Waitress Receives A Penny For Her Services

I don’t see her saying how much she makes in tips
I bet it is substantial

Basically, her wages go for taxes, Social Security, insurance
Her tips are untouched
I always tip good, especially if it's a place I want to go back to. It's good to leave a good impression with the people that make your food.
No, it's because you feel you're obligated to tip even for bad food and bad service. It's not accepted as appropriate to not tip in America, regardless of whether or not it's deserved.

This is the mentality that's been adhered to religiously and which ensures the ordinary American won't balk over the income inequality that the very wealthy needs the poor to swallow.

It's the opposite of ever accepting a government that would take care of all the people's basic human needs. Maybe charity will look after those who are bankrupted due to medical expenses. Maybe the diner will look after the waitress who works for 7.50 an hour?? Maybe?
Ever heard of not judging a book by its cover?

She was barely covered, likes to be looked at, as it is good for her business model to advertise. Pretty ones, rake in more than ugly ones. Now she is whining about her taxes. I am not moved.
I tip for good service. The better the service, the better the tip. I have tipped 100% for outstanding service.

Needless to say, when my wife and I go to a restaraunt we are treated accordingly.

Then based upon that logic she must have been awful.
Odd. I see an ENTIRELY different result mid-2021 from a far more objective source. Canada is ranked 22nd, well behind the U.S and others.
Numbeo? Seriously? Is that a site that's been created by America's pharma companies for damage control purposes?

It's a bit too conspicuous when the get it about right on the top 5 or 10 and then try to move Canada down to somewhere below the US!
For 2.01 and hour, (bumped up to 2.13 too) at any decant full service restaurant, pays the waiter or waitress's taxes. Tip's or tip-pool paid by the waitstaff also go to the Busboys, Hostesses and bartenders as well. So every time you stiff a waitperson, they actually have to pay a % of your check to the House.
Interesting but is that the same scam as restaurants deducting the server's tips from his/her wages?
Can there be anything more insulting to a working person than that?

I've heard it's a common practice in American restaurant!
Numbeo? Seriously? Is that a site that's been created by America's pharma companies for damage control purposes?

It's a bit too conspicuous when the get it about right on the top 5 or 10 and then try to move Canada down to somewhere below the US!

I know what I know from experience and from extensive interactions with Americans, both philosophically and from a quality of life index.

If you want opportunity, freedom and protection from abuses by the state, than you want to be in America. If you want to be subservient to your government Overlords and have little to no recourse, Canada is the place to be.

There is one consistency I've found, government employees in Canada LOVE Canada and promote it endless (for personal benefit). They know what a racket they are a member of, they couldn't care less about the future, the country, it's citizens and they sure as hell won't fight for Canada.

As it were, Canadas decline may be the steepest in all of the West over the last 30 years. England isn't too far behind. Canadas Security Industrial Complex and their political enablers are the prime reason for the end of this countries once bright future.
Also, at least refusing to tip somebody because of bad service is different than refusing to tip because of their lifestyle choices.

I do not approve of this myself, I'm just pointing it out.

Interesting but is that the same scam as restaurants deducting the server's tips from his/her wages?
Can there be anything more insulting to a working person than that?

I've heard it's a common practice in American restaurant!
For me my tips were my wages. The hourly wage the restaurant paid only covered taxes and all I got was a pay stub.
No, that's wrong. People should only tip for good service and not as a rule. We in Canada tip much less and sometimes not at all when the food and service is poor.

The main reason for the difference between us and the US is that tipping in Canada is only an extra reward to people in the services industries. They aren't dependent of tips to survive. We have social programs and socially responsible government to fall back on when people experience times of need.
In America, people in need are referred to as lazy sponging lowlife.

There's no indication of any change in attitude coming to America and so the quality of life will only decline more.

On the bright side, threads are starting to appear on this board that expose the failing 'quality of life'.
Well said American Capitolism is just wrong at so many levels. Why if amerika is so great do we have to have a class of worker who is not paid a living wage by the employer???.
Your message is meaningless when you leave it a mystery on what country you're touting.

You know my opinion at least.
Here's a U.S source of information created especially for pissants.

America does much better on this one!
20's good!

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