Waitress Receives A Penny For Her Services

Well interesting point. However why in the supposed greatest nation in the world is there not simply a constutional gurantee that everyone function with and has the same equal rights.
Men paid more than women and whites paid more than browns seems so racially xenophobic as to be laughable.
Thee supposed brain in your head seems laughable too.
Perhaps. But what is really happening at a restraunt were a tip is added to the bill regardless. This serms like the employer is using tips to inflate the wage of the employee.
Just pay the staff a reasonable wage according to your business and stop this whole begging/resenting act.
I take your point on stepping stone jobs in a positive way. However who is doing the stepping stone job. A young person living at moms house is a canadate for a stepping stone job. But an adult not living at home should not be forced into a stepping stone job.
Depends on the experience--if the independent adult has never improved their skills and is only qualified for a stepping stone job, that is all they should get with the reduced income. This isn't public school where everyone passes or gets a trophy. There is this thing called "earning" that is the reality of the world.
"The brunette didn’t disclose how much she received in tips or how many hours she worked during the six-week period"

End of story right there. She's full of shit. I worked as a waiter for a years while I was in college and yes, there were times I received paychecks for $10 or didn't get one at all, but I was also making $200 a night in tips.
"The brunette didn’t disclose how much she received in tips or how many hours she worked during the six-week period"

End of story right there. She's full of shit. I worked as a waiter for a years while I was in college and yes, there were times I received paychecks for $10 or didn't get one at all, but I was also making $200 a night in tips.
She looks more like the stripper kind of waitress or a Hooter's girl.
I'd resign in a heartbeat. She can do a lot better than this. Anybody who doesn't tip their waiters or waitresses are cheapskates.

Thats what the restaurant paid her right?
That doesnt include tips,and as hot as she is you can bet she gets lots of tips.
When I was bartending many years ago back in 85 I would bring home at least $800 bucks in tips a week plus my hourly pay which of course was shitty but I more than made up for that in tips.
Tipping is an archaic practice that needs to be cast off.
Yes, in a perfect world. But it's not a perfect world and people have to survive Terry. A socially responsible world would take care of working people by providing a living wage.

But what of the businesses that can't afford to pay a living wage?

From a Canadian's POV, those are businesses that aren't viable and shouldn't be operating as a business.

That's really what your statement on tipping means Terry!
"The brunette didn’t disclose how much she received in tips or how many hours she worked during the six-week period"

End of story right there. She's full of shit. I worked as a waiter for a years while I was in college and yes, there were times I received paychecks for $10 or didn't get one at all, but I was also making $200 a night in tips.
You make a valid point. I waited tables in college and made a ton of money, but my paychecks were usually around 10 dollars every two weeks. They take out taxes, SS, etc and when you're making $2.13 an hour that leaves nothing for your paycheck. BUT....you're walking out every night with a lot of cash in hand from your tips.
I'm saying a person who washes a car shouldn't expect a living wage.
That job is what is known as a stepping stone to a better job.

As far as waitresses and waiters, most who are worth their weight make a living wage.
If they don't, perhaps they need to look at themselves for not being able to make a living wage in their profession.
All jobs should pay a living wage Meister. ALL
I'm not suggesting that they should pay a single mother with three kids a living wage.
But enough to take care of yourself only? Yep!
I have always tipped good. For great service I tip 20-50% of the bill. It's ALWAYS at least 7-10% though. I know how hard they work and how shorthanded they are.
That's great! I think everyone should have to wait tables sometime in their life to see how hard it really is.
Facts not in evidence. If i work a minimum wage job and want to eat out. Why should i have to leave a tip?
What exactly defines a concerned american. Is it a person concerned with keeping america consuming 25 % of world resources and insuring the us starts 20 year wars that lead to failure
Another liberal rag.
Why imply liberal is bad? Conservative rags do exsist as well.

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