into Slick Willy's pocket. After that my best guess is the money found it's way into petrol for the 'Pedophile Plane', a shite-load of dollar bills for strippers, and 'hush' money for women he sexually assaulted/harassed/raped... :p
All presumptions on your part, as are the presumptions in the article linking him to jihad. All businesses in Saudi Arabia have to adhere to Sharia law and since GEM is doing business in Saudi Arabia....VOILA! I'm not stupid enough to defend the Clintons; they're smart and they're taking advantage and getting as rich as they can. But they are not jihadists and their foundation does do good work.
Bill Clinton Got Millions From World’s Biggest Sharia Law Education Firm

Clinton Receives Funding For 'Islamic Jihad'

"Former President Bill Clinton collected $5.6 million in fees from GEMS Education, a Dubai-based company that teaches Sharia Law through its network of more than 100 schools in the Middle East, Asia and Africa, according to a Daily Caller News Foundation investigation.

The company’s finances strictly adhere to “Sharia Finance,” which includes giving “zakat,” a religious tax of which one-eighth of the proceeds is dedicated to funding Islamic jihad."

"Sharia law is the Islamic religious legal system that many in the West see as intolerant of human rights and other religions, as well as violating the rights of women and gays. Sharia law is considered by Muslims to be superior to all secular authorities. Islamic jihadis regularly call for the imposition of Sharia law and want to impose it on the West."
...and Slick Willy is caught being paid by one of the leading advocating educational Jihadist-Funding firms! Nice!


As if Hillary receiving millions from Islamic States that support and finance terrorism, that oppress / mutilates / murders women for being raped, and who murder homosexuals is not bad enough...

Now we have Slick Willy taking millions from the leading Sharia law-advocating/ teaching educational firm that funds 'Islamic Jihad'...

Let's see how the 'In-The-Tank' Mass Liberal Media responds to THIS news.....

EXCLUSIVE: Bill Clinton Got Millions From World’s Biggest Sharia Law Education Firm

(BTW, by '1st Lady', I meant 'would-be 1st Lady, Bubba)
Yup. They take all those millions and buy AIDS medicines for people in poor countries that can't afford them. Wow. Horrible.

who buys AIDS meds for people in poor countries?----Hillary? If you imagine that ZAKAT goes to AIDS MEDS------there is a bridge in a town near me that you might like to buy
The Clinton Foundation, which is where I presume the OP said millions were going. So how much for the bridge?

OH!!! I did not know that the "contributions" were being laundered thru THE SHARIAH LAW EDUCATION syndicate. The clue here is "SHARIAH" ----shariah is a
very logical system of law. They are the RULES of a muslim society and the RULES by which muslims live. A very interesting aspect of the rules is ZAKAT which is sometimes mistranslated as "charity" ----in fact what it is ----is the obligatory contribution to ISLAM. Zakat cannot be used for
purposes not supportive of ISLAM. One cannot use zakat to
build a catholic church or fund a catholic hospital---but there is a LOOPHOLE-----if building the church or funding the hospital will ENHANCE the prestige of ISLAM---then its ok. The SHARIAH LAW EDUCATION thing can contribute to Hillary's foundation if by doing so ----something about ISLAM is enhanced. Now you know----feel free to ask questions
My guess is that international foundations doing work in other countries adhere to that country's laws and cultural values. Like the Clinton Foundation. It doesn't mean they're jihadists. I wouldn't trust the Clintons to do a beer run for me but they aren't terrorists, fergodssake.
The Clinton Foundation, which is where I presume the OP said millions were going....
You are terrible at 'presuming'... The Money went into Slick Willy's pocket. After that my best guess is the money found it's way into petrol for the 'Pedophile Plane', a shite-load of dollar bills for strippers, and 'hush' money for women he sexually assaulted/harassed/raped... :p
All presumptions on your part, as are the presumptions in the article linking him to jihad. All businesses in Saudi Arabia have to adhere to Sharia law and since GEM is doing business in Saudi Arabia....VOILA! I'm not stupid enough to defend the Clintons; they're smart and they're taking advantage and getting as rich as they can. But they are not jihadists and their foundation does do good work.

and they do stuff that is good for their benefactors-----because ADHERING TO SHARIAH LAW----means never wasting money on stuff that does not ENHANCE THE POWER OF ISLAM. Even Jizya has to ENHANCE THE POWER OF ISLAM. (some people believe that Jizya is simply the name of the tax non muslims pay in muslim countries---WRONG!!!! ---it is TRIBUTE TO ISLAM)
Bill Clinton Got Millions From World’s Biggest Sharia Law Education Firm

Clinton Receives Funding For 'Islamic Jihad'

"Former President Bill Clinton collected $5.6 million in fees from GEMS Education, a Dubai-based company that teaches Sharia Law through its network of more than 100 schools in the Middle East, Asia and Africa, according to a Daily Caller News Foundation investigation.

The company’s finances strictly adhere to “Sharia Finance,” which includes giving “zakat,” a religious tax of which one-eighth of the proceeds is dedicated to funding Islamic jihad."

"Sharia law is the Islamic religious legal system that many in the West see as intolerant of human rights and other religions, as well as violating the rights of women and gays. Sharia law is considered by Muslims to be superior to all secular authorities. Islamic jihadis regularly call for the imposition of Sharia law and want to impose it on the West."
...and Slick Willy is caught being paid by one of the leading advocating educational Jihadist-Funding firms! Nice!


As if Hillary receiving millions from Islamic States that support and finance terrorism, that oppress / mutilates / murders women for being raped, and who murder homosexuals is not bad enough...

Now we have Slick Willy taking millions from the leading Sharia law-advocating/ teaching educational firm that funds 'Islamic Jihad'...

Let's see how the 'In-The-Tank' Mass Liberal Media responds to THIS news.....

EXCLUSIVE: Bill Clinton Got Millions From World’s Biggest Sharia Law Education Firm

(BTW, by '1st Lady', I meant 'would-be 1st Lady, Bubba)
Yup. They take all those millions and buy AIDS medicines for people in poor countries that can't afford them. Wow. Horrible.

who buys AIDS meds for people in poor countries?----Hillary? If you imagine that ZAKAT goes to AIDS MEDS------there is a bridge in a town near me that you might like to buy
The Clinton Foundation, which is where I presume the OP said millions were going. So how much for the bridge?

OH!!! I did not know that the "contributions" were being laundered thru THE SHARIAH LAW EDUCATION syndicate. The clue here is "SHARIAH" ----shariah is a
very logical system of law. They are the RULES of a muslim society and the RULES by which muslims live. A very interesting aspect of the rules is ZAKAT which is sometimes mistranslated as "charity" ----in fact what it is ----is the obligatory contribution to ISLAM. Zakat cannot be used for
purposes not supportive of ISLAM. One cannot use zakat to
build a catholic church or fund a catholic hospital---but there is a LOOPHOLE-----if building the church or funding the hospital will ENHANCE the prestige of ISLAM---then its ok. The SHARIAH LAW EDUCATION thing can contribute to Hillary's foundation if by doing so ----something about ISLAM is enhanced. Now you know----feel free to ask questions
My guess is that international foundations doing work in other countries adhere to that country's laws and cultural values. Like the Clinton Foundation. It doesn't mean they're jihadists. I wouldn't trust the Clintons to do a beer run for me but they aren't terrorists, fergodssake.

you are missing quite a lot-----Saudi arabia does nothing that is not adherent to shariah law. You said it yourself. Saudi arabia cannot use zakat to build a pig farm in a pork eating country because the kids there are hungry
All presumptions on your part, as are the presumptions in the article linking him to jihad.
Nice try, but I am not the one who said I presumed anything. The education center that paid Bubba to speak finances / provides money for Islamic Jihad. That is stated in the article. this same group gave Bubba millions. Whatever you would like to presume after that is up to you.

The US 'targets' such institutions, those who financially back / support terrorism and cut them off / ostracize them. Bubba took money from them.

That should be a huge story - the 'wanna-be 1st Lady' taking millions from the leading Sharia Law Educator in the entire world who funds Islamic Jihad while his wife takes millions from Islamic nations that fund terrorism, supports oppression / mutilation / murder of women, and the murder of homosexuals. It won't be....because the sold-out media is in the tank for the Clintons.
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The Clinton Foundation, which is where I presume the OP said millions were going....
You are terrible at 'presuming'... The Money went into Slick Willy's pocket. After that my best guess is the money found it's way into petrol for the 'Pedophile Plane', a shite-load of dollar bills for strippers, and 'hush' money for women he sexually assaulted/harassed/raped... :p
All presumptions on your part, as are the presumptions in the article linking him to jihad. All businesses in Saudi Arabia have to adhere to Sharia law and since GEM is doing business in Saudi Arabia....VOILA! I'm not stupid enough to defend the Clintons; they're smart and they're taking advantage and getting as rich as they can. But they are not jihadists and their foundation does do good work.

and they do stuff that is good for their benefactors-----because ADHERING TO SHARIAH LAW----means never wasting money on stuff that does not ENHANCE THE POWER OF ISLAM. Even Jizya has to ENHANCE THE POWER OF ISLAM. (some people believe that Jizya is simply the name of the tax non muslims pay in muslim countries---WRONG!!!! ---it is TRIBUTE TO ISLAM)

by the way----OL-----these shariah laws are taken DIRECTLY from the koran-----I read the koran at about age 20------but I had NO IDEA that any society in or people in the world would function in accordance with that which MUHUMMAD pronounced on cities HE CONQUERED-----but they do----that is SHARIAH LAW----it is a very important aspect of shariah law. IT IS THE IDEAL SOCIETY that muslims proclaim the Islamic society to be. ------it the very same IDEAL SOCIETY
which my very own parents-in-law---remembered whilst still alive----the society of their childhoods----not so long ago----only about 85 years ago
Bill Clinton Got Millions From World’s Biggest Sharia Law Education Firm

Clinton Receives Funding For 'Islamic Jihad'

"Former President Bill Clinton collected $5.6 million in fees from GEMS Education, a Dubai-based company that teaches Sharia Law through its network of more than 100 schools in the Middle East, Asia and Africa, according to a Daily Caller News Foundation investigation.

The company’s finances strictly adhere to “Sharia Finance,” which includes giving “zakat,” a religious tax of which one-eighth of the proceeds is dedicated to funding Islamic jihad."

"Sharia law is the Islamic religious legal system that many in the West see as intolerant of human rights and other religions, as well as violating the rights of women and gays. Sharia law is considered by Muslims to be superior to all secular authorities. Islamic jihadis regularly call for the imposition of Sharia law and want to impose it on the West."
...and Slick Willy is caught being paid by one of the leading advocating educational Jihadist-Funding firms! Nice!


As if Hillary receiving millions from Islamic States that support and finance terrorism, that oppress / mutilates / murders women for being raped, and who murder homosexuals is not bad enough...

Now we have Slick Willy taking millions from the leading Sharia law-advocating/ teaching educational firm that funds 'Islamic Jihad'...

Let's see how the 'In-The-Tank' Mass Liberal Media responds to THIS news.....

EXCLUSIVE: Bill Clinton Got Millions From World’s Biggest Sharia Law Education Firm

(BTW, by '1st Lady', I meant 'would-be 1st Lady, Bubba)
Yup. They take all those millions and buy AIDS medicines for people in poor countries that can't afford them. Wow. Horrible.

Or take the money and send goons out to threaten Bernie Sanders wife to make Bernie stop his campaign against Hillary
...crickets from the media. Surprise, surprise.
In this case it seems the answer is 'No'.

Bubba takes millions from Islamic Jihadist funders, and the liberal media doesn't say a word....mayve there just isn't anything one can say about these 2 traitors.
The Saudis are pouring the cash in. Obviously, they want Clinton to win. Trump's talked kinda tough about the Saudis. He isn't their Candidate.

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