Waiter Charged Over Arabic Chant at Jewish Wedding

Allah isn't jillian's god. She has no fear of him/her/it. God is her god, therefore she don't like typing it oltu. Simple..
Whatever Anguille, whatever. Are you some of the same people who explain, condone, empathazie with and understand the Muslim hatred of all things Jewish and American!

What an ignorant question. There is no such thing as Muslim hatred of all things Jewish and American nor would I ever condone or empathize with such a thing. I do try to understand hatred in general, though, you can't fight what you don't understand.
with respect, i don't recall jillian doing that. could you possibly be misinterpreting? i like jillian although i disagree with her on most things, and i really don't think she's a hater.

just my 2 cents.

Do what in particular? I talked about a couple of things in my post?
I'm sorry... distorting facts to try to get attention? You're so banal...

No one called you an anti-semite because you have muslim friends. Hello I have muslim friends too. You're an anti-semite because you are. I can't tell you what made you that way.

I have decided, however, that eels are only useful in sushi.

You've called me an anti-semite, a terrorist sympathizer and a defender of pedophiles. And a few other unpleasant things. But you never give reasons why. You just call me names and run away. Pretty nasty behavior, IMO, especially considering I never started anything with you and have tried to remain civil.

Enjoy your sushi.
You've called me an anti-semite, a terrorist sympathizer and a defender of pedophiles. And a few other unpleasant things. But you never give reasons why. You just call me names and run away. Pretty nasty behavior, IMO, especially considering I never started anything with you and have tried to remain civil.

Enjoy your sushi.

but you don't have a problem calling people bigots, hypocrite!
You've called me an anti-semite, a terrorist sympathizer and a defender of pedophiles. And a few other unpleasant things. But you never give reasons why. You just call me names and run away. Pretty nasty behavior, IMO, especially considering I never started anything with you and have tried to remain civil.

Enjoy your sushi.

Sorry sushi... er... I mean snookie... you're not worth my attention. Get it elsewhere.

Stop whining for it... it's pathetic.
You've called me an anti-semite, a terrorist sympathizer and a defender of pedophiles. And a few other unpleasant things. But you never give reasons why. You just call me names and run away. Pretty nasty behavior, IMO, especially considering I never started anything with you and have tried to remain civil.
Jullian is a very rude and very crude Zionist Nazi.

In her world, you MUST believe exactly like she does.

Any deviation from her veiw, makes you anti semitic and a terrorist supporter.

Think about it

Israel has millions of people who think exactly like Jillian. :eek:
it's cute...she can be friends with sunniijit the terrorist supporter and holocaust denier. :cuckoo:
In all fairness I think Angie is extremely stubborn and a champion of the underdog. It does bother me that she's making a big issue of this, however.

We can 'be posting friends' here with all manner of goofballs. That doesn't mean we buy into their bs.

Sunni Man is still on my 'friends' list. I NEVER agree with the guy. I can't stand his homphobia, misogyny and anti-semitic views. He is a terrorist apologizer and Holocaust denier.

I have considered dumping him off my list. But every once and awhile I remember even SM has buddha nature underneath all that crap.
Jullian is a very rude and very crude Zionist Nazi.

In her world, you MUST believe exactly like she does.

Any deviation from her veiw, makes you anti semitic and a terrorist supporter.

Think about it

Israel has millions of people who think exactly like Jillian. :eek:

And the Muslim world has hundreds of millions of anti-semitic, anti-american and anti-freedoms nutz like you!
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We can 'be posting friends' here with all manner of goofballs. That doesn't mean we buy into their bs.

Sunni Man is still on my 'friends' list. I NEVER agree with the guy. I can't stand his homphobia, misogyny and anti-semitic views. He is a terrorist apologizer and Holocaust denier.

I have considered dumping him off my list. But every once and awhile I remember even SM has buddha nature underneath all that crap.

He definitely has a civil nature to him, but the buddha underneath is far far far down! :eek:
In all fairness I think Angie is extremely stubborn and a champion of the underdog. It does bother me that she's making a big issue of this, however.

I'll tell you why.

Because being baited by someone I once had respect for, who now calls me an anti-semite, a terrorist supporter and pedophile supporter and makes other snarky comments, yet who won't offer any reasons why is an extremely unpleasant experience.

I've dared suggest Israel isn't perfect. I've shown compassion for Palestinian civilians and their children. Nevermind that I also decry the violence wreaked on Israeli civilians. Nevermind that I'm a pacifist. All that makes me in Jillian's twisted mind is a jew hater. A very powerful bomb of a word to toss when you want to intimidate someone.

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