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Wait...You Bought The Covid Scam??? Sucker.

You're as dumb as asphalt.

It was simply the flu, and the recovery rate was about 100%.
The only ones in real danger were the elderly, the obese, and those with deadly debilitations already.....and most of them had DNRs.

People die from the flu every year.

1. And as far as how disastrous the Wuhan is to folks without those underlying co-morbidities, quick review of the facts: If one gets the Wuhan, the chances of dying from it approach zero….no more than a rounding error in the data.
An elderly, overweight President had it, and ten days later is doing two hours-long rallies a day.

2. Here, from WebMD:

Coronavirus Recovery Rates

Scientists and researchers are constantly tracking infections and recoveries. But they have data only on confirmed cases, so they can’t count people who don’t get COVID-19 tests. Experts also don’t have information about the outcome of every infection. However, early estimates predict that the overall COVID-19 recovery rate is between 97% and 99.75%.

Coronavirus Recovery

3. Hill reporter Joe Consha said the following on Fox.

"The CDC said that between the ages of zero and 19, 99.97% of people survive the Wuhan.
....between 20 and 45, 99.98%
....between 50 and 65, 99.5%
....and over 70, about 95%.

4. “Study Shows Children have a 99.995% Covid Recovery Rate with TWO Deaths Per Million Kids

This was never about healthcare. It was, is, and always will be about control.”

Study Shows Children have a 99.995% Covid Recovery Rate with TWO Deaths Per Million Kids

Let's put the conclusions up front. There is no reason for kids to wear masks. There's no reason to keep



5. If you had no co-morbidities to begin with.....



Mortality Risk of COVID-19 - Statistics and Research

Our interactive data visualizations which show the case fatality rate in each country, is updated daily.



That’s worldwide….includes nations with third world healthcare: under 1%

6. “Most people recover from Covid-19.

Most people with Covid-19 have mild illness and are able to recover at home without medical care,… Most people recover from Covid-19. Here's why it's hard to pinpoint exactly how many

7. The mechanism of the hoax was simply to claim that deaths that would have occurred (most who died already had DNRs), and to substitute the real cause of death (the usual causes… heart disease, respiratory diseases, influenza and pneumonia) and pretend that the Wuhan was responsible.

It was designed to dissipate the value of Trump’s miraculous economy….and it worked.

You won, you hurt America badly, but you got rid of your bête noire.

Give it up already: no, 600,000 Americans did not die of the Wuhan Red Death.

It's just one more of the myriad lies Democrats tell.

8. “Does COVID-19 have a 98 percent survival rate?

Health officials estimate more 99% of infected patients survive

DETROIT – Health officials have confirmed the survival rate for people with the coronavirus (COVID-19) is high, but that’s no reason to relax safety measures that have been put in place.

One of the numbers that has been circulating on social media is that COVID-19 has a 98% or higher survival rate.

As of Wednesday, the number of cases in the United States was around 3,512,000 and the number of deaths was around 137,000. That would make the case fatality rate 3.9%, so based on confirmed cases, about 96% of people survive.” Does COVID-19 have a 98 percent survival rate?u

Doesn’t look like a great reason to ruin the economy and the lives of millions of unaffected individuals…..

…..unless you have an ulterior purpose.


9. “Infection Fatality Rate (23k / 1.7M = 1.4% IFR)

Actual Cases with an outcome as of May 1 = estimated actual recovered (1,671,351) + estimated actual deaths (23,430) = 1,694,781.

Infection Fatality Rate (IFR) = Deaths / Cases = 23,430 / 1,694,781 = 1.4% (1.4% of people infected with SARS-CoV-2 have a fatal outcome, while 98.6% recover).” Coronavirus Death Rate (COVID-19) - Worldometer

10. “VERIFY: Yes, COVID-19 has a 99% survival rate but numbers don't tell the whole story

The Question

Is the survivability rate of COVID-19 close to 100%?

The Answer

According to coronavirus data from the North Carolina Department of Health and Human Services, there have been more than 992,000 COVID-19 cases statewide since the pandemic's start. To date, there have been close to 13,000 coronavirus-related deaths.

That would make the percentage of infections resulting in survival close to 99%” VERIFY: Yes, COVID-19 has a 99% survival rate but numbers don't tell the whole story

And this:

Professor: COVID Survival Rate For Under 20s is 99.9987%

97.1% of over 70s not in care homes survive.


Professor: COVID Survival Rate For Under 20s is 99.9987%

97.1% of over 70s not in care homes survive.

Will it ever dawn on you that the Democrats lie about everything, and lead you around by that ring in your nose.
PC has created the ultimate Covid thread. :)
Wow. It's amazing there are still tards out there who bleev Covid is a hoax.

You're bigoted against the intellectually disabled.

Also, did anyone say Covid was a hoax?

It was used in service of a hoax.

Are you capable of grasping the difference?
Even Trump gave up on that claim.
He never made that claim.
But like most tards, once you put a hoax in their pointy heads, you can never, never get it out.
^ Incompetent/bigoted/trolling projection.
17. “What followed seems inevitable in retrospect. The economic crisis, inflation, the broken lives, the desperation, the lost rights and lost hopes, and now the growing hunger and demoralization and educational losses and cultural destruction, all of it came in the wake of these fateful days. Every day in this country, even two and a half years later, judges are struggling to regain control and revitalize the Constitution after this disaster.

The plotters usually admit it in the end, taking credit, like criminals who cannot resist returning to the scene of the crime. This is what Dr. Birx has done in her book. But there are clearly limits to her transparency. She never explains the real reason for her resignation – even though it is known the world over – pretending like the entire Thanksgiving fiasco never happened and thus attempting to write it out of the history book that she wrote.” Dr. Birx Praises Herself While Revealing Ignorance, Treachery, and Deceit ⋆ Brownstone Institute

And the irony……having successfully destroyed the economy for the purpose of stealing the election, with the Wuhan Scam forcing mail-in voting, the ‘victory’ led to the whole world seeing the ineptitude, the incompetence, of Democrat’s governance.
Spectacularly true.
Why the childish insults? You should have more self confidence or at least pretend to have it... you come across as insecure with your schtick.

The early variants were deadly to 50+ year olds and putting younger people in the hospital. 1M deaths in 90M cases. Recent variants are harmless and are diluting the risk from early 2020 to mid 2021 which was much higher. Additionally Trump was running stuff back then and was responsible for our response so blame him.

There is no difference in red states and blue state impacts from covid response economically but when you look healthcare, deaths were much higher in red states.

View attachment 674944
Please post the full medical history of each individual whose death was used in this study.

Without this full data, the claim is meaningless.

The term "Covid-related death" is both absurd and ludicrously malleable, and all you've demonstrated by posting this material is your own confirmation bias.
Last edited:
. “…Dr. Brett Giroir—the Assistant Secretary for Health at the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services—informed journalists in March 2020 that the Covid-19 death rate is “lower than you heard probably in many reports” because “many people” with C-19 “don’t get sick and don’t get tested.” He called this a “denominator problem” because all of those people “do not get counted in the denominator.”

By ignoring these masses of unreported cases, PolitiFact’s method shrinks the denominator in the death rate calculation, making the rate seem far higher than reality. As detailed in the Cambridge University Press paper, this blunder was the likely cause of a “10-fold increased mortality overestimation in March 11, 2020, US Congressional testimony.”

“If one assumes that the number of asymptomatic or minimally symptomatic cases is several times as high as the number of reported cases, the case fatality rate may be considerably less than 1%.” PolitiFact and Facebook Spread Gravely Dangerous Falsehood About the Covid-19 Survival Rate - Just Facts

Soooo…..if the danger from the Wuhan is no more than a rounding error…..tell me again, why did Democrats destroy Trump’s miracle economy, benefitting untold millions of Americans???
But...but...but...Trump Flu!!!!

Literally Hitler!!!!!!!!

If you don't wear a mask, I WILL DIE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

You may actually be retarded. Trump lost the white suburbs. He actually did better in the areas accused of cheating by the nitwit right wingers. I get extreme pleasure watching you flail around on here throwing these childish temper tantrums gaslighting yourself from reality because you cannot face the real world. You wouldnt survive the real world. We both know that. I'll send you a postcard.

I dare you to read through this:

Lost, Not Stolen: The Conservative Case that Trump Lost and Biden Won the 2020 Presidential Elections

View attachment 674952
The Democrats won by slicing the throats of socialist voters in swing states.
Uhh they aren't...
They are.
The country is just Fine,
It is not.
recovering from a crazy pandemic but we will do just fine.
Still reeling from the Covid Scam, and facing ongoing fascist Democrat insurrection.
You gotta come out of your bunker at some point and start living life.
The Government is far to big and disorganized to be capable of the crazy deep state conspiracies you accuse them of.
Straw man.
Just chill and be happy
I know, all lies...
Straw man.
The worst of which was when she rebuked Trumps masterful idea of using bleach inside the body to kill Covid which bleach has proven to do.
Delusional claims on your part.
It would have been a miracle cure that Trump could have taken full credit for... Trump Beach shots... 2 for 1 special for the low price of $19.99!
See above.
But no, Dr Brix had to shit all over it on national TV ruining any kind of product launch momentum that Trump had built up. How dare she!!!! I can't believe he didn't fire her on the spot
Birx; see above; you appear to be no more than a troll, or simply a deluded incompetent.

Or perhaps both.

Libs don’t have a favorable reality to offer so they crafted this evil hoax
And the craftily hidden stats that did all they could to hide the serious to fatal cases versus total number of positives. Those very small numbers were nearly impossible to find. This thinker did. Emoters couldn’t and really never tried.
They are.

It is not.

Still reeling from the Covid Scam, and facing ongoing fascist Democrat insurrection.


Straw man.

All of your responses were baseless and meaningless. Come back when you can formulate a substantive counter argument

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